BibTex RIS Cite
Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 5, 570 - 579, 15.09.2024


Project Number



  • Afsar MN, Birch JR, Clarke RN. 1986. The measurement of the properties of materials. Proc IEEE, 74(1): 183-199.
  • Atlı B, Yıldırım E, Candaş I. 2021. Türkiye topraklarının dünü, bugünü, geleceği. Namlı, A, Aykas E, Eds. WWF-Türkiye (Doğal Hayatı Koruma Vakfı) (accessed date: March 24, 2023).
  • Baker-Jarvis J, Jones C, Riddle B, Janezic M, Geyer RG, Grosvenor Jr HJ, Weil CM. 1995. Dielectric and magnetic measurements: A survey of nondestructive, quasi-nondestructive, and process-control techniques. Res Nondestructive Evaluat, 7: 117-36.
  • Başdemir E. 2020. Using sensors in agriculture and a study on a soil moisture sensor. MSc thesis, Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Univetsity, Institute of Science, Tekirdag, Türkiye, pp: 68.
  • Carriveau GW, Zoughi R. 2002. Nondestructive evaluation and characterization of complex composite structures. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Nondestructive Characterization of Materials, June 24-28, Berlin, Germany, pp: 72.
  • Chalapat K, Sarvala K, Li J, Paraoanu GS. 2009. Wideband reference-plane invariant method for measuring electromagnetic parameters of materials. IEEE Transact Microwave Theory Techniq, 57(9): 2257-2267.
  • Chen LF, Ong CK, Neo CP, Varadan VV, Varadan VK. 2004. Microwave electronics: Measurement and materials characterization. West Sussex, England: Wiley, London, UK, pp: 214.
  • Çetin Ö. 2003. Toprak-su ilişkileri ve toprak suyu ölçüm yöntemleri. Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Eskişehir Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Genel Yayın, 258: 100
  • Daniels J, Roberts R, Vendl M. 1995.Ground penetrating radar for the detection of liquid contaminants. J Appl Geophys, 33(1-3): 195-207.
  • Daniels DJ. 2007. Ground penetrating radar. IET Radar, Sonar, Navigation and Avionics Series 15. 2nd ed., pp: 734.
  • Davis JL, Annan AP. 1989. Ground penetrating radar for high resolution mapping of soil and rock stratigraphy. Geophys Prospect, 37: 531-551.
  • ESI. 2021. home/irrometer-tensiometer (accessed date: March 24, 2023).
  • Experimental Hydrology. 2021. (accessed date: March 24, 2023).
  • Fprimec. 2021. Experimental Hydrology
  • Gardner WH. 1986. Water Content in methods of soil analysis. Part 1. Physical and mineralogical Physical and Mineralogical Methods— Agronomy Monograph No 9 (2nd Edition) American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, Madison, USA, pp: 168.
  • Ghodgaonkar DK, Varadan VV, Varadan VK. 1990. Free-space measurement of complex permittivity and complex permeability of magnetic materials at microwave frequencies. IEEE Transact Instrument Measure, 39(2): 387-394
  • Grattan RS, Oster J. 2003. Field use of tensiometers. Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California, URL: (accessed date: March 24, 2023).
  • Guoxin C. 2015. Calibration-independent measurement of complex permittivity of liquids using a coaxial transmission line. Rev Sci Instrum, 86(1): 014704.
  • Hasar UC, Westgate CR. 2009. A broadband and stable method for unique complex permittivity determination of low-loss materials. IEEE Transact Microwave Theory Techniq, 57(2): 471-477.
  • Hasar H. 2014. Assessment of moisture contents of sand textured soils using microwave calibration-independent methods. PhD thesis, Atatürk University, Institute of Science, Erzurum,Türkiye, pp: 128.
  • Hasar H, Hasar UC, Ozturk H, Izginli M, Aslan N, Oztas T, Ertugrul M, Karayilan M, Ramahi OM. 2023. Permittivity extraction of soil samples using coaxial-line measurements by a simple calibration. IEEE Transact Geosci Remote Sens, 61: 5300108.
  • Huisman JA, Snepvangers JJJC, Bouten W, Gerard Heuvelink G. 2003. Monitoring temporal development of spatial soil water content variation: Comparison of ground penetrating radar and time domain reflectometry. Vadose Zone J, 2(4):519-529
  • Huisman JA, Bouten W. 2001. Soil water content measurements at different scales: Accuracy of time domain reflectometry and ground-penetrating radar. J Hydrol, 245: 48-58
  • Hupet F, Vanclooster M. 2002. Intraseasonal dynamics of soil moisture variability within a small agricultural maize cropped field. J Hydrol, 261(1–4): 86-101.
  • Huynen I, Steukers C, Duhamel FA. 2001. Wideband line-line dielectrometric method for liquids, soils, and planar substrates. IEEE Transact Instrument Measure, 50(5): 1343-1348.
  • Janezic MD, Jargon JA. 1999. Complex permittivity determination from propagation constant measurements. IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Letters, 9(2): 76-78.
