Year 2013,
Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 60 - 67, 01.04.2013
Arman Esen
Gülbin Rudarlı Nalçakan
S. Rana Varol
Amaç. Bu çalışmada amaç profesyonel bale dansçılarının omuz ve kalça eklem pozisyon hissini EPH saptamak ve dansçı olmayan kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırmaktı. Yöntem. Çalışma grubu Ankara ve İzmir Devlet Opera ve Balesi’nde çalışan otuz altı profesyonel bale dansçısı ile aynı sayıda ve cinsiyetteki kontrol grubundan oluşmuştur. Gönüllüler dans ve sakatlık geçmişlerine yönelik bir anket doldurmuştur. Ölçüm hareketleri dansçıların alışık olduğu fakat kontrol grubunu da zorlamayacak açılardan seçilmiştir: sol ve sağ kolda 50º fleksiyon ve 50º abdüksiyon ve sol ve sağ bacakta 55º fleksiyon ve 70º abdüksiyon. Her bir hareket 5 saniye arayla altı kez tekrar edilmiştir. Acumar Dijital İnklinometre EPH ölçümü için ve Gollehon Uzayabilir Gonyometre ölçümlerin doğruluğunun kontrolünde kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler hedef ile ulaşılan açı arasındaki ortalama hata skoru OHS olarak kaydedilmiştir. Bulgular. Dansçıların EPH verileri kontrol grubuna göre istatistiksel olarak düşüktü ve bayan ve erkek dansçılar arasında farklılık yoktu. Dansçıların sadece sol kalça abdüksiyon OHS değeri ile dans yaşı arasında korelasyon görülmüştür. Sağ ve sol ekstremiteler arasında anlamlı farklılık bulunmazken, alt ve üst ekstremite karşılaştırıldığında, sadece sağ omuz ile sağ kalça fleksiyon verileri arasında anlamlı farklılık görülmüştür. Sonuç. Profesyonel bale dansçıları EPH ölçümünde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir doğruluk göstermiştir. “Düzenli olarak tekrar edilen alıştırmalar” dansçıların proprioseptif cevaplarını geliştirmiş olabilir.
- Akman M. (2007),”The examination of advanced knee proprioception and joint position sense of Black Region dancers”. Unpublished Master Thesis. Marmara
- University, Health Science Institute. Allegrucci M., Whitney SL.,Lephart SM., Irrgang JJ., Fu FH. (1995), “Shoulder kinesthesia in healthy unilateral athletes participating in upper extremity sports”. J Sports
- Phys Ther. 21. pp.220-226, in Delforge G.,2002. Batson G. (2008), for Medicine Association (IADMS).www.iadms.com. and Science.. Batson G. (2009), “Update on proprioception: considerations for dance education”. J Dance Med Sci.14. Ramsay JR., Riddoch MJ. (2001), “Position-matching in (2). pp. 35-41
- Barrack RL., Skinner HB., Brunet ME., Cook SD., “Joint laxity and proprioception in the knee”. Physician15. Rein S., Fabian T., Zwipp H., Rammelt S., Weindel S. Sportsmed. 11. pp. 130-135, 1983 in Delforge G., 2002. Bouet V., Gahery Y. (2000), “Muscular exercise improves knee position sense in humans”. Neurosci Lett. (2). pp.143-146
- Bullock-Saxton JE., Wong WJ., Hogan N. (2001), “The influence of age on weight bearing joint reposition sense of the knee”. Exp Brain Res. 136 (3). pp. 400-406, Delforge G. (2002), Musculoskeletal
- Implications for sports injury management. Human Trauma:17. Yılmaz A., Gök H. Kinetics, pp157, 339. Eils E., Rosenbaum D. proprioception at the ankle”. Clin J Sport Med. 15 (5). pp. (2001), “A multi-station18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_ballet 01.2013 proprioceptive exercise program in patients with ankle instability”. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 33(12). Pp. 1991-19. http://www.superglossary.com/Definition/Ballet/Battemen
- Hagert E. (2010), “Proprioception of the wrist joint: A review of current concepts and possible implications on the rehabilitation of the wrist”. J Hand Ther. 23. pp. 2-17.
- Hazneci B., Yildiz Y., Sekir U., Aydin T., Kalyon TA. (2005), “Efficacy of isokinetic exercise on joint position sense and muscle strength in patellofemoral pain syndrome”. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 84 (7). pp. 521
- Kolber MJ., Hanney WJ. (2012), “The Reliability And Concurrent Validity of Shoulder Mobility Measurements
- Using A Digital Inclinometer And Goniometer: A Technical Report”. Int J Sports Phys Ther (IJSPT). 7(3). pp. 306-313. Marmeleira JF., Pereira C., Cruz-Ferreira A., Fretes V., Pisco R., Fernandes OM. (2009), “Creative dance can enhance proprioception in older adults”. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 49 (4). pp. 480-485. the upper limb: Professional ballet dancers perform with outstanding accuracy”. Clin Rehabil. 18 (3). pp. 324-330.
