Research Article
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Effects of Different Sowing Frequencies and Nitrogen Doses on the Yield Components of Silage Sorghum x Sudan Grass Hybrid (Sorghum bicolor x Sorghum sudanense Mtapf.) in the Iğdır Basin

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 5, 486 - 496, 15.09.2024


The study was conducted in 2021 to evaluate the yield and yield parameters of sorghum for silage (Sorghum bicolor x Sorghum sudanense Mtapf., Hayday hybrid) under different nitrogen application rates (0, 6, 12 and 18 kg/da nitrogen application, respectively) and different row distances (5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm and 20 cm). The experiment was established at Igdir University Agricultural Application and Research Centre in Igdir ecological conditions according to split-plot experimental design with three replications. The data obtained from the experiment were as follows: plant height 190.9 cm and 257.3 cm; herbage yield 1756.1 kg/da and dry herbage yield 3228.5 kg/da; dry herbage yield 522.2 kg/da and 925.2 kg/da; stem ratio 69.1% to 74.8%; leaf ratio 15.3% to 74.8%; 15.3% to 20.2%; crude protein content ranged from 6.4% to 8.1%; NDF content ranged from 58.5% to 63.1%; ADF content ranged from 31.7% to 34.5%. The results showed that N application rates increased plant height, fresh herbage yield and dry matter, while decreasing the NDF ratio of the plants. In the study, row spacing did not affect dry matter, stem and leaf ratio, NDF and ADF of sorghum plants. It was concluded that 28.570 plants/da sowing and 6 kg N/da application could be applied in terms of fresh and dry matter yield under Igdir ecological conditions.

