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Year 2017, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 35 - 40, 01.04.2017


Bu çalışma, antrenmanlı ve antrenmansız genç yetişkinlerde egzersiz sırasında meydana gelen maksimum yağ oksidasyon hızının karşılaştırılması amacıyla yapıldı. Araştırmaya antrenmanlı yaş= 20.75±0.31 yıl, n=24 ve antrenmansız yaş= 21.71±0.48 yıl, n=26 toplamda gönüllü 50 genç yetişkin erkek katıldı. Denekler bir gece açlık sonrası dakikada 60 pedal çevirme hızı ile 60 watt yükle kademeli olarak artan egzersiz testi uygulandı. Yük her 3,5 dakikada 35 watt artırıldı, bu sırada indirekt kalorimetre ile solunum parametrelerinin ölçümü gerçekleştirildi. Test sırasında ölçülen substrat oksidasyon hızları ve maksimum yağ oksidasyonu hızının gerçekleştiği egzersiz şiddetindeki solunum değerlerinin karşılaştırılması bağımsız gruplarda t-testi ile analiz edildi. Kademeli olarak artırılan yüklerde tükenene kadar uygulanan egzersiz testi sırasında tespit edilen maksimum yağ oksidasyon hızındaki oksijen tüketimi, solunum değişim oranı, kalp atım hızı, yağın ve karbonhidratın enerji harcamasına katkıları gruplar arasında önemli düzeyde farklıydı p


  • Achten J., Gleeson M., Jeukendrup A. E., “Determination of the Exercise Intensity that Elicits Maximal Fat Oxidation” Med Sci Sports Exerc. 34. pp.92-97, 2002. 2. Achten J., Jeukendrup A.E., “Maximal Fat Oxidation During Exercise in Trained Men” Int J Sports Med. 24. pp. 603-608, 2003.
  • Achten J, Jeukendrup A.E., “Optimizing Fat Oxidation Through Exercise and Diet” Nutrition. 20. pp. 716-727, 2004. 4. Achten J, Venables M.C, Jeukendrup A.E., “Fat Oxidation Rates Are Higher During Running Compared with Cycling Over A Wide Range of Intensities” Metabolism. 52. pp. 747-752, 2003.
  • Balcı S.S., “Comparison of Substrate Oxidation during Walking and Running in Normal-Weight and Overweight/Obese Men” Obes Facts. 5. pp. 327- 338, 2012.
  • Coggan A.R., Raguso C.A., Gastaldelli A., Sidossis L.S., Yeckel C.W., “Fat Metabolism during High- Intensity Exercise in Endurance-Trained and Untrained Men” Metabolism. 49. pp.122-128, 2000.
  • Croci I., Borrani F., Byrne N.M., Wood R.E., Cheneviere Hickman “Reproducibility of Fatmax and Fat Oxidation Rates during Exercise in Recreationally Trained Males” PLoS doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0097930 Malatesta D., ONE; 9. pp. e97930, 2014.
  • Dumortier M., Thöni G., Brun J.F., Mercier J.
  • “Substrate Oxidation during Exercise: Impact of Time Interval from the Last Meal in Obese Women” Int J Obes (Lond). 29. pp. 966-974, 2005.
  • Durnin J.V., Womersley J., “Body Fat Assessed from
  • Total Body Density and Its Estimation from Skinfold Thickness: Measurements on 481 Men and Women Aged From 16 to 72 Years” Br J Nutr. 32. pp. 77-97, 1974.
  • Frayn K.N., “Calculation of Substrate Oxidation
  • Rates in Vivo from Gaseous Exchange” J Appl Physiol. 55. pp. 628-634, 1983.
  • González-Haro C., Galilea P.A., González-de-Suso
  • J.M., Drobnic F., Escanero J.F., “Maximal Lipidic Power in High Competitive Level Triathletes and Cyclists” Br J Sports Med. 41. pp. 23-28, 2007.
