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Year 2017, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 268 - 277, 01.12.2017


This study aims to evaluate organizational commitment of individuals participating in intramural sports in terms of demographical features. 246 individuals were included into the study, which were selected with convenience sampling method from facilities providing intramural sports in a public university. Data were collected with face-to-face interview technique and by means of questionnaire. The first section of the questionnaire consisted of organizational commitment scale developed for Turkish language and culture, and the second section consisted of demographical questions. Descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA analyses were utilized in interpretation of data. In accordance with the results acquired, it was detected that the employees participating in intramural sports had had higher averages with respect to employment situation administrative personnel , age 44 and over and income 2400 and 3400 TL variables


  • Artinger, L., Clapham, L., Hunt, C., Meigs, M., Milord, N., Sampson, B., & Forrester, S.A. (2006). The social benefits of intramural sports. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 43(1), 69-86.
  • Bryant, J., Bradley, J., & Milborne, C. (1994). Comparing student participation in campus recreation to other aspects of campus life. NIRSA Annual Conference Review, 45, 144–168.
  • Buchko, A. A., Weinzimmer, L. G., & Sergeyev, A. V. (1998). Effects of cultural context on the antecedents, correlates, commitment: A study of Russian workers. Journal of Business Research, 43(3), 109-116. Chodzko-Zajko, W. J. (2014). adults. Kinesiology Review, 3(1), 101-106.
  • organizational Exercise and physical activity for older
  • Ciuffo, J., Johnson, J. E., & Tracy, D. R. (2014). Intramural Sport Marketing: An Examination of Effectiveness, Participant Recreational Sports Journal, 38(2), 175-187. Demographic Differences.
  • Chodzko-Zajko, W. J. (2014). Exercise and physical activity for older adults. Kinesiology Review, 3(1), 101-106. 6. Cohen, A. (1992). Antecedents of organizational commitment across occupational groups: A meta‐ analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13(6), 539- 558.
  • Cohen, A. (1993). Age and tenure in relation to organizational commitment: A meta-analysis. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 14(2), 143-159.
  • Collins, J. R., Valerius, L., King, T., & Graham, A. (2001). The relationship between college students’ self-esteem and the frequency and importance of their participation in recreational activities. NIRSA Journal, 25 (2), 38–47.
  • Cooper, N., Schuett, P. A., & Phillips, H. M. (2012). Examining intrinsic motivations in campus intramural sports. Recreational Sports Journal, 36, 25-36.
  • Çolakoğlu, Ü., Ayyildiz, T., & Cengiz, S. (2009). Perceived
  • Differences about Organizational Commitment Dımensions According to Employees’ Demographic Features: The Case of Five Star Hotels in Kuşadası Anatolia: Tourism Researches Journal, 20(1).
  • Dixon, M. A., Cunningham, G. B., Sagas, M., Turner, B. A., & Kent, A. (2005). Challenge is key: An investigation of affective organizational commitment in undergraduate interns. Journal of Education for Business, 80(3), 172-180. 276
  • Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi Cilt 11, Sayı 3, 2017
  • Durna, U. and Eren, V. (2005). The Examination of Organisational Commitment in Connection With Three Components of Commitment, Doğuş University Journal, 6(2):210-219.
  • Elkins, D.J., Forrester, S.A., & Noël-Elkins, A.V. (2011).
  • The contribution of campus recreational sports participation to perceived sense of campus community. Recreational Sports Journal, 35(1), 24–34.
  • Florenthal, B., & Tolstikov-Mast, Y. (2012). Organizational culture: Comparing faculty and staff perspectives. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 12(6), 81–90.
  • George L and Sabapathy T (2011), “Work Motivation of
  • Teachers: Relationship with Organizational Commitment/La Motivation au travail des enseignants: la relation avec l’engagement organizational”, Canadian Social Science, Vol. 7, No .1, pp. 90-99.
  • Güçlü, H. (2006). Turizm Sektöründe Durumsal Faktörlerin
  • Örgütsel Bağlılık Üzerinde Etkisi. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları. [In Turkish]
  • Haines, D. (2001). Undergraduate student benefits from university recreation. Recreational, Sports Journal, 25, 25- 33.
  • Hall, D. A. (2006). Participation in a campus recreation program and its effect on student retention. Recreational Sports Journal, 30(1), 40-45.
  • Henchy, A. (2011). The influence of campus recreation beyond the gym. Recreational Sports Journal, 35(2), 174- 181.
  • Hill, K., & Jones, M. (2014). Implementation of a faculty and staff intramural golf league. Recreational Sports Journal, 38(2), 153-162.
