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Year 2013, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 100 - 107, 01.08.2013


Gençlik dönemine rastlayan üniversite yıllarında öğrenciler, alıştıkları aile ortamından ayrılmaları, dış etkilere açık hale gelmeleri ve kendi özgür seçimlerini belirgin biçimde yapıyor olmaları nedeniyle sağlıklarını olumsuz yönde etkileyecek yaşam biçimi geliştirebilir. Gençlerin bu yaşam biçimini üniversite öğrenimi sonrasına taşımaları da olasıdır. Araştırmada üniversite öğrencilerinin sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları ile fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Merkez kampüste öğrenim gören 9264 öğrencinin 1260’ına ulaşılmıştır. Araştırmada deneklere antropometrik vücut ölçümü yapılmış olup fiziksel aktivite düzeyi ve sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları ölçeği uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonucu veriler incelendiğinde araştırmaya katılan üniversite öğrencilerinin % 47,94’ünü 604 öğrenci erkek, % 52,06’sını 656 öğrenci kadın öğrencilerin oluşturduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmada üniversite öğrencilerinin sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları ile fiziksel aktivite düzeyleri arasında ortanın altında pozitif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Altun İ., “Kocaeli’nde Yaşayan Halkın Sağlıkla İlgili Tutumlarına ve Sağlık Yaşam Biçimi Davranışlarına İlişkin Bir Çalışma”, Sağlık ve Toplum. 2002, 3: 41-51. [In Turkish].
  • Anonimous, “United Nations Population Information” Network. Erişim: (http :// www. data. html), 2002, Date accessed: 26.09.2012.
  • Ayaz, S., Tezcan, S., Akıncı F. “Health Development Attitudes of Nursing College Students.” Periodical of the Nursing College, Cumhuriyet University, 2005, 9(2), 26- 34. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Baltaş Z., Stres ve Sağlık. Sağlık Psikolojisi Halk Sağlığında Davranış Bilimleri. Remzi Kitapevi, İstanbul, 2011.[In Turkish].
  • Carr H. “ Physical Activity and Health: The benefits of physical activity on minimising risk of disease and reducing disease morbidity and mortality.” Wellington: Hillary Commission; 2001.
  • Caspersen, C.J., Powell, K.E., Christenseon, G.M., “Physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness: Definitions research.” Public Health Rep.: 198 5, 100(2):126-31).
  • health related İlke ve Uygulamalar. Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, 2000, İzmir. [In Turkish].
  • Esin N., “ Specification and Development of Industrial Workers' Healthcare Behaviours.” Istanbul University. Publiched Phd. Dissertation,1997, Istanbul. [In Turkish with English Abstract]
  • Fişek N. Sağlık Yönetimi. 2 0 0 6, (http://www. /kitap-1/33.html).şek
  • 08.2009. [In Turkish]. Erişim tarihi
  • Genç ME, Eğri M, Kurçer MA, Kaya M, Pehlivan E, Karaoğlu L, Güneş G. “The Physical Activity Frequencies of Bank Employee in Malatya City Centre.” Inonu University Medical Faculty Periodical. 2002; 9(4): 237-240. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Gümüş, H., “Specifiction of the Relation of Health and Body Compositions with the Nutritional and Physical Activity Status of Adolescents who stay in Orphanages” Phd Dissertation, Gazi University, 2009, Ankara. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Hallal PC, Victora CG, Wells JC, Lima RC. Physical inactivity: prevalence and associated variables in Brazilian adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2000; 35: 1894-900. 106
  • Nigde University Journal of Physical Education And Sport Sciences Vol 7, No 2, 2013
  • Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi Cilt 7, Sayı 2, 2013
  • Karadeniz G, Uçum EY, Dedeli Ö, Karaağaç Ö. “ Healthy Living Attitudes of Students”. TSK Protector Doctor Bulletin. 2008, 7 (6): 497-502. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Kaya F, Ünüvar R, Bıçak A, Yorgancı E, Çınar B, Öz F, Kankaya FC. “ Examination of healthcare development and affecting agents of instructors”. TSK Protector Doctor Bulletin. 2008, 7 (1): 59-64. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Kong, R. “ Building Community Capacıty for Health Promotion: A Challenge for Public Health Nurses”. Public Health Nursing, 1999, 12(5), 312- 318.
  • Korkmaz A. “Yükseköğrenim Gençliğinin Problemleri”. Erişim: korkmaz.htm). 2006, Erişim Tarihi : 26. 09.2012. [In Turkish]. /145/
  • Özkan S, Yılmaz E., “Healthy living attitudes of nurses employed at hospitals”. Firat Healthcare Periodical. 2008, 3 (7): 90-105. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Pasinlioğlu T, Gözüm S. (1998). “ Healthcare attitudes of medical personnel employed at curtail step medical services.” Cumhuriyet University Nursing College Periodical. 2 (2): 1998, 60-68. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Phalank, C.,”Determinant of Health Promotive Behavior; a Preview of Current Research. Nursing Clinic North America”, 26(4), 1999, 815- 832.
  • Steptoe A,Wardle J, Cui W, Bellisle F, Zotti AM, Baranyai R, Sanderman R. Trends in smoking, diet, physical exercise, and attitudes toward health in European university students from 13 countries, 1990- 2000. Preventive Medicine, 2003, 35: 97-104.
  • Şanlı E. The Physical Activity Level- Age, Gender, and Body Mass Index Relation of Teachers. Post Graduate. Ankara: Gazi University; 2008. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Ünalan D, Öztop DB, Elmalı F, Öztürk A, Konak D, Pırlak B, Güneş D. “ The relation between eating attitudes and healthy living attitudes of a group of medical college students”. Inönü University Medical Faculty Periodical. 2009, 16 (2) 75-81. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Vural, B. K. “Determining Health Risk and its Importance for Nursing”, Cumhuriyet University Nursing College Periodical, 2002, 2(2), 39- 43. [In Turkish with English Abstract]
  • Walker SN, Sechrist KR, Pender NJ. “The health- promoting psychometric 1987;36(2):76-81. development Nurs Res.
  • Zorba E, İkizler H. C, Tekin A, Miçooğullar, O. Herkes için spor, Morpa Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul, S:125, 2006.[In Turkish]. 107


