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Year 2016, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 226 - 234, 01.08.2016


Bu çalışmanın amacı; sınıf seviyesi ve sporla ilgili farklı özelliklerin kız öğrencilerinin beden eğitimi dersi sportmenlik davranışlarına etkisini incelemektir. Araştırma örneklemini 2013-2014 eğitim öğretim yılında Erzincan il merkezindeki devlet okullarına devam eden ve rastgele seçilen toplam 706 kız öğrenci oluşturdu. Araştırmada Koç 2013 , tarafından ortaokul öğrencileri için geliştirilen “Beden Eğitimi Dersi Sportmenlik Davranışı Ölçeği BEDSDÖ ” ile öğrencilerin beden eğitimi dersi ve sporla ilgili bazı özelliklerini içeren anket uygulandı. Ölçeğin lise öğrencileri için geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması yapıldı. Kız öğrencilerin sportmenlik ölçeğinden aldığı puanlar sınıf düzeyleri ile farklı değişkenlere göre okul takımlarında oynama, spor kulübünde oynama, okul ve kulüp dışında spor yapma, televizyonda maç izleme, gazetede spor haberlerini takip etme test edildi. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde SPSS 15 ve LISREL 8,7 programları kullanıldı. Ölçeğin faktör yapısını test etmek amacıyla yapılan doğrulayıcı faktör analizi DFA sonucunda; uyum değerleri, kabul edilir düzeyde olduğu görüldü. Ölçeğin tamamının iç tutarlılık güvenirliği Cronbach Alpha .88 olarak hesaplandı. Ölçeğin lise öğrencileri için de kullanılabilecek, geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçek olduğu anlaşıldı. Elde edilen veriler ışığında kız öğrencilerin, sportmenlik davranışlarının bazı etkenlere göre farklılaştığı görüldü.


  • Akandere, M., Baştuğ, G. & Güler, E.D., “Effect of participation in sports on moral development of chıld in secondary school” Niğde University Physical Education and Sports Sciences Journal. 3(1), pp.59-67, 2009. [ In
  • Turkish with English Abstract]. Arslan C. ve Yıldırım E., “Investigation of the factors being affected from soectators of amateur and professional football players” Celal Bayar University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences; 4(1): pp.12-21, 2009. [ In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Sosyal Bilimler Için Veri Analizi El Kitabı. (dördüncü baskı). Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2004. [In Turkish]
  • Cecchini, JA, Montero, J., Alonso, A., Izquierdo, M. & Contreras, O. “Effects of personal and social responsibility on fair play in sports and self-control in schoo-aged youths” European Journal of Sport Science, (4): pp.203-211, 2007.
  • Christine, N. & Kim, YS., “Improving socialization through sport an analytic rewiew of literature on aggression and sportsmanship” Physical Educator, (3.), 2005.
  • Ellis, G.D., Henderson, H.L., Paisley., Silverberg, K.E., & Wells, M.S., “Bringing sportsmanship back to your youth sports leagues”, Parks & Recreation, 39, pp.46-51, Erdemli, A., Temel Sorunlarıyla Spor Felsefesi, E Yayınları, İstanbul, 2002. [In Turkish]
  • Gill DL. Psychological Dynamics of Sport and Exercise. Second Edition. Human Kinetics; 2000.
  • Güllü, M., Investigating the attitudes of the secondary education students towards the physical education lesson.Doctoral Dissertation, Gazi University, Health Sciences Institute, Ankara. 2009. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Gümüşdağ H., Fouls in professional football and their evaluation in terms of aggressiveness theories. Doctoral Dissertation, Gazi University, Health Sciences Institute, Ankara. 2004. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Gürpınar, B., Unsportsmanlike behaviors that basketball and soccer referees’ meet and analyzing that behaviors about some variables. Doctoral Dissertation, Gazi University, Health Sciences Institute, Ankara. 2009.
  • In Turkish with English Abstract]. Hassandra, M., Bekian, A & Sakellariou, K. “Physical education teacher’s verbal aggression and student’s fair play behaviors”, Physical Educator, 64(2). 2007.
  • Hayes RN., Comparisons of social and moral character and their relationship to task and ego orientations among college athletes. Doctorate Thesis. University of Arkansas. 2006.
