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Year 2017, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 41 - 48, 01.04.2017


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’deki yarışmacı 9-10 yaş tenis oyuncularının bazı motor performans test sonuçlarının yaşa ve cinsiyete göre farklarını ortaya çıkarmak ve test sonuçlarından normatif veriler elde etmektir. Toplam 2461 yarışmacı tenis oyuncusuna 9 yaş grubunda 925 erkek, 647 kız; 10 yaş grubunda 495 erkek, 394 kız 5 farklı motor performans testi -5 – 10 m sprint testi, tenis topu fırlatma testi, durarak uzun atlama testi ve modifiye tenis çeviklik testi- uygulandı. Test sonuçları ortalama ve standart sapma olarak ifade edildi ve yaş ve cinsiyete göre normatif tablolar oluşturuldu. Ayrıca grupların ortalamalar arası farkları Bağımsız gruplarda T testi ve ortalamaların yüzde değişimleri arasındaki farklar Mann-Whitney U testi kullanılarak analiz edildi. 10 yaşındaki tenisçiler 9 yaşındakilerden ve her yaş için erkek tenisçiler kız tenisçilerden anlamlı olarak daha iyi performans gösterdiler. Test sonuçlarında yaş ve cinsiyet farkları bulunmasına karşılık, bu fark yaş faktöründe daha büyüktü. En küçük fark, cinsiyetler arasında 5 m sprint testinde ve yaşlar arasında 10 m sprint testinde bulundu. Motor performans testleri arasında yaş ve cinsiyette gözlenen belirgin farkların, biyolojik ve çevresel faktörlerden kaynaklandığı düşünülmektedir. Elde edilen test sonuçları ve oluşturulan normatif veriler, oyuncuların ve antrenörlerin saha içi çevikliği ve sürati daha da artırmalarına ve saptanan zayıf yönleri geliştirmelerine yardımcı olabilir. Anahtar kelimeler: Yaş ve cinsiyet farklılıkları, tenis, motor performans, yüzdelik veri


  • Akşit T., & Özkol M.Z., “Elit tenisçilerde anaerobik
  • güç ve kapasite performansının saha ve laboratuvar koşullarında incelenmesi”. Ege Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu Performans Dergisi. 12(2). pp. 1-6, 2006. [in Turkish]
  • Akşit T., & Özkol M.Z., “8-10 yaş teniz oyuncularının saha testleri ik
  • e maç performansları arasındaki
  • ilişkinin incelenmesi”. Ege Üniversitesi Beden
  • Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu Performans Dergisi.
  • (1-2). pp. 27-31, 2007. [in Turkish]
  • Birrer R., Levine R., Gallippi L., & Tischler H., “The correlation preadolescent tennis players”. Journal of Sports Medicine. 26. pp.137–139, 1986. variables in
  • Díaz J.J., Rojas W.S., & Morera M., “Age and
  • gender differences in fundamental motor skills”. Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud (Journal of Exercise and Health Sciences). 13(2). 2015.
  • Drabik J., Children & Sports Training, Stadion Publishing Company, pp.14, USA,1996
  • Fernandez-Fernandez J., Mendez-Villanueva A., “A review of the activity profile and physiological demands of tennis match play”. Strength & Conditioning Journal. 31. pp.15– 26, 2009. Sanz-Rivas D., &
  • Fernandez-Fernandez J., Ulbricht A., & Ferrauti A., “Fitness testing of tennis players: how valuable is it?”. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 48. Suppl 1. pp. i22-31, 2014.
  • Girard O., & Millet G.P., “Physical determinants of tennis performance in competitive teenage players”. Strength & Conditioning Journal. 23(6). pp.1867- 1872, 2009.
  • Gokmen H., “Age and sex differences in the motor
  • performance of 6 through 11 year old children”. Education Sciences. 26(120). pp. 14-20, 2001.