  • Johnson, W. R. and Jones, G. (1991) “The Effects of Equity Perceptions on Union and Company Commitment”, Journal of Collective Negotiations in The Public Sector, Vol:20, No:3, ss.235 244.
  • Kanters, M. A. (2000). Recreational sport participation as a moderator of college stress. Recreational Sports Journal, 24 (2), 11–24.
  • Kline, R. B. (2011). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling. 2011. New York: The Guilford Press.
  • Kraus, R. (1998). Recreation & leisure in modern society. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
  • Lacy, F.J., & Sheehan, B.A. (1997). Job satisfaction among academic staff: An international perspective. Higher Education, 34(3), 305–322.
  • Levinson, D. J., Darrow, C. N., Klein, E. B., Levinson, M. H., & McKee, B. (1978). The seasons of a man's life. New York: Knopf
  • Lindsey, R., & Sessoms, E. (2006). Assessment of a campus recreation program on student recruitment, retention, and frequency of participation across certain demographic variables. Recreational Sports Journal, 30(1), 30-39.
  • Loscocco, K. A. (1990). Reactions to blue-collar work a comparison Occupations, 17(2), 152-177. and men. Work and
  • Marchiori, D. M., & Henkin, A. B. (2004). Organizational commitment of a health profession faculty: dimensions, correlates and conditions. Medical Teacher, 26(4), 353- 358.
  • Meyer, J. P., & Allen, N. J. (1991). A three-component conceptualization of organizational commitment. Human resource management review, 1(1), 61-89.
  • Meyer, J. P., Allen, N. J., & Gellatly, I. R. (1990). Affective and continuance commitment to the organization: Evaluation of measures and analysis of concurrent and time-lagged relations. Journal of applied psychology, 75(6), 710.
  • Mowday, R. T., Porter, L. M., &Steers, R. M. (1982). Employee-organizational linkage. New York: Academic
  • Mull, R.F., Bayless, K.G., & Jamieson, L.M. (2005). Recreational Sport Management (4th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Northcraft T and Neal H (1996), Organization Behavior, Prentice-Hall, London.
  • Reed, M. I. (1996). ‘Expert power and control in late modernity: an empirical review and theoretical synthesis’. Organization Studies, 17, 4, 573–597.
  • Phipps, C (2012). Examining The Relationship Between Intramural Sports Participation and Sense of Community Among College Students (Unpublished Master Thesis). East Carolina University: The Faculty of the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies.
  • Phipps, C., Cooper, N., Shores, K., Williams, R., & Mize, N. (2015). Examining the relationship between intramural sports participation and sense of community among college students. Recreational Sports Journal, 39(2), 105-120.
  • Taşkın F. and Dilek R. (2010). A Field Research on
  • Organizatioal Trust and Committment. Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi. 2(1), 37-46).
  • Tekingündüz, S. and Tengilimoğlu, D. (2013). Determination of Job Satisfaction, Organizational Trust and Organizational Commitment Levels of Hospital Personnel. Journal of Turkish Court of Accounts/Sayistay Dergisi, (91).
  • Sabuncuoğlu Z. and Vergiliel Tüz M. (2013). Örgütsel
  • Davranış (5. Baskı). Bursa: Aktüel. [In Turkish]
  • Singh, P., Finn, D., & Goulet, L. (2004). Gender and job attitudes: a re-examination and extension. Women in management review, 19(7), 345-355.
  • Özdevecioğlu, M. (2013). Algilanan Örgütsel Destek ile
  • Örgütsel Bağlilik Arasindaki İlişkilerin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştirma. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(2). [In Turkish]
  • Özmen, Ö. T., Özer, P. S., & Saatçioğlu, Ö. Y. (2005). A
  • Sample Study for Examination of Organizational and Professional Commitment in Academicians. Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Faculty of Management, 6(2).
