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Year 2013, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 230 - 241, 01.12.2013


Amaç: Bu araştırmanın amacı profesyonel bayan futbolcular ile sağlıklı kişilerin ayak tabanı zirve basınç, ortalama maksimal basınç ve basınç–zaman integrali karşılaştırılarak futbolun ayak tabanı üzerine etkisinin araştırılmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya ayak şikâyeti olmayan 22 bayan futbolcu 18,80 ± 2,2yaş ve kontrol gurubu olarak 28 bayan gönüllü 27,5 ±6,6yaş dâhil edilmiştir. Araştırmada EMED-SF NovelGmbH, Münih, Almanya plantar basınç analiz sistemi kullanılmıştır. Denek ve kontrol grubu ortalamaları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farkın olup olmadığı non-parametrik Mann Whitney U testi, fiziksel yapı ve ayak tabanına ait değişkenler arasındaki doğrusal ilişkinin büyüklüğü Pearson’un r katsayısı hesaplanarak incelenmiştir. Ölçümlerde %95 güven aralığı ile P < 0.01 – 0.05 anlamlılık seviyesi kabul edilmiştir. Bulgular: Ölçümler sonunda ayak tabanı 11 temas alanı zirve basınç sağ ayak 2., sol ayak 1,2,3,4.metatars başlarında ve 3.4.5 ayak parmaklarında , ortalama maksimum basınçlarında sağ ve sol ayak 2. metatars başlarında ve basınç–zaman integrali ise sağ ayak 2 ve 3. metatars başları ile sol ayak topuk mediali,topuk laterali, 2,3 ve 4. metatars başlarında bayan futbolcularla kontrol gurubu arasında anlamlı farklılıkların olduğunu bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Bulgularımızda, futbolcuların ayak tabanı ön iç bölgelerindeki basınçların hem kontrol gurubuna göre hem de kendi ayaklarının diğer bölgelerine göre daha yüksek olduğu görülmektedir. Özellikle futbolcuların kullandıkları kramponların ayak tabanını korumada yetersiz kaldıkları ve ayak tabanı basınç parametrelerinde kalıcı değişiklikleri engelleyemedikleri belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, futbolcuların uzun süreli antrenman ve maçlarda zorlayıcı hareketlerde ayak tabanlarına aşırı yüklenmeleri sporcuların ayak tabanı basınç bölgelerinde ve değerlerinde değişime neden olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Ackland T., Elliot B., & Bloomfield J. (1994). Applied anatomy and biomechanics in sport Melborn: Blackwell scientific publication. 2.
  • Aydos L. (2011). Effect of wrestling on the foot sole of elite wrestlers. International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 6(13), 3143–3154. 3.
  • Bennett PJ., & Duplock, L. R. (1993). Pressure Distribution beneath the Human Foot. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 83(12), 674-678. 4.
  • Birtane M., & Tuna H. (2004). The evaluation of plantar pressure distribution in obese and non-obese adults. Clinical Biomechanics, 19(10), 1055-1059. doi: DOI 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2004.07.008 5.
  • Cavanagh P.R., Hewitt Jr, F., & Perry, J. (1992). In- shoe plantar pressure measurement: a review. The foot, 2(4), 185-194. 6.
  • Chen H., Nigg B. M., & Dekoning J. (1994). Relationship between Plantar Pressure Distribution under the Foot and Insole Comfort. Clinical Biomechanics, 9(6), 335-341. 7.
  • Eils E., Nolte S., Tewes M., Thorwesten L., Völker K., & Rosenbaum D. (2002). Modified pressure distribution patterns in walking following reduction of plantar sensation. Journal of biomechanics, 35(10), 1307- 1313. 8.
  • Eils E., Streyl M., Linnenbecker S., Thorwesten L., Volker K., & Rosenbaum D. (2004). Characteristic plantar pressure distribution patterns during soccer-specific movements. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 32(1), 140-145. doi: Doi 10.1177/0363546503258932 9.
  • Fong D.T.P., Mao D.W., Li J.X., & Hong Y. (2008). Greater toe grip and gentler heel strike are the strategies to adapt to slippery surface. Journal of biomechanics, 41(4), 838-844.
  • Ford K.R., Manson N.A., Evans B., Myer G.D., Gwin R. C., Heidt R. S., & Hewett T.E. (2006). Comparison of In-Shoe Foot Loading Patterns in Football Players on Natural Grass and Synthetic Turf. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(5), S24-S25.
  • Hagglund M., Walden M., Bahr R., & Ekstrand J. (2005). Methods for epidemiological study of injuries to professional football players: developing the UEFA model. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(6), 340-346. doi: DOI 10.1136/bjsm.2005.018267