  • Kaatze U. 2010. Techniques for measuring the microwave dielectric properties of materials. Metrologia, 47: S91-S113.
  • Karaca C, Tekelioğlu B, Büyüktaş D. 2017. Sürdürülebilir tarımsal üretim için toprak nem sensörlerinin etkin kullanımı. Akademia Müh Fen Bilim Derg, 2(3): 33-41.
  • Kharkovsky SN, Zoughi R. 2007. Microwave and millimeter wave nondestructive testing and evaluation - Overview and recent advances. IEEE Instrument Measure Magazine, 10(2): 26-38
  • Kutilek M, Nielsen DR. 1994. Soil hydrology. Catena Verlag. Cremlingen-Destedt, Berlin, Germany, pp: 370.
  • Lewandowski A, Szyplowska A, Wilczek A, Kafarski M, Szerement J, Skierucha W. 2019. One-port vector network analyzer characterization of soil dielectric spectrum. IEEE Transact Geosci Remote Sens, 57(6): 3661-3676.
  • Lonappan A, Thomas V, Jacob J, Rajasekaran C, Mathew KT. 2009. A novel method of detecting malaria using microwaves. Microwave Optical Technol Letters, 51(4): 915-918.
  • Metroloji Genel Müdürlüğü, (accessed date: March 24, 2023).
  • Mironov V, Fomin SV. 2009. Temperature and mineralogy dependable model for microwave dielectric spectra of moist soils. Proc PIERS, Moscow, Russia, pp: 938–942.
  • Mironov V, Kerr Y, Wigneron JP, Kosolapova L, Demontoux F. 2013. Temperature- and texture-dependent dielectric model for moist soils at 1.4 GHz. IEEE Geosci Remote Sens Letters, 10(3): 419–423.
  • Moore ID, Burch GJ, Mackenzie DH. 1988. Topographic effects on the distribution of surface soil and the location of ephemeral gullies, Transact America Soc Agri Biol Engin, 31:1098-1107.
  • Nicolson AM, Ross G. 1970. Measurement of the intrinsic properties of materials by time-domain techniques. IEEE Transact Instrument Measur, 19(4): 377-382.
  • Orgiazzi A, Bardgett RD, Barrios E, Behan-Pelletier V, Briones MJI, Chotte JL, Wall DH. 2016. (Eds.). Global soil biodiversity atlas. Luxemburg: European Commission Publications Office of the European Union, Luxemburg, Luxemburg, pp: 213.
  • Öztaş T. 1997. Toprağın nem tayininde kullanılan yeni bir yöntem TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry). Atatürk Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 28(2): 331-339.
  • Özbek Ö, Kaman H. 2014. The definition and monitoring of soil water content. Türk Tarım Doğa Bilim Derg, 1 (Özel sayı-1): 1067-1071.
  • Pozar DM. 2011. Microwave engineering. West Sussex, England: Wiley, London, UK, pp: 752.
  • Reynoso-Hernández, JA, Estrada-Maldonado, CF, Parra, T, Grenier, K, Graffeuil, J. 1999. An improved method for the wave propagation constant estimation in broadband uniform millimeter-wave transmission line. Microwave Optical Technol Letters, 22(4): 268-271.
  • Sheen J. 2009. Comparisons of microwave dielectric property measurements by transmission/reflection techniques and resonant techniques. Measur Sci Technol, 20(4): 042001.
  • Soil Sensor. 2021a. (accessed date: March 24, 2023).
  • Soil Sensor. 2021b. (accessed date: March 24, 2023).
  • TOB. 2019. Küresel toprak paydaşlığı ve Türkiye toprak bilgi sistemi. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı Tarım Reformu Genel Müdürlüğü ve Birleşmiş Milletler Gıda ve Tarım Örgütü, Ankara, Türkiye, ss: 73.
  • Topp GC, Reynolds WD. 1998. Time domain reflectometry: A seminal technique for measuring mass and energy in soil. Soil Tillage Res, 47(1-2): 125-132.
  • Topp GC, Ferre PA. 2002. The soil solution phase. Methods Soil Anal, 4: 417-1074.
  • Uytun A, Pekey B, Kalemci M. 2013. Toprak nemi ölçümleri. VIII. Ulusal Ölçümbilim Kongresi, 26-28 Eylül, Kocaeli, Türkiye, ss: 53.
  • Wan C, Nauwelaers B, De Raedt W. 1998a. A simple error correction method for two-port transmission parameter measurement. IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Letters, 8(2): 58-59.
  • Wan C, Nauwelaers B, De Raedt W, Van Rossum M. 1998b. Two new measurement methods for explicit determination of complex permittivity. IEEE Transact Microwave Theory Techniq, 46(11): 1614-1619.
  • Weir WB. 1974. Automatic measurement of complex dielectric constant and permeability at microwave frequencies. Proc IEEE, 62(1): 33-36.
  • Varadan VV, Hollinger RD, Ghodgaonkar VK, Varadan VK. 1991. Free-space, broadband measurements of high-temperature, complex dielectric properties at microwave frequencies. IEEE Transact Instrument Measure, 40(5):842-846.
  • Yetik AK, Aşık M. 2021. Toprak nem içeriğinin izlenmesi ve tayininde kullanılan yöntemler. BŞEÜ Fen Bilim Derg, 8(1): 484-496.
  • Zoughi R. 2000. Microwave non-destructive testing and evaluation. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp: 167.

