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Year 2014, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 180 - 186, 01.08.2014


Erkek ve kadın atletlerin yere düşüş hareketinin değerlendirilmesinde Hatalı Yere Düşüş Puanlama Sistemi LESS kullanışlı, çabuk, güvenilir, geçerli ve duyarlı bir ölçüm aracıdır. Bu çalışmada, rekreatif erkek ve kadın atletlerin LESS ile hareket modelleri araştırılmıştır. Çalışmaya 241 101 kadın, 140 erkek gönüllü rekreatif atlet katılmıştır. Atletlerin yere düşüş, sagital ve frontal düzlemden iki el kamerası ile kayıt altına alınmıştır. Bu kayıtlar, LESS konusunda eğitimli bir değerlendirici tarafından izlenerek puanlandırılmıştır. Erkek ve kadın atletler arasında yapılan karşılaştırmalarda toplam ve frontal düzlem LESS skorları anlamlı farklılıklar göstermiştir. Toplam LESS ile birlikte, her bir LESS maddesi ayrı olarak değerlendirilirse yere düşüş hata tespitinde daha faydalı bir araç olabilir. Bununla beraber, özellikle frontal düzlem değerlendirmeleri, kadın atletlerin sıçrama-düşüş aktivite programları tasarımında yol gösterici bir faktör olabilir.


  • Arendt, E., & Dick, R. “Knee injury patterns among men and women in collegiate basketball and soccer. NCAA data and review of literature” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 23. p. 694- 701, 1995. 2. Arendt, E., A., Agel, J., & Dick, R. “Anterior cruciate ligament injury patterns among collegiate men and women” Journal of Athletic Training 34(2). p. 86–92, 1999.
  • Beutler, A.I., de la Motte, S., Marshall, S.W., Padua, D.A., & Boden, B.P. “Muscle strength and qualitative jump-landing differences in male and female military cadets: The jump-ACL study” Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 8. p. 663-671, 2009.
  • Boden, B.P., Dean, G.S., Feagin, J.A., & Garrett, W.E. “Mechanisms of anterior cruciate ligament injury” Orthopedics. 23. p. 573-578, 2000.
  • Chappell, J.D., Yu, B., Kirkendall, D.T., & Garrett, W.E. “A comparison of knee kinetics between male and female recreational athletes in stop- jump tasks” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 30. p. 261-267, 2002. 6. Clarke, K.S., & Buckley, W.E. “Women’s injuries in collegiate sports. A preliminary comparative overview of three seasons” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 8. p. 187-191, 1980.
  • Colby, S., Francisco, A., Yu, B., Kirkendall, D., Finch, M., & Garrett W. “Electromyographic and kinematic Implications for anterior cruciate ligament injury” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 28. p. 234- 240, 2000. cutting maneuvers
  • Cowling, E.J., & Steele, J.R. “Is lower limb muscle synchrony during landing affected by ender? Implications for variations in ACL injury rates” Kinesiology. 11. p. 263-268, 2001. and
  • Decker, M.J., Torry, M.R., Wyland, D.J., Sterett, W.I., & Richard Steadman J. “Gender differences in lower extremity kinematics, kinetics and energy absorption during landing” Clinical Biomechanics. 18. p. 662-669, 2003.
  • Ferretti, A., Papandrea, P., Conteduca, F., & Mariani, P.P. “Knee ligament injuries in volleyball players” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 20. p. 203-207, 1992.
  • Hewett, T.E. “Neuromuscular and hormonal
  • factors associated with knee injuries in female athletes: Strategies for intervention” Sports Medicine. 29. p. 313-327, 2000
