Research Article
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Organic Large Cardamom Farming in Longleng District: Promoting Growth with Poverty Reduction

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 8 - 17, 01.01.2021


Longleng, the smallest and poorest district of Nagaland, situated in the North-Eastern region bordering towards Myanmar is gradually becoming the hub of large cardamom (AmomumsubulatumRoxb)production.At the present time, large cardamomcultivation has become one of the foundation economies and farmers were motivated for cultivation of large cardamom by various governmental agency like Agriculture Technology Management Agency, Horticulture department, Agriculture department and Krishi Vigyan Kendra and they are shifting their focus from growing paddy to large cardamom as the aforesaid agencies provide proper training and ad rem suggestions to the farmers.Most of the farmers living in the region are following traditional methods for cultivation, which are eco-friendly, less expensive due to utilization of local resources, knowledge and labour. Research survey was conducted in Yongam, Nian, Yongnyah and Pongo village in 2017-18. A total of 80 respondents i.e., large cardamom growers were selected using stratified random sampling technique. Additionally, two local traders were interviewed to know various details regarding marketing of large cardamom. The paper investigates the size of landholding, production, productivity, cost and net return. The result shows higher BCR for large acres of areas as 1.25, 1.96, 3.13 and 3.33. Cobb-Douglas production function exhibits diminishing return to scale. To analyze the efficiency of organic large cardamom farming, SWOT analysis was carried out. The study pointed out that the cardamom farming could be a highly profitable and market-oriented enterprise in Longleng. It also points out the problems faced by the cardamom growers and finally suggests policy implication.

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  • Ackoff Russell L. 1961. The design of social research, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, USA.
  • Ahluwalia MS. 1978. Rural poverty and agriculture performance in India. J Develop Stud, 14: 298–323.
  • Ajayi O. 2002. Socio-economic assessment of pesticide use in Mali. Pesticide Policy Project 6: University of Hanover, Germany.
  • Annamalai JK, Patil RJ, John TD. 1988 Improved curing methods for large cardamom. Spice India, 4: 5-11.
  • Antle MJ, Pingali PL. 1994. Pesticides, Productivity and farmer health: A Philippine case study. American J Agri Econ, 76(3): 418-430.
  • APEDA, 2011-12, Agriculture Report. Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, New Delhi, India.
  • Archer DW, Franco JG, Halvorson JJ, Pokharel KP. 2018. Integrated farming systems. Encyclopedia of ecology, 2nd edn. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.10562-7.
  • Awasthe RK, Singh KK, Tomar JHS. 2011. Large cardamom (AmomumsubulatumRoxb) based agroforestry systems for production, resource conservation and livelihood security in the Sikkim Himalayas. Indian J Soil Cons, 39(2): 155–160.
  • Bailey Kenneth D. 1978. Methods of Social Research. New York, USA.
  • Bathari U. 2008. Land, laws, alienation and conflict: Changing land relations among the Karbis in Karbi Anglong district. In W. Fernandes and S. Barbora (Eds), Land, people and politics: Contest over tribal land in northeast India (pp. 142–169), North Eastern Social Research Centre, Guwahati, India.
  • Berdie Douglas R, Anderson, John F. 1974. Questionnaires: Design and use, The Scarecrow Press, Inc, Metuchen, NJ.
  • Bezbaruah MP. 2007. Land tenure system in north east India: A constraint for bank financing? Dialogue Quart, 8(3): 138–145.
  • Biswas AK, Bhutia DT, Gupta RK. 1988. Large cardamom: Reasons for decline and ways for improving production. ICRI Tech Bull, 105.
  • Biswas AK, Gupta RK, Bhutia DT. 1986. Fertility status of large cardamom soils. Paper presented in 73rd Session of the Indian Science Congress, New Delhi, India.
  • Bowley AL. 1937. Elements of statistics, 6th ed. P.S. King and Staples Ltd, London, UK.
  • Census of India, 2011. District Census Handbook Longleng Village and Town Wise Primary Census Abstract (PCA) Directorate of Census Operations Nagaland.
  • Census of India, 2011.Government of India. New Delhi.
  • Chandra K. 2005. Organic manures. Regional Centre of Organic Farming, Banglaore-24, 46 Singh GB. 1978. Large cardamom. Cardamom, 10(3): 3-13.
  • Chattopadhyay SB, Bhowmick TP. 1965. Control of foorkey disease of large cardamom in West Bengal. Indian J Agri Sci, 35: 272- 275.