On Various Soil Moisture Measurement Techniques Available in the Literature

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 5, 570 - 579, 15.09.2024


The sustainability and health of soil associated with its productivity are closely related to soil moisture. The amount of water in the soil is an important parameter in the mobility of nutrients in the soil, in soil reclamation studies, and in the leaching-transportation and mixing of fertilizers and other chemicals applied to the soil into the groundwater. On the other hand, it has become important today not only to minimize water consumption but also to accurately measure the amount of moisture in the soil so that the proper amount of water that the plant needs can be circulated to the root zone of the plant. In this context, information was given about various measurement methods for determining soil moisture (direct and indirect - thanks to correlations) existing in the literature, and among these studies, especially the studies on microwave methods were examined. Comparison results of the dielectric constant values are obtained for three different soil samples with different gravimetric volumetric moisture rates by one of the calibration-independent non-resonant microwave measurement methods, which have a high application potential and is different from the existing calibration-requiring microwave measurement methods, and the dielectric constant values predicted by the Mironov model in the literature are presented. The comparison result showed that this new type of microwave measurement method has a high potential for measuring the moisture value of soil samples.

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Project Number





  • Afsar MN, Birch JR, Clarke RN. 1986. The measurement of the properties of materials. Proc IEEE, 74(1): 183-199.
  • Atlı B, Yıldırım E, Candaş I. 2021. Türkiye topraklarının dünü, bugünü, geleceği. Namlı, A, Aykas E, Eds. WWF-Türkiye (Doğal Hayatı Koruma Vakfı) (accessed date: March 24, 2023).
  • Baker-Jarvis J, Jones C, Riddle B, Janezic M, Geyer RG, Grosvenor Jr HJ, Weil CM. 1995. Dielectric and magnetic measurements: A survey of nondestructive, quasi-nondestructive, and process-control techniques. Res Nondestructive Evaluat, 7: 117-36.
  • Başdemir E. 2020. Using sensors in agriculture and a study on a soil moisture sensor. MSc thesis, Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Univetsity, Institute of Science, Tekirdag, Türkiye, pp: 68.
  • Carriveau GW, Zoughi R. 2002. Nondestructive evaluation and characterization of complex composite structures. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Nondestructive Characterization of Materials, June 24-28, Berlin, Germany, pp: 72.
  • Chalapat K, Sarvala K, Li J, Paraoanu GS. 2009. Wideband reference-plane invariant method for measuring electromagnetic parameters of materials. IEEE Transact Microwave Theory Techniq, 57(9): 2257-2267.
  • Chen LF, Ong CK, Neo CP, Varadan VV, Varadan VK. 2004. Microwave electronics: Measurement and materials characterization. West Sussex, England: Wiley, London, UK, pp: 214.
  • Çetin Ö. 2003. Toprak-su ilişkileri ve toprak suyu ölçüm yöntemleri. Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Eskişehir Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Genel Yayın, 258: 100
  • Daniels J, Roberts R, Vendl M. 1995.Ground penetrating radar for the detection of liquid contaminants. J Appl Geophys, 33(1-3): 195-207.
  • Daniels DJ. 2007. Ground penetrating radar. IET Radar, Sonar, Navigation and Avionics Series 15. 2nd ed., pp: 734.
  • Davis JL, Annan AP. 1989. Ground penetrating radar for high resolution mapping of soil and rock stratigraphy. Geophys Prospect, 37: 531-551.
  • ESI. 2021. home/irrometer-tensiometer (accessed date: March 24, 2023).
