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Year 2013, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 242 - 247, 01.12.2013


This study aims to examine the effect of 12-week regular basic swimming trainings on anthropometric measurements and handgrip strength of children aged 8-10. 96 male children attended the research. 48 of the children formed the control group and 48 of them formed the experimental group. Pretest measurements of 48 children in the experimental group were made before basic swimming trainings that would last for 12 weeks and posttest measurements were made after trainings. The same measurements were taken from the other 48 children in the control group, yet any training was not applied to them. Basic swimming education was given in line with complete recovery principle to the experimental group for 12 weeks-three days a week and 60 minutes a day


  • Günay, E. “The Effect Of Regular Swimming Practice
  • On The Children's Physical And Physiological Parameters” Master thesis, Gazi University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Ankara. 2007. [In Turkish with English Abstract]
  • Warburton, D.E., Nicol, C.W., Bredin, S.S. “Health benefits of physical activity: the evidence” CMAJ; 174:801–809. 2006.
  • Jerszynski, D., Antosiak-Cyrak, K., Habiera, M., Wochna, K., Rostkowska, E. “Changes in Selected Parameters of Swimming Technique in the Back Crawl and the Front Crawl in Young Novice Swimmers” Journal of Human Kinetics volume 37, 161-171. 2013.
  • Koşar, N.Ş., Demirel, H.A. “Physiological characteristics of child athletes” Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc, ;38 Suppl 1:1-15. 2004.
  • Taşgın, E., Dönmez, N. “The Effect of the Exercise Program Applied the Children between 10 and 16 Ages on the Parameters of Respiratory” Selçuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science; 11(2): 13–16. 2009. [In Turkish with English Abstract]
  • Theintz, G.E., Howald, H., Weiss, U., Sizonenko, P.C. “Evidence for a reduction of growth potential in adolescent female gymnasts” J Pediatr;122:306-13. 1993.
  • Wawrzyniak, G. “Biological age in children who practise swimming” Anthropol Anz;59:149-56. 2001.
  • Department of Health “At least five a week: evidence on the impact of physical activity and its relationship to health”. London, Department of Health. 2004.
  • Janz, K.F., Burns, T.L., Levy, S.M. “Iowa Bone Development Study: Tracking of activity and sedentary behaviors in childhood: the Iowa Bone Development Study” Am J Prev Med;29:171–178. 2005.
  • Raudsepp, L., Neissaar, I., Kull, M. “Longitudinal stability of sedentary behaviors and physical activity during early adolescence” Pediatr Exerc Sci;20:251– 262. 2008.
  • Corder, K., van Sluijs, E.M., Ekelund, U., Jones, A.P., Griffin, S.J. “Changes in children's physical activity over 12 months: longitudinal results from the speedy study” Pediatrics;126:e926–e935. 9. 2010.
  • Beggs, S., Foong, Y.C., Le, H.C., Noor, D. Wood- Baker R, Walters JA. “Swimming training for asthma in children and adolescents aged 18 years and under” Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Apr 30;4:CD009607. 2013.
  • Göksu, Ö., Yüksek, S. “Effect Of The Applying Dynamic Flexibility Age Of The Between 10-12 Years Female Swimmers” İstanbul University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 11;3. S;62-67. 2003. [In Turkish with English Abstract] Development To
  • Zorba, E. “Vücut Yapısı Ölçüm Yöntemleri ve Şişmanlıkla Başa Çıkma” Morpa Kültür Yayınları Ltd.Ş.S: İstanbul. 17,18, 39–48,71–81, 107–135. 2006. [In Turkish]
  • Tamer, K. “Sporda Fiziksel-Fizyolojik Performans Ölçülmesi ve Değerlendirilmesi” Bağırgan Yayımevi, Ankara; 36, 138–185. 2000. [In Turkish]
  • Malina, R. M., Bouchard, T. “Somatic Grovvth, Grovvth, Maturation and Physical Activity” Champaign, Human Kinetics. 1991.
  • Vajda, I., Meszaros, J. “Effects of 3 hours a week of physical activity on body fat and cardiorespiratory parameters in boys and girls” Acta Physiol Hung. PMID: 17853771 PubMed - indexed for Medlıne. 2007.
  • Zsofia, A., Janos, T. “Swimming training after changes of body seven years old boys” J Physiol Anthropol. Romanya. 2007.
  • Seiler, S., De Koning, J.J., Foster, C. “The fall and rise of the gender difference in elite swimmers anaerobic performance” Med journal of sports England. 2006.
  • Odabaş, B. “The Effects of the 12-week swimming basic training 7-12 year-old Kids physical and motoric characteristics of male and female swimmers”Kocaeli University Graduate School of Health Sciences, School of Physical Education and Sports, Kocaeli. 2003. [In Turkish with English Abstract]
  • Smith, L. “Anthropometric measurements, and arm and leg speed performance of male and female swimmers as predictors of swim speed” J Sports Med Phys Fitness. Jun;18(2):153-68. 1978.
  • Girold, S., Maurin, D., Dugue,B., Chatard, J.C., Millet, G. “Effects of dry-land vs. resisted- and assisted-sprint exercises on swimming sprint performances” J Strength Cond Res. May;21(2):599-605. 2007.
  • Eremeev, V., Sivkov, I.G. “Effect of swimming on the physical development and health status of preschool children” Gig Sanit, Nov;(11):75-6. 1986.
  • Kellett, D.W., Willan, P.L., Bagnall, K.M. “A study of potential Olympic swimmers. Part Changes due to three months intensive training” Br J Sports Med. Jun;12(2):87-92. 1978.


