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Year 2017, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 148 - 158, 01.08.2017


Günümüzde sosyal, kültürel, sportif, sağlık ve sanat içerikli rekreasyon tüketicilerinin tatmin düzeyini belirlemek yerel yöneticilerin dikkat etmesi gereken öncelikli konulardan birini teşkil etmektedir. Çünkü, yerel yönetimlerin ürettiği rekreatif hizmetler, bu tür hizmetlerden yararlanan bireylerin görüşleri ve ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda oluşturulmalıdır. Bu bağlamda, yerel yönetimlerdeki yöneticilerin rekreasyonel faaliyetleri geliştirebilmesi, çeşitlendirebilmesi ve değerlendirebilmesi için tüketici tatmin düzeyinin belirlenmesi önem arz etmektedir. Bu kapsamda araştırmada kamu kurumlarında boş zaman etkinliklerinin düzenlendiği tesislerde tüketici tatmin düzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın evreni Eskişehir Büyükşehir Belediyesi’ne ait tesislerde boş zamanlarını sosyal, kültürel, sportif, sağlık ve sanatsal içerikli rekreasyon hizmetlerinden yararlanan bireyler oluşturmaktadır. Belirlenen evrenin içerisinden kolayda örnekleme yöntemi ile %24.2 58 kadın ve %75,8 182 erkek olmak üzere toplam 240 rekreasyon tüketicisi seçilmiştir. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak Alexandris ve Palialia, 1999 ’nın geliştirilen ve Türkçe uyarlaması Şimşek ve Mercanoğlu 2014 tarafından yapılan “Tüketici Tatmini Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Belediyeye ait tesislerde gerçekleştirilen rekreasyonel faaliyetlerin tüketici tatminine etkisini belirlemek için örneklem grubunun cinsiyet, eğitim düzeyi, yaş, meslek ve gelir durumu bakımından farklılıkları t-testi ve ANOVA analizi ile incelenmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucu, cinsiyete göre herhangi bir farklılık saptanmamıştır. Eğitim düzeyi ilköğretim ve mesleği memur olan bireylerin tesisler/hizmetler boyutunda tüketici tatmin düzeyi yüksektir. Örneklem grubunun yaş gruplarına göre karşılaştırılmasında ise tüketici tatminini oluşturan tüm boyutlarda yüksek düzeyde anlamlı farklılığın olması araştırmanın dikkat çekici sonuçlarıdır.


  • Afthinos. Y.. Theodorakis. N.D.. & Nassis. P. (2005). Customers’ expectations of services in Greek fitness centres. Gender. age. type of sport center. and motivation differences.Managing Service Quality. 15(3). pp. 245-258.
  • Ağılönü. A.. Mengütay. S. (2009). Yerel Yönetimlerde Rekreasyon Hizmetleri ve Model Belirleme. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi. 2(3). 160-176. [In Turkish]
  • Akdenk M. (1989) Türk sporunun gelişmesinde spor
  • federasyonlarının rolü. güreş federasyonu örneği. Marmara Üniversitesi. İstanbul. [In Turkish]
  • Alexandris. K. and Carroll. B. (1999). Constraints on recreational sport participation within the adult population in Greece: implications for the provision and management of sport services. Journal of Sport Management. 13. 317–32.
  • Alexandris. K. Palialia. E. (1999). Measuring customer satisfaction in fitness centres in Greece: an exploratory study. Managing Leisure. 4. 21 8-228.
  • Beard. J. G. Ragheb. M. G. (1983). Measuring leisure motivation. Journal of Leisure Research. 15 (3). 219 – 228
  • Brady. M. Cronin. J. (2001). Some new thoughts on conceptualizing perceived service quality: A hierarchical approach. Journal of Marketing. 65 (July). 34-49.
  • Bitner. M. (1992). Servicescapes: The impact of physical surroundings on customers and employees. Journal of Marketing. 56. 57-71.
  • Celik. V. O. (2015). Faculty of Sport Sciences Students’ Sports Products Brand Preferences: Anadolu University Case. Pamukkale Journalof Sport Sciences. 6(2). 01-16. [In Turkish]
  • Crompton. J. MacKay. K. (1989) User’s perceptions of the relative importance of service quality dimensions in selected public and recreation programs. Leisure Sciences. 11. 367–75.
  • Cronin. J.J. Brady. M.K.. Hult. G.T.M. (2000). Assessing the effects of quality. value. and customer satisfaction on consumer behavioral intentions in service environments. Journal of Retailing. 76(2). 193- 218.