  • Kovacs M.S., “Applied physiology of tennis
  • performance”. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 40(5). pp.381-386, 2006.
  • Leone M., Comtois A.S., Tremblay F., & Léger L., “Specificity of running speed and agility in competitive junior tennis players”. Journal of Medicine and Science in Tennis. 11. pp.10 -11, 2006.
  • Morris A.M., Williams J.M., Atwater A.E., & Wilmore J.H., “Age and sex differences in motor performance of 3 through 6 year old children”. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 53(3). pp. 214- 221, 1982.
  • Muratlı. S., Children and Sports, Bagırgan
  • Publishing, Ankara, 1997. [In Turkish].
  • Pekel H.A., Balcı, Ş.S., Arslan Ö., Bağcı E., Aydos
  • L., Tamer K., Pepe H., &
  • Kalemoğlu Y., “Atletizm
  • yapan çocukların performansla ilgili fiziksel uygunluk test sonuçlarının ve bazı antropometrik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi”. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi. 15(1). pp. 427–438, 2007. [in Turkish]
  • Raudsepp L., & Pääsuke M., “Gender Differences in Fundamental Performances, and Strength Measurements of Prepubertal Children”. Pediatric Exercise Science. 7(3). pp. 294-304, 1995. Patterns, Motor
  • Reid. M., Quinn. A., Crespo. M., ITF Strength and Conditioning for tennis, ITF Ltd., pp.45, London, 2003.
  • Roetert E.P., Garrett G.E., Brown S.W., & Camaione D.N., “Performance profiles of nationally ranked junior tennis players”. Journal of Applied Sport Science Research. 6. pp. 225–231, 1992.
  • Roetert E.P., Piorkowski P.A., Woods R.B., & Brown S.W., “Establishing percentiles for junior tennis players based on physical fitness testing results”. Clinics in Sports Medicine. 14(1). pp. 1-21, 1995.
  • Sevim. Y., Antrenman Bilgisi, Tutibay Ltd.Şti, s. 172
  • Ankara, 1997. [in Turkish]
  • Thomas J.R., & French K.E., “Gender differences across age in motor performance: A meta-analysis”. Psychological Bulletin. 98. pp. 260-282, 1985.
  • Toole T., & Kretzschmar J.C., “Gender Differences in Motor Performance in Early Childhood and Later Adulthood”. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal. 2(1). pp. 41-71, 1993.
  • Toriola A.L., & Igbokwe N.U., “Age and sex differences in motor performance of pre‐school Nigerian children”. Journal of Sports Sciences. 4(3). pp. 219-227, 1986.
  • Ulbricht A., Fernandez-Fernandez J.,& Ferrauti A., “The German Physical Condition Tennis Testing Program: Measurements and Implications for Training”. Journal of Medicine and Science in Tennis. 20(1). Pp. 6-16, 2015.
  • Ulbricht A., Fernandez-Fernandez J., Mendez- Villanueva A., & Ferrauti A., “The relative age effect and physical fitness characteristics in German male tennis players”. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 14(3). pp. 634-642, 2015.
  • Van Den Berg L., Coetzee B., & Pienaar E., “The influence of biological maturation on physical and motor performance talent identification determinants of U-14 provincial girl tennis players”. Journal of Human Movement Studies. 50. pp. 273-290, 2006.
  • Yoshizawa. S., Aerobic capacity in young children. Kyorin-Shoin, s. 30-31, Tokyo, 2002. [In Japanese] in Ikeda T., & Aoyagi O., “Relationships between gender difference in motor performance and age, movement skills and physical fitness among 3- to 6- year-old Japanese children based on effect size calculated by meta-analysis”. Journal of School Health. 5. pp. 9-23, 2009.


