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Year 2013, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 108 - 115, 01.08.2013


Araştırma, Çankırı Kamp Eğitim Merkezinde 07-20 Haziran 2012 tarihleri arasında hazırlık kampına katılan Ümit Milli Judo Takımından tesadüfi olarak seçilen ve gönüllülük esası ile ankete katılan 32 bayan, 31 erkek olmak üzere toplam 63 sporcu üzerinde gerçekleşmiştir. Araştırma da iki adet anket formu kullanılmıştır. Bunlardan ilki Leary tarafından geliştirilen, Türkçe uyarlaması Çetin ve ark. tarafından yapılan “Olumsuz Değerlendirilme Korkusu Ölçeği”, ikincisi ise Dökmen tarafından geliştirilen “Empatik Eğilim Ölçeği EEÖ ” dir. Verilerin analizinde kişisel bilgiler için betimsel istatistik yöntemleri frekans n , yüzde % kullanılmıştır. Farklığı tespit etmek amacıyla; cinsiyet değişkeninde t testi, spor yaşı, uluslar arası ve ulusal müsabakalarda başarı değişkenlerinde normal dağılım ve homojenlik koşulları yerine gelmediği için Non-Parametrik testlerden Mann-Whitney U testi ve Kruskal Wallis testi uygulanmıştır. Sonuçlar 0,05 anlamlılık düzeyinde değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, cinsiyet değişkeni ile Olumsuz değerlendirmekten Korkma ve Empatik Eğilimin cinsiyete ve spor yaşına göre değişmediği, Ulusal ve Uluslar arası düzeydeki müsabakalarda ilk 5 içerisine giren sporcuların puanlarının ilk 5 e giremeyen sporcuların puanlarından düşük olduğu tespit edilmiş ve ulusal müsabakalarda başarılı olan ve olmayan sporcular arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur.


  • Ahçı H.. Gökmen H. “Competition Anxiety, Success, Sportive Experience and Athletic Proficiency Among the Female Handball Players”, Sports Sciences Journal, 6 (2), pp. 38-47. 1995.[In Turkish]
  • Albano AM.. Dibartolo PM., Heimberg RG et al: Adolescents: Children Treatment. Heimberg RG., Liebowitz MR., Hope DA., Schneier FR (eds): Social Phobia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Treatment. The Guilford Press. New York. pp.21-40, 1995. Assessment and
  • Albano AM., Hayward B. Social Anxiety Disorder. In Ollendick, T. H. (Ed.). Phobic and Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Clinician Oxford University Press. NC, USA. pp. 198-235, 2004.
  • Akçakoyun F., Çalışkan E., Karlı H. “ The Comparison of Empathy Levels of Martial Artists and Team Sportmen, Turkish Kickboxing Federation Sports Sciences Journal, 3(2), pp. 37-47, 2010.[In English Abstract]
  • Arifoğlu B., Razı GS. “The Correlation Between Empathy and Communication Skills, and Academic Achievement Management Course of the First Year Nursing of Students”. Dokuz Eylül University, Nursing School, Electronic Journal, 4 (1), pp.7-11, 2011.[In English Abstract] the Communication
  • Barnett MA. Empathy and Related Responses in Children N. Eisenberg and J. Strayer (Eds.), Empathy and its Development Cambridge, NY: Cambridge University Press, pp. 146-163, 1990.
  • Cheek MJ., Melchior AL. Shyness, Self-esteem and Self-consciousness. Handbook of Social and Evaluation Anxiety. Harold Leintenberg (ed.).New York and London: Plenum press, 1990.
  • Cihangir. Z. Kişilerarası İletişimde Dinleme Becerisi. Ankara: Nobel Yayın dağıtım, 2003. [In Turkish]
  • Cüceloğlu, D. İnsan ve Davranışı, Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul. 5.Basım. 1994. [ In Turkish]
  • Çetin B., Doğan T., Sapmaz F., “The Turkish Adaptation of Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale:The Validity and Reliability Study”. Education and Science, 35 (156), pp. 205-216, 2010.[In English Abstract]
  • Darlene BT., Aspy, DN,. “A Study of the Relationship Between Student Empathy and GPA”, Journal of Humanistic Education and Development, 22 (4), pp. 149-154,1984.
  • Demir T., Demir D., Türksoy N., Özmen E., Uysal Ö., Validity and Reliability Tests of Social Anxiety Scale for children, Thinking man, 13 (1), pp.42-48, 2001. .[In English Abstract]
  • Demir S., Kaya A. “The Effect of Group Guidance Program on Social Anxiety Acceptance Levels and Socio-metric Status Among the Adolescents”. İlköğretim 7(1), [Online]: [In Turkish Abstract] 127-140, 2008. (01.02.2009)
  • Dilbaz N., “Sosyal Fobi”, Psikiyatri Dünyasi, 1, ss:18-24, 1997. [In Turkish]
  • Dökmen Ü., Sanatta Ve Günlük Yaşamda İletişim Çatışmaları ve Empati. 1.Baskı, Öğünç Ofset, İstanbul, 1994. [In Turkish].
