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Year 2012, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 129 - 137, 01.08.2012


Tüm beden vibrasyon antrenmanı; bir platform üzerine çıkan kişinin bütün vücudunu, kaslarını ve kemiklerini etkileyebilecek bir titreşim oluşturur. Vibrasyon, eski çağlardan beri masaj ve tedavi gibi alanlarda kullanılmasına rağmen son yıllarda bir antrenman yöntemi olarak kullanılmaya başlanmış, oldukça popüler olmuş ve araştırmacıların ilgisini çekmiştir. Tüm beden vibrasyon antrenmanı, spor bilimlerinde sportif performansı artırmak amacıyla kullanıldığı gibi tedavi ve rehabilitasyon amacı ile de tıp ve fizik tedavi alanlarında da kullanılmaktadır. Tüm beden vibrasyon antrenmanı kasta refleksif bir kasılma meydana getirmekte ve bu nedenle tüm beden vibrasyon antrenmanının nörofizyolojik etkililiğini belirlemede Hoffmann refleks metodu kullanılmaktadır. Bu derlemenin amacı; tüm beden vibrasyon antrenmanının nörofizyolojik etkileri ile ilgili yapılmış olan çalışmaların H refleks üzerine olan etkilerini bir sistematik içerisinde incelemek ve tartışmaktır.