  • Cronin. J. Taylor. S. (1992) Measuring service quality: a reexamination and extension. Journal of Marketing. 56. 55–68. 13. Deighton. J. (1992). The Consumption of Performance. Journal of Consumer Research. 19 (3). 362-72.
  • Du Cap. M. C. (2002). The perceived impact of the Acadia Advantage Program on the leisure lifestyle and leisure satisfaction of the students at Acadia University (Master Thesis). Acadia University. Ottawa. Canada.
  • Engel. J.. Blackwell. R. Miniard. P. (1995) Consumer Behaviour. International Edition. The Dryden Press. Harcourt Brace College Publishers. Philadelphia and Tokyo.
  • Francken. D. A. Van Raaij. W. F. (1981). Satisfaction with Leisure Time Activities. Jouranl of Leisure research. 13. 337-352.
  • Greenwell. T. C. (2007). Expectations. industry standards. and customer satisfaction in the student ticketing process. Sport Marketing Quarterly. 15. 7-14.
  • Janke. M .C.. Carpenter. G.. Payne. L. L.. Stockard. J. (2011). The role of life experiences on perceptions of leisure during adulthood: A longitudinal analysis. Leisure Sciences. 33(1). 52-69.
  • Karaküçük S. (2001) Rekreasyon Boş Zamanları
  • Değerlendirme. 4. Baskı. Gazi Kitabevi. Ankara. [In Turkish]
  • Karasar N. (2005) Scientific Research Methods. Nobel Issues. Ankara. s.25. [In Turkish]
  • Kim. D.. Kim. S. (1995). QUESC: An instrument for assessing the service quality of sport centers in Korea. Journal of Sport Management. 9 (2). 208-220.
  • Kim. C.. Kim. S. Y. (1998). Segmentation of sport center members in Seoul based on attitudes toward service quality. Journal of Sport Management. 12. 273-287.
  • Ko. Y. J. Pastore. D. L. (2005). A Hierarchical Model of Service Quality for the Recreational Sport Industry. Sport Marketing Quarterly. 2005. 14. 84-97.
  • Landrum H. Prybutok VR. Zhang X. (2010) The Moderating Effect of Occupation on The Perception of Information Services Quality and Success. Computers & Industrial Engineering; (58): 133-142.
  • Lim CG. Bennett RR. Dagger T. (2008) The Impact of Service Characteristics on Service Quality Perceptions. Journal of Services Marketing; 22 (7): 550-561. and Demographic
  • Ko. Y. J.. Pastore. D. L. (2007). An instrument to assess customer perceptions of service quality and satisfaction Recreational Sport Journal. 31(1). 34-42. recreation programs.
  • Milne. G.R.. McDonald M.A. (1999). Sport Marketing: Managing the Exchange Process. Sudbury. MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
  • Mobley T A. (2006) Yerel yönetimlerin halkın rekreasyon ve park ihtiyaç ve hizmetlerini karşılamadaki rolü. Yerel Yönetimler ve Sağlıklı Kentler Sempozyumu. Eskisehir.
  • Oliver. R. (1980) A cognitive model of the ante- cedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions. Journal of Marketing Research. 17. 460–9.
  • Oliver. Richard L. (1997) Satisfaction: A Behavioral Perspective on the Consumer. New York. NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Parasuraman. A.. Zeithaml. V. and Berry. L. (1988) SERVQUAL: a multiple item scale for measur- ing consumer perceptions of service quality. Journal of Retailing. 64. 12–37.
  • Ryan C.. Glendon İ. (1998) Application of Leisure Motivation Scale to Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research. Vol. 25 No. 1. pp. 169-184.
  • Sener. A. Terzioglu. R. G.. & Karabulut. E. (2007). Life satisfaction and leisure activities during retirement of men: A Turkish sample. Aging & Mental Health. 11(1). 30-36. [In Turkish]
  • Taylor. S. A. Baker. T. L. (1994). An Assessment of the Relationship Between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Formation of Consumers’ Purchase Intentions. Journal of Retailing. 70(2). 163– 178.
  • Theodorakis N. D.. Kambitsis C.. Laios A. and Koustelios A.. Relationship Between Measure of Service Quality and Satisfaction of Spectator in Professional Sports. Managing Service Quality. 11 (6). 431-438. (2001).
  • Theodorakis. N. D. and Alexandris. K. (2008). “Can Service Quality Predict Spectators’ Behavioral Intentions in Professional Soccer?”. Managing Leisure. Vol 13. pp. 162-178.