  • Christiaensen L, Demery L, Kuhl J. 2011. The (evolving) role of agriculture in poverty reduction: An empirical perspective. J Devel Econ, 96(2): 239–254.
  • Christoph Von F. 1982. Tribes of India: The struggle for survival. University of California Press, Berkeley, USA.
  • Cobb CW, Douglas PH. 1928. A Theory of production American Economic Review, 18.
  • Cochran WG. 1963. Sampling Techniques, 2nd eds. John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.
  • Crissman CC, Cole DC, Carpio F. 1994. Pesticide use and farm worker health in Ecuadorian potato production. American J Agri Econ, 76: 593-97.
  • Das K. 2007. Towards a smooth transition to organic farming. Econ Politic Weekly, 42(24): 33-39.
  • Datt G, Ravallion M. 1998. Farm productivity and rural poverty in India. J Devel Stud, 34(4): 62–85.
  • Deming W. 1960. Edwards, Sample Design in Business Research. John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, USA.
  • Dercon S. 2009. Rural poverty: Old challenges in new contexts. World Bank Res Observer, 24: 1–28.
  • Devi I. 2010. Pesticides in agriculture–a boon or a curse? A case study of Kerala. Econ and Political Weekly, 45(26-27): 199-207.
  • Economic Survey of Nagaland. 2015-16. Diretorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Nagaland, Kohima.
  • Ezung TZ, Jamir C. 2018. Disparities in Infrastructural development of Nagaland: A case study of Kohima and Longleng District. Econ Affairs, 63(2): 375-379.
  • Ezung TZ. 2011. Poverty in Nagaland. Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi, India.
  • Finnis E. 2006. Why grow cash crops? Subsistence farming and crop commercialization in the Kolli Hills. South India American Anthropol, 108(2): 363-369.
  • Gavian S, El-Meehy T, Bulbul L, Ender G. 2002. The importance of agricultural growth to SME development and rural employment in Egypt. In G. Ender and J. S. Holtzman (Eds.). Does agricultural policy reform work? The impact on Egypt’s agriculture, 1996–2002: 395–435. Abt Associates Inc, Bethesda.
  • Gills R. 2012. An Analytical study of organic cardamom growers in Idukki District of Kerala, A Thesis Submitted to, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
  • Gitting J. 1984. Economic analysis of agricultural project. World Bank, Washington, D.C. USA.
  • Goswami A. 2002. Traditional self governing institutions among the hill tribes of North-East India, Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi, India.
  • Griffin KB. 1974. The political economy of agrarian change: An essay on the green revolution. MA: Harvard University Press, Cambridge, UK.
  • Gudade BA, Chhetri P, Gupta U, Vijayan AK. 2013. Organic cultivation of large cardamom (Amomum subulatum Roxb). Sikkim Pop Kheti, 1(3): 4-9.
  • Gupta PN. 1983. Export potential of large cardamom. Cardamom, 15 (1):3-9.
  • Gupta U, Gudade BA, Chhetri P, Harsha KN. 2012. Large cardamom – the lifeline in Sikkim. Indian Horticulture technical magazine, May-June: 7-10.
  • Hazell PB, Ramasamy C. 1991. The green revolution reconsidered: The impact of high yielding varieties in South India. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press. Hayami Y and Ruttan VW. (1985). Agricultural development: An international perspective (2ndeds.). Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, USA.
  • Indian Agriculture Report. 2015-16. Government of India. New Delhi, India.
  • Jamir C, Ezung TZ. 2017a. Poverty and Inequality in Nagaland. Int J Arts Hum Manage Stud, 3(6): 64-72.
  • Jamir C, Ezung TZ. 2017b. Impact of education on employment, income and poverty in Nagaland. Int J Res Econ Soc Sci, 7(9): 50-56.
  • Jamir C. 2019. Macro economic Impact of social protection programme through VDBs in alleviate rural poverty in Nagaland: Bridging the gaps, in ArturBorcuch, (eds.) 2019, Economic in Post (Modern World), Knowledge Laboratory, Poland.
  • Jamir C. 2020. Education and Poverty Level: A Gender Analysis of Kohima and Longleng districts of Nagaland, India. Int J Econ Business Pol, 4(1): 221-236.
  • Jamir RN, Lianchawii C. 2013. Sustainable land and ecosystem management in shifting cultivation areas of Nagaland. Dehradun: Directorate of Extension Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, India.