  • 1. Aagaard P., Simonsen E.B., Andersen J.L., Magnusson P., Dyhre-Poulsen P., Neural Adaptation to Resistance Training: Changes in Evoked V Wave and H Reflex Responses, Journal of Applied Physiology,,2002; (92):2309-2318
  • 2. Apple S., Ehlert K., Hysinger P., Nash C., Voight M., Sells P., The Effect of Whole Body Vibration on Ankle Range of Motion and the H-reflex, North American Journal of Sports Physical Therapy,2010;5(1):33
  • 3. Armstrong W.J., Nestle H.N., Grinnell D.C., Cole L., Gilder E.L., Warren G.S., The Acute Effect of Whole Body Vibration on the Hoffman Reflex, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2008;22(2): 471
  • 4. Boland E., Boland D., Carroll D., Barfield R.B., Comparison of the Power Plate and Free Weight Exercises on Upper Body Muscular Endurance in College Age Subjects, International Journal of Exercise Science, 2009;2(3):215-222
  • 5. Bulut S., Özmerdivenli R., Kamanli A., Gündoğdu C., Latency and Amplitude of Hand Reflex in the Active Sportsmen [Aktif Sporcularda H-Refleks ve T-Refleks Latans Amplitüdleri, Romatizma, 2000; 15(2): 117- 121]
  • 6. Cardinale M., Wakeling J., Whole Body Vibration Exercise: Are Vibrations Good for You?, British Journal of Sport Medicine, 2005;39: 585-589
  • 7. Cerrah A. O., Ertan H., Soylu A.R., Evaluating Force with Electromyography: Review [Elektromiyografi ile Kuvvetin Değerlendirilmesi, Türkiye Klinikleri, 2010;5(3):160-166]
  • 8. Cerrah A.O., Ertan H., Soylu A.R., Use of Electromyography in Sport Science [Spor Bilimlerinde Elektromiyografi Kullanımı, Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2010;8(2):43-49]
  • 9. Cochrane D.J., Vibration Exercise: The Potential Benefits, International Journal of Sport Medicine, 2011;32:75-99
  • 10. Cochrane D.J., Stannard S.R., Acute Whole Body Vibration Training Increases Vertical Jump and Flexibility Performance in Elite Female Field Hockey Players, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2005; 39:860-865
  • 11. Ertekin, C.,Sentral ve Periferik EMG, Meta Basım Matbaacılık Hizmetleri, İzmir, 2006
  • 12. Folland J.F., Williams A.G., The Adaptations to Strength Training, Morphological and Neurological Contributions to Increased Strength ,Sports Medicine, ,2007;37(24):145-168
  • 13. Gondin J., Duclay J., Martin A., Soleus- and Gastrocnemii-Evoked V-Wave Responses Increase After Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Training, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2006;95:3328-3335
  • 14. Guyton A.C., Hall J.E., Çeviri: Çavuşoğlu H., Yeğen B.Ç., Textbook of Medical Physiology [ Tıbbi Fizyoloji, 11.Basım, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Ltd.Ştı.,2007]
  • 15. Hong J., Kıpp K., Johnson S.T., Hoffmann M.A., Effects of Four Weeks Whole Body Vibration on Electromechanical Delay, Rate of Force Development and Presynaptic Inhıbition, International Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, 2010;1(1):30-40
  • 16. Issurin V. B., Liebermann D.G., Tenenbaun G., Effect of Vibratory Stimulation Training on Maximal Force and Flexibility, Journal of Sports Science, 1994;12(6):561- 566
  • 17. Issurin V.B., Vibrations and Their Applications in Sport, Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2005;45(3):324-336
  • 18. Jordan M.J., Norris S.R., Smith D.J., Herzog W., Vibration Training: an Overview of the Area, Training Consequences and Future Considerations, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2005;19(2): 459- 466
  • 19. Kin-İşler A., Effects of Vibration on Performance [Titreşimin Performansa Etkisi, Hacettepe Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2007;18(1):42-56]
  • 20. Kipp K., Johnson S.T., Hoffman M.A.,(a)Functional Principal Component Analysis of H-reflex recruitment curves, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2011;197:270-273
  • 21. Kipp K., Johnson S.T., Doeringer J.R., Hoffman M.A.,(b) Spinal Reflex Excitability and Homosynaptic Depression After a Bout of Whole Body Vibration, Muscle and Nerve, 2011;43:259-262
  • 22. Knikou M., The H reflex as a Probe Pathways and Pitfalls, Journal of Neuroscience Methods,2008; 171(1):1-12
  • 23. Latash, M. L., Neurophysiological Basis of Movement, Human Kinetics, USA,1998
  • 24. Lora M.H., Granados S.R., Corrales B.S., Páez L.C., Whole Body Vibration: Acute and Residual Effect on the Explosive Strength, Journal of Human Sport & Exercise,2008;5(2):188-195
  • 25. Marin P.J., Rhea M.R. (a),Effects of Vibration Training on Muscle Power :A meta-Analysis, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2010;24(3):871- 878
  • 26. Marin P.J., Rhea M.R. (b),Effects of Vibration Training on Muscle Strength: A Meta-analysis, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,2010; 24(2):548- 556
  • 27. Martin B.J., Park H.S., Analysis of the Tonic Vibration Reflex: Influence of Vibration Variables on Motor Unit Synchronization and Fatigue, European Journal of Physiology, 1997;75:504-511
  • 28. McBride J.M., Nuzzo J.L., Dayne A.M. Israetel M.A., Nıeman D.C., Triplett N.T., Effect of an Acute Bout of Whole Body Vibration Exercise on Muscle Force Output and Motor Neuron Excitability, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2009;23(4):1-6
  • 29. Nishihira Y., Iwasaki T., Hatta A., Wasaka T., Kaneda T., Kuroiwa K., Akiyama S., Kida T., Ryol K.S., Effect of Whole Body Vibration Stimulus and Voluntary Contraction on Motoneuron Pool, Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology, 2002;8(4):83-86
  • 30. Palmieri R.M., Ingersoll C.D., Hoffman M.A., The Hoffmann Reflex: Methodologic Considerations and Applications for Use in Sports Medicine and Athletic Training Research, Journal of Athletic Training, 2004;39(3):268-277
  • 31. Pöğün Ş., Kas Vibrasyonunun Tanı ve sağıtım amacı olarak kullanılma olasılıkları, Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon, 1977;(2):33-40
  • 32. Sayenko D.G., Masani K., Alizadeh-Meghrazi M., Popovic M.R., Craven B.C., Acute Effects of Whole Body Vibration During Passive Standing on Soleus H Reflex in Subjects With and Without Spinal Cord, Neuroscience Letters, 2010;(482):66-70
  • 33. Schmidtbleicher D., Haas C.T., Turbanski S., Vibration Training in Rehabilitation, Proceedings of the 23th ISBS Congress, Publikation Nr. XVI, 2005:71-79
  • 34. Torvinen S., Kannus P., Seivanen H., Jarvinen, PasanenT.,Effect of Vibration Exposure on Muscular Performance and Body Balance, Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 2002; 22:145-152
  • 35. Tunçel N., Aydın S., Zeytinoğlu M., Human Anatomy and Physiology [İnsanAnatomisiveFizyolojisi,DersKitabı,AnadoluÜniver sitesi,Eskişehir, 2000]
  • 36. Weiss L., Silver J.K., Weiss J.,Çeviri Editörü: Beyazova M., Kolay EMG, Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, Ankara, 2010
  • 37. Zehr E.P., Considerations for Use of the Hoffmann Reflex in Exercise Studies, Journal of Applied Physiolology, 2002;86:455-468
  • 38. Zepetnek J.O.T., Giangregorio L.M., Craven C., Whole-body Vibration as Potential Intervention for People With Low Bone Mineral Density and Osteoporosis: A review, Journal of Rehabilitation Research& Development, 2009;46(4):529-542