  • Hawkins R.D., Hulse M.A., Wilkinson C., Hodson A., & Gibson M. (2001). The association football medical research programme: an audit of injuries in professional football. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 35(1), 43-47. 13. Junge A., Langevoort G., Pipe A., Peytavin A., Wong F., Mountjoy M., Dvorak, J. (2006). Injuries in team sport tournaments during the 2004 Olympic games. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 34(4), 565-576. doi: Doi 10.1177/0363546505281807
  • Kanatli U., Yetkin H., Simsek A., Ozturk A.M., Esen E., & Besli K. (2008). Pressure distribution patterns under the metatarsal heads in healthy individuals. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc, 42(1), 26-30.
  • Kang J.H., Chen M.D., Chen S.C.,& Hsi W.L. (2006). Correlations between subjective treatment responses and plantar pressure parameters of metatarsal pad treatment in metatarsalgia patients: a prospective study. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 7(1), 95.
  • Kılıçoğlu Ö. (2009). Sporcularda Ayak ve Ayak Bileği Sorunları (in Turkish). Klinik Gelişim, 22(1), 78-87. 17. Knapp T.P., Mandelbaum B. R., & Garrett W.E. (1998). why are stress ınjurıes so common ın the soccer player?*. Clinics in Sports Medicine, 17(4), 835-853.
  • Lord S.R., Mclean D., & Stathers G. (1992). Physiological Factors Associated with Injurious Falls in Older-People Living in the Community. Gerontology, 38(6), 338-346. 19. NCAA. sportssponsorship
  • Indianapolis, IN: National CollegiateAthletic Association, 14
  • 2005/1982_2005_participation_rates.pdf 20. NCAA.
  • women’ssoccer 2002–03. Indianapolis, IN: National Collegiate Athletic Association, 14 March 2007, from
  • 2005/1982_2005_participation_rates.pdf
  • NFLPA. (2006). NFL players playing surfaces opinion survey. National Football League Players Association.
  • Park J.H., Noh S.C., Jang H.S., Yu W.J., Park M.K., & Choi H.H.(2009). The Study of Correlation between Foot-pressure
  • International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Vols 1-3, 23(1-3), 974-978.
  • Patil S., Thatte M., & Chaskar U. (2009). Development of Planter Foot Pressure Distribution System Using Flexi Force Sensors. Sens. Trans. J, 108(9), 73-79.
  • Queen R.M., Haynes B. B., Hardaker W. M., & Garrett W. E. (2007). Forefoot loading during 3 athletic tasks. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 35(4), 630- 636. doi: Doi 10.1177/0363546506295938
  • Rad A.G., & Aghdam E.M. (2012). The Medical Insole Effects in Kinetic Patterns of Vertical Jumping for Heading between Flatfoot Male Football Players. Annals of Biological Research, 13(1), 162-169.
  • Rahnama N., Reilly T., & Lees A. (2002). Injury risk associated with playing actions during competitive soccer. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 36(5), 354- 359.
  • Stokes I., Hutton W., & Stott J. (1979). Forces acting on the metatarsals during normal walking. Journal of anatomy, 129(Pt 3), 579.
  • Torg J. (1982). Athletic footwear and orthotic appliances. Clin Sports Med, 1, 157-175.
  • Uzun A. (2012). Investigate of the effect of basketball on the sole of professional basketball players. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 4(4), 2611-2620.
  • Warden S.J., Creaby M.W., Bryant A.L., & Crossley K.M. (2007). Stress fracture risk factors in female football players and their clinical implications. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 41, I38-I43. doi: ARTN i38-i43
  • DOI 10.1136/bjsm.2007.037804
  • Wong P., Chamari K., Chaouachi A., Wislİff U., & Hong Y. (2007). Difference in plantar pressure between the preferred and non-preferred feet in four soccer- related movements. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 41(2), 84-92.
  • Wong P., Chamari K., Wislİff U., & Hong Y. (2007). Higher plantar pressure on the medial side in four soccer- related movements. British journal of sports medicine, 41(2), 93-100.
  • Wong P., & Hong Y. (2005). Soccer injury in the lower extremities. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(8), 473-482. 1981–82–2004–05 participation report. and rates March 2007, from (2007b). Injury surveillance
  • system: Distribution and Scoliosis. 13th