  • Hetleid K.J., Plews D.J., Herold E., Laursen P.B., Seiler S., “Rethinking the Role of Fat Oxidation: Substrate Utilisation During High-Intensity Interval Training in Well-Trained and Recreationally Trained Runners” BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. pp.e000047, 2015. doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2015-000047
  • İpekoğlu G., Balcı Ş.S., “Comparison between
  • Continuous and Intermittent Submaximal Exercise at the Intensity of Maximal Fat Oxidation” Journal of Human Sciences.13. pp. 4604-4612, 2016.
  • Jeukendrup A.E., “Modulation of Carbohydrate and
  • Fat Utilization by D
  • iet, Exercise and Environment”
  • Biochem Soc Trans. 31. pp.1270-1273, 2003.
  • Klein S., Weber J., Coyle E.F., “Effect of Endurance
  • Training on Glycerol Kinetics during Strenuous Exercise in Humans” Metabolism. 45. pp. 357-361, 1996.
  • Kostyak J.C., Kris-Etherton P., Bagshaw D., DeLany J.P., Farrell P.A., “Relative Fat Oxidation Is Higher in Children than Adults” Nutr J. 6, 2007. doi: 10.1186/1475-2891-6-19
  • Lima-Silva A.E., Bertuzzi R.C., Pires F.O., Gagliardi J.F., Barros R.V., Hammond J., Kiss M.A., “Relationship between Training Status and Maximal Fat Oxidation Rate” J Sports Sci Med. 9. pp. 31-35, 2010.
  • Meyer T., Folz C., Rosenberger F., Kindermann W., “The Reliability of Fatmax”. Scand J Med Sci Sports: 19. pp. 213–221, 2009.
  • Nordby P., Saltin B., Helge J.W., “Whole-Body Fat Oxidation Determined by Graded Exercise and Indirect Calorimetry: A Role for Muscle Oxidative Capacity?” Scand J Med Sci Sports.16. pp. 209-214, 2006.
  • Peric R., Meucci M., Nikolovski Z., “Fat Utilization
  • During High-Intensity Exercise: When Does It End? Sports Med Open. 35, 2016. Doi: 10.1186/S40798- 016-0060-1
  • Pillard F., Moro C., Harant I., Garrigue E., Lafontan M., Berlan M., Crampes F., de Glisezinski I., Rivière D., “Lipid Oxidation According to Intensity and Exercise Duration in Overweight Men and Women. Obesity (Silver Spring).15. pp. 2256-2262, 2007.
  • Randell R.K., Rollo I., Roberts T.J., Dalrymple K.J., Jeukendrup A.E., Carter J.M., “Maximal Fat Oxidation Rates in an Athletic Population” Med Sci Sports Exerc. 49. pp. 133-140, 2017.
  • Romijn J.A., Coyle E.F., Sidossis L.S., Gastaldelli A., Horowitz J.F., Endert E., Wolfe R.R., “Regulation of Endogenous Fat and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Relation to Exercise Intensity and Duration” Am J Physiol. 265. pp. E380-391, 1993.
  • Schwindling S.
  • Scharhag-Rosenberger F.
  • Kindermann W., Meyer T., “Limited Benefit of
  • Fatmax-Test to Derive Training Prescriptions” Int J
  • Sports Med. 35. pp. 280-285, 2014.
  • Stisen A.B., Stougaard O., Langfort J., Helge J.W., Sahlin K., Madsen K., “Maximal Fat Oxidation Rates in Endurance Trained and Untrained Women” Eur J Appl Physiol. 98. pp. 497-506, 2006.
  • Venables M.C., Achten J., Jeukendrup A.E., “Determinants of Fat Oxidation during Exercise in Healthy Men and Women: A Cross-Sectional Study” J Appl Physiol. 98. pp. 160-167, 2005.