  • Dökmen Ü. “Empatinin Bir Modele Dayandırılarak Ölçülmesi ve Psikodrama İle Geliştirilmesi”. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 62(21), ss:155-190, 1988. [In Turkish]
  • Durak F., Vurgun N. “The Relatıon of Empathy and Team Cohesion in Terms of Team Sports”, Sportsmeter Sciences Journal, 4(2), pp. 73–77, 2006.[In English Abstract] Education and Sports
  • Erdoğan Ö., Uçukoğlu H.,” The Correlation Between Perception on Parental Attitudes, and Assertiveness and Fear of Negative Evaluation Emotions Among the Education Journal, 19(1): pp. 51-72, 2011. [In English Abstract] Students”, Kastamonu
  • Hortaçsu, N. Çocuklukta İlişkiler- Ana Baba, Kardeş ve Arkadaşlar. İstanbul: İmge kitabevi, 2003. [In Turkish]
  • Kessler RC., Berglund P., Demler O., Jin R., et al. “Lifetime Prevalence and age-of-onset Distributions of DSM-IV Disorders in the National Comorbity Survey Replication”, Archives of General Psychiatry, 62, pp. 593-602, 2005.
  • La Greca AM., Dandes SK., Wick P. et al: “Development of the Social Anxiety Scale for Children: Reliability and Concurrent Validity” Jour Clin Child Psychol 17, pp.84-91, 1988.
  • La Greca AM., Stone WL.,b “Social Anxiety Scale for Children Revised: Factor Structure and Concurrent Validity. Jour Clin Child Psychol”, 22, pp.17-27, 1993.
  • La Greca AM., Lopez N. “Social Anxiety among Adolescents: Linkages with Peer Relations and Friendships. Psychology”, 26, pp. 83-94, 1998. of Abnormal Child
  • Manuzza A., Schneier F., Chapman T. et al. “Generalized Social Phobia: Reliability and Validity”. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 52, pp. 230-237, 1995.
  • Myyry L., Helkama K. “University Students Value Priorities and Emotional Empathy”, Education Psychology. 21(1), pp. 28–40, 2001.
  • Nurmi JE., Socialization and Self-development- channeling, Selection, Adjustment, and Reaction. Richard M. Lerner and Laurence Steinberg (Ed.) Handbook of adolescent psychology. 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. 2004.
  • Öz F., “The correlation between empathic tendency, empathic skills, and academic achievement among the final year students”. Cumhuriyet University, Nursing School Journal, 2(2). (1998). accessed from Turkish] [In
  • Öztürk, M., Sayar K., Uğurad I. Tüzün. “The Prevalence of Social Phobia in Mothers of Social Phobic Children “Clinic
  • Psycho-pharmacology Bulletin, (03.01. 2013): 15(2),pp. 60-64, 2005.[In English Abstract] (on line)
  • Rogers, C., “Empatik Olmak Değeri Anlaşılmamış Bir Varoluş Şeklidir” (çev.F.Akkoyun) A.Ü.Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi .16(1), ss:103-124,1983. [ In Turkish]
  • Sevimli D., “Examination of Fear of Negative Evaluation Among the Candidates Who Participated in Special Ability Test of School of Physical Education and Sports.”, Turkish Clinics Journal of Sports tr_55920.html] (10.10. 2012).[In English Abstract]
  • Subaşı, G., “Social Anxiety Differences and Peer Relations Among the Adolescents in Terms of Sociometric Status Groups” Ege University, Journal of Education, 10 (1), pp.114-136,2009. [In English Abstract]
  • Stopa L., Clark DM., “Cognitive Processes in Social Phobia”, Behavior Research and Therapy, 31(3), ss:225-267, 1993.
  • Tavacıoğlu L. . Spor Değerlendirmeler, Bağırgan Yayınevi, Ankara, 1999. [In Turkish] Psikolojisi Bilişsel
  • Toussaint L., Jon W.R. “Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Empathy and Forgiveness”. Published In Final Edited Form As: December; 145(6), pp. 673-685, 2005.
  • Voltan- Acar N.,Terapötik İletişim: Kişilerarası ilişkiler. Ankara: Şafak Matbaası, 1994.[In Turkish]
  • Wittchen H., Stein M., Kessler R., et al. “Social Fears and Social Phobia in a Community Sample of Adolescents and Young Adults: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Comorbidity”., Psychol Med, 29, pp. 309-323. 1999.
