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Impact of supplementation of Moringa oleifera and Leucaena leucacephala tree fodder on the production performance of indigenous goats in Mozambique

Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 93 - 102, 01.04.2019


study was conducted to assess the effect of supplementation with
Leucaena leucacephala (LL), and Moringa oleifera (MO) tree leaves on
growth and reproduction performance of indigenous goats in southern Mozambique.
Fifty-six indigenous goats with an average age of 8 months and a body weight of
17.57 ± 3.97 kg were randomly divided into seven treatments groups of 4
castrated males and 4 females each. Treatment 0 served as the control group
(Co), and these animals only grazed on natural pasture without any
supplementation. In addition to the natural pasture, three groups received 50 g
50), 75 g (LL75) and 100 g (LL100) of L. lecocephala dried leaves,
respectively while groups 4 to 6, received 40 g (MO
40), 60 g (MO60)
and 80 g (MO
80) of M. oleifera dried leaf meal, respectively. Leucaena leucocephala contained 23.7%
crude protein (CP) and 11.05 MJ/kg DM of metabolizable energy (ME), while
M. oleifera leaves contained 28.8% CP
and 7.61 MJ/kg DM of ME. The study lasted for 16 months from July of 2015 to
November of 2016.
  Compared to the
control, treatment supplementation of the tree leaves, irrespective of level,
had a significant effect (
p <
0.05) on the overall body weight gain and the final body weight of the bucks
but did not significantly affected the does (p > 0.05). No difference could
be detected between the final body weight and overall average daily gain (p
> 0.05) based on the supplementation source (
Leucaena Lecocephala versus Moringa
dried leaf). Average daily gain (ADG), during the dry season,
ranged from -7.85 to 10.42 g/day for goats fed LL leaves and from
  -7.92 to 13.33 g/day for goats fed MO and
these values were higher (
p <
0.05) compared to values recorded for the control goats (-36.11 to -20.74
g/day). All female reproduction efficiency parameters measured such as birth
rate, twinning rate, birth weight and weaning were significantly (
p < 0.05) higher in supplemented
goats compared to the control goats. Body weights at birth and weaning weight
of the offspring of supplemented goats were however not significantly (p >
0.05) affected by supplementation. The highest survival rate (100%) was
observed in goats supplemented with
(MO40), while the lowest was recorded in goats
supplemented with
Leucaena leucocephala
leaves (LL
75). The results of this study suggest that L. leucacephala and Moringa oleifera tree leaves could be used as supplementation to
goats to overcome the adverse effects of seasonal fluctuations in feed quality
on growth and reproductive performance