Year 2013, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 100 - 107, 01.08.2013


Students can develop a life style that will negatively affect their health due to their leaving from the family environment they have been accustomed to, their being open to external effects and their making their own choices significantly in university years concurrent with their youth. It is also possible for the young to carry this life style into their life after their education at university. In the research, it was aimed to analyze the physical activity levels and healthy life style behaviors of the university students. 1260 out of 9264 students studying at the central campus were reached. In the research, anthropometric body measurements were performed to the experimental subjects, and physical activity and healthy life style behaviors scale were carried out, as well. When the data as result of the analysis were analyzed, 47,94% 604 students of the university students participated in the research were determined as male and 52,06% 656 students were determined as female. In the research, it was concluded that there has been a positive significant relationship below the average between the healthy life style behaviors and physical activity levels of the university students.


  • Altun İ., “Kocaeli’nde Yaşayan Halkın Sağlıkla İlgili Tutumlarına ve Sağlık Yaşam Biçimi Davranışlarına İlişkin Bir Çalışma”, Sağlık ve Toplum. 2002, 3: 41-51. [In Turkish].
  • Anonimous, “United Nations Population Information” Network. Erişim: (http :// www. data. html), 2002, Date accessed: 26.09.2012.
  • Ayaz, S., Tezcan, S., Akıncı F. “Health Development Attitudes of Nursing College Students.” Periodical of the Nursing College, Cumhuriyet University, 2005, 9(2), 26- 34. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Baltaş Z., Stres ve Sağlık. Sağlık Psikolojisi Halk Sağlığında Davranış Bilimleri. Remzi Kitapevi, İstanbul, 2011.[In Turkish].
  • Carr H. “ Physical Activity and Health: The benefits of physical activity on minimising risk of disease and reducing disease morbidity and mortality.” Wellington: Hillary Commission; 2001.
  • Caspersen, C.J., Powell, K.E., Christenseon, G.M., “Physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness: Definitions research.” Public Health Rep.: 198 5, 100(2):126-31).
  • health related İlke ve Uygulamalar. Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, 2000, İzmir. [In Turkish].
  • Esin N., “ Specification and Development of Industrial Workers' Healthcare Behaviours.” Istanbul University. Publiched Phd. Dissertation,1997, Istanbul. [In Turkish with English Abstract]
  • Fişek N. Sağlık Yönetimi. 2 0 0 6, (http://www. /kitap-1/33.html).şek
  • 08.2009. [In Turkish]. Erişim tarihi
  • Genç ME, Eğri M, Kurçer MA, Kaya M, Pehlivan E, Karaoğlu L, Güneş G. “The Physical Activity Frequencies of Bank Employee in Malatya City Centre.” Inonu University Medical Faculty Periodical. 2002; 9(4): 237-240. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Gümüş, H., “Specifiction of the Relation of Health and Body Compositions with the Nutritional and Physical Activity Status of Adolescents who stay in Orphanages” Phd Dissertation, Gazi University, 2009, Ankara. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Hallal PC, Victora CG, Wells JC, Lima RC. Physical inactivity: prevalence and associated variables in Brazilian adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2000; 35: 1894-900. 106