  • Hon, J., “Teaching fair play: The Essence of Sport”, Journal of Physical Education, 65 (7), pp.70-73. 1994.
  • Kampf S., A study of division 1 men’s college basketball official’s perceptions of sportsmanship. Doctorate Thesis. New York: State University of Buffalo, Keating JW., Sportsmanship as a moral category. In: Morgan WJ, (Editor) Ethics in Sport. pp. 141-152. Human Kinetics, 2007.
  • Koç, Y., “Sportspersonship Behavior Scale in Physical Education Course: Validity Reliability Study”, Erzincan University Journal of Education Faculty, 15(1), 114, (2013). [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Koç, Y. Investıgatıon of primary and secondary school students' physical fitness and their attitudes towards physical education lesson. Dissertation, Gazi University, Health Sciences Institute, Ankara. 2009. [ In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Laker, A., Developing personal, social and moral education through physical education - a practical guide for teachers. Routledge, London and New York, 2001.
  • Lee, M. J., Whitehead, J. & Ntoumanis, N., “Development of the attitudes to moral decision-making in youth sport questionnaire (AMDYSQ)”, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 8(3), pp.369-392. 2007.
  • Lodl, K. “Development a game plan for good sportsmanship” New Direction for Youth Development. (9), pp.127-134. 2005.
  • Loland, S., Fair play in sport - a moral norm system (ethics and sport), Routledge, London and New York, Mc Cutcheon, LE., “The sportspersonship orientations scale has psychometric problems”, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, (3), pp.439-444. 1999.
  • Miller, B.W, Roberts, GC & Ommundsen, Y., “Effect of motivational climate on sportspersonship among competitive youth male and female football players” Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sport, , pp.1–10. 2003.
  • Özdevecioğlu, M. & Yalçın Y., “The effect of sports satisfaction on stress and aggression levels in sportsman” Niğde University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 4(1), pp.63-76. 2010. [In
  • Turkish with English Abstract]. Satcher ND., Social and moral reasoning of high school athletes and non-athletes. Doctorate Thesis. The University of Southern Mississippi. 2006.
  • Shields, D., La Voi, N., Bredemeier, B. & Power, F. “Predictors of poor sportspersonship in youth sports: personal attitudes and social influences” Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 29(6), pp.747-762. 2007.
  • Stephens DE., Goal orientation and moral atmosphere in youth sport: an examination of lying hurting and cheating behavior in girl’s soccer. Doctorate Thesis. Berkeley: University of California, 1993.
  • Stornes, T., & Bru, E. “Sportspersonship and perceptions of leadership. An investigation of adolescent handball players’ perceptions of sportspersonship and relations with perceived leadership” European Journal of Sport Science, 6(2), pp.1–15., 2002.
  • Stornes, T., & Ommundsen, Y., “Achievement goals, motivational climate and sportspersonship: a study of young handball players”, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 48, pp.205–221. 2004.
  • Tasi E. Fung L. Sportspersonship in youth basketball and volleyball players. The Online Journal of Sport Psychology. 7 (2), 2005. Retrieved April 17, 2013, from p.htm
  • Tucker, LW, & Parks, JB., “Effects of gender and sport type on intercollegiate athletes' perceptions of the legitimacy of aggressive behaviors in sport”, Sociology of Sport Journal, 18 (4), pp.403-413. 2001.
  • Vallerand, RJ, Briere NM, Blanchard CM. & Provencher PJ., “Development and validation of the multidimensional sportspersonship orientations scale”, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology; 19(2): pp.197- , 1997.
  • Vallerand, RJ, & Losier, GF., “Self-determined motivation and sportsmanship orientations: an assessment of their temporal relationship”, Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 16, pp.229-245. 1994.
  • Wells, M. S., Ellis, G. D., Paisley, K. P., & Arthur- Banning, S. G., “Development and evaluation of a program to promote sportsmanship in youth sports”, Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 23(1), pp.1-17. 2005.
  • Wells, SM, Arthur-Banning, SG, Paisley, KP, Ellis, GD, Roark, MF. & Fisher, K., “Good (youth) sports: using benefits-based programming to increase sportsmanship”, Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 26(1): pp.1-21, 2008.
  • Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2014
  • Yıldıran, İ. & Sezen, G., “The evaluation of the perceptions of the teacher trainees of physical education towards the concrete events including the conflict between fairness and professionalism”, Gazi University Educational Faculty Journal, 11(3), pp.3-14. 2006. [In
  • Turkish with English Abstract]. Yılmaz, V. & Çelik, HE., Lisrel ile yapısal eşitlik modellemesi-1, Pegem A. Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2009. [In Turkish]
  • Young, K. Sport, Violence and Society, New York: Routledge. 2012.


Year 2016, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 226 - 234, 01.08.2016


The aim of this study is to examine the effect of some sportive features of elementary and high school female students on their physical education course sportsmanship behaviors. The sample of the study consists of totally randomly selected 706 female students in Erzincan in 20132014 school year. In the study, “Physical Education Course Sportsmanship Behavior Scale” PECSBS and a survey which includes features of students related to physical education course and sports developed by Koç 2013 for elementary school students were used. The validity and reliability of the scale for high school students were also measured. It was also tested whether the scores of female students obtained in the sportsmanship scale differed according to their sportive features. In the analysis of the data, SPSS 15 and LISREL 8,7 programs were consulted. As a result of confirmatory factor analysis in order to test factor structure, consistency values were found to be admissible. Reliability of Cronbach Alpha internal consistency of the scale was .88. It was found that the scale was valid and reliable and could be used for high school students. In the light of the data collected, female students’ sportsmanship behaviors according to some factors differed.


  • Akandere, M., Baştuğ, G. & Güler, E.D., “Effect of participation in sports on moral development of chıld in secondary school” Niğde University Physical Education and Sports Sciences Journal. 3(1), pp.59-67, 2009. [ In
  • Turkish with English Abstract]. Arslan C. ve Yıldırım E., “Investigation of the factors being affected from soectators of amateur and professional football players” Celal Bayar University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences; 4(1): pp.12-21, 2009. [ In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Sosyal Bilimler Için Veri Analizi El Kitabı. (dördüncü baskı). Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2004. [In Turkish]
  • Cecchini, JA, Montero, J., Alonso, A., Izquierdo, M. & Contreras, O. “Effects of personal and social responsibility on fair play in sports and self-control in schoo-aged youths” European Journal of Sport Science, (4): pp.203-211, 2007.
  • Christine, N. & Kim, YS., “Improving socialization through sport an analytic rewiew of literature on aggression and sportsmanship” Physical Educator, (3.), 2005.
  • Ellis, G.D., Henderson, H.L., Paisley., Silverberg, K.E., & Wells, M.S., “Bringing sportsmanship back to your youth sports leagues”, Parks & Recreation, 39, pp.46-51, Erdemli, A., Temel Sorunlarıyla Spor Felsefesi, E Yayınları, İstanbul, 2002. [In Turkish]
  • Gill DL. Psychological Dynamics of Sport and Exercise. Second Edition. Human Kinetics; 2000.
  • Güllü, M., Investigating the attitudes of the secondary education students towards the physical education lesson.Doctoral Dissertation, Gazi University, Health Sciences Institute, Ankara. 2009. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Gümüşdağ H., Fouls in professional football and their evaluation in terms of aggressiveness theories. Doctoral Dissertation, Gazi University, Health Sciences Institute, Ankara. 2004. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Gürpınar, B., Unsportsmanlike behaviors that basketball and soccer referees’ meet and analyzing that behaviors about some variables. Doctoral Dissertation, Gazi University, Health Sciences Institute, Ankara. 2009.
  • In Turkish with English Abstract]. Hassandra, M., Bekian, A & Sakellariou, K. “Physical education teacher’s verbal aggression and student’s fair play behaviors”, Physical Educator, 64(2). 2007.
  • Hayes RN., Comparisons of social and moral character and their relationship to task and ego orientations among college athletes. Doctorate Thesis. University of Arkansas. 2006.
  • Hon, J., “Teaching fair play: The Essence of Sport”, Journal of Physical Education, 65 (7), pp.70-73. 1994.
  • Kampf S., A study of division 1 men’s college basketball official’s perceptions of sportsmanship. Doctorate Thesis. New York: State University of Buffalo, Keating JW., Sportsmanship as a moral category. In: Morgan WJ, (Editor) Ethics in Sport. pp. 141-152. Human Kinetics, 2007.