Year 2013, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 242 - 247, 01.12.2013


ÖZET:Bu çalışmada; 12 haftalık düzenli temel yüzme antrenmanlarının 8-10 yaş erkek çocuklarında bazı antropometrik ölçümler ve el pençe kuvvetlerine etkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan 96 erkek çocuğun, tesadüfü olarak yaş ortalaması 8,19±0,79 yıl olan 48 çocuk deney grubu ve yaş ortalaması 8,50±1,40 yıl olan 48 çocuk kontrol grubu olarak belirlenmiştir. Deney grubunda yer alan 48 çocuktan 12 hafta devam edecek olan temel yüzme antrenmanlarına başlanmadan önce ön test, antrenmanlar bitiminde ise son test ölçümleri alınmıştır. Kontrol grubunda yer alan 48 çocuktan ise deney grubuyla eş zamanlı ön test ve son test ölçümleri alınmış bu gruptaki çocuklara herhangi bir antrenman yaptırılmamıştır. Deney grubuna 12 hafta süreyle haftada üç gün ve günde 60 dakika olmak üzere tam dinlenme ilkesine uygun şekilde temel yüzme antrenmanları yaptırılmıştır. Çalışmadan elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesi ve tabloların oluşturulması amacıyla SPSS 15.00 paket programı kullanılmıştır. Deney ve kontrol gruplarının karşılaştırılmasında Student’s t testi ve her bir grup için önceki ve sonraki ölçümlerin karşılaştırılmasında da Wilcoxon testi kullanılmıştır. Bütün istatistiksel analizlerde önemlilik seviyesi olarak p≤0.01 ve p≤0.05 değerleri kabul edilmiştir.