  • Experimental Hydrology. 2021. (accessed date: March 24, 2023).
  • Fprimec. 2021. Experimental Hydrology
  • Gardner WH. 1986. Water Content in methods of soil analysis. Part 1. Physical and mineralogical Physical and Mineralogical Methods— Agronomy Monograph No 9 (2nd Edition) American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, Madison, USA, pp: 168.
  • Ghodgaonkar DK, Varadan VV, Varadan VK. 1990. Free-space measurement of complex permittivity and complex permeability of magnetic materials at microwave frequencies. IEEE Transact Instrument Measure, 39(2): 387-394
  • Grattan RS, Oster J. 2003. Field use of tensiometers. Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California, URL: (accessed date: March 24, 2023).
  • Guoxin C. 2015. Calibration-independent measurement of complex permittivity of liquids using a coaxial transmission line. Rev Sci Instrum, 86(1): 014704.
  • Hasar UC, Westgate CR. 2009. A broadband and stable method for unique complex permittivity determination of low-loss materials. IEEE Transact Microwave Theory Techniq, 57(2): 471-477.
  • Hasar H. 2014. Assessment of moisture contents of sand textured soils using microwave calibration-independent methods. PhD thesis, Atatürk University, Institute of Science, Erzurum,Türkiye, pp: 128.
  • Hasar H, Hasar UC, Ozturk H, Izginli M, Aslan N, Oztas T, Ertugrul M, Karayilan M, Ramahi OM. 2023. Permittivity extraction of soil samples using coaxial-line measurements by a simple calibration. IEEE Transact Geosci Remote Sens, 61: 5300108.
  • Huisman JA, Snepvangers JJJC, Bouten W, Gerard Heuvelink G. 2003. Monitoring temporal development of spatial soil water content variation: Comparison of ground penetrating radar and time domain reflectometry. Vadose Zone J, 2(4):519-529
  • Huisman JA, Bouten W. 2001. Soil water content measurements at different scales: Accuracy of time domain reflectometry and ground-penetrating radar. J Hydrol, 245: 48-58
  • Hupet F, Vanclooster M. 2002. Intraseasonal dynamics of soil moisture variability within a small agricultural maize cropped field. J Hydrol, 261(1–4): 86-101.
  • Huynen I, Steukers C, Duhamel FA. 2001. Wideband line-line dielectrometric method for liquids, soils, and planar substrates. IEEE Transact Instrument Measure, 50(5): 1343-1348.
  • Janezic MD, Jargon JA. 1999. Complex permittivity determination from propagation constant measurements. IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Letters, 9(2): 76-78.
  • Kaatze U. 2010. Techniques for measuring the microwave dielectric properties of materials. Metrologia, 47: S91-S113.
  • Karaca C, Tekelioğlu B, Büyüktaş D. 2017. Sürdürülebilir tarımsal üretim için toprak nem sensörlerinin etkin kullanımı. Akademia Müh Fen Bilim Derg, 2(3): 33-41.
  • Kharkovsky SN, Zoughi R. 2007. Microwave and millimeter wave nondestructive testing and evaluation - Overview and recent advances. IEEE Instrument Measure Magazine, 10(2): 26-38
  • Kutilek M, Nielsen DR. 1994. Soil hydrology. Catena Verlag. Cremlingen-Destedt, Berlin, Germany, pp: 370.
  • Lewandowski A, Szyplowska A, Wilczek A, Kafarski M, Szerement J, Skierucha W. 2019. One-port vector network analyzer characterization of soil dielectric spectrum. IEEE Transact Geosci Remote Sens, 57(6): 3661-3676.
  • Lonappan A, Thomas V, Jacob J, Rajasekaran C, Mathew KT. 2009. A novel method of detecting malaria using microwaves. Microwave Optical Technol Letters, 51(4): 915-918.
  • Metroloji Genel Müdürlüğü, (accessed date: March 24, 2023).
  • Mironov V, Fomin SV. 2009. Temperature and mineralogy dependable model for microwave dielectric spectra of moist soils. Proc PIERS, Moscow, Russia, pp: 938–942.