  • Jeeva S, Laloo RC, Mishra BP. 2005. Traditional agricultural practices in Meghalaya, North East India. Indian J Trad Knowled, 5(1): 7–18.
  • Jeyaretnam J. 1990. Acute pesticide poisoning: A major global health problem. World Health Quar, 43(3):139-44.
  • John TD. 1984. Large cardamom holdings in Sikkim. Cardamom, 16(2): 3-11.
  • Karibasappa GS. 1987a. Seedling propagation in large cardamom. Sikkim Sci Society News Letter, 6(4):1-2.
  • Karibasappa GS. 1987b. Post harvest studies in large cardamom (Amomum subulatum Roxb). Sikkim Sci Society News Letter, 6(3): 2-10.
  • Keane F. 2010. Road of bones: The siege of Kohima 1944, Harper Press, London, UK.
  • Kendra KV. 2017. Traditional cultivation practices of Large Cardamom (Amomum subulatum Roxb) in Longleng district of Nagaland, Government of India.
  • Kuotsuo, Rukuosietuo, DIbyendu Chatterjee, Bidyut C. Deka, Rakesh Kumar, Merasenla AO, Konsam V. 2014. Shifting cultivation: An ‘Organic Like’ farming in Nagaland. Indian J Hill Farm, 27(2): 23-28.
  • Lewis WA. 1954. Economic development with unlimited supplies of labour. The Manchester School, 22(2): 139–191.
  • Mellor JW, Ranade C. 2006. Why does agricultural growth dominate poverty reduction in low and middle-income countries? The Pakistan Develop Rev, 45(2): 221–240.
  • Ninan KN. 1992. Economics of shifting cultivation in India. Econ and Pol Weekly, 27(13): A2–A6.
  • Partap U, Sharma G, Gurung MB, Chettri N, Sharma E. 2014. Large cardamom farming in changing climatic and socioeconomic conditions in the Sikkim Himalayas. ICIMOD Working Paper 2. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • Planning Commission. 2014. Report of the expert group to review the methodology for measurement of poverty, New Delhi, India.
  • Ramakrishnan, PS. 1992. Shifting agriculture and sustainable development: An interdisciplinary study from north-eastern India. UNESCO-MAB Series, Paris, France. Parthenon Publishers, Carnforth, Lancashire, UK.
  • Rao YS, Gupta U, Kumar A, Naidu R, 1993. A note on large cardamom (AmomumsubulatumRoxb.) Germplasm collection. J Spices Aromatic Crops, 2(1/2): 77-80.
  • Rasul G, Thapa GB. 2003. Shifting cultivation in the mountains of South and Southeast Asia: regional patterns and factors influencing the change. Land Degrad Develop, 14: 495–508.
  • Ravallion M, Datt G. 1996. How important to India’s poor is the sectoral composition of economic growth? World Bank Econ Rev, 10(1): 1–25.
  • Saju KA, Mech S, Deka TN, Biswas AK. 2011. In vitro analysis of bio control agents, botanical and fungicides against Pestalotiopsis sp. infecting large cardamom (AmomumsubulatumRoxb.). J Spices Aromatic Crops, 20(2): 89–92.
  • Saxena KG, Lian L, Rerkasem K. 2007. Shifting agriculture in Asia: implications for environmental conservation and sustainable livelihood. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India.
  • Sharma E, Sharma R, Singh KK, Sharma G. 2000. A boon for mountain populations: Large cardamom farming in the Sikkim Himalaya. Mountain Res Devel, 20(2): 108–111.
  • Sharma G, Sharma E, Sharma R, Singh KK. 2001. Performance of an age series of alnus cardamon plantation in the Sikkim Himalayas: Productivity, energetics and efficiencies. Annals of Botany, 89: 261-272.
  • Sharma G, Sharma R, Sharma E. 2009. Traditional knowledge systems in large cardamom farming: Biophysical and management diversity in Indian mountainous regions. Indian J Trad Knowledge, 8(1): 17–22.
  • Singh R, Singh GS. 2017. Traditional agriculture: a climate-smart approach for sustainable food production. Energy Ecol Environt, 2(5): 296–316.
  • Statistical Handbook. 2016. Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Nagaland. Kohima, India.
  • Statistical Handbook. 2018. Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Nagaland. Kohima, India.
  • Tiwari BK. 2003. Innovations in shifting cultivation, land-use and land cover change in higher elevations of Meghalaya, India. In: Ramakrishnan PS, Saxena KG, Patnaik S, Singh S (eds.) Methodological issues in mountain research: a socio-ecological systems approach. Mohan Primlani for Oxford & IBH Publishing, New Delhi, India.