Supporting Institution

Iğdır University BAP Coordination Office

Project Number



  • Açıkgöz E. 2001. Yem Bitkileri. Uludağ Üniversitesi Güçlendirme Vakfı Yayı No: 182, Bursa, Türkiye, pp: 75.
  • Akbay C, Çetinkaya S, Akbay F. 2023. Türkiye’de coğrafi bölgelere göre süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinde yem bitkisi üretim durumu. Türk Tarım Doğa Bil Derg, 10(4): 1156-1166.
  • Al-Ghazal SA, Al-Juheishy WK. 2024. Effect of source and timing of nitrogen fertilizer addition on growth and yield of sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense L.). Mesopotamia J Agri, 52(1): 94-105.
  • Arici RÇ, Avci MA. 2022. Determination of forage yield and some quality characteristics of silage Sorghum Genotypes at different water stress levels. Selcuk J Agri Food Sci, 36(1): 1-7.
  • Atalay M. 2019. Effect of different nitrogen doses on yield and some quality properties in sorghum x sudan grass hybrids (Sorghum bicolor (L.) moench x sorgum sudanense (piper) stapf) cultivars. MSc Thesis, Namık Kemal University, Institute of Science, Tekirdağ, Türiye, pp: 54.
  • Balabanlı C, Türk M. 2005. Sorgum, sudanotu melez ve çeşitlerinin Isparta koşullarında verim ve kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi üzerine bir araştırma. Süleyman Demirel Üniv Fen Bil Enst Derg, 9(3): 32-36.
  • Bean B, Mccollum T, Pietsch D, Rowland M, Porter B, Vanmeter R. 2002. Texas panhandle forage sorghum silage trial. The Agriculture Program of Texas A&M University System. URL= (accessed date: September 12, 2023).
  • Beyart RP, Roy RC. 2005. Influence of nitrogen fertilization on multi-cut forage sorghum-sudangrass yield and nitrogen use. Agron J, 97: 1493-1501.
  • Chohan ZH, Arif M, Akhtar MA, Supuran CT. 2006. Metal‐based antibacterial and antifungal agents: synthesis, characterization, and in vitro biological evaluation of Co (II), Cu (II), Ni (II), and Zn (II) complexes with amino acid‐derived compounds. Bioinorg Chem Appl, 2006(1): 083131.
  • Gonulal E. 2020. Performance of sorghum× Sudan grass hybrid (Sorghum bicolor L.× Sorhgum sudanense) cultivars under water stress conditions of arid and semiarid regions. J Glob Innov Agri Soc Sci, 8(2): 78-82.
  • Güler M, Yılmaz Ş, Gül İ, Akdoğan G, Emeklier HY. 2003. Azotlu gübre dozları ve sıra arası açıklığının Ankara koşullarında silaj sorgumun bazı morfolojik ve agronomik özelliklerine etkisi. Türkiye 5. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi 13-17 Ekim, Diyarbakır, Türkiye, pp: 281-286.
  • House LR. 1985. A Guide to Sorghum Breeding. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Prades, India, pp: 206.
  • Kacar B. 1984 Bitki besleme uygulama kılavuzu. Ankara University Ziraat Fakültesi Yay. No: 900, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 96.
  • Kaplan M, Kara K, Unlukara A, Kale H, Buyukkilic Beyzi S, Varol IS, Kizilsimsek M, Kamalak A. 2019. Water deficit and nitrogen affects yield and feed value of sorghum sudangrass silage. Agri Water Manag, 218: 30-36.
  • Karadağ Y, Özkurt M. 2014. İkinci ürün olarak yetiştirilebilecek silajlık sorgum (Sorghum Bicolor L). Moench) çeşitlerinde farklı sıra aralıklarının verim ve kaliteüzerine etkisi. J Agri Fac Gaziosmanpasa Univ, 31(1): 19-24.
  • Kazungu FK, Muindi EM, Mulinge JM. 2023. Overview of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), its economic importance, ecological requirements and production constraints in Kenya. Int J Plant Soil Sci, 35(1): 62-71.
  • Keskin B, Akdeniz H, Temel S, Eren B. 2018. Determination of agricultural characteristics of some silage sorghum and Sudan grass varieties grown as second product. Yuzuncu Yıl Univ J Agri Sci, 28(4): 412-418.
  • Keskin B, Yilmaz İH, Akdeniz H. 2005. Sorgum x sudanotu melezi (Sorghum bicolor x Sorghum sudanense Mtapf.) çeşitlerinde hasat zamanının verim ve verim unsurlarına etkisi. Atatürk Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 36(2). 145-150.
  • Kimbrough L. 2002. Corn and sorghum for silage. Extension Service of Mississippi State University. URL: (accessed date: September 17, 2023).
  • Kimutai C, Ndlovu N, Chaikam V, Ertiro BT, Das B, Beyene Y, Gowda M. 2023. Discovery of genomic regions associated with grain yield and agronomic traits in Bi-parental populations of maize (Zea mays. L) Under optimum and low nitrogen conditions. Front Genet, 14: 1266402.
  • Mahama GY, Prasad PV, Mengel DB, Tesso TT. 2014. Influence of nitrogen fertilizer on growth and yield of grain sorghum hybrids and inbred lines. Agronomy J, 106(5): 1623-1630.