  • Huston, L.J., Vibert, B., Ashton-Miller, J.A., & Wojtys, E.M. “Gender differences in knee when landing from a drop-jump” American Journal of Knee Surgery. 14. p. 215-220, 2001.
  • Kernozek, T.W., Torry, M.R., Van Hoof, H., Cowley, H., & Tanner, S. “Gender differences in frontal and sagittal plane biomechanics during drop landing” Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 37. p. 1003-1012, 2005.
  • Lephart, S.M., Ferris, C.M., Riemann, B.L., Myers, J. B., & Fu, F.H. “Gender differences in strength and lower extremity kinematics during landing” Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 401. p. 162-169, 2002.
  • Malinzak, R.A., Colby, S.M., Kirkendall, D.T., Yu, B., & Garrett, W.E. “A comparison of knee joint patterns between men and women in selected athletic task” Clinical Biomechanics. 16. p. 438- 445, 2001.
  • Messina, D.F., Farney, W.C., & DeLee, J.C. “The
  • incidence of injury in Texas high school basketball. A prospective study among male and female athletes” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 27. p. 294-299, 1999.
  • Olsen, O.E., Myklebust, G., Engebretsen, L., & Bahr, R. “Injury mechanisms for anterior cruciate ligament injuries in team handball: a systematic video analysis” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 32. p. 1002-1012, 2004.
  • Onate, J., Cortes, N., Welch, C., Van Lunen, B.L. “Expert versus novice interrater reliability and criterion validity of the landing error scoring system” Journal of Sports Rehabilitation. 19(1). 41-56, 2010.
  • Padua, D.A., Marshall, S.W., Boling, M.C., Thigpen, C.A., Garrett, W.E., & Beutler, A.I. “The landing error scoring system (LESS) is a valid and reliable clinical assessment tool of jump- landing biomechanics: The JUMP-ACL study” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 37. p. 1996-2002, 2009.
  • Pappas, E., Hagins, M., Sheikhzadeh, A., Nordin, M., & Rose, D. “Biomechanical differences between unilateral and bilateral landings from a jump: gender differences” Clinical of Sport Medicine. 17. p. 263-268, 2007.
  • Salci, Y., Kentel, B.B., Heycan, C., Akin, S., & Korkusuz, F. “Comparison of landing maneuvers between male and female college volleyball players” Clinical Biomechanics. 19. p. 622-628, 2004.
  • Self, B.P., & Paine, D. “Ankle biomechanics
  • during four landing techniques” Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 33. p. 1338-1344, 2001.
  • Smith, H.C., Johnson, R.J., Shultz, S.J., Tourville, T., Holterman, L.A., Slauterbeck, J., Vacek, P.M., & Beynnon, B. D. “A prospective evaluation of the Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) as a screening tool for anterior cruciate ligament injury risk” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 40(3). P. 521-526, 2012.
  • Yu, B., Kirkendall, D.T., & Garrett, W.E. “Anterior
  • cruciate ligament injuries in female athletes: Anatomy, physiology, and motor control” Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review. 10. p. 58-68, 2002.
  • Zelisko, J.A., Noble, H.B., & Porter, M. “A
  • comparison men’s and women’s professional basketball injuries” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 10. 297-299, 1982.
  • Zhang, S.N., Bates, B.T., & Dufek, J.S. “Contributions of lower extremity joints to energy dissipation during landings” Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 32. p. 812-819, 2000.