  • Koç, Y., “Sportspersonship Behavior Scale in Physical Education Course: Validity Reliability Study”, Erzincan University Journal of Education Faculty, 15(1), 114, (2013). [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Koç, Y. Investıgatıon of primary and secondary school students' physical fitness and their attitudes towards physical education lesson. Dissertation, Gazi University, Health Sciences Institute, Ankara. 2009. [ In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Laker, A., Developing personal, social and moral education through physical education - a practical guide for teachers. Routledge, London and New York, 2001.
  • Lee, M. J., Whitehead, J. & Ntoumanis, N., “Development of the attitudes to moral decision-making in youth sport questionnaire (AMDYSQ)”, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 8(3), pp.369-392. 2007.
  • Lodl, K. “Development a game plan for good sportsmanship” New Direction for Youth Development. (9), pp.127-134. 2005.
  • Loland, S., Fair play in sport - a moral norm system (ethics and sport), Routledge, London and New York, Mc Cutcheon, LE., “The sportspersonship orientations scale has psychometric problems”, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, (3), pp.439-444. 1999.
  • Miller, B.W, Roberts, GC & Ommundsen, Y., “Effect of motivational climate on sportspersonship among competitive youth male and female football players” Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sport, , pp.1–10. 2003.
  • Özdevecioğlu, M. & Yalçın Y., “The effect of sports satisfaction on stress and aggression levels in sportsman” Niğde University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 4(1), pp.63-76. 2010. [In
  • Turkish with English Abstract]. Satcher ND., Social and moral reasoning of high school athletes and non-athletes. Doctorate Thesis. The University of Southern Mississippi. 2006.
  • Shields, D., La Voi, N., Bredemeier, B. & Power, F. “Predictors of poor sportspersonship in youth sports: personal attitudes and social influences” Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 29(6), pp.747-762. 2007.
  • Stephens DE., Goal orientation and moral atmosphere in youth sport: an examination of lying hurting and cheating behavior in girl’s soccer. Doctorate Thesis. Berkeley: University of California, 1993.
  • Stornes, T., & Bru, E. “Sportspersonship and perceptions of leadership. An investigation of adolescent handball players’ perceptions of sportspersonship and relations with perceived leadership” European Journal of Sport Science, 6(2), pp.1–15., 2002.
  • Stornes, T., & Ommundsen, Y., “Achievement goals, motivational climate and sportspersonship: a study of young handball players”, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 48, pp.205–221. 2004.
  • Tasi E. Fung L. Sportspersonship in youth basketball and volleyball players. The Online Journal of Sport Psychology. 7 (2), 2005. Retrieved April 17, 2013, from p.htm
  • Tucker, LW, & Parks, JB., “Effects of gender and sport type on intercollegiate athletes' perceptions of the legitimacy of aggressive behaviors in sport”, Sociology of Sport Journal, 18 (4), pp.403-413. 2001.
  • Vallerand, RJ, Briere NM, Blanchard CM. & Provencher PJ., “Development and validation of the multidimensional sportspersonship orientations scale”, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology; 19(2): pp.197- , 1997.
  • Vallerand, RJ, & Losier, GF., “Self-determined motivation and sportsmanship orientations: an assessment of their temporal relationship”, Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 16, pp.229-245. 1994.
  • Wells, M. S., Ellis, G. D., Paisley, K. P., & Arthur- Banning, S. G., “Development and evaluation of a program to promote sportsmanship in youth sports”, Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 23(1), pp.1-17. 2005.
  • Wells, SM, Arthur-Banning, SG, Paisley, KP, Ellis, GD, Roark, MF. & Fisher, K., “Good (youth) sports: using benefits-based programming to increase sportsmanship”, Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 26(1): pp.1-21, 2008.
  • Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2014
  • Yıldıran, İ. & Sezen, G., “The evaluation of the perceptions of the teacher trainees of physical education towards the concrete events including the conflict between fairness and professionalism”, Gazi University Educational Faculty Journal, 11(3), pp.3-14. 2006. [In
  • Turkish with English Abstract]. Yılmaz, V. & Çelik, HE., Lisrel ile yapısal eşitlik modellemesi-1, Pegem A. Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2009. [In Turkish]
  • Young, K. Sport, Violence and Society, New York: Routledge. 2012.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Yakup Koç This is me

Kemal Tamer This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 10 Issue: 2
