Araştırmanın amacı yüksek ve düşük frekanslı akut tüm vücut vibrasyon [TVV] uyaranlarının postural kontrol yetenekleri üzerine olan ektilerinin incelenmesidir. Anadolu Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesinde öğrenci olan 16 erkek çalışmaya gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. TBV uyarıları şu parametreler izlenerek uygulanmıştır: 1 frekans: 30 ve 40 Hz: 2 duruş: statik squat pozisyonu: 3 genlik: 4mm: 4 diz fleksiyon açısı: 120o : süresi: 60sn. Medio-lateral yer reaksiyon kuvvetİ MLYRK ve anterio-posterior yer reaksiyon kuvvetİ APYRK kuvvet platformu ile ölçüldü. 4mm genlikte düşük ve yüksek frekanslı TVV uyaranları farklı postural adaptasyonlarla sonuçlanmıştır p
1. Maurer C, Mergner T, Bolha B , Hlavacka , F. Vestibular, visual, and somatosensory contributions to human control of upright stance. Neurosci Lett, 2000, Mar 10;281(2-3):99-102.
2. Peterka RJ. Sensorimotor integration in human postural control. J Neurophysiol, 2002, Sep;88(3):1097-118
3. Horak FB, Macpherson JM. Postural orientation and equilibrium. Exercise: regulation and integration of multiple systems. In: Shepherd J, Rowell L, eds. Handbook of physiology. New York: Oxford University, 1996, pp 255-292.
4. Nashner LM. Practical Management of the Dizzy Patient. In: Computerized dynamic posturography. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001, pp 143-170.
5. Hayashi R, Miyake A, Watanabe S. The functional role of sensory inputs from the foot: stabilizing human standing posture during voluntary and vibrationinduced body sway. Neurosci Res, 1998, Feb;5(3):203-13.
6. Adamcová N, Hlavačka F: Human postural responses to leg muscle vibration altered by visual scene motion. Physiol Res, 2004, (Suppl. 1): S129- S134, 2006
7. Hassan BS, Mockett S, Doherty M: Static postural sway, proprioception, and maximal voluntary quadriceps contraction in patients with knee osteoarthritis and normal control subjects. Ann Rheum Dis, 2001, Jun; 60(6): 612–618.
8. Latash ML, Postural control. In: Neurophysiological Basis of Movement. Champaign: Human Kinetics, 1998, pp163-194.
9. Lephart SM, Freddie H. Proprioception and neuromuscular control in joint stability. Champaign: Human Kinetics, 2000, pp 23-28.
10. Klonoff PS, Costa LD, Snow WG. Predictors and indicators of quality of life in patients with closedhead injury. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 1986, Oct;8(5):469-85.
11. Kenney WL, Wilmore J, Costill L: Physiology of Sport and Exercise. Human Kinetics, Fifth Edition, 2011 pp 81-87.
12. Roll J.P, Vedel J.P, Ribot E: Alteration of proprioceptive messages induced by tendon vibration in man - a microneurographic study. Experimental Brain Research, 1989, 76(1):213-22
13. Prochazka A, Gillard D, and Bennett DJ: Implications of positive feedback in the control of movement. J Neurophysiol, 1997, Jun;77(6):3237- 51.
14. Rosenbaum, DA: Human motor control, San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1991, ch. 4.
15. Visser JE, Bloem BR: Role of the basal ganglia in balance control. Neural Plast, 2005, Volume 12, Issue 2-3, Pages 161-174.
16. Wierzbicka MM, Gilhodes JC, Roll JP: Vibrationinduced postural Posteffects. J Neurophysiol, 1998, Jan;79(1):143-50
17. Kavounoudias A, Gilhodes J, Roll R, Roll JP. From balance regulation to body orientation: two goals for muscle proprioceptive information processing? Exp Brain Res, 1999, Jan;124(1):80-8.
18. Kavounoudıas A, Roll R, Roll J: Specific whole-body shifts induced by frequency-modulated vibrations of human plantar soles. Neurosci Lett, 1999, May 14;266(3):181-4.
19. Gilhodes JC, Roll JP, Tardy-Gervet MF: Perceptual and motor effects of agonist-antagonist muscle vibration in man. Exp Brain Res, 1986, 61(2):395- 402.
20. Burke D, Hagbarth KE, Löfstedt L, Wallin BG. The responses of human muscle spindle endings to vibration of non-contracting muscles. J Physiol, 1976, Oct;261(3):673-93.
