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Year 2017, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 188 - 194, 01.08.2017


Araştırmamızda artistik buz patencilere yaptırılan kor bölgesi antrenmanlarının Loop ve Toe loop sıçramalardaki alt ekstremite kinematiğine etkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmamıza 10-15 yaş grubu 8 artistik buz pateni sporcusu katılmıştır. Deneklerin loop ve toe loop sıçramaları 2 adet Basler 100 Hz. kamera ile kaydedilmiştir. Hareketlerin analizlerinde 8.5.7 Simi hareket analiz programı kullanılmıştır. Alanın kalibrasyonu DLT yöntemiyle yapılmıştır. Harekete giriş esnasındaki diz açısı, sıçrama sonrası düşüşteki diz açısı ile yatayda sıçrama mesafesi değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Denekler 8 hafta boyunca Kor bölgesine yönelik haftada 3 gün 1 er saat antrenman yapmışlardır. Antrenman sonrasında da ölçümler tekrar edilerek, antrenman öncesi ve sonrası dataların karşılaştırması SPSS 20.0 istatistik paket programında Wilcoxon Testi ile yapılmıştır. . Loop sıçramasındaki çıkış açısı ve çıkış mesafesinin antrenman sonrasında azaldığı tespit edilmiştir p


  • Akdeniz H. ve arkadaşları“9 – 15 Yaş Grubu Artistik Antrenmanların Dikey Sıçrama Yüksekliğine Etkisi”. ERPA International Congresses on Education 2016 - Book of Proceedings: 464- 468, 2016 [In Turkish] Uygulanan Core 2. Akuthota, V., & Nadler, S. F.. “Core strengthening. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation”, 85, 86-92, 2004.
  • Altınok, N., Şahan, A., Erman, K. A., Uzun, A.“Merkez değerlendirilmesi bataryasının geliştirilmesi ve geçerliliğinin sağlanması”. Ulusal Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(1): 54-59, 2017 [In Turkish] kas izometrik test
  • Baker, J., Janning, C., Wong, H., Cobley, S., & Schorer, J. “Variations in relative age effects in individual sports: Skiing, figure skating and gymnastics”. European Science, 14, pp. 183-190, 2014 Journal of Sport
  • Chiang, C. A., Yang, W. W., Chang, Y. W., & Chou, L. W. “The Importance Of Core Muscle Training Performance: 341 Board# 179 May 28, 9. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 46, 85, 2014 Çömük N., Erden Z. ‘’Artistik buz pateninde üçlü sıçrayış performansının çeviklik ve reaksiyon zamanı ile ilişkisi’’. Fizyoter. Rehabil. Derg. 21(2): 75-80, 2010 [In Turkish] Jumping 6.
  • Fig G. Strength training for swimmers: Training the core. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 2005;27(2):40–42.
  • Doğan, G., Mendeş, B., Akcan, F., & Tepe, A. “Futbolculara uygulanan sekiz haftalik core antrenmanin parametreler üzerine etkisi”. Beden Egitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(1), 2016 fizyolojik
  • Dizajdizi, L. Z., Nourbakhsh, P., & Sepasi, H. “Effects of core stability exercises on selected motor proficiency indices and self-confidence in teenage Biotechnology Research Communications, 9(2), 270-276, 2016 Bioscience
  • Dufek, J. S., & Bates, B. T. “Biomechanical factors associated with injury during landing in jump sports”. Sports medicine, 12(5), 326-337, 1991
  • King, D. L., Arnold, A. S., & Smith, S. L.. “A kinematic comparison of single, double, and triple Biomechanics, 10(1), 51-60, 1994 of Applied
  • King, D. L. “Performing triple and quadruple figure skating jumps: implications for Journal of Applied
  • Leetun, D. T., Ireland, M. L., Willson, J. D., Ballantyne, B. T., & Davis, I. M. “Core stability measures as risk factors for lower extremity injury in athletes”. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 36(6), 926-934, 2004
  • Porter, E. B., Young, C. C., Niedfeldt, M. W., & Gottschlich, L. M. “Sport-specific injuries and medical problems of figure skaters”. WMJ- MADISON-, 106(6), 330, 2007
  • Sannicandro I., Cofano G. “Core Stability Training and Jump Performance inYoung Basketball Players”. International Journal of Science and Research 6(5): 479-482, 2017
  • Samson, M.K. (2005). The Effects of a Five- Week Core Stabilization-Training Program on Dynamic Balance in Tennis Athletes, Master’s Thesis, West Virginia University.
  • Sato, K., & Mokha, M. “Does core strength training influence running kinetics, lower- extremity stability, and 5000-M performance in runners?”. The Conditioning Research, 23(1), 133-140, 2009
  • Sharma, A., Geovinson, S. G., & Singh, S. J.. of Strength & “Effects of a nine-week core strengthening exercise performances and static balance in volleyball players with trunk instability”. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, 52(6), 606-615, 2012 on vertical jump
  • Sharp M. P., “A biomechanical analysis of the single toe loop and the single loop jump of novice figure skaters”. Master of Science Health and Human Development Montana State Unıversıty, Bozeman, Montana, 1999
  • Taşkın C. “Effect of Core Training Program on
  • Physical Functional Performance in Female Soccer Studies 9(5): 115-123, 2016 Education
  • Wang, X. Q., Zheng, J. J., Yu, Z. W., Bi, X., Lou, S. J., Liu, J., & Shen, H. M. “A meta- analysis of core stability exercise versus general pain”. PloS one, 7(12), 2012 chronic low back
  • Willson, J. D., Dougherty, C. P., Ireland, M. L., & Davis, I. M. “Core stability and its relationship to lower extremity function and injury”. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 13(5), 316-325, 2005
  • Yapıcı A. “Investigation Of The Effects Of
  • Teaching Core Exerciseson Young Soccer Players”. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education 11(16): 9410-9421, 2016
  • Yüksel, O., Akkoyunlu, Y., Karavelioğlu, M. B., Harmancı, H., Kayhan, M., & Koç, H. “Basketbolcularda core alt ekstremite kuvveti antrenmanlarının dinamik denge ve şut isabeti üzerine etkisi”. Marmara Üniversitesi Spor Bilimler Dergisi 1(1): 51-61, 2016 [In Turkish]