Year 2017, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 41 - 48, 01.04.2017


The purpose of this study was to establish percentile normative data and to find age and gender differences in motor performance tests of 9-10 year-old junior tennis players in Turkey. Five different motor performance tests – 5 m and 10 m sprint tests s , tennis ball throwing test m , standing long jump test m and modified tennis planned agility test s - were applied to 2461 925 boys and 647 girls aged 9; 495 boys and 394 girls aged 10 competitive tennis players. The mean and standard deviation for each test data were calculated according to the players’ age and gender groups, and then percentile tables were established for them. Independent samples T test and Mann-Whitney U test were used to determine significant mean and percentage change in means differences in the related measures of the groups. Older girls and boys performed significantly better than younger boys and girls, and boys are superior to girls in the tests. Differences were found significantly in age and gender on all of the motor tests; however, age seems to be related more to performance than gender is. Differences of a lesser magnitude were found on only 5 m sprint test for gender and on only 10 m sprint test for age. The result that significant age and gender differences were found on all the motor test items may stem from biological and environmental factors. The test results and creating normative data may help players and coaches to improve specific areas of weakness to further enhance their on-court agility and speed


  • Akşit T., & Özkol M.Z., “Elit tenisçilerde anaerobik
  • güç ve kapasite performansının saha ve laboratuvar koşullarında incelenmesi”. Ege Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu Performans Dergisi. 12(2). pp. 1-6, 2006. [in Turkish]
  • Akşit T., & Özkol M.Z., “8-10 yaş teniz oyuncularının saha testleri ik
  • e maç performansları arasındaki
  • ilişkinin incelenmesi”. Ege Üniversitesi Beden
  • Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu Performans Dergisi.
  • (1-2). pp. 27-31, 2007. [in Turkish]
  • Birrer R., Levine R., Gallippi L., & Tischler H., “The correlation preadolescent tennis players”. Journal of Sports Medicine. 26. pp.137–139, 1986. variables in
  • Díaz J.J., Rojas W.S., & Morera M., “Age and
  • gender differences in fundamental motor skills”. Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud (Journal of Exercise and Health Sciences). 13(2). 2015.
  • Drabik J., Children & Sports Training, Stadion Publishing Company, pp.14, USA,1996
  • Fernandez-Fernandez J., Mendez-Villanueva A., “A review of the activity profile and physiological demands of tennis match play”. Strength & Conditioning Journal. 31. pp.15– 26, 2009. Sanz-Rivas D., &
  • Fernandez-Fernandez J., Ulbricht A., & Ferrauti A., “Fitness testing of tennis players: how valuable is it?”. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 48. Suppl 1. pp. i22-31, 2014.
  • Girard O., & Millet G.P., “Physical determinants of tennis performance in competitive teenage players”. Strength & Conditioning Journal. 23(6). pp.1867- 1872, 2009.
  • Gokmen H., “Age and sex differences in the motor
  • performance of 6 through 11 year old children”. Education Sciences. 26(120). pp. 14-20, 2001.
  • Kovacs M.S., “Applied physiology of tennis
  • performance”. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 40(5). pp.381-386, 2006.
  • Leone M., Comtois A.S., Tremblay F., & Léger L., “Specificity of running speed and agility in competitive junior tennis players”. Journal of Medicine and Science in Tennis. 11. pp.10 -11, 2006.
  • Morris A.M., Williams J.M., Atwater A.E., & Wilmore J.H., “Age and sex differences in motor performance of 3 through 6 year old children”. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 53(3). pp. 214- 221, 1982.
  • Muratlı. S., Children and Sports, Bagırgan
  • Publishing, Ankara, 1997. [In Turkish].
  • Pekel H.A., Balcı, Ş.S., Arslan Ö., Bağcı E., Aydos
  • L., Tamer K., Pepe H., &
  • Kalemoğlu Y., “Atletizm
  • yapan çocukların performansla ilgili fiziksel uygunluk test sonuçlarının ve bazı antropometrik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi”. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi. 15(1). pp. 427–438, 2007. [in Turkish]
  • Raudsepp L., & Pääsuke M., “Gender Differences in Fundamental Performances, and Strength Measurements of Prepubertal Children”. Pediatric Exercise Science. 7(3). pp. 294-304, 1995. Patterns, Motor
  • Reid. M., Quinn. A., Crespo. M., ITF Strength and Conditioning for tennis, ITF Ltd., pp.45, London, 2003.
  • Roetert E.P., Garrett G.E., Brown S.W., & Camaione D.N., “Performance profiles of nationally ranked junior tennis players”. Journal of Applied Sport Science Research. 6. pp. 225–231, 1992.
  • Roetert E.P., Piorkowski P.A., Woods R.B., & Brown S.W., “Establishing percentiles for junior tennis players based on physical fitness testing results”. Clinics in Sports Medicine. 14(1). pp. 1-21, 1995.
  • Sevim. Y., Antrenman Bilgisi, Tutibay Ltd.Şti, s. 172
  • Ankara, 1997. [in Turkish]
  • Thomas J.R., & French K.E., “Gender differences across age in motor performance: A meta-analysis”. Psychological Bulletin. 98. pp. 260-282, 1985.
  • Toole T., & Kretzschmar J.C., “Gender Differences in Motor Performance in Early Childhood and Later Adulthood”. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal. 2(1). pp. 41-71, 1993.
  • Toriola A.L., & Igbokwe N.U., “Age and sex differences in motor performance of pre‐school Nigerian children”. Journal of Sports Sciences. 4(3). pp. 219-227, 1986.
  • Ulbricht A., Fernandez-Fernandez J.,& Ferrauti A., “The German Physical Condition Tennis Testing Program: Measurements and Implications for Training”. Journal of Medicine and Science in Tennis. 20(1). Pp. 6-16, 2015.
  • Ulbricht A., Fernandez-Fernandez J., Mendez- Villanueva A., & Ferrauti A., “The relative age effect and physical fitness characteristics in German male tennis players”. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 14(3). pp. 634-642, 2015.
  • Van Den Berg L., Coetzee B., & Pienaar E., “The influence of biological maturation on physical and motor performance talent identification determinants of U-14 provincial girl tennis players”. Journal of Human Movement Studies. 50. pp. 273-290, 2006.
  • Yoshizawa. S., Aerobic capacity in young children. Kyorin-Shoin, s. 30-31, Tokyo, 2002. [In Japanese] in Ikeda T., & Aoyagi O., “Relationships between gender difference in motor performance and age, movement skills and physical fitness among 3- to 6- year-old Japanese children based on effect size calculated by meta-analysis”. Journal of School Health. 5. pp. 9-23, 2009.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Tolga Akşit This is me

Gülbin Rudarlı Nalçakan This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Akşit, T., & Nalçakan, G. R. (2017). PERCENTILE NORMS AND AGE AND GENDER DIFFERENCES IN THE MOTOR PERFORMANCE TESTS OF 9-10 YEAR-OLD JUNIOR TENNIS. Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1), 41-48.