  • Marsalis MA, Angadi SV, Contreras-Govea FE. 2010. Dry matter yield and nutritive value of corn, forage sorghum, and BMR forage sorghum at different plant populations and nitrogen rates. Field Crops Res, 116(1-2): 52-57.
  • May A, de Souza VF, de Amaral Gravina G, Fernandes PG. 2015. Plant population and row spacing on biomass sorghum yield performance. Ciência Rural, 46(3): 434-439.
  • Musemwa L, Musara JP. 2020. Impacts of improved sorghum varieties intensification on household welfare in the mid-Zambezi Valley of Zimbabwe. Agrekon, 59(2): 254-267.
  • Olak H, Tan M. 2016. Farklı azot dozlarının cin darı (Panicum italicum L.)'da verim ve bazı özelliklere etkisi. Iğdır Üniv Fen Bil Enst Derg, 6(2): 131-138.
  • Özkan U, Şahin Demirbağ N. 2016. Türkiyede kaliteli kaba yem kaynaklarının mevcut durumu. Türk Bil Derlemeler Derg, 9(1): 23-27.
  • Özkan U, Yildiz N, Peker C. 2023. Influence of N fertilizing on Single-cut Sorgum× Sudangrass Hybrids’ Forage Yield and Nutritive Profile. Turkish J Agri Eng Res, 4(1): 61-72.
  • Parlak M, Özaslan Parlak A. 2006. Sulama suyu tuzluluk düzeylerinin silajlık sorgumun (Sorgum bicolor (L.) Moench) verimine ve toprak tuzluluğuna etkisi. Tarım Bil Derg, 12(1): 8-13.
  • Salman A, Budak B. 2015. Farkli sorgum x sudanotu melezi (Sorghum Bicolor X Sorghum Sudanense Stapf.) çeşitlerinin ege sahil kuşağindaki verim ve verim özellikleri üzerine bir araştirma. Adnan Menderes Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 12(2): 93-100.
  • Sarwar MA, Khan A, Iqbal Z. 2002. Feed resources for livestock in Pakistan. Int J Agri Biol, 4(1): 186-192.
  • Shahrajabian MH, Soleymani A, Naranjani L. 2011. Grain yield and forage characteristics of forage sorghum under different plant green herbage yield and nitrogen levels in second cropping after barley in Isfahan, Iran. Res Crops, 12(1): 68-78.
  • Szabó A, Mousavi SMN, Bojtor C, Ragán P, Nagy J, Vad A, Illés Á. 2022. Analysis of nutrient-specific response of maize hybrids in relation to leaf area index (LAI) and remote sensing. Plants, 11(9): 1197.
  • Tekce E, Gül M. 2014. Ruminant beslemede NDF ve ADF nin önemi. Atatürk Üniv Vet Bil Derg, 9: 63-73.
  • Temel S, Keskin B, Akdenız H, Eren B. 2017. Nutrient content of some silage sorghum varieties grown as second crop under Igdir ecological condition. VIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium (Agrosym 2017), October 10-12, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzgovina, pp: 891-898.
  • Tiryaki İ. 2005. Sorgum: genetik kökeni, kullanımı, yetiştirme teknikleri ve biyoteknolojik gelişmeler. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniv Fen Müh Derg, 8(1): 84-90.
  • Türk M, Alagöz M. 2019. Farklı azot dozu ve biçim zamanlarının arı otu (Phacelia tanacetifolia Bentham)’nun ot verimi ve kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Ziraat Fak Derg, 14(2): 286-293.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson JD, Lewis BA. 1991. Methods for diatery fibre, neutral detergent fibre and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animals nutrition. J Dairy Sci, 74: 3583-3597.
  • Xorse KJ. 2019. Growth, yield and yield components response of local sorghum varieties to nitrogenous fertilizer rates in Northern Ghana. World J Agri Soil Sci, 3(5): 1-10.
  • Yazıcı L. 2005. Possibilities of growing some sorghum and sorghum-sudangrass hybrid cultivars as second crop after barley in Erciş-Van ecological conditions. MSc Thesis, Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Institute of Science, Van, Türkiye, pp: 43.
  • Yilmaz I. 2000. Van kosullarinda uygun silajlık sorgum, sudan otu ve sorgum-sudan otu melezi çesitlerinin belirlenmesi üzerinde bir araştırma. International Animal Nutrition Congress, September 10-13, Isparta, Türkiye, pp: 413-419.
  • Yılmaz Ş, Güler M, Gül İ, Akdoğan G, Emeklier HY. 2003. Hatay koşullarında azotlu gübre dozları ve bitki sıklıklarının II. Ürün yemlik sorgumun (Sorgum spp.) verimine etkisi. Türkiye 5. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, October 13-17, Diyarbakır, Türkiye, pp: 287-292.
  • Zhao M, Feng Y, Shi Y, Shen H, Hu H, Luo Y, Fang J. 2022. Yield and quality properties of silage maize and their influencing factors in China. Sci China Life Sci, 65(8): 1655-1666.
Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 5, 486 - 496, 15.09.2024