Year 2017, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 188 - 194, 01.08.2017


This study aims to investigate the impact of core training performed by figure skaters on the lower extremity kinematics of loop and toe loop jumps. Eight-figure skaters from the age group of 10-15 have participated in the study. The loop and toe loop jumps of participants were recorded by two Basler 100 Hz. cameras. 8,5,7. Simi motion analysis program was used for the analysis of movements. The calibration of the area was done by using the DLT method. The knee angle at the beginning of a movement, the knee angle after the jump and horizontal jump distance were taken into consideration. The participants have gone through one-hour core training three days per week, for a total eight weeks. The measurements were repeated after each training and pre- and post-training data were compared by Wilcoxon test in SPSS 20.0 package program. Results show that the exit angle and exit distance of the loop jump have decreased after training p < 0,05 . The movement made by narrower knee angle appeared to support the increase in the vertical jump, rather than horizontal jump. Therefore the use of core training in land-based training has a positive impact, especially in hitless jumps.


  • Akdeniz H. ve arkadaşları“9 – 15 Yaş Grubu Artistik Antrenmanların Dikey Sıçrama Yüksekliğine Etkisi”. ERPA International Congresses on Education 2016 - Book of Proceedings: 464- 468, 2016 [In Turkish] Uygulanan Core 2. Akuthota, V., & Nadler, S. F.. “Core strengthening. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation”, 85, 86-92, 2004.
  • Altınok, N., Şahan, A., Erman, K. A., Uzun, A.“Merkez değerlendirilmesi bataryasının geliştirilmesi ve geçerliliğinin sağlanması”. Ulusal Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(1): 54-59, 2017 [In Turkish] kas izometrik test
  • Baker, J., Janning, C., Wong, H., Cobley, S., & Schorer, J. “Variations in relative age effects in individual sports: Skiing, figure skating and gymnastics”. European Science, 14, pp. 183-190, 2014 Journal of Sport
  • Chiang, C. A., Yang, W. W., Chang, Y. W., & Chou, L. W. “The Importance Of Core Muscle Training Performance: 341 Board# 179 May 28, 9. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 46, 85, 2014 Çömük N., Erden Z. ‘’Artistik buz pateninde üçlü sıçrayış performansının çeviklik ve reaksiyon zamanı ile ilişkisi’’. Fizyoter. Rehabil. Derg. 21(2): 75-80, 2010 [In Turkish] Jumping 6.
  • Fig G. Strength training for swimmers: Training the core. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 2005;27(2):40–42.
  • Doğan, G., Mendeş, B., Akcan, F., & Tepe, A. “Futbolculara uygulanan sekiz haftalik core antrenmanin parametreler üzerine etkisi”. Beden Egitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(1), 2016 fizyolojik
  • Dizajdizi, L. Z., Nourbakhsh, P., & Sepasi, H. “Effects of core stability exercises on selected motor proficiency indices and self-confidence in teenage Biotechnology Research Communications, 9(2), 270-276, 2016 Bioscience
  • Dufek, J. S., & Bates, B. T. “Biomechanical factors associated with injury during landing in jump sports”. Sports medicine, 12(5), 326-337, 1991