  • Aboh AB, Dougnon JT, Tossa IG, Kpodekon MT, Akakpo RPA, Youssao I. 2012. Growth performance, haematological and serum characteristics of rabbit fed Moringa oleifera leaves pellets as a substitute to commercial concentrate. Res Opin Anim Vet Sci, 2(8): 454-458.
  • Adedeji OS, Amao SR, Ameen SA, Adedeji T, Ayandiran TA. 2013. Effects of varying levels of Leucaena Leucocephala leaf meal diet on the growth performance of weaner rabbit. J Environ Issues Agric Dev Ctries, 5: 5-9.
  • Aemiro KSNR, Puniya AK. 2004. Effect of different levels of chemical, moisture and reaction periods on chemical composition, in vitro digestibility and tannin degradation of Mango seed kernel (Maningifera India). In: Proceeding of the 11thAnnual Conference of the Ethiopian Society of Animal Production, 28-30 August 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Institute of Agricultural Research; pp. 369-374.
  • Akingbade AA, Nsahlai IV, Bonsi MLK, Morris CD, du Toit LP. 2001. Reproductive performance of South African indigenous goats inoculated with DHP-degrading rumen bacteria and maintained on Leucaena leucocephala-grass mixture and natural pasture. Small Rumin Res, 39: 73-85.
  • Akingbade AA. 2002. Productivity of South African indigenous Nguni goats possessing Synergistes jonesii bacteria on Leucaena leucocephala-grass and natural pastures. Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Discipline of Animal and Poultry Science, School of Agricultural Sciences and Agribusiness University of Natal Pietermaritzburg, March, 2002.
  • Aletor VA, Omodara OA. 1994. Studies of some leguminous browse plants, with particular reference to their proximate, mineral and some endogenous anti-nutritional constituents. J Anim Feed Sci Technol, 46: 343-348.
  • Arivazhagan S, Balesenthil S, Nagini S. 2000. Garlic and neem leaf extracts enhance hepatic glutathione and glutathione dependent enzymes during N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG)-induced gastric carcinogenesis in rats. Phytother Res, 14: 291-293.
  • Asaolu VO, Akinlade JA, Aderinola, OA, Okewoye, AT and Alalade, JA. 2012. Performance of grazing West African Dwarf goats on moringa multinutrient block supplementation. Asian J Anim Sci, 6(6): 263-277.
  • Asaolu VO, Binuomote RT, Akinlade JA, Oyelami OS, Kolapo KO. 2011. Utilization of Moringa oleifera fodder combinations with Leucaena leucocephala and Gliricidia sepium fodders by WestAfrican dwarf goats. Int J Agr Res, 6 (8): 607-619.
  • Assefa G. 2007. Evaluation of Tagasaste (Chamaecytisus Palmensis) as forage for ruminants. A PhD dissertation, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
  • Babiker EE, Juhaimi FAL, Ghafoor K, Abdoun KA. 2017. Comparative study on the feeding value of Moringa leaves as a partial replacement for alfalfa hay in ewes and goats. Livest Sci, 195: 21–26.
  • Bebeker EA, Abdalbagi YMA. 2015. Effect of Feeding Different Levels of Moringa oleifera leaves on performance, haematological, biochemical and some physiological parameters of Sudan Nubian goats. Online J Anim Feed Res, 2: 50-61.
  • Ben Salem H, Makkar HPS. 2009. Defatted Moringa oleifera seed meal as a feed additive for sheep. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 150: 27-33.
  • Ben salem H, Nefzaoui A, Messaoudi L. 2001. Les blocs alimentaires à base de grignons d’olive. Une alternative économique pour la complémentation des fourrages pauvres. Annal de l’INRAT, 74: 187-203.
  • Berihu M, Berhane G, Gebrechiristos S. 2015. Feeding and management practices of free range goat production in Tahtay Koraro District Northern Ethiopia. Am J Soc Mgmt Sci, 6(2): 40-47.
  • Blache D, Maloney AK, Revell DK. 2008. Use and limitations of alternative feed resources to sustain and improve reproductive performance in sheep and goats. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 147: 40-157.
  • Brewbaker JL. 1987. Leucaena:a multipurpose tree genus for tropical agroforestry. In: Steppler HA and Nair PKR (Editors). Agroforestry, A decade of development. international council of research agroforestry, Nairobi, Kenya, pp 289-323.
  • Bushara I, Abu Nikahaila AMA. 2011. Productive and reproductive of Taggar female kids as affected by concentrate rations under dryland farming in western Sudan. Egyptian J Anim Prod, 47: 151-160.
  • Casey NH, Webb EC. 2010. Managing goat production for meat quality. Small Rumin Res, 89: 218–224.
  • Clariget RP, Forsberg M, Rodriguez-Martinez H. 1998. Seasonal variation in live weight, testes size, testosterone, LH secretion, melatonin and thyroxin in Merino and Corriedale rams in a subtropical climate. Acta Vet Scand, 39: 35-47.
  • D’Mello JPF. 1992. Chemical constraints to the use of tropical legumes in animal nutrition. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 38: 237-261.
  • Damor SV, Pawar MM, Ankuya KJ, Gami YM, Srivastava AK, Chauhan HD, Chaudhary KR. 2017. Effect of feeding different levels of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaves on growth performance of Mehsana goat kids. Trends Biosci, 10: 3190-3193.
  • Damothiran L, Chandrasekaran NR. 1982. Nutrition studies with Leucaena forage. Res Rep, 3: 21-22.
  • Deminicis BB, Do Carmo Araújo SA, Jardim JG. 2009. Maneio nutrição e alimentação de ovinos e caprinos: visão geral e análise econômica. A Lavoura, 29-34.
  • Devendra C, Burs M. 1983. Goat production in the tropics. Common wealth Bureaux, United Kindom. pp. 2-6.
  • Dougnon TJ, Aboh BA, Kpodékon TM, Honvou S, Youssao I. 2012. Effects of substituition of a pellet of Moringa oleifera to commercial feed on rabbit’s digestion, growth performance and carcass trait. J App Pharm Sci, 2: 15-19.
  • Faftine OLJ, Zanetti AM. 2010. Effect of multinutrient block on feed digestibility and performance of goats fed maize stover during the dry season in the south of Mozambique. Livestock Res Rural Dev, 22: 1-9.
  • Fahey JW. 2005. A Review of the Medical Evidence for Its Nutritional, Therapeutic, and Prophylactic Properties. Part 1. Trees Life J, 1: 5-15.
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  • Gopalakrishnan L, Doriya K, Kumara SD. 2016. Moringa oleifera: A review of the nutritive importance and its medicinal application. Food Sci Hum Wellness, 5: 49-56.
  • Hassan AA, Abu Hafsa S H, Yacout MH, Khalel MS, Ibrahim MAR, Mocuta D. 2015. Effect of feeding some forage shrubs on goats performance and rum.en fermentation in dry season. Egyptian J Sheep Goat Sci, 21-36.
  • Homann-Kee Tui S, Bandason E, Maute F, Nkomboni D, Mpofu N, Tanganyika J, van Rooyen AF, Gondwe T, Dias P, Ncube S, Moyo S, Hendricks S, Nisrane F. 2013. Optimizing livelihood and environmental benefits from crop residues in smallholder crop-livestock systems in Southern Africa. Socio-economics Discussion Paper Series, 11: 1-64.
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Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 93 - 102, 01.04.2019