Project Number



  • Açıkgöz E. 2001. Yem Bitkileri. Uludağ Üniversitesi Güçlendirme Vakfı Yayı No: 182, Bursa, Türkiye, pp: 75.
  • Akbay C, Çetinkaya S, Akbay F. 2023. Türkiye’de coğrafi bölgelere göre süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinde yem bitkisi üretim durumu. Türk Tarım Doğa Bil Derg, 10(4): 1156-1166.
  • Al-Ghazal SA, Al-Juheishy WK. 2024. Effect of source and timing of nitrogen fertilizer addition on growth and yield of sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense L.). Mesopotamia J Agri, 52(1): 94-105.
  • Arici RÇ, Avci MA. 2022. Determination of forage yield and some quality characteristics of silage Sorghum Genotypes at different water stress levels. Selcuk J Agri Food Sci, 36(1): 1-7.
  • Atalay M. 2019. Effect of different nitrogen doses on yield and some quality properties in sorghum x sudan grass hybrids (Sorghum bicolor (L.) moench x sorgum sudanense (piper) stapf) cultivars. MSc Thesis, Namık Kemal University, Institute of Science, Tekirdağ, Türiye, pp: 54.
  • Balabanlı C, Türk M. 2005. Sorgum, sudanotu melez ve çeşitlerinin Isparta koşullarında verim ve kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi üzerine bir araştırma. Süleyman Demirel Üniv Fen Bil Enst Derg, 9(3): 32-36.
  • Bean B, Mccollum T, Pietsch D, Rowland M, Porter B, Vanmeter R. 2002. Texas panhandle forage sorghum silage trial. The Agriculture Program of Texas A&M University System. URL= (accessed date: September 12, 2023).
  • Beyart RP, Roy RC. 2005. Influence of nitrogen fertilization on multi-cut forage sorghum-sudangrass yield and nitrogen use. Agron J, 97: 1493-1501.
  • Chohan ZH, Arif M, Akhtar MA, Supuran CT. 2006. Metal‐based antibacterial and antifungal agents: synthesis, characterization, and in vitro biological evaluation of Co (II), Cu (II), Ni (II), and Zn (II) complexes with amino acid‐derived compounds. Bioinorg Chem Appl, 2006(1): 083131.
  • Gonulal E. 2020. Performance of sorghum× Sudan grass hybrid (Sorghum bicolor L.× Sorhgum sudanense) cultivars under water stress conditions of arid and semiarid regions. J Glob Innov Agri Soc Sci, 8(2): 78-82.
  • Güler M, Yılmaz Ş, Gül İ, Akdoğan G, Emeklier HY. 2003. Azotlu gübre dozları ve sıra arası açıklığının Ankara koşullarında silaj sorgumun bazı morfolojik ve agronomik özelliklerine etkisi. Türkiye 5. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi 13-17 Ekim, Diyarbakır, Türkiye, pp: 281-286.
  • House LR. 1985. A Guide to Sorghum Breeding. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Prades, India, pp: 206.
  • Kacar B. 1984 Bitki besleme uygulama kılavuzu. Ankara University Ziraat Fakültesi Yay. No: 900, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 96.
  • Kaplan M, Kara K, Unlukara A, Kale H, Buyukkilic Beyzi S, Varol IS, Kizilsimsek M, Kamalak A. 2019. Water deficit and nitrogen affects yield and feed value of sorghum sudangrass silage. Agri Water Manag, 218: 30-36.
  • Karadağ Y, Özkurt M. 2014. İkinci ürün olarak yetiştirilebilecek silajlık sorgum (Sorghum Bicolor L). Moench) çeşitlerinde farklı sıra aralıklarının verim ve kaliteüzerine etkisi. J Agri Fac Gaziosmanpasa Univ, 31(1): 19-24.
  • Kazungu FK, Muindi EM, Mulinge JM. 2023. Overview of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), its economic importance, ecological requirements and production constraints in Kenya. Int J Plant Soil Sci, 35(1): 62-71.
  • Keskin B, Akdeniz H, Temel S, Eren B. 2018. Determination of agricultural characteristics of some silage sorghum and Sudan grass varieties grown as second product. Yuzuncu Yıl Univ J Agri Sci, 28(4): 412-418.
  • Keskin B, Yilmaz İH, Akdeniz H. 2005. Sorgum x sudanotu melezi (Sorghum bicolor x Sorghum sudanense Mtapf.) çeşitlerinde hasat zamanının verim ve verim unsurlarına etkisi. Atatürk Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 36(2). 145-150.
  • Kimbrough L. 2002. Corn and sorghum for silage. Extension Service of Mississippi State University. URL: (accessed date: September 17, 2023).
  • Kimutai C, Ndlovu N, Chaikam V, Ertiro BT, Das B, Beyene Y, Gowda M. 2023. Discovery of genomic regions associated with grain yield and agronomic traits in Bi-parental populations of maize (Zea mays. L) Under optimum and low nitrogen conditions. Front Genet, 14: 1266402.
  • Mahama GY, Prasad PV, Mengel DB, Tesso TT. 2014. Influence of nitrogen fertilizer on growth and yield of grain sorghum hybrids and inbred lines. Agronomy J, 106(5): 1623-1630.
  • Marsalis MA, Angadi SV, Contreras-Govea FE. 2010. Dry matter yield and nutritive value of corn, forage sorghum, and BMR forage sorghum at different plant populations and nitrogen rates. Field Crops Res, 116(1-2): 52-57.