  • King, D. L., Arnold, A. S., & Smith, S. L.. “A kinematic comparison of single, double, and triple Biomechanics, 10(1), 51-60, 1994 of Applied
  • King, D. L. “Performing triple and quadruple figure skating jumps: implications for Journal of Applied
  • Leetun, D. T., Ireland, M. L., Willson, J. D., Ballantyne, B. T., & Davis, I. M. “Core stability measures as risk factors for lower extremity injury in athletes”. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 36(6), 926-934, 2004
  • Porter, E. B., Young, C. C., Niedfeldt, M. W., & Gottschlich, L. M. “Sport-specific injuries and medical problems of figure skaters”. WMJ- MADISON-, 106(6), 330, 2007
  • Sannicandro I., Cofano G. “Core Stability Training and Jump Performance inYoung Basketball Players”. International Journal of Science and Research 6(5): 479-482, 2017
  • Samson, M.K. (2005). The Effects of a Five- Week Core Stabilization-Training Program on Dynamic Balance in Tennis Athletes, Master’s Thesis, West Virginia University.
  • Sato, K., & Mokha, M. “Does core strength training influence running kinetics, lower- extremity stability, and 5000-M performance in runners?”. The Conditioning Research, 23(1), 133-140, 2009
  • Sharma, A., Geovinson, S. G., & Singh, S. J.. of Strength & “Effects of a nine-week core strengthening exercise performances and static balance in volleyball players with trunk instability”. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, 52(6), 606-615, 2012 on vertical jump
  • Sharp M. P., “A biomechanical analysis of the single toe loop and the single loop jump of novice figure skaters”. Master of Science Health and Human Development Montana State Unıversıty, Bozeman, Montana, 1999
  • Taşkın C. “Effect of Core Training Program on
  • Physical Functional Performance in Female Soccer Studies 9(5): 115-123, 2016 Education
  • Wang, X. Q., Zheng, J. J., Yu, Z. W., Bi, X., Lou, S. J., Liu, J., & Shen, H. M. “A meta- analysis of core stability exercise versus general pain”. PloS one, 7(12), 2012 chronic low back
  • Willson, J. D., Dougherty, C. P., Ireland, M. L., & Davis, I. M. “Core stability and its relationship to lower extremity function and injury”. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 13(5), 316-325, 2005
  • Yapıcı A. “Investigation Of The Effects Of
  • Teaching Core Exerciseson Young Soccer Players”. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education 11(16): 9410-9421, 2016
  • Yüksel, O., Akkoyunlu, Y., Karavelioğlu, M. B., Harmancı, H., Kayhan, M., & Koç, H. “Basketbolcularda core alt ekstremite kuvveti antrenmanlarının dinamik denge ve şut isabeti üzerine etkisi”. Marmara Üniversitesi Spor Bilimler Dergisi 1(1): 51-61, 2016 [In Turkish]
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Bergün Meriç Bingül This is me

Hakan Akdeniz This is me

Özlem Ağca Töre This is me

Menşure Aydın This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


APA Bingül, B. M., Akdeniz, H., Töre, Ö. A., Aydın, M. (2017). THE IMPACT OF CORE TRAINING IN FIGURE SKATING ON THE LOWER EXTREMITY KINEMATICS OF LOOP AND TOE LOOP JUMPS. Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(2), 188-194.