21. Gilhodes JC, Gurfinkel VS, Roll JP: Role of Ia muscle spindle afferents in post-contraction and post -vibration motor effect genesis. Neurosci Lett,1992, Feb 3;135(2):247-51
22. Eklund G: General features of vibration-induced effects on balance. Ups J Med Sci, 1972, 77(2):112- 24
Year 2015,
Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 277 - 283, 01.12.2015
This study investigated the effects of high- and low-frequency acute whole-body vibration WBV on postural control ability. Sixteen male students from the Faculty of Sport Science voluntarily participated in this study. [Methods] WBV stimuli were applied using the following parameters: 1 frequency: 30 or 40 Hz; 2 stance: static squat position; 3 amplitude: 4 mm; 4 knee flexion angle: 120°; and duration: 60 s. The medio-lateral ground reaction force MLGRF and anterio-posterior ground reaction force APGRF were measured on a force platform. The results showed that static WBV stimulation at 4 mm in amplitude at low and high frequencies resulted in different postural adaptations p
1. Maurer C, Mergner T, Bolha B , Hlavacka , F. Vestibular, visual, and somatosensory contributions to human control of upright stance. Neurosci Lett, 2000, Mar 10;281(2-3):99-102.
2. Peterka RJ. Sensorimotor integration in human postural control. J Neurophysiol, 2002, Sep;88(3):1097-118
3. Horak FB, Macpherson JM. Postural orientation and equilibrium. Exercise: regulation and integration of multiple systems. In: Shepherd J, Rowell L, eds. Handbook of physiology. New York: Oxford University, 1996, pp 255-292.
4. Nashner LM. Practical Management of the Dizzy Patient. In: Computerized dynamic posturography. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001, pp 143-170.
5. Hayashi R, Miyake A, Watanabe S. The functional role of sensory inputs from the foot: stabilizing human standing posture during voluntary and vibrationinduced body sway. Neurosci Res, 1998, Feb;5(3):203-13.
6. Adamcová N, Hlavačka F: Human postural responses to leg muscle vibration altered by visual scene motion. Physiol Res, 2004, (Suppl. 1): S129- S134, 2006
7. Hassan BS, Mockett S, Doherty M: Static postural sway, proprioception, and maximal voluntary quadriceps contraction in patients with knee osteoarthritis and normal control subjects. Ann Rheum Dis, 2001, Jun; 60(6): 612–618.
8. Latash ML, Postural control. In: Neurophysiological Basis of Movement. Champaign: Human Kinetics, 1998, pp163-194.
9. Lephart SM, Freddie H. Proprioception and neuromuscular control in joint stability. Champaign: Human Kinetics, 2000, pp 23-28.
10. Klonoff PS, Costa LD, Snow WG. Predictors and indicators of quality of life in patients with closedhead injury. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 1986, Oct;8(5):469-85.
11. Kenney WL, Wilmore J, Costill L: Physiology of Sport and Exercise. Human Kinetics, Fifth Edition, 2011 pp 81-87.
12. Roll J.P, Vedel J.P, Ribot E: Alteration of proprioceptive messages induced by tendon vibration in man - a microneurographic study. Experimental Brain Research, 1989, 76(1):213-22
13. Prochazka A, Gillard D, and Bennett DJ: Implications of positive feedback in the control of movement. J Neurophysiol, 1997, Jun;77(6):3237- 51.
14. Rosenbaum, DA: Human motor control, San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1991, ch. 4.
15. Visser JE, Bloem BR: Role of the basal ganglia in balance control. Neural Plast, 2005, Volume 12, Issue 2-3, Pages 161-174.
16. Wierzbicka MM, Gilhodes JC, Roll JP: Vibrationinduced postural Posteffects. J Neurophysiol, 1998, Jan;79(1):143-50
17. Kavounoudias A, Gilhodes J, Roll R, Roll JP. From balance regulation to body orientation: two goals for muscle proprioceptive information processing? Exp Brain Res, 1999, Jan;124(1):80-8.
18. Kavounoudıas A, Roll R, Roll J: Specific whole-body shifts induced by frequency-modulated vibrations of human plantar soles. Neurosci Lett, 1999, May 14;266(3):181-4.
19. Gilhodes JC, Roll JP, Tardy-Gervet MF: Perceptual and motor effects of agonist-antagonist muscle vibration in man. Exp Brain Res, 1986, 61(2):395- 402.
20. Burke D, Hagbarth KE, Löfstedt L, Wallin BG. The responses of human muscle spindle endings to vibration of non-contracting muscles. J Physiol, 1976, Oct;261(3):673-93.
21. Gilhodes JC, Gurfinkel VS, Roll JP: Role of Ia muscle spindle afferents in post-contraction and post -vibration motor effect genesis. Neurosci Lett,1992, Feb 3;135(2):247-51
22. Eklund G: General features of vibration-induced effects on balance. Ups J Med Sci, 1972, 77(2):112- 24
Şimşek, D., Kırkaya, İ., Soylu, A. R., Uğurlu, O., et al. (2015). HOW THE CENTRAL CONTROL SYSTEM ADAPTS TO ACUTE WHOLE-BODY VIBRATION STIMULUS. Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(3), 277-283.