  • Mironov V, Kerr Y, Wigneron JP, Kosolapova L, Demontoux F. 2013. Temperature- and texture-dependent dielectric model for moist soils at 1.4 GHz. IEEE Geosci Remote Sens Letters, 10(3): 419–423.
  • Moore ID, Burch GJ, Mackenzie DH. 1988. Topographic effects on the distribution of surface soil and the location of ephemeral gullies, Transact America Soc Agri Biol Engin, 31:1098-1107.
  • Nicolson AM, Ross G. 1970. Measurement of the intrinsic properties of materials by time-domain techniques. IEEE Transact Instrument Measur, 19(4): 377-382.
  • Orgiazzi A, Bardgett RD, Barrios E, Behan-Pelletier V, Briones MJI, Chotte JL, Wall DH. 2016. (Eds.). Global soil biodiversity atlas. Luxemburg: European Commission Publications Office of the European Union, Luxemburg, Luxemburg, pp: 213.
  • Öztaş T. 1997. Toprağın nem tayininde kullanılan yeni bir yöntem TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry). Atatürk Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 28(2): 331-339.
  • Özbek Ö, Kaman H. 2014. The definition and monitoring of soil water content. Türk Tarım Doğa Bilim Derg, 1 (Özel sayı-1): 1067-1071.
  • Pozar DM. 2011. Microwave engineering. West Sussex, England: Wiley, London, UK, pp: 752.
  • Reynoso-Hernández, JA, Estrada-Maldonado, CF, Parra, T, Grenier, K, Graffeuil, J. 1999. An improved method for the wave propagation constant estimation in broadband uniform millimeter-wave transmission line. Microwave Optical Technol Letters, 22(4): 268-271.
  • Sheen J. 2009. Comparisons of microwave dielectric property measurements by transmission/reflection techniques and resonant techniques. Measur Sci Technol, 20(4): 042001.
  • Soil Sensor. 2021a. (accessed date: March 24, 2023).
  • Soil Sensor. 2021b. (accessed date: March 24, 2023).
  • TOB. 2019. Küresel toprak paydaşlığı ve Türkiye toprak bilgi sistemi. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı Tarım Reformu Genel Müdürlüğü ve Birleşmiş Milletler Gıda ve Tarım Örgütü, Ankara, Türkiye, ss: 73.
  • Topp GC, Reynolds WD. 1998. Time domain reflectometry: A seminal technique for measuring mass and energy in soil. Soil Tillage Res, 47(1-2): 125-132.
  • Topp GC, Ferre PA. 2002. The soil solution phase. Methods Soil Anal, 4: 417-1074.
  • Uytun A, Pekey B, Kalemci M. 2013. Toprak nemi ölçümleri. VIII. Ulusal Ölçümbilim Kongresi, 26-28 Eylül, Kocaeli, Türkiye, ss: 53.
  • Wan C, Nauwelaers B, De Raedt W. 1998a. A simple error correction method for two-port transmission parameter measurement. IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Letters, 8(2): 58-59.
  • Wan C, Nauwelaers B, De Raedt W, Van Rossum M. 1998b. Two new measurement methods for explicit determination of complex permittivity. IEEE Transact Microwave Theory Techniq, 46(11): 1614-1619.
  • Weir WB. 1974. Automatic measurement of complex dielectric constant and permeability at microwave frequencies. Proc IEEE, 62(1): 33-36.
  • Varadan VV, Hollinger RD, Ghodgaonkar VK, Varadan VK. 1991. Free-space, broadband measurements of high-temperature, complex dielectric properties at microwave frequencies. IEEE Transact Instrument Measure, 40(5):842-846.
  • Yetik AK, Aşık M. 2021. Toprak nem içeriğinin izlenmesi ve tayininde kullanılan yöntemler. BŞEÜ Fen Bilim Derg, 8(1): 484-496.
  • Zoughi R. 2000. Microwave non-destructive testing and evaluation. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp: 167.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Reviews

Hafize Hasar 0000-0002-1426-8521

Project Number --
Publication Date September 15, 2024
Submission Date July 20, 2024
Acceptance Date August 27, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 5


APA Hasar, H. (2024). On Various Soil Moisture Measurement Techniques Available in the Literature. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 7(5), 570-579.