  • Aboh AB, Dougnon JT, Tossa IG, Kpodekon MT, Akakpo RPA, Youssao I. 2012. Growth performance, haematological and serum characteristics of rabbit fed Moringa oleifera leaves pellets as a substitute to commercial concentrate. Res Opin Anim Vet Sci, 2(8): 454-458.
  • Adedeji OS, Amao SR, Ameen SA, Adedeji T, Ayandiran TA. 2013. Effects of varying levels of Leucaena Leucocephala leaf meal diet on the growth performance of weaner rabbit. J Environ Issues Agric Dev Ctries, 5: 5-9.
  • Aemiro KSNR, Puniya AK. 2004. Effect of different levels of chemical, moisture and reaction periods on chemical composition, in vitro digestibility and tannin degradation of Mango seed kernel (Maningifera India). In: Proceeding of the 11thAnnual Conference of the Ethiopian Society of Animal Production, 28-30 August 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Institute of Agricultural Research; pp. 369-374.
  • Akingbade AA, Nsahlai IV, Bonsi MLK, Morris CD, du Toit LP. 2001. Reproductive performance of South African indigenous goats inoculated with DHP-degrading rumen bacteria and maintained on Leucaena leucocephala-grass mixture and natural pasture. Small Rumin Res, 39: 73-85.
  • Akingbade AA. 2002. Productivity of South African indigenous Nguni goats possessing Synergistes jonesii bacteria on Leucaena leucocephala-grass and natural pastures. Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Discipline of Animal and Poultry Science, School of Agricultural Sciences and Agribusiness University of Natal Pietermaritzburg, March, 2002.
  • Aletor VA, Omodara OA. 1994. Studies of some leguminous browse plants, with particular reference to their proximate, mineral and some endogenous anti-nutritional constituents. J Anim Feed Sci Technol, 46: 343-348.
  • Arivazhagan S, Balesenthil S, Nagini S. 2000. Garlic and neem leaf extracts enhance hepatic glutathione and glutathione dependent enzymes during N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG)-induced gastric carcinogenesis in rats. Phytother Res, 14: 291-293.
  • Asaolu VO, Akinlade JA, Aderinola, OA, Okewoye, AT and Alalade, JA. 2012. Performance of grazing West African Dwarf goats on moringa multinutrient block supplementation. Asian J Anim Sci, 6(6): 263-277.
  • Asaolu VO, Binuomote RT, Akinlade JA, Oyelami OS, Kolapo KO. 2011. Utilization of Moringa oleifera fodder combinations with Leucaena leucocephala and Gliricidia sepium fodders by WestAfrican dwarf goats. Int J Agr Res, 6 (8): 607-619.
  • Assefa G. 2007. Evaluation of Tagasaste (Chamaecytisus Palmensis) as forage for ruminants. A PhD dissertation, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
  • Babiker EE, Juhaimi FAL, Ghafoor K, Abdoun KA. 2017. Comparative study on the feeding value of Moringa leaves as a partial replacement for alfalfa hay in ewes and goats. Livest Sci, 195: 21–26.
  • Bebeker EA, Abdalbagi YMA. 2015. Effect of Feeding Different Levels of Moringa oleifera leaves on performance, haematological, biochemical and some physiological parameters of Sudan Nubian goats. Online J Anim Feed Res, 2: 50-61.
  • Ben Salem H, Makkar HPS. 2009. Defatted Moringa oleifera seed meal as a feed additive for sheep. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 150: 27-33.
  • Ben salem H, Nefzaoui A, Messaoudi L. 2001. Les blocs alimentaires à base de grignons d’olive. Une alternative économique pour la complémentation des fourrages pauvres. Annal de l’INRAT, 74: 187-203.
  • Berihu M, Berhane G, Gebrechiristos S. 2015. Feeding and management practices of free range goat production in Tahtay Koraro District Northern Ethiopia. Am J Soc Mgmt Sci, 6(2): 40-47.
  • Blache D, Maloney AK, Revell DK. 2008. Use and limitations of alternative feed resources to sustain and improve reproductive performance in sheep and goats. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 147: 40-157.
  • Brewbaker JL. 1987. Leucaena:a multipurpose tree genus for tropical agroforestry. In: Steppler HA and Nair PKR (Editors). Agroforestry, A decade of development. international council of research agroforestry, Nairobi, Kenya, pp 289-323.