Year 2013, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 230 - 241, 01.12.2013


Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of football on sole peak pressure, average maximal pressure and pressure–time integral soles of professional female football players and healthy individuals. Methods: 22 female football players 18,80 ± 2,2 age and 28 female volunteers 27,5 ±6,6 age as the control group having no foot complaints were included in the study. In the research EMED-SF Novel GmbH, Munich, Germany plantar pressure analysis system was used. It was examined whether there was any statistically significant difference between the experiment and control group means using non-parametric Mann Whitney U test, the size of the linear relation between physical structure and variables of sole was examined by calculating Pearson’s r coefficient. In the measurements 95% reliability range and P < 0.01 – 0.05 were accepted as significance level. Results: At the end of the measurements, it was found that there were significant differences between the female football players and control group in right foot 2 left feet 1st, 2nd,3rd,4th metatarsal heads sole 11 contact areas peak pressure and in the 3rd, 4th and 5th toes, at average maximal pressure in right and left foot in 2nd metatarsalheads and time pressure integral in right foot 2nd and 3rd metatarsalheads and left foot heel medial, heel lateral, 2nd,3rd and 4thmetatarsalheads. Conclusion: In our findings, it was found that the pressure in football players’ sole front interior regions was higher than both the control group and the other regions in their own feet. It was determined that the particularly the crampons used by the football players were insufficient to protect the sole and failed to prevent permanent sole pressure parameters. As a result, Football players’ excessive pressing against their soles in forcing movements in long term exercises and matches are indicated to cause change in the sportsmen’s sole pressure regions and values