  • Wittchen HU., Fuetsch M., Sonntag H., et al. “Disability and Quality of Life in Pure and Comorbid Social Phobia. Findings From a Controlled Study”, Eur Psychiatr, 15, pp: 46–58, 2000.


Year 2013, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 108 - 115, 01.08.2013


The study was conducted with a total of 63 junior judokas 32 female judokas and 31 male judokas who joined preparatory camp organized by Turkish Judo Federation at Çankırı Camping Training Center between the 7th and the 20th of June, 2012 and who were selected using random sampling method. Participation was voluntary. Two questionnaire forms were used in the study: “Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale” developed by Leary 1983 and adapted into Turkish by Çetin et al. 2010 , and “Empathic Tendency Scale” designed by Dökmen 1988 . For the data analysis, descriptive statistical methods such as frequency n and percentages % were used for the personal information. In order to explore differences, t test was employed for gender variable while such non-parametric tests as Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis test were used for the variables of sportive age and success in national and international competitions because the data did not follow normal distribution and homogeneity conditions were not met. Level of significance was set at 0.05. As the result of the study; it was found out that fear of negative evaluation and empathic tendency did not change in terms of gender and sportive age while the scores of the judokas who ranked among the top five judokas in national and international competitions were lower than those who did not rank among the top five judokas in national and international competitions and the difference between successful athletes and unsuccessful athletes in national competitions was statistically significant


  • Ahçı H.. Gökmen H. “Competition Anxiety, Success, Sportive Experience and Athletic Proficiency Among the Female Handball Players”, Sports Sciences Journal, 6 (2), pp. 38-47. 1995.[In Turkish]
  • Albano AM.. Dibartolo PM., Heimberg RG et al: Adolescents: Children Treatment. Heimberg RG., Liebowitz MR., Hope DA., Schneier FR (eds): Social Phobia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Treatment. The Guilford Press. New York. pp.21-40, 1995. Assessment and
  • Albano AM., Hayward B. Social Anxiety Disorder. In Ollendick, T. H. (Ed.). Phobic and Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Clinician Oxford University Press. NC, USA. pp. 198-235, 2004.
  • Akçakoyun F., Çalışkan E., Karlı H. “ The Comparison of Empathy Levels of Martial Artists and Team Sportmen, Turkish Kickboxing Federation Sports Sciences Journal, 3(2), pp. 37-47, 2010.[In English Abstract]
  • Arifoğlu B., Razı GS. “The Correlation Between Empathy and Communication Skills, and Academic Achievement Management Course of the First Year Nursing of Students”. Dokuz Eylül University, Nursing School, Electronic Journal, 4 (1), pp.7-11, 2011.[In English Abstract] the Communication
  • Barnett MA. Empathy and Related Responses in Children N. Eisenberg and J. Strayer (Eds.), Empathy and its Development Cambridge, NY: Cambridge University Press, pp. 146-163, 1990.
  • Cheek MJ., Melchior AL. Shyness, Self-esteem and Self-consciousness. Handbook of Social and Evaluation Anxiety. Harold Leintenberg (ed.).New York and London: Plenum press, 1990.
  • Cihangir. Z. Kişilerarası İletişimde Dinleme Becerisi. Ankara: Nobel Yayın dağıtım, 2003. [In Turkish]
  • Cüceloğlu, D. İnsan ve Davranışı, Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul. 5.Basım. 1994. [ In Turkish]
  • Çetin B., Doğan T., Sapmaz F., “The Turkish Adaptation of Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale:The Validity and Reliability Study”. Education and Science, 35 (156), pp. 205-216, 2010.[In English Abstract]
  • Darlene BT., Aspy, DN,. “A Study of the Relationship Between Student Empathy and GPA”, Journal of Humanistic Education and Development, 22 (4), pp. 149-154,1984.
  • Demir T., Demir D., Türksoy N., Özmen E., Uysal Ö., Validity and Reliability Tests of Social Anxiety Scale for children, Thinking man, 13 (1), pp.42-48, 2001. .[In English Abstract]
  • Demir S., Kaya A. “The Effect of Group Guidance Program on Social Anxiety Acceptance Levels and Socio-metric Status Among the Adolescents”. İlköğretim 7(1), [Online]: [In Turkish Abstract] 127-140, 2008. (01.02.2009)
  • Dilbaz N., “Sosyal Fobi”, Psikiyatri Dünyasi, 1, ss:18-24, 1997. [In Turkish]
  • Dökmen Ü., Sanatta Ve Günlük Yaşamda İletişim Çatışmaları ve Empati. 1.Baskı, Öğünç Ofset, İstanbul, 1994. [In Turkish].