- (2011), “Postural control and functional ankle stability in professional amateur Neurophysiol. 122. pp.1602–1610. dancers”. Clinical
- Schmitt H., Kuni B., Sabo D. (2005), “Influence of (2006), “Proprioception and proprioceptive Rheumatology. 21. pp. 23-26. Turkish Journal of t_Tendu_Jete.html 30.01.2013
Year 2013,
Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 60 - 67, 01.04.2013
Arman Esen
Gülbin Rudarlı Nalçakan
S. Rana Varol
Purpose. The aim of this study was to compare the joint position sense JPS betweenprofessional ballet dancers and non-dancers controls.Methods. The study group consisted of thirty six professional ballet dancers and gender-matchedcontrols. Measurements were performed on each group after filling out a questionnaire abouttheir dance and injury backgrounds. Left and right arm flexion 50º and abduction 50º and left andright leg flexion 55º and abduction 70º were selected as measurement movements from dancers’routine practice. Subjects repeated each movement six times with five-second intervals. AcumarDigital Inclinometer was used for JPS measurements and Gollehon Extendable Goniometer wasused for validating the accuracy of measurements. The outcome measurement was an errorscore calculated as the mean absolute deviation MAD between the target and replicated angle.Results. JPS was significantly better in the dancer group compared to the control group. JPS didnot show a significant difference between males and females. It was found no correlationbetween dance year and MAD values, except for the left hip abduction MAD levels p
- Akman M. (2007),”The examination of advanced knee proprioception and joint position sense of Black Region dancers”. Unpublished Master Thesis. Marmara
- University, Health Science Institute. Allegrucci M., Whitney SL.,Lephart SM., Irrgang JJ., Fu FH. (1995), “Shoulder kinesthesia in healthy unilateral athletes participating in upper extremity sports”. J Sports
- Phys Ther. 21. pp.220-226, in Delforge G.,2002. Batson G. (2008), for Medicine Association (IADMS).www.iadms.com. and Science.. Batson G. (2009), “Update on proprioception: considerations for dance education”. J Dance Med Sci.14. Ramsay JR., Riddoch MJ. (2001), “Position-matching in (2). pp. 35-41
- Barrack RL., Skinner HB., Brunet ME., Cook SD., “Joint laxity and proprioception in the knee”. Physician15. Rein S., Fabian T., Zwipp H., Rammelt S., Weindel S. Sportsmed. 11. pp. 130-135, 1983 in Delforge G., 2002. Bouet V., Gahery Y. (2000), “Muscular exercise improves knee position sense in humans”. Neurosci Lett. (2). pp.143-146
- Bullock-Saxton JE., Wong WJ., Hogan N. (2001), “The influence of age on weight bearing joint reposition sense of the knee”. Exp Brain Res. 136 (3). pp. 400-406, Delforge G. (2002), Musculoskeletal
- Implications for sports injury management. Human Trauma:17. Yılmaz A., Gök H. Kinetics, pp157, 339. Eils E., Rosenbaum D. proprioception at the ankle”. Clin J Sport Med. 15 (5). pp. (2001), “A multi-station18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_ballet 01.2013 proprioceptive exercise program in patients with ankle instability”. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 33(12). Pp. 1991-19. http://www.superglossary.com/Definition/Ballet/Battemen
- Hagert E. (2010), “Proprioception of the wrist joint: A review of current concepts and possible implications on the rehabilitation of the wrist”. J Hand Ther. 23. pp. 2-17.
- Hazneci B., Yildiz Y., Sekir U., Aydin T., Kalyon TA. (2005), “Efficacy of isokinetic exercise on joint position sense and muscle strength in patellofemoral pain syndrome”. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 84 (7). pp. 521
- Kolber MJ., Hanney WJ. (2012), “The Reliability And Concurrent Validity of Shoulder Mobility Measurements
- Using A Digital Inclinometer And Goniometer: A Technical Report”. Int J Sports Phys Ther (IJSPT). 7(3). pp. 306-313. Marmeleira JF., Pereira C., Cruz-Ferreira A., Fretes V., Pisco R., Fernandes OM. (2009), “Creative dance can enhance proprioception in older adults”. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 49 (4). pp. 480-485. the upper limb: Professional ballet dancers perform with outstanding accuracy”. Clin Rehabil. 18 (3). pp. 324-330.
- (2011), “Postural control and functional ankle stability in professional amateur Neurophysiol. 122. pp.1602–1610. dancers”. Clinical
- Schmitt H., Kuni B., Sabo D. (2005), “Influence of (2006), “Proprioception and proprioceptive Rheumatology. 21. pp. 23-26. Turkish Journal of t_Tendu_Jete.html 30.01.2013