  • Triado. X. M.. Aparicio. P.. Rimbau. E. (1999). Identification of factors of customers satisfactions in municipal suggestions for satisfaction improvement. Cyber Journal of Sport Marketing. 13. 34-61. Some
  • Westerbeek HM. (2000) The influence of frequency of attendance and age on place-specific dimensions of service quality at Australian rules football matches. Sport Marketing Quarterly; 9 (4): 194-202.
  • Yerlisu. T. (2013). Life satisfaction. leisure satisfaction and perceived freedom of park recreation participants. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Volume 93. 21 October 2013. Pages 1985-1993.


Year 2017, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 148 - 158, 01.08.2017


Nowadays to determining satisfactory level of recreation consumers with the content of art. health. sportive. cultural and social represents one of the priority issues to be paid attention by local managers. Inasmuch as recreative services that local managements produce should be in the direction of individuals’ needs and views who benefit from these kind of services. In this regard. in order to make the managers in local management develop. diversify and evaluate the recreational activities. to determining the consumer satisfaction level presents significance. In this context. in this study it is aimed at to determine the consumer satisfaction level in the facilities where spare time activities in public institution. The population is composed of the individuals who benefits from recreation services with the art. health. sportive and social content during their spare time in the facilities that belong to Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality. From within the determined population. thanks to convenience sampling method 58 female %24.2 and 182 male %75.8 in total 240 recreation consumers were chosen. In the study as data collecting tool ‘Consumer Satısfaction Scale’ that Alexandris and Palialia 1999 developed was used. In order to determine the effects of recreational activities that take place in Municipality facilities on consumer satisfaction; gender. education level. age. occupation and income state differences were examined with t- test and ANOVA analysis. As a consequence of the committed analysis. there are no differences according to gender. The individuals who have primary school level education and are officers have high level satisfaction in dimension of facilities/ services. In comparing the sample group age with the age groups. having high level significant differences in all dimensions that compose consumer satisfaction is remarkable result of the research.


  • Afthinos. Y.. Theodorakis. N.D.. & Nassis. P. (2005). Customers’ expectations of services in Greek fitness centres. Gender. age. type of sport center. and motivation differences.Managing Service Quality. 15(3). pp. 245-258.
  • Ağılönü. A.. Mengütay. S. (2009). Yerel Yönetimlerde Rekreasyon Hizmetleri ve Model Belirleme. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi. 2(3). 160-176. [In Turkish]
  • Akdenk M. (1989) Türk sporunun gelişmesinde spor
  • federasyonlarının rolü. güreş federasyonu örneği. Marmara Üniversitesi. İstanbul. [In Turkish]
  • Alexandris. K. and Carroll. B. (1999). Constraints on recreational sport participation within the adult population in Greece: implications for the provision and management of sport services. Journal of Sport Management. 13. 317–32.
  • Alexandris. K. Palialia. E. (1999). Measuring customer satisfaction in fitness centres in Greece: an exploratory study. Managing Leisure. 4. 21 8-228.
  • Beard. J. G. Ragheb. M. G. (1983). Measuring leisure motivation. Journal of Leisure Research. 15 (3). 219 – 228
  • Brady. M. Cronin. J. (2001). Some new thoughts on conceptualizing perceived service quality: A hierarchical approach. Journal of Marketing. 65 (July). 34-49.
  • Bitner. M. (1992). Servicescapes: The impact of physical surroundings on customers and employees. Journal of Marketing. 56. 57-71.
  • Celik. V. O. (2015). Faculty of Sport Sciences Students’ Sports Products Brand Preferences: Anadolu University Case. Pamukkale Journalof Sport Sciences. 6(2). 01-16. [In Turkish]
  • Crompton. J. MacKay. K. (1989) User’s perceptions of the relative importance of service quality dimensions in selected public and recreation programs. Leisure Sciences. 11. 367–75.
  • Cronin. J.J. Brady. M.K.. Hult. G.T.M. (2000). Assessing the effects of quality. value. and customer satisfaction on consumer behavioral intentions in service environments. Journal of Retailing. 76(2). 193- 218.
  • Cronin. J. Taylor. S. (1992) Measuring service quality: a reexamination and extension. Journal of Marketing. 56. 55–68. 13. Deighton. J. (1992). The Consumption of Performance. Journal of Consumer Research. 19 (3). 362-72.
  • Du Cap. M. C. (2002). The perceived impact of the Acadia Advantage Program on the leisure lifestyle and leisure satisfaction of the students at Acadia University (Master Thesis). Acadia University. Ottawa. Canada.
  • Engel. J.. Blackwell. R. Miniard. P. (1995) Consumer Behaviour. International Edition. The Dryden Press. Harcourt Brace College Publishers. Philadelphia and Tokyo.