  • Venables M.C., Jeukendrup A.E., “Endurance Training and Obesity: Effect on Substrate Metabolism and Insulin Sensitivity” Med Sci Sports Exerc. 40. pp. 495-502, 2008.


Year 2017, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 35 - 40, 01.04.2017


The aim of the present study is to examine the differences in maximal fat oxidation rate during exercise between trained and untrained young adult men. 50 healthy, trained age= 20.75±0.31 years, BMI= 21.75±0.34 kg/m2, n= 24 and untrained age= 21.71±0.48 years, BMI= 22.19±0.41 kg/m2, n= 26 young men volunteered to participate in this study. After overnight fast, subjects tested on a Monark cycle ergometer and started pedaling at an external power output of 60 W. Subjects’ pedaling cadence was kept at 60 revolutions/min rpm . Every 3.5 min, the power output was increased by 35 W until exhaustion. Maximal oxygen uptake and maximal fat oxidation rate were determined with indirect calorimetry by using an incremental exercise test on cycle. An unpaired Student’s t-test was used to determine the differences between the groups. Oxygen uptake, respiratory exchange ratio, heart rate, relative contribution of fat and carbohydrate to energy expenditure at exercise intensity that elicits maximal fat oxidation Fatmax were significantly different between trained and untrained subjects p


  • Achten J., Gleeson M., Jeukendrup A. E., “Determination of the Exercise Intensity that Elicits Maximal Fat Oxidation” Med Sci Sports Exerc. 34. pp.92-97, 2002. 2. Achten J., Jeukendrup A.E., “Maximal Fat Oxidation During Exercise in Trained Men” Int J Sports Med. 24. pp. 603-608, 2003.
  • Achten J, Jeukendrup A.E., “Optimizing Fat Oxidation Through Exercise and Diet” Nutrition. 20. pp. 716-727, 2004. 4. Achten J, Venables M.C, Jeukendrup A.E., “Fat Oxidation Rates Are Higher During Running Compared with Cycling Over A Wide Range of Intensities” Metabolism. 52. pp. 747-752, 2003.
  • Balcı S.S., “Comparison of Substrate Oxidation during Walking and Running in Normal-Weight and Overweight/Obese Men” Obes Facts. 5. pp. 327- 338, 2012.
  • Coggan A.R., Raguso C.A., Gastaldelli A., Sidossis L.S., Yeckel C.W., “Fat Metabolism during High- Intensity Exercise in Endurance-Trained and Untrained Men” Metabolism. 49. pp.122-128, 2000.
  • Croci I., Borrani F., Byrne N.M., Wood R.E., Cheneviere Hickman “Reproducibility of Fatmax and Fat Oxidation Rates during Exercise in Recreationally Trained Males” PLoS doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0097930 Malatesta D., ONE; 9. pp. e97930, 2014.
  • Dumortier M., Thöni G., Brun J.F., Mercier J.
  • “Substrate Oxidation during Exercise: Impact of Time Interval from the Last Meal in Obese Women” Int J Obes (Lond). 29. pp. 966-974, 2005.
  • Durnin J.V., Womersley J., “Body Fat Assessed from
  • Total Body Density and Its Estimation from Skinfold Thickness: Measurements on 481 Men and Women Aged From 16 to 72 Years” Br J Nutr. 32. pp. 77-97, 1974.
  • Frayn K.N., “Calculation of Substrate Oxidation
  • Rates in Vivo from Gaseous Exchange” J Appl Physiol. 55. pp. 628-634, 1983.
  • González-Haro C., Galilea P.A., González-de-Suso
  • J.M., Drobnic F., Escanero J.F., “Maximal Lipidic Power in High Competitive Level Triathletes and Cyclists” Br J Sports Med. 41. pp. 23-28, 2007.