  • Ackland T., Elliot B., & Bloomfield J. (1994). Applied anatomy and biomechanics in sport Melborn: Blackwell scientific publication. 2.
  • Aydos L. (2011). Effect of wrestling on the foot sole of elite wrestlers. International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 6(13), 3143–3154. 3.
  • Bennett PJ., & Duplock, L. R. (1993). Pressure Distribution beneath the Human Foot. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 83(12), 674-678. 4.
  • Birtane M., & Tuna H. (2004). The evaluation of plantar pressure distribution in obese and non-obese adults. Clinical Biomechanics, 19(10), 1055-1059. doi: DOI 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2004.07.008 5.
  • Cavanagh P.R., Hewitt Jr, F., & Perry, J. (1992). In- shoe plantar pressure measurement: a review. The foot, 2(4), 185-194. 6.
  • Chen H., Nigg B. M., & Dekoning J. (1994). Relationship between Plantar Pressure Distribution under the Foot and Insole Comfort. Clinical Biomechanics, 9(6), 335-341. 7.
  • Eils E., Nolte S., Tewes M., Thorwesten L., Völker K., & Rosenbaum D. (2002). Modified pressure distribution patterns in walking following reduction of plantar sensation. Journal of biomechanics, 35(10), 1307- 1313. 8.
  • Eils E., Streyl M., Linnenbecker S., Thorwesten L., Volker K., & Rosenbaum D. (2004). Characteristic plantar pressure distribution patterns during soccer-specific movements. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 32(1), 140-145. doi: Doi 10.1177/0363546503258932 9.
  • Fong D.T.P., Mao D.W., Li J.X., & Hong Y. (2008). Greater toe grip and gentler heel strike are the strategies to adapt to slippery surface. Journal of biomechanics, 41(4), 838-844.
  • Ford K.R., Manson N.A., Evans B., Myer G.D., Gwin R. C., Heidt R. S., & Hewett T.E. (2006). Comparison of In-Shoe Foot Loading Patterns in Football Players on Natural Grass and Synthetic Turf. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(5), S24-S25.
  • Hagglund M., Walden M., Bahr R., & Ekstrand J. (2005). Methods for epidemiological study of injuries to professional football players: developing the UEFA model. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(6), 340-346. doi: DOI 10.1136/bjsm.2005.018267
  • Hawkins R.D., Hulse M.A., Wilkinson C., Hodson A., & Gibson M. (2001). The association football medical research programme: an audit of injuries in professional football. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 35(1), 43-47. 13. Junge A., Langevoort G., Pipe A., Peytavin A., Wong F., Mountjoy M., Dvorak, J. (2006). Injuries in team sport tournaments during the 2004 Olympic games. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 34(4), 565-576. doi: Doi 10.1177/0363546505281807
  • Kanatli U., Yetkin H., Simsek A., Ozturk A.M., Esen E., & Besli K. (2008). Pressure distribution patterns under the metatarsal heads in healthy individuals. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc, 42(1), 26-30.
  • Kang J.H., Chen M.D., Chen S.C.,& Hsi W.L. (2006). Correlations between subjective treatment responses and plantar pressure parameters of metatarsal pad treatment in metatarsalgia patients: a prospective study. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 7(1), 95.
  • Kılıçoğlu Ö. (2009). Sporcularda Ayak ve Ayak Bileği Sorunları (in Turkish). Klinik Gelişim, 22(1), 78-87. 17. Knapp T.P., Mandelbaum B. R., & Garrett W.E. (1998). why are stress ınjurıes so common ın the soccer player?*. Clinics in Sports Medicine, 17(4), 835-853.
  • Lord S.R., Mclean D., & Stathers G. (1992). Physiological Factors Associated with Injurious Falls in Older-People Living in the Community. Gerontology, 38(6), 338-346. 19. NCAA. sportssponsorship
  • Indianapolis, IN: National CollegiateAthletic Association, 14
  • 2005/1982_2005_participation_rates.pdf 20. NCAA.
  • women’ssoccer 2002–03. Indianapolis, IN: National Collegiate Athletic Association, 14 March 2007, from
  • 2005/1982_2005_participation_rates.pdf
  • NFLPA. (2006). NFL players playing surfaces opinion survey. National Football League Players Association.
  • Park J.H., Noh S.C., Jang H.S., Yu W.J., Park M.K., & Choi H.H.(2009). The Study of Correlation between Foot-pressure
  • International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Vols 1-3, 23(1-3), 974-978.
  • Patil S., Thatte M., & Chaskar U. (2009). Development of Planter Foot Pressure Distribution System Using Flexi Force Sensors. Sens. Trans. J, 108(9), 73-79.
  • Queen R.M., Haynes B. B., Hardaker W. M., & Garrett W. E. (2007). Forefoot loading during 3 athletic tasks. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 35(4), 630- 636. doi: Doi 10.1177/0363546506295938
  • Rad A.G., & Aghdam E.M. (2012). The Medical Insole Effects in Kinetic Patterns of Vertical Jumping for Heading between Flatfoot Male Football Players. Annals of Biological Research, 13(1), 162-169.
  • Rahnama N., Reilly T., & Lees A. (2002). Injury risk associated with playing actions during competitive soccer. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 36(5), 354- 359.
  • Stokes I., Hutton W., & Stott J. (1979). Forces acting on the metatarsals during normal walking. Journal of anatomy, 129(Pt 3), 579.
  • Torg J. (1982). Athletic footwear and orthotic appliances. Clin Sports Med, 1, 157-175.
  • Uzun A. (2012). Investigate of the effect of basketball on the sole of professional basketball players. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 4(4), 2611-2620.
  • Warden S.J., Creaby M.W., Bryant A.L., & Crossley K.M. (2007). Stress fracture risk factors in female football players and their clinical implications. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 41, I38-I43. doi: ARTN i38-i43
  • DOI 10.1136/bjsm.2007.037804
  • Wong P., Chamari K., Chaouachi A., Wislİff U., & Hong Y. (2007). Difference in plantar pressure between the preferred and non-preferred feet in four soccer- related movements. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 41(2), 84-92.
  • Wong P., Chamari K., Wislİff U., & Hong Y. (2007). Higher plantar pressure on the medial side in four soccer- related movements. British journal of sports medicine, 41(2), 93-100.
  • Wong P., & Hong Y. (2005). Soccer injury in the lower extremities. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(8), 473-482. 1981–82–2004–05 participation report. and rates March 2007, from (2007b). Injury surveillance
  • system: Distribution and Scoliosis. 13th
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Ahmet Uzun This is me

Latif Aydos This is me

Metin Kaya This is me

Ulunay Kanatlı This is me

Erdinç Esen This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


APA Uzun, A., Aydos, L., Kaya, M., Kanatlı, U., et al. (2013). DISTRIBUTION OF SOLE PRESSURE IN FEMALE FOOTBALL PLAYERS. Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(3), 230-241.