  • Nigde University Journal of Physical Education And Sport Sciences Vol 7, No 2, 2013
  • Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi Cilt 7, Sayı 2, 2013
  • Karadeniz G, Uçum EY, Dedeli Ö, Karaağaç Ö. “ Healthy Living Attitudes of Students”. TSK Protector Doctor Bulletin. 2008, 7 (6): 497-502. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Kaya F, Ünüvar R, Bıçak A, Yorgancı E, Çınar B, Öz F, Kankaya FC. “ Examination of healthcare development and affecting agents of instructors”. TSK Protector Doctor Bulletin. 2008, 7 (1): 59-64. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Kong, R. “ Building Community Capacıty for Health Promotion: A Challenge for Public Health Nurses”. Public Health Nursing, 1999, 12(5), 312- 318.
  • Korkmaz A. “Yükseköğrenim Gençliğinin Problemleri”. Erişim: korkmaz.htm). 2006, Erişim Tarihi : 26. 09.2012. [In Turkish]. /145/
  • Özkan S, Yılmaz E., “Healthy living attitudes of nurses employed at hospitals”. Firat Healthcare Periodical. 2008, 3 (7): 90-105. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Pasinlioğlu T, Gözüm S. (1998). “ Healthcare attitudes of medical personnel employed at curtail step medical services.” Cumhuriyet University Nursing College Periodical. 2 (2): 1998, 60-68. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Phalank, C.,”Determinant of Health Promotive Behavior; a Preview of Current Research. Nursing Clinic North America”, 26(4), 1999, 815- 832.
  • Steptoe A,Wardle J, Cui W, Bellisle F, Zotti AM, Baranyai R, Sanderman R. Trends in smoking, diet, physical exercise, and attitudes toward health in European university students from 13 countries, 1990- 2000. Preventive Medicine, 2003, 35: 97-104.
  • Şanlı E. The Physical Activity Level- Age, Gender, and Body Mass Index Relation of Teachers. Post Graduate. Ankara: Gazi University; 2008. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Ünalan D, Öztop DB, Elmalı F, Öztürk A, Konak D, Pırlak B, Güneş D. “ The relation between eating attitudes and healthy living attitudes of a group of medical college students”. Inönü University Medical Faculty Periodical. 2009, 16 (2) 75-81. [In Turkish with English Abstract].
  • Vural, B. K. “Determining Health Risk and its Importance for Nursing”, Cumhuriyet University Nursing College Periodical, 2002, 2(2), 39- 43. [In Turkish with English Abstract]
  • Walker SN, Sechrist KR, Pender NJ. “The health- promoting psychometric 1987;36(2):76-81. development Nurs Res.
  • Zorba E, İkizler H. C, Tekin A, Miçooğullar, O. Herkes için spor, Morpa Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul, S:125, 2006.[In Turkish]. 107
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Fatih Murathan This is me

Talha Murathan This is me

Ümit Yetiş This is me

Zait Burak Aktuğ This is me

Aykut Dündar This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Murathan, F., Murathan, T., Yetiş, Ü., Aktuğ, Z. B., et al. (2013). ANALYZING THE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY LEVELS AND HEALTHY LIFE STYLE BEHAVIORS OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 100-107.