  • May A, de Souza VF, de Amaral Gravina G, Fernandes PG. 2015. Plant population and row spacing on biomass sorghum yield performance. Ciência Rural, 46(3): 434-439.
  • Musemwa L, Musara JP. 2020. Impacts of improved sorghum varieties intensification on household welfare in the mid-Zambezi Valley of Zimbabwe. Agrekon, 59(2): 254-267.
  • Olak H, Tan M. 2016. Farklı azot dozlarının cin darı (Panicum italicum L.)'da verim ve bazı özelliklere etkisi. Iğdır Üniv Fen Bil Enst Derg, 6(2): 131-138.
  • Özkan U, Şahin Demirbağ N. 2016. Türkiyede kaliteli kaba yem kaynaklarının mevcut durumu. Türk Bil Derlemeler Derg, 9(1): 23-27.
  • Özkan U, Yildiz N, Peker C. 2023. Influence of N fertilizing on Single-cut Sorgum× Sudangrass Hybrids’ Forage Yield and Nutritive Profile. Turkish J Agri Eng Res, 4(1): 61-72.
  • Parlak M, Özaslan Parlak A. 2006. Sulama suyu tuzluluk düzeylerinin silajlık sorgumun (Sorgum bicolor (L.) Moench) verimine ve toprak tuzluluğuna etkisi. Tarım Bil Derg, 12(1): 8-13.
  • Salman A, Budak B. 2015. Farkli sorgum x sudanotu melezi (Sorghum Bicolor X Sorghum Sudanense Stapf.) çeşitlerinin ege sahil kuşağindaki verim ve verim özellikleri üzerine bir araştirma. Adnan Menderes Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 12(2): 93-100.
  • Sarwar MA, Khan A, Iqbal Z. 2002. Feed resources for livestock in Pakistan. Int J Agri Biol, 4(1): 186-192.
  • Shahrajabian MH, Soleymani A, Naranjani L. 2011. Grain yield and forage characteristics of forage sorghum under different plant green herbage yield and nitrogen levels in second cropping after barley in Isfahan, Iran. Res Crops, 12(1): 68-78.
  • Szabó A, Mousavi SMN, Bojtor C, Ragán P, Nagy J, Vad A, Illés Á. 2022. Analysis of nutrient-specific response of maize hybrids in relation to leaf area index (LAI) and remote sensing. Plants, 11(9): 1197.
  • Tekce E, Gül M. 2014. Ruminant beslemede NDF ve ADF nin önemi. Atatürk Üniv Vet Bil Derg, 9: 63-73.
  • Temel S, Keskin B, Akdenız H, Eren B. 2017. Nutrient content of some silage sorghum varieties grown as second crop under Igdir ecological condition. VIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium (Agrosym 2017), October 10-12, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzgovina, pp: 891-898.
  • Tiryaki İ. 2005. Sorgum: genetik kökeni, kullanımı, yetiştirme teknikleri ve biyoteknolojik gelişmeler. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniv Fen Müh Derg, 8(1): 84-90.
  • Türk M, Alagöz M. 2019. Farklı azot dozu ve biçim zamanlarının arı otu (Phacelia tanacetifolia Bentham)’nun ot verimi ve kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Ziraat Fak Derg, 14(2): 286-293.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson JD, Lewis BA. 1991. Methods for diatery fibre, neutral detergent fibre and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animals nutrition. J Dairy Sci, 74: 3583-3597.
  • Xorse KJ. 2019. Growth, yield and yield components response of local sorghum varieties to nitrogenous fertilizer rates in Northern Ghana. World J Agri Soil Sci, 3(5): 1-10.
  • Yazıcı L. 2005. Possibilities of growing some sorghum and sorghum-sudangrass hybrid cultivars as second crop after barley in Erciş-Van ecological conditions. MSc Thesis, Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Institute of Science, Van, Türkiye, pp: 43.
  • Yilmaz I. 2000. Van kosullarinda uygun silajlık sorgum, sudan otu ve sorgum-sudan otu melezi çesitlerinin belirlenmesi üzerinde bir araştırma. International Animal Nutrition Congress, September 10-13, Isparta, Türkiye, pp: 413-419.
  • Yılmaz Ş, Güler M, Gül İ, Akdoğan G, Emeklier HY. 2003. Hatay koşullarında azotlu gübre dozları ve bitki sıklıklarının II. Ürün yemlik sorgumun (Sorgum spp.) verimine etkisi. Türkiye 5. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, October 13-17, Diyarbakır, Türkiye, pp: 287-292.
  • Zhao M, Feng Y, Shi Y, Shen H, Hu H, Luo Y, Fang J. 2022. Yield and quality properties of silage maize and their influencing factors in China. Sci China Life Sci, 65(8): 1655-1666.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Hakkı Akdeniz 0000-0001-5806-5710

Bilal Keskin 0000-0001-6826-9768

Barış Eren 0000-0002-3852-6476

Project Number 2017-FBE-L09
Publication Date September 15, 2024
Submission Date February 6, 2024
Acceptance Date August 15, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 5


APA Akdeniz, H., Keskin, B., & Eren, B. (2024). Effects of Different Sowing Frequencies and Nitrogen Doses on the Yield Components of Silage Sorghum x Sudan Grass Hybrid (Sorghum bicolor x Sorghum sudanense Mtapf.) in the Iğdır Basin. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 7(5), 486-496.