  • Wasti, S. A., 2000, Örgütsel Bağlılığı Belirleyen Evrensel ve Kültürel Etmenler: Türk Kültürüne Bir Bakış, Türkiye’de Yönetim, Liderlik ve İnsan Kaynakları Uygulamaları, ed. Z. Aycan, Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları (21), Ankara, s. 201-224. [In Turkish]
  • Webb, E., & Forrester, S. (2015). Affective outcomes of intramural Journal, 39(1), 69-81. Sports


Year 2017, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 268 - 277, 01.12.2017


Bu araştırmada kurum içi rekreasyonel spora katılan bireylerin örgütsel bağlılıklarının demografik özelliklere göre değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmaya bir devlet üniversitesinde kurum içi rekreasyonel spor hizmetlerinin sunulduğu tesislerden uygun örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilen 246 kişi dâhil edilmiştir. Veriler yüz yüze görüşme tekniği ve anket aracılığı ile toplanmıştır. Anketin birinci bölümü Türk dili ve kültürü için geliştirlen örgütsel bağlılık ölçeğinden, ikinci bölümü ise demografik sorulardan oluşmaktadır. Verilerin yorumlanmasında tanımlayıcı istatistik, t-test ve ANOVA analizinden yararlanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre kurum içi rekreasyonel spora katılan çalışanların örgütsel bağlılıklarının istihdam durumu idari personel , yaş 44 yaş ve üzeri ve gelir değişkenine 2400 ve 3400 TL göre farklılaştığı tespit edilmiştir.


  • Artinger, L., Clapham, L., Hunt, C., Meigs, M., Milord, N., Sampson, B., & Forrester, S.A. (2006). The social benefits of intramural sports. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 43(1), 69-86.
  • Bryant, J., Bradley, J., & Milborne, C. (1994). Comparing student participation in campus recreation to other aspects of campus life. NIRSA Annual Conference Review, 45, 144–168.
  • Buchko, A. A., Weinzimmer, L. G., & Sergeyev, A. V. (1998). Effects of cultural context on the antecedents, correlates, commitment: A study of Russian workers. Journal of Business Research, 43(3), 109-116. Chodzko-Zajko, W. J. (2014). adults. Kinesiology Review, 3(1), 101-106.
  • organizational Exercise and physical activity for older
  • Ciuffo, J., Johnson, J. E., & Tracy, D. R. (2014). Intramural Sport Marketing: An Examination of Effectiveness, Participant Recreational Sports Journal, 38(2), 175-187. Demographic Differences.
  • Chodzko-Zajko, W. J. (2014). Exercise and physical activity for older adults. Kinesiology Review, 3(1), 101-106. 6. Cohen, A. (1992). Antecedents of organizational commitment across occupational groups: A meta‐ analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13(6), 539- 558.
  • Cohen, A. (1993). Age and tenure in relation to organizational commitment: A meta-analysis. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 14(2), 143-159.
  • Collins, J. R., Valerius, L., King, T., & Graham, A. (2001). The relationship between college students’ self-esteem and the frequency and importance of their participation in recreational activities. NIRSA Journal, 25 (2), 38–47.
  • Cooper, N., Schuett, P. A., & Phillips, H. M. (2012). Examining intrinsic motivations in campus intramural sports. Recreational Sports Journal, 36, 25-36.
  • Çolakoğlu, Ü., Ayyildiz, T., & Cengiz, S. (2009). Perceived
  • Differences about Organizational Commitment Dımensions According to Employees’ Demographic Features: The Case of Five Star Hotels in Kuşadası Anatolia: Tourism Researches Journal, 20(1).
  • Dixon, M. A., Cunningham, G. B., Sagas, M., Turner, B. A., & Kent, A. (2005). Challenge is key: An investigation of affective organizational commitment in undergraduate interns. Journal of Education for Business, 80(3), 172-180. 276
  • Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi Cilt 11, Sayı 3, 2017
  • Durna, U. and Eren, V. (2005). The Examination of Organisational Commitment in Connection With Three Components of Commitment, Doğuş University Journal, 6(2):210-219.
  • Elkins, D.J., Forrester, S.A., & Noël-Elkins, A.V. (2011).
  • The contribution of campus recreational sports participation to perceived sense of campus community. Recreational Sports Journal, 35(1), 24–34.
  • Florenthal, B., & Tolstikov-Mast, Y. (2012). Organizational culture: Comparing faculty and staff perspectives. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 12(6), 81–90.
  • George L and Sabapathy T (2011), “Work Motivation of
  • Teachers: Relationship with Organizational Commitment/La Motivation au travail des enseignants: la relation avec l’engagement organizational”, Canadian Social Science, Vol. 7, No .1, pp. 90-99.
  • Güçlü, H. (2006). Turizm Sektöründe Durumsal Faktörlerin
  • Örgütsel Bağlılık Üzerinde Etkisi. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları. [In Turkish]
  • Haines, D. (2001). Undergraduate student benefits from university recreation. Recreational, Sports Journal, 25, 25- 33.
  • Hall, D. A. (2006). Participation in a campus recreation program and its effect on student retention. Recreational Sports Journal, 30(1), 40-45.
  • Henchy, A. (2011). The influence of campus recreation beyond the gym. Recreational Sports Journal, 35(2), 174- 181.