  • Günay, E. “The Effect Of Regular Swimming Practice
  • On The Children's Physical And Physiological Parameters” Master thesis, Gazi University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Ankara. 2007. [In Turkish with English Abstract]
  • Warburton, D.E., Nicol, C.W., Bredin, S.S. “Health benefits of physical activity: the evidence” CMAJ; 174:801–809. 2006.
  • Jerszynski, D., Antosiak-Cyrak, K., Habiera, M., Wochna, K., Rostkowska, E. “Changes in Selected Parameters of Swimming Technique in the Back Crawl and the Front Crawl in Young Novice Swimmers” Journal of Human Kinetics volume 37, 161-171. 2013.
  • Koşar, N.Ş., Demirel, H.A. “Physiological characteristics of child athletes” Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc, ;38 Suppl 1:1-15. 2004.
  • Taşgın, E., Dönmez, N. “The Effect of the Exercise Program Applied the Children between 10 and 16 Ages on the Parameters of Respiratory” Selçuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science; 11(2): 13–16. 2009. [In Turkish with English Abstract]
  • Theintz, G.E., Howald, H., Weiss, U., Sizonenko, P.C. “Evidence for a reduction of growth potential in adolescent female gymnasts” J Pediatr;122:306-13. 1993.
  • Wawrzyniak, G. “Biological age in children who practise swimming” Anthropol Anz;59:149-56. 2001.
  • Department of Health “At least five a week: evidence on the impact of physical activity and its relationship to health”. London, Department of Health. 2004.
  • Janz, K.F., Burns, T.L., Levy, S.M. “Iowa Bone Development Study: Tracking of activity and sedentary behaviors in childhood: the Iowa Bone Development Study” Am J Prev Med;29:171–178. 2005.
  • Raudsepp, L., Neissaar, I., Kull, M. “Longitudinal stability of sedentary behaviors and physical activity during early adolescence” Pediatr Exerc Sci;20:251– 262. 2008.
  • Corder, K., van Sluijs, E.M., Ekelund, U., Jones, A.P., Griffin, S.J. “Changes in children's physical activity over 12 months: longitudinal results from the speedy study” Pediatrics;126:e926–e935. 9. 2010.
  • Beggs, S., Foong, Y.C., Le, H.C., Noor, D. Wood- Baker R, Walters JA. “Swimming training for asthma in children and adolescents aged 18 years and under” Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Apr 30;4:CD009607. 2013.
  • Göksu, Ö., Yüksek, S. “Effect Of The Applying Dynamic Flexibility Age Of The Between 10-12 Years Female Swimmers” İstanbul University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 11;3. S;62-67. 2003. [In Turkish with English Abstract] Development To
  • Zorba, E. “Vücut Yapısı Ölçüm Yöntemleri ve Şişmanlıkla Başa Çıkma” Morpa Kültür Yayınları Ltd.Ş.S: İstanbul. 17,18, 39–48,71–81, 107–135. 2006. [In Turkish]
  • Tamer, K. “Sporda Fiziksel-Fizyolojik Performans Ölçülmesi ve Değerlendirilmesi” Bağırgan Yayımevi, Ankara; 36, 138–185. 2000. [In Turkish]
  • Malina, R. M., Bouchard, T. “Somatic Grovvth, Grovvth, Maturation and Physical Activity” Champaign, Human Kinetics. 1991.
  • Vajda, I., Meszaros, J. “Effects of 3 hours a week of physical activity on body fat and cardiorespiratory parameters in boys and girls” Acta Physiol Hung. PMID: 17853771 PubMed - indexed for Medlıne. 2007.
  • Zsofia, A., Janos, T. “Swimming training after changes of body seven years old boys” J Physiol Anthropol. Romanya. 2007.
  • Seiler, S., De Koning, J.J., Foster, C. “The fall and rise of the gender difference in elite swimmers anaerobic performance” Med journal of sports England. 2006.
  • Odabaş, B. “The Effects of the 12-week swimming basic training 7-12 year-old Kids physical and motoric characteristics of male and female swimmers”Kocaeli University Graduate School of Health Sciences, School of Physical Education and Sports, Kocaeli. 2003. [In Turkish with English Abstract]
  • Smith, L. “Anthropometric measurements, and arm and leg speed performance of male and female swimmers as predictors of swim speed” J Sports Med Phys Fitness. Jun;18(2):153-68. 1978.
  • Girold, S., Maurin, D., Dugue,B., Chatard, J.C., Millet, G. “Effects of dry-land vs. resisted- and assisted-sprint exercises on swimming sprint performances” J Strength Cond Res. May;21(2):599-605. 2007.
  • Eremeev, V., Sivkov, I.G. “Effect of swimming on the physical development and health status of preschool children” Gig Sanit, Nov;(11):75-6. 1986.
  • Kellett, D.W., Willan, P.L., Bagnall, K.M. “A study of potential Olympic swimmers. Part Changes due to three months intensive training” Br J Sports Med. Jun;12(2):87-92. 1978.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Alparslan Ünveren This is me

Şebnem Şarvan Cengiz This is me

Mihri Barış Karavelioğlu This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


APA Ünveren, A., Cengiz, Ş. Ş., & Karavelioğlu, M. B. (2013). DÜZENLI YÜZME EĞITIMININ ÇOCUKLARIN BAZI ANTROPOMETRIK PARAMETRELER VE EL KAVRAMA KUVVETI ÜZERINE ETKISI. Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(3), 242-247.