  • Bushara I, Abu Nikahaila AMA. 2011. Productive and reproductive of Taggar female kids as affected by concentrate rations under dryland farming in western Sudan. Egyptian J Anim Prod, 47: 151-160.
  • Casey NH, Webb EC. 2010. Managing goat production for meat quality. Small Rumin Res, 89: 218–224.
  • Clariget RP, Forsberg M, Rodriguez-Martinez H. 1998. Seasonal variation in live weight, testes size, testosterone, LH secretion, melatonin and thyroxin in Merino and Corriedale rams in a subtropical climate. Acta Vet Scand, 39: 35-47.
  • D’Mello JPF. 1992. Chemical constraints to the use of tropical legumes in animal nutrition. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 38: 237-261.
  • Damor SV, Pawar MM, Ankuya KJ, Gami YM, Srivastava AK, Chauhan HD, Chaudhary KR. 2017. Effect of feeding different levels of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaves on growth performance of Mehsana goat kids. Trends Biosci, 10: 3190-3193.
  • Damothiran L, Chandrasekaran NR. 1982. Nutrition studies with Leucaena forage. Res Rep, 3: 21-22.
  • Deminicis BB, Do Carmo Araújo SA, Jardim JG. 2009. Maneio nutrição e alimentação de ovinos e caprinos: visão geral e análise econômica. A Lavoura, 29-34.
  • Devendra C, Burs M. 1983. Goat production in the tropics. Common wealth Bureaux, United Kindom. pp. 2-6.
  • Dougnon TJ, Aboh BA, Kpodékon TM, Honvou S, Youssao I. 2012. Effects of substituition of a pellet of Moringa oleifera to commercial feed on rabbit’s digestion, growth performance and carcass trait. J App Pharm Sci, 2: 15-19.
  • Faftine OLJ, Zanetti AM. 2010. Effect of multinutrient block on feed digestibility and performance of goats fed maize stover during the dry season in the south of Mozambique. Livestock Res Rural Dev, 22: 1-9.
  • Fahey JW. 2005. A Review of the Medical Evidence for Its Nutritional, Therapeutic, and Prophylactic Properties. Part 1. Trees Life J, 1: 5-15.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization Statistics (FAOSTAT). 2014. Food and Agriculture 466 Organization Statistics. Rome, Italy. (access date: 12 February 2018).
  • Garcia GW, Ferguson TU, Neckles FA, Archibald KAE. 1996. The nutritive value and forage productivity of L. leucocephala. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 60: 29-41.
  • Getu K. 2006. Replacement of formulated concentrate mix with vetch (Viciadasy carpa) hay to lactating crossbred dairy cows fed on urea treated wheat straw. An MSc Thesis Presented to the School of Graduate Studies of Haramaya University, Ethiopia, pp. 10-16.
  • Gopalakrishnan L, Doriya K, Kumara SD. 2016. Moringa oleifera: A review of the nutritive importance and its medicinal application. Food Sci Hum Wellness, 5: 49-56.
  • Hassan AA, Abu Hafsa S H, Yacout MH, Khalel MS, Ibrahim MAR, Mocuta D. 2015. Effect of feeding some forage shrubs on goats performance and rum.en fermentation in dry season. Egyptian J Sheep Goat Sci, 21-36.
  • Homann-Kee Tui S, Bandason E, Maute F, Nkomboni D, Mpofu N, Tanganyika J, van Rooyen AF, Gondwe T, Dias P, Ncube S, Moyo S, Hendricks S, Nisrane F. 2013. Optimizing livelihood and environmental benefits from crop residues in smallholder crop-livestock systems in Southern Africa. Socio-economics Discussion Paper Series, 11: 1-64.
  • Hossain MS, Akhtar A, Hossain MH, Choudhury MP, Islam F. 2015. Goat husbandry practices in the southern region of Bangladesh. J Biosci Agric Res, 5: 59-64.
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There are 81 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Gracinda Mataveia 0000-0002-1825-9761

Carmen Maria Lucas Pedro Garrine This is me 0000-0002-2437-5398

Alberto Pondja This is me 0000-0001-8275-6589

Abubeker Hassen This is me 0000-0002-8240-3414

Carina Visser This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2019
Submission Date November 30, 2018
Acceptance Date February 19, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Mataveia, G., Garrine, C. M. L. P., Pondja, A., Hassen, A., et al. (2019). Impact of supplementation of Moringa oleifera and Leucaena leucacephala tree fodder on the production performance of indigenous goats in Mozambique. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 2(2), 93-102.