Year 2014, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 180 - 186, 01.08.2014


Landing Error Scoring System LESS is a useful, quick, reliable, valid and responsive instrument for determination of landing movement errors of male and female athletes. This study focused to investigate the landing pattern of recreational male and female athletes, using the Landing Error Scoring System. The study included 241 volunteer recreational athletes 101 females, 140 males . Jump-landings were recorded by two camcorders from sagittal and frontal planes. These records were replayed and scored by a trained rater on LESS score sheets. Total and frontal plane LESS score was significantly different between male and female athletes. Beside the total LESS score, each item may be evaluated separately; frontal plane evaluation results, in particular, can be a guiding factor in designing such jump-landing activity programs in female athletes


  • Arendt, E., & Dick, R. “Knee injury patterns among men and women in collegiate basketball and soccer. NCAA data and review of literature” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 23. p. 694- 701, 1995. 2. Arendt, E., A., Agel, J., & Dick, R. “Anterior cruciate ligament injury patterns among collegiate men and women” Journal of Athletic Training 34(2). p. 86–92, 1999.
  • Beutler, A.I., de la Motte, S., Marshall, S.W., Padua, D.A., & Boden, B.P. “Muscle strength and qualitative jump-landing differences in male and female military cadets: The jump-ACL study” Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 8. p. 663-671, 2009.
  • Boden, B.P., Dean, G.S., Feagin, J.A., & Garrett, W.E. “Mechanisms of anterior cruciate ligament injury” Orthopedics. 23. p. 573-578, 2000.
  • Chappell, J.D., Yu, B., Kirkendall, D.T., & Garrett, W.E. “A comparison of knee kinetics between male and female recreational athletes in stop- jump tasks” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 30. p. 261-267, 2002. 6. Clarke, K.S., & Buckley, W.E. “Women’s injuries in collegiate sports. A preliminary comparative overview of three seasons” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 8. p. 187-191, 1980.
  • Colby, S., Francisco, A., Yu, B., Kirkendall, D., Finch, M., & Garrett W. “Electromyographic and kinematic Implications for anterior cruciate ligament injury” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 28. p. 234- 240, 2000. cutting maneuvers
  • Cowling, E.J., & Steele, J.R. “Is lower limb muscle synchrony during landing affected by ender? Implications for variations in ACL injury rates” Kinesiology. 11. p. 263-268, 2001. and
  • Decker, M.J., Torry, M.R., Wyland, D.J., Sterett, W.I., & Richard Steadman J. “Gender differences in lower extremity kinematics, kinetics and energy absorption during landing” Clinical Biomechanics. 18. p. 662-669, 2003.
  • Ferretti, A., Papandrea, P., Conteduca, F., & Mariani, P.P. “Knee ligament injuries in volleyball players” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 20. p. 203-207, 1992.
  • Hewett, T.E. “Neuromuscular and hormonal
  • factors associated with knee injuries in female athletes: Strategies for intervention” Sports Medicine. 29. p. 313-327, 2000
  • Huston, L.J., Vibert, B., Ashton-Miller, J.A., & Wojtys, E.M. “Gender differences in knee when landing from a drop-jump” American Journal of Knee Surgery. 14. p. 215-220, 2001.
  • Kernozek, T.W., Torry, M.R., Van Hoof, H., Cowley, H., & Tanner, S. “Gender differences in frontal and sagittal plane biomechanics during drop landing” Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 37. p. 1003-1012, 2005.
  • Lephart, S.M., Ferris, C.M., Riemann, B.L., Myers, J. B., & Fu, F.H. “Gender differences in strength and lower extremity kinematics during landing” Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 401. p. 162-169, 2002.
  • Malinzak, R.A., Colby, S.M., Kirkendall, D.T., Yu, B., & Garrett, W.E. “A comparison of knee joint patterns between men and women in selected athletic task” Clinical Biomechanics. 16. p. 438- 445, 2001.
  • Messina, D.F., Farney, W.C., & DeLee, J.C. “The
  • incidence of injury in Texas high school basketball. A prospective study among male and female athletes” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 27. p. 294-299, 1999.
  • Olsen, O.E., Myklebust, G., Engebretsen, L., & Bahr, R. “Injury mechanisms for anterior cruciate ligament injuries in team handball: a systematic video analysis” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 32. p. 1002-1012, 2004.
  • Onate, J., Cortes, N., Welch, C., Van Lunen, B.L. “Expert versus novice interrater reliability and criterion validity of the landing error scoring system” Journal of Sports Rehabilitation. 19(1). 41-56, 2010.
  • Padua, D.A., Marshall, S.W., Boling, M.C., Thigpen, C.A., Garrett, W.E., & Beutler, A.I. “The landing error scoring system (LESS) is a valid and reliable clinical assessment tool of jump- landing biomechanics: The JUMP-ACL study” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 37. p. 1996-2002, 2009.
  • Pappas, E., Hagins, M., Sheikhzadeh, A., Nordin, M., & Rose, D. “Biomechanical differences between unilateral and bilateral landings from a jump: gender differences” Clinical of Sport Medicine. 17. p. 263-268, 2007.
  • Salci, Y., Kentel, B.B., Heycan, C., Akin, S., & Korkusuz, F. “Comparison of landing maneuvers between male and female college volleyball players” Clinical Biomechanics. 19. p. 622-628, 2004.
  • Self, B.P., & Paine, D. “Ankle biomechanics
  • during four landing techniques” Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 33. p. 1338-1344, 2001.
  • Smith, H.C., Johnson, R.J., Shultz, S.J., Tourville, T., Holterman, L.A., Slauterbeck, J., Vacek, P.M., & Beynnon, B. D. “A prospective evaluation of the Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) as a screening tool for anterior cruciate ligament injury risk” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 40(3). P. 521-526, 2012.
  • Yu, B., Kirkendall, D.T., & Garrett, W.E. “Anterior
  • cruciate ligament injuries in female athletes: Anatomy, physiology, and motor control” Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review. 10. p. 58-68, 2002.
  • Zelisko, J.A., Noble, H.B., & Porter, M. “A
  • comparison men’s and women’s professional basketball injuries” American Journal of Sports Medicine. 10. 297-299, 1982.
  • Zhang, S.N., Bates, B.T., & Dufek, J.S. “Contributions of lower extremity joints to energy dissipation during landings” Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 32. p. 812-819, 2000.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Yaşar Salcı This is me

Alper Aslan This is me

Özgür Çelik This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Salcı, Y., Aslan, A., & Çelik, Ö. (2014). LANDING PATTERN SCREENING OF RECREATIONAL MALE AND FEMALE ATHLETES. Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(2), 180-186.