  • Toky OP, Ramakrishnan PS. 1981. Run-off and infiltration losses related to shifting agriculture (jhum) in northeastern India. Environ Cons, 8: 313–321.
  • Unai P. 2005. Land use intensification potential in slash and burn farming through improvements in technical efficiency. Ecological Econ, 52: 497–511.
  • VISION 2025. 2012. Prosperity through Agriculture Food for all, Department of Agriculture, Government of Nagaland, Kohima, India.
Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 8 - 17, 01.01.2021


Project Number



  • Ackoff Russell L. 1961. The design of social research, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, USA.
  • Ahluwalia MS. 1978. Rural poverty and agriculture performance in India. J Develop Stud, 14: 298–323.
  • Ajayi O. 2002. Socio-economic assessment of pesticide use in Mali. Pesticide Policy Project 6: University of Hanover, Germany.
  • Annamalai JK, Patil RJ, John TD. 1988 Improved curing methods for large cardamom. Spice India, 4: 5-11.
  • Antle MJ, Pingali PL. 1994. Pesticides, Productivity and farmer health: A Philippine case study. American J Agri Econ, 76(3): 418-430.
  • APEDA, 2011-12, Agriculture Report. Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, New Delhi, India.
  • Archer DW, Franco JG, Halvorson JJ, Pokharel KP. 2018. Integrated farming systems. Encyclopedia of ecology, 2nd edn. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.10562-7.
  • Awasthe RK, Singh KK, Tomar JHS. 2011. Large cardamom (AmomumsubulatumRoxb) based agroforestry systems for production, resource conservation and livelihood security in the Sikkim Himalayas. Indian J Soil Cons, 39(2): 155–160.
  • Bailey Kenneth D. 1978. Methods of Social Research. New York, USA.
  • Bathari U. 2008. Land, laws, alienation and conflict: Changing land relations among the Karbis in Karbi Anglong district. In W. Fernandes and S. Barbora (Eds), Land, people and politics: Contest over tribal land in northeast India (pp. 142–169), North Eastern Social Research Centre, Guwahati, India.
  • Berdie Douglas R, Anderson, John F. 1974. Questionnaires: Design and use, The Scarecrow Press, Inc, Metuchen, NJ.
  • Bezbaruah MP. 2007. Land tenure system in north east India: A constraint for bank financing? Dialogue Quart, 8(3): 138–145.
  • Biswas AK, Bhutia DT, Gupta RK. 1988. Large cardamom: Reasons for decline and ways for improving production. ICRI Tech Bull, 105.
  • Biswas AK, Gupta RK, Bhutia DT. 1986. Fertility status of large cardamom soils. Paper presented in 73rd Session of the Indian Science Congress, New Delhi, India.
  • Bowley AL. 1937. Elements of statistics, 6th ed. P.S. King and Staples Ltd, London, UK.
  • Census of India, 2011. District Census Handbook Longleng Village and Town Wise Primary Census Abstract (PCA) Directorate of Census Operations Nagaland.
  • Census of India, 2011.Government of India. New Delhi.
  • Chandra K. 2005. Organic manures. Regional Centre of Organic Farming, Banglaore-24, 46 Singh GB. 1978. Large cardamom. Cardamom, 10(3): 3-13.
  • Chattopadhyay SB, Bhowmick TP. 1965. Control of foorkey disease of large cardamom in West Bengal. Indian J Agri Sci, 35: 272- 275.
  • Christiaensen L, Demery L, Kuhl J. 2011. The (evolving) role of agriculture in poverty reduction: An empirical perspective. J Devel Econ, 96(2): 239–254.
  • Christoph Von F. 1982. Tribes of India: The struggle for survival. University of California Press, Berkeley, USA.
  • Cobb CW, Douglas PH. 1928. A Theory of production American Economic Review, 18.
  • Cochran WG. 1963. Sampling Techniques, 2nd eds. John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.
  • Crissman CC, Cole DC, Carpio F. 1994. Pesticide use and farm worker health in Ecuadorian potato production. American J Agri Econ, 76: 593-97.
  • Das K. 2007. Towards a smooth transition to organic farming. Econ Politic Weekly, 42(24): 33-39.
  • Datt G, Ravallion M. 1998. Farm productivity and rural poverty in India. J Devel Stud, 34(4): 62–85.