  • Francken. D. A. Van Raaij. W. F. (1981). Satisfaction with Leisure Time Activities. Jouranl of Leisure research. 13. 337-352.
  • Greenwell. T. C. (2007). Expectations. industry standards. and customer satisfaction in the student ticketing process. Sport Marketing Quarterly. 15. 7-14.
  • Janke. M .C.. Carpenter. G.. Payne. L. L.. Stockard. J. (2011). The role of life experiences on perceptions of leisure during adulthood: A longitudinal analysis. Leisure Sciences. 33(1). 52-69.
  • Karaküçük S. (2001) Rekreasyon Boş Zamanları
  • Değerlendirme. 4. Baskı. Gazi Kitabevi. Ankara. [In Turkish]
  • Karasar N. (2005) Scientific Research Methods. Nobel Issues. Ankara. s.25. [In Turkish]
  • Kim. D.. Kim. S. (1995). QUESC: An instrument for assessing the service quality of sport centers in Korea. Journal of Sport Management. 9 (2). 208-220.
  • Kim. C.. Kim. S. Y. (1998). Segmentation of sport center members in Seoul based on attitudes toward service quality. Journal of Sport Management. 12. 273-287.
  • Ko. Y. J. Pastore. D. L. (2005). A Hierarchical Model of Service Quality for the Recreational Sport Industry. Sport Marketing Quarterly. 2005. 14. 84-97.
  • Landrum H. Prybutok VR. Zhang X. (2010) The Moderating Effect of Occupation on The Perception of Information Services Quality and Success. Computers & Industrial Engineering; (58): 133-142.
  • Lim CG. Bennett RR. Dagger T. (2008) The Impact of Service Characteristics on Service Quality Perceptions. Journal of Services Marketing; 22 (7): 550-561. and Demographic
  • Ko. Y. J.. Pastore. D. L. (2007). An instrument to assess customer perceptions of service quality and satisfaction Recreational Sport Journal. 31(1). 34-42. recreation programs.
  • Milne. G.R.. McDonald M.A. (1999). Sport Marketing: Managing the Exchange Process. Sudbury. MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
  • Mobley T A. (2006) Yerel yönetimlerin halkın rekreasyon ve park ihtiyaç ve hizmetlerini karşılamadaki rolü. Yerel Yönetimler ve Sağlıklı Kentler Sempozyumu. Eskisehir.
  • Oliver. R. (1980) A cognitive model of the ante- cedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions. Journal of Marketing Research. 17. 460–9.
  • Oliver. Richard L. (1997) Satisfaction: A Behavioral Perspective on the Consumer. New York. NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Parasuraman. A.. Zeithaml. V. and Berry. L. (1988) SERVQUAL: a multiple item scale for measur- ing consumer perceptions of service quality. Journal of Retailing. 64. 12–37.
  • Ryan C.. Glendon İ. (1998) Application of Leisure Motivation Scale to Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research. Vol. 25 No. 1. pp. 169-184.
  • Sener. A. Terzioglu. R. G.. & Karabulut. E. (2007). Life satisfaction and leisure activities during retirement of men: A Turkish sample. Aging & Mental Health. 11(1). 30-36. [In Turkish]
  • Taylor. S. A. Baker. T. L. (1994). An Assessment of the Relationship Between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Formation of Consumers’ Purchase Intentions. Journal of Retailing. 70(2). 163– 178.
  • Theodorakis N. D.. Kambitsis C.. Laios A. and Koustelios A.. Relationship Between Measure of Service Quality and Satisfaction of Spectator in Professional Sports. Managing Service Quality. 11 (6). 431-438. (2001).
  • Theodorakis. N. D. and Alexandris. K. (2008). “Can Service Quality Predict Spectators’ Behavioral Intentions in Professional Soccer?”. Managing Leisure. Vol 13. pp. 162-178.
  • Triado. X. M.. Aparicio. P.. Rimbau. E. (1999). Identification of factors of customers satisfactions in municipal suggestions for satisfaction improvement. Cyber Journal of Sport Marketing. 13. 34-61. Some
  • Westerbeek HM. (2000) The influence of frequency of attendance and age on place-specific dimensions of service quality at Australian rules football matches. Sport Marketing Quarterly; 9 (4): 194-202.
  • Yerlisu. T. (2013). Life satisfaction. leisure satisfaction and perceived freedom of park recreation participants. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Volume 93. 21 October 2013. Pages 1985-1993.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Kerem Yıldırım Şimşek This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 11 Issue: 2