  • Hetleid K.J., Plews D.J., Herold E., Laursen P.B., Seiler S., “Rethinking the Role of Fat Oxidation: Substrate Utilisation During High-Intensity Interval Training in Well-Trained and Recreationally Trained Runners” BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. pp.e000047, 2015. doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2015-000047
  • İpekoğlu G., Balcı Ş.S., “Comparison between
  • Continuous and Intermittent Submaximal Exercise at the Intensity of Maximal Fat Oxidation” Journal of Human Sciences.13. pp. 4604-4612, 2016.
  • Jeukendrup A.E., “Modulation of Carbohydrate and
  • Fat Utilization by D
  • iet, Exercise and Environment”
  • Biochem Soc Trans. 31. pp.1270-1273, 2003.
  • Klein S., Weber J., Coyle E.F., “Effect of Endurance
  • Training on Glycerol Kinetics during Strenuous Exercise in Humans” Metabolism. 45. pp. 357-361, 1996.
  • Kostyak J.C., Kris-Etherton P., Bagshaw D., DeLany J.P., Farrell P.A., “Relative Fat Oxidation Is Higher in Children than Adults” Nutr J. 6, 2007. doi: 10.1186/1475-2891-6-19
  • Lima-Silva A.E., Bertuzzi R.C., Pires F.O., Gagliardi J.F., Barros R.V., Hammond J., Kiss M.A., “Relationship between Training Status and Maximal Fat Oxidation Rate” J Sports Sci Med. 9. pp. 31-35, 2010.
  • Meyer T., Folz C., Rosenberger F., Kindermann W., “The Reliability of Fatmax”. Scand J Med Sci Sports: 19. pp. 213–221, 2009.
  • Nordby P., Saltin B., Helge J.W., “Whole-Body Fat Oxidation Determined by Graded Exercise and Indirect Calorimetry: A Role for Muscle Oxidative Capacity?” Scand J Med Sci Sports.16. pp. 209-214, 2006.
  • Peric R., Meucci M., Nikolovski Z., “Fat Utilization
  • During High-Intensity Exercise: When Does It End? Sports Med Open. 35, 2016. Doi: 10.1186/S40798- 016-0060-1
  • Pillard F., Moro C., Harant I., Garrigue E., Lafontan M., Berlan M., Crampes F., de Glisezinski I., Rivière D., “Lipid Oxidation According to Intensity and Exercise Duration in Overweight Men and Women. Obesity (Silver Spring).15. pp. 2256-2262, 2007.
  • Randell R.K., Rollo I., Roberts T.J., Dalrymple K.J., Jeukendrup A.E., Carter J.M., “Maximal Fat Oxidation Rates in an Athletic Population” Med Sci Sports Exerc. 49. pp. 133-140, 2017.
  • Romijn J.A., Coyle E.F., Sidossis L.S., Gastaldelli A., Horowitz J.F., Endert E., Wolfe R.R., “Regulation of Endogenous Fat and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Relation to Exercise Intensity and Duration” Am J Physiol. 265. pp. E380-391, 1993.
  • Schwindling S.
  • Scharhag-Rosenberger F.
  • Kindermann W., Meyer T., “Limited Benefit of
  • Fatmax-Test to Derive Training Prescriptions” Int J
  • Sports Med. 35. pp. 280-285, 2014.
  • Stisen A.B., Stougaard O., Langfort J., Helge J.W., Sahlin K., Madsen K., “Maximal Fat Oxidation Rates in Endurance Trained and Untrained Women” Eur J Appl Physiol. 98. pp. 497-506, 2006.
  • Venables M.C., Achten J., Jeukendrup A.E., “Determinants of Fat Oxidation during Exercise in Healthy Men and Women: A Cross-Sectional Study” J Appl Physiol. 98. pp. 160-167, 2005.
  • Venables M.C., Jeukendrup A.E., “Endurance Training and Obesity: Effect on Substrate Metabolism and Insulin Sensitivity” Med Sci Sports Exerc. 40. pp. 495-502, 2008.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Şükrü Serdar Balcı This is me

Zübeyde Aslankeser This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 11 Issue: 1