  • Deming W. 1960. Edwards, Sample Design in Business Research. John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, USA.
  • Dercon S. 2009. Rural poverty: Old challenges in new contexts. World Bank Res Observer, 24: 1–28.
  • Devi I. 2010. Pesticides in agriculture–a boon or a curse? A case study of Kerala. Econ and Political Weekly, 45(26-27): 199-207.
  • Economic Survey of Nagaland. 2015-16. Diretorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Nagaland, Kohima.
  • Ezung TZ, Jamir C. 2018. Disparities in Infrastructural development of Nagaland: A case study of Kohima and Longleng District. Econ Affairs, 63(2): 375-379.
  • Ezung TZ. 2011. Poverty in Nagaland. Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi, India.
  • Finnis E. 2006. Why grow cash crops? Subsistence farming and crop commercialization in the Kolli Hills. South India American Anthropol, 108(2): 363-369.
  • Gavian S, El-Meehy T, Bulbul L, Ender G. 2002. The importance of agricultural growth to SME development and rural employment in Egypt. In G. Ender and J. S. Holtzman (Eds.). Does agricultural policy reform work? The impact on Egypt’s agriculture, 1996–2002: 395–435. Abt Associates Inc, Bethesda.
  • Gills R. 2012. An Analytical study of organic cardamom growers in Idukki District of Kerala, A Thesis Submitted to, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
  • Gitting J. 1984. Economic analysis of agricultural project. World Bank, Washington, D.C. USA.
  • Goswami A. 2002. Traditional self governing institutions among the hill tribes of North-East India, Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi, India.
  • Griffin KB. 1974. The political economy of agrarian change: An essay on the green revolution. MA: Harvard University Press, Cambridge, UK.
  • Gudade BA, Chhetri P, Gupta U, Vijayan AK. 2013. Organic cultivation of large cardamom (Amomum subulatum Roxb). Sikkim Pop Kheti, 1(3): 4-9.
  • Gupta PN. 1983. Export potential of large cardamom. Cardamom, 15 (1):3-9.
  • Gupta U, Gudade BA, Chhetri P, Harsha KN. 2012. Large cardamom – the lifeline in Sikkim. Indian Horticulture technical magazine, May-June: 7-10.
  • Hazell PB, Ramasamy C. 1991. The green revolution reconsidered: The impact of high yielding varieties in South India. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press. Hayami Y and Ruttan VW. (1985). Agricultural development: An international perspective (2ndeds.). Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, USA.
  • Indian Agriculture Report. 2015-16. Government of India. New Delhi, India.
  • Jamir C, Ezung TZ. 2017a. Poverty and Inequality in Nagaland. Int J Arts Hum Manage Stud, 3(6): 64-72.
  • Jamir C, Ezung TZ. 2017b. Impact of education on employment, income and poverty in Nagaland. Int J Res Econ Soc Sci, 7(9): 50-56.
  • Jamir C. 2019. Macro economic Impact of social protection programme through VDBs in alleviate rural poverty in Nagaland: Bridging the gaps, in ArturBorcuch, (eds.) 2019, Economic in Post (Modern World), Knowledge Laboratory, Poland.
  • Jamir C. 2020. Education and Poverty Level: A Gender Analysis of Kohima and Longleng districts of Nagaland, India. Int J Econ Business Pol, 4(1): 221-236.
  • Jamir RN, Lianchawii C. 2013. Sustainable land and ecosystem management in shifting cultivation areas of Nagaland. Dehradun: Directorate of Extension Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, India.
  • Jeeva S, Laloo RC, Mishra BP. 2005. Traditional agricultural practices in Meghalaya, North East India. Indian J Trad Knowled, 5(1): 7–18.
  • Jeyaretnam J. 1990. Acute pesticide poisoning: A major global health problem. World Health Quar, 43(3):139-44.
  • John TD. 1984. Large cardamom holdings in Sikkim. Cardamom, 16(2): 3-11.
  • Karibasappa GS. 1987a. Seedling propagation in large cardamom. Sikkim Sci Society News Letter, 6(4):1-2.
  • Karibasappa GS. 1987b. Post harvest studies in large cardamom (Amomum subulatum Roxb). Sikkim Sci Society News Letter, 6(3): 2-10.
  • Keane F. 2010. Road of bones: The siege of Kohima 1944, Harper Press, London, UK.
  • Kendra KV. 2017. Traditional cultivation practices of Large Cardamom (Amomum subulatum Roxb) in Longleng district of Nagaland, Government of India.