  • Dökmen Ü. “Empatinin Bir Modele Dayandırılarak Ölçülmesi ve Psikodrama İle Geliştirilmesi”. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 62(21), ss:155-190, 1988. [In Turkish]
  • Durak F., Vurgun N. “The Relatıon of Empathy and Team Cohesion in Terms of Team Sports”, Sportsmeter Sciences Journal, 4(2), pp. 73–77, 2006.[In English Abstract] Education and Sports
  • Erdoğan Ö., Uçukoğlu H.,” The Correlation Between Perception on Parental Attitudes, and Assertiveness and Fear of Negative Evaluation Emotions Among the Education Journal, 19(1): pp. 51-72, 2011. [In English Abstract] Students”, Kastamonu
  • Hortaçsu, N. Çocuklukta İlişkiler- Ana Baba, Kardeş ve Arkadaşlar. İstanbul: İmge kitabevi, 2003. [In Turkish]
  • Kessler RC., Berglund P., Demler O., Jin R., et al. “Lifetime Prevalence and age-of-onset Distributions of DSM-IV Disorders in the National Comorbity Survey Replication”, Archives of General Psychiatry, 62, pp. 593-602, 2005.
  • La Greca AM., Dandes SK., Wick P. et al: “Development of the Social Anxiety Scale for Children: Reliability and Concurrent Validity” Jour Clin Child Psychol 17, pp.84-91, 1988.
  • La Greca AM., Stone WL.,b “Social Anxiety Scale for Children Revised: Factor Structure and Concurrent Validity. Jour Clin Child Psychol”, 22, pp.17-27, 1993.
  • La Greca AM., Lopez N. “Social Anxiety among Adolescents: Linkages with Peer Relations and Friendships. Psychology”, 26, pp. 83-94, 1998. of Abnormal Child
  • Manuzza A., Schneier F., Chapman T. et al. “Generalized Social Phobia: Reliability and Validity”. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 52, pp. 230-237, 1995.
  • Myyry L., Helkama K. “University Students Value Priorities and Emotional Empathy”, Education Psychology. 21(1), pp. 28–40, 2001.
  • Nurmi JE., Socialization and Self-development- channeling, Selection, Adjustment, and Reaction. Richard M. Lerner and Laurence Steinberg (Ed.) Handbook of adolescent psychology. 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. 2004.
  • Öz F., “The correlation between empathic tendency, empathic skills, and academic achievement among the final year students”. Cumhuriyet University, Nursing School Journal, 2(2). (1998). accessed from Turkish] [In
  • Öztürk, M., Sayar K., Uğurad I. Tüzün. “The Prevalence of Social Phobia in Mothers of Social Phobic Children “Clinic
  • Psycho-pharmacology Bulletin, (03.01. 2013): 15(2),pp. 60-64, 2005.[In English Abstract] (on line)
  • Rogers, C., “Empatik Olmak Değeri Anlaşılmamış Bir Varoluş Şeklidir” (çev.F.Akkoyun) A.Ü.Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi .16(1), ss:103-124,1983. [ In Turkish]
  • Sevimli D., “Examination of Fear of Negative Evaluation Among the Candidates Who Participated in Special Ability Test of School of Physical Education and Sports.”, Turkish Clinics Journal of Sports tr_55920.html] (10.10. 2012).[In English Abstract]
  • Subaşı, G., “Social Anxiety Differences and Peer Relations Among the Adolescents in Terms of Sociometric Status Groups” Ege University, Journal of Education, 10 (1), pp.114-136,2009. [In English Abstract]
  • Stopa L., Clark DM., “Cognitive Processes in Social Phobia”, Behavior Research and Therapy, 31(3), ss:225-267, 1993.
  • Tavacıoğlu L. . Spor Değerlendirmeler, Bağırgan Yayınevi, Ankara, 1999. [In Turkish] Psikolojisi Bilişsel
  • Toussaint L., Jon W.R. “Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Empathy and Forgiveness”. Published In Final Edited Form As: December; 145(6), pp. 673-685, 2005.
  • Voltan- Acar N.,Terapötik İletişim: Kişilerarası ilişkiler. Ankara: Şafak Matbaası, 1994.[In Turkish]
  • Wittchen H., Stein M., Kessler R., et al. “Social Fears and Social Phobia in a Community Sample of Adolescents and Young Adults: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Comorbidity”., Psychol Med, 29, pp. 309-323. 1999.
  • Wittchen HU., Fuetsch M., Sonntag H., et al. “Disability and Quality of Life in Pure and Comorbid Social Phobia. Findings From a Controlled Study”, Eur Psychiatr, 15, pp: 46–58, 2000.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ebru Olcay Karabulut This is me

Ziya Bahadır This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 7 Issue: 2