  • Hill, K., & Jones, M. (2014). Implementation of a faculty and staff intramural golf league. Recreational Sports Journal, 38(2), 153-162.
  • Johnson, W. R. and Jones, G. (1991) “The Effects of Equity Perceptions on Union and Company Commitment”, Journal of Collective Negotiations in The Public Sector, Vol:20, No:3, ss.235 244.
  • Kanters, M. A. (2000). Recreational sport participation as a moderator of college stress. Recreational Sports Journal, 24 (2), 11–24.
  • Kline, R. B. (2011). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling. 2011. New York: The Guilford Press.
  • Kraus, R. (1998). Recreation & leisure in modern society. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
  • Lacy, F.J., & Sheehan, B.A. (1997). Job satisfaction among academic staff: An international perspective. Higher Education, 34(3), 305–322.
  • Levinson, D. J., Darrow, C. N., Klein, E. B., Levinson, M. H., & McKee, B. (1978). The seasons of a man's life. New York: Knopf
  • Lindsey, R., & Sessoms, E. (2006). Assessment of a campus recreation program on student recruitment, retention, and frequency of participation across certain demographic variables. Recreational Sports Journal, 30(1), 30-39.
  • Loscocco, K. A. (1990). Reactions to blue-collar work a comparison Occupations, 17(2), 152-177. and men. Work and
  • Marchiori, D. M., & Henkin, A. B. (2004). Organizational commitment of a health profession faculty: dimensions, correlates and conditions. Medical Teacher, 26(4), 353- 358.
  • Meyer, J. P., & Allen, N. J. (1991). A three-component conceptualization of organizational commitment. Human resource management review, 1(1), 61-89.
  • Meyer, J. P., Allen, N. J., & Gellatly, I. R. (1990). Affective and continuance commitment to the organization: Evaluation of measures and analysis of concurrent and time-lagged relations. Journal of applied psychology, 75(6), 710.
  • Mowday, R. T., Porter, L. M., &Steers, R. M. (1982). Employee-organizational linkage. New York: Academic
  • Mull, R.F., Bayless, K.G., & Jamieson, L.M. (2005). Recreational Sport Management (4th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Northcraft T and Neal H (1996), Organization Behavior, Prentice-Hall, London.
  • Reed, M. I. (1996). ‘Expert power and control in late modernity: an empirical review and theoretical synthesis’. Organization Studies, 17, 4, 573–597.
  • Phipps, C (2012). Examining The Relationship Between Intramural Sports Participation and Sense of Community Among College Students (Unpublished Master Thesis). East Carolina University: The Faculty of the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies.
  • Phipps, C., Cooper, N., Shores, K., Williams, R., & Mize, N. (2015). Examining the relationship between intramural sports participation and sense of community among college students. Recreational Sports Journal, 39(2), 105-120.
  • Taşkın F. and Dilek R. (2010). A Field Research on
  • Organizatioal Trust and Committment. Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi. 2(1), 37-46).
  • Tekingündüz, S. and Tengilimoğlu, D. (2013). Determination of Job Satisfaction, Organizational Trust and Organizational Commitment Levels of Hospital Personnel. Journal of Turkish Court of Accounts/Sayistay Dergisi, (91).
  • Sabuncuoğlu Z. and Vergiliel Tüz M. (2013). Örgütsel
  • Davranış (5. Baskı). Bursa: Aktüel. [In Turkish]
  • Singh, P., Finn, D., & Goulet, L. (2004). Gender and job attitudes: a re-examination and extension. Women in management review, 19(7), 345-355.
  • Özdevecioğlu, M. (2013). Algilanan Örgütsel Destek ile
  • Örgütsel Bağlilik Arasindaki İlişkilerin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştirma. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(2). [In Turkish]
  • Özmen, Ö. T., Özer, P. S., & Saatçioğlu, Ö. Y. (2005). A
  • Sample Study for Examination of Organizational and Professional Commitment in Academicians. Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Faculty of Management, 6(2).
  • Wasti, S. A., 2000, Örgütsel Bağlılığı Belirleyen Evrensel ve Kültürel Etmenler: Türk Kültürüne Bir Bakış, Türkiye’de Yönetim, Liderlik ve İnsan Kaynakları Uygulamaları, ed. Z. Aycan, Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları (21), Ankara, s. 201-224. [In Turkish]
  • Webb, E., & Forrester, S. (2015). Affective outcomes of intramural Journal, 39(1), 69-81. Sports
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Hüseyin Çevik This is me

Kerem Yıldırım Şimşek This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 11 Issue: 3