  • Kuotsuo, Rukuosietuo, DIbyendu Chatterjee, Bidyut C. Deka, Rakesh Kumar, Merasenla AO, Konsam V. 2014. Shifting cultivation: An ‘Organic Like’ farming in Nagaland. Indian J Hill Farm, 27(2): 23-28.
  • Lewis WA. 1954. Economic development with unlimited supplies of labour. The Manchester School, 22(2): 139–191.
  • Mellor JW, Ranade C. 2006. Why does agricultural growth dominate poverty reduction in low and middle-income countries? The Pakistan Develop Rev, 45(2): 221–240.
  • Ninan KN. 1992. Economics of shifting cultivation in India. Econ and Pol Weekly, 27(13): A2–A6.
  • Partap U, Sharma G, Gurung MB, Chettri N, Sharma E. 2014. Large cardamom farming in changing climatic and socioeconomic conditions in the Sikkim Himalayas. ICIMOD Working Paper 2. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • Planning Commission. 2014. Report of the expert group to review the methodology for measurement of poverty, New Delhi, India.
  • Ramakrishnan, PS. 1992. Shifting agriculture and sustainable development: An interdisciplinary study from north-eastern India. UNESCO-MAB Series, Paris, France. Parthenon Publishers, Carnforth, Lancashire, UK.
  • Rao YS, Gupta U, Kumar A, Naidu R, 1993. A note on large cardamom (AmomumsubulatumRoxb.) Germplasm collection. J Spices Aromatic Crops, 2(1/2): 77-80.
  • Rasul G, Thapa GB. 2003. Shifting cultivation in the mountains of South and Southeast Asia: regional patterns and factors influencing the change. Land Degrad Develop, 14: 495–508.
  • Ravallion M, Datt G. 1996. How important to India’s poor is the sectoral composition of economic growth? World Bank Econ Rev, 10(1): 1–25.
  • Saju KA, Mech S, Deka TN, Biswas AK. 2011. In vitro analysis of bio control agents, botanical and fungicides against Pestalotiopsis sp. infecting large cardamom (AmomumsubulatumRoxb.). J Spices Aromatic Crops, 20(2): 89–92.
  • Saxena KG, Lian L, Rerkasem K. 2007. Shifting agriculture in Asia: implications for environmental conservation and sustainable livelihood. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India.
  • Sharma E, Sharma R, Singh KK, Sharma G. 2000. A boon for mountain populations: Large cardamom farming in the Sikkim Himalaya. Mountain Res Devel, 20(2): 108–111.
  • Sharma G, Sharma E, Sharma R, Singh KK. 2001. Performance of an age series of alnus cardamon plantation in the Sikkim Himalayas: Productivity, energetics and efficiencies. Annals of Botany, 89: 261-272.
  • Sharma G, Sharma R, Sharma E. 2009. Traditional knowledge systems in large cardamom farming: Biophysical and management diversity in Indian mountainous regions. Indian J Trad Knowledge, 8(1): 17–22.
  • Singh R, Singh GS. 2017. Traditional agriculture: a climate-smart approach for sustainable food production. Energy Ecol Environt, 2(5): 296–316.
  • Statistical Handbook. 2016. Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Nagaland. Kohima, India.
  • Statistical Handbook. 2018. Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Nagaland. Kohima, India.
  • Tiwari BK. 2003. Innovations in shifting cultivation, land-use and land cover change in higher elevations of Meghalaya, India. In: Ramakrishnan PS, Saxena KG, Patnaik S, Singh S (eds.) Methodological issues in mountain research: a socio-ecological systems approach. Mohan Primlani for Oxford & IBH Publishing, New Delhi, India.
  • Toky OP, Ramakrishnan PS. 1981. Run-off and infiltration losses related to shifting agriculture (jhum) in northeastern India. Environ Cons, 8: 313–321.
  • Unai P. 2005. Land use intensification potential in slash and burn farming through improvements in technical efficiency. Ecological Econ, 52: 497–511.
  • VISION 2025. 2012. Prosperity through Agriculture Food for all, Department of Agriculture, Government of Nagaland, Kohima, India.
There are 77 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Chubakumzuk Jamir 0000-0002-1414-0413

Project Number No
Publication Date January 1, 2021
Submission Date July 1, 2020
Acceptance Date October 7, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Jamir, C. (2021). Organic Large Cardamom Farming in Longleng District: Promoting Growth with Poverty Reduction. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 4(1), 8-17.