Year 2012, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 129 - 137, 01.08.2012


Whole body vibration training, the person’s entire body on a platform, creates a vibrationthat may affect the muscles and bones. Despite the vibration used of massage and treatment sinceancient times, it was used as a training method in recent years and became very popular and hasattracted the attention of researchers. Whole body vibration training used both sport science withthe aim to improve performance and in the fields of medicine for sports therapy. Whole bodyvibration training brings about reflexive muscle contractions and therefore used to determine theneurophysiologic effectiveness of whole body vibration is used as a diagnostic method Hoffmannreflex. The purpose of this review, all the workouts of whole body vibrations which has been dealingwith the effects of neurophysiologic studies in the literature review and discuss the effects on Hreflex in a systematic


  • 1. Aagaard P., Simonsen E.B., Andersen J.L., Magnusson P., Dyhre-Poulsen P., Neural Adaptation to Resistance Training: Changes in Evoked V Wave and H Reflex Responses, Journal of Applied Physiology,,2002; (92):2309-2318
  • 2. Apple S., Ehlert K., Hysinger P., Nash C., Voight M., Sells P., The Effect of Whole Body Vibration on Ankle Range of Motion and the H-reflex, North American Journal of Sports Physical Therapy,2010;5(1):33
  • 3. Armstrong W.J., Nestle H.N., Grinnell D.C., Cole L., Gilder E.L., Warren G.S., The Acute Effect of Whole Body Vibration on the Hoffman Reflex, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2008;22(2): 471
  • 4. Boland E., Boland D., Carroll D., Barfield R.B., Comparison of the Power Plate and Free Weight Exercises on Upper Body Muscular Endurance in College Age Subjects, International Journal of Exercise Science, 2009;2(3):215-222
  • 5. Bulut S., Özmerdivenli R., Kamanli A., Gündoğdu C., Latency and Amplitude of Hand Reflex in the Active Sportsmen [Aktif Sporcularda H-Refleks ve T-Refleks Latans Amplitüdleri, Romatizma, 2000; 15(2): 117- 121]
  • 6. Cardinale M., Wakeling J., Whole Body Vibration Exercise: Are Vibrations Good for You?, British Journal of Sport Medicine, 2005;39: 585-589
  • 7. Cerrah A. O., Ertan H., Soylu A.R., Evaluating Force with Electromyography: Review [Elektromiyografi ile Kuvvetin Değerlendirilmesi, Türkiye Klinikleri, 2010;5(3):160-166]
  • 8. Cerrah A.O., Ertan H., Soylu A.R., Use of Electromyography in Sport Science [Spor Bilimlerinde Elektromiyografi Kullanımı, Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2010;8(2):43-49]
  • 9. Cochrane D.J., Vibration Exercise: The Potential Benefits, International Journal of Sport Medicine, 2011;32:75-99
  • 10. Cochrane D.J., Stannard S.R., Acute Whole Body Vibration Training Increases Vertical Jump and Flexibility Performance in Elite Female Field Hockey Players, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2005; 39:860-865
  • 11. Ertekin, C.,Sentral ve Periferik EMG, Meta Basım Matbaacılık Hizmetleri, İzmir, 2006
  • 12. Folland J.F., Williams A.G., The Adaptations to Strength Training, Morphological and Neurological Contributions to Increased Strength ,Sports Medicine, ,2007;37(24):145-168
  • 13. Gondin J., Duclay J., Martin A., Soleus- and Gastrocnemii-Evoked V-Wave Responses Increase After Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Training, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2006;95:3328-3335
  • 14. Guyton A.C., Hall J.E., Çeviri: Çavuşoğlu H., Yeğen B.Ç., Textbook of Medical Physiology [ Tıbbi Fizyoloji, 11.Basım, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Ltd.Ştı.,2007]
  • 15. Hong J., Kıpp K., Johnson S.T., Hoffmann M.A., Effects of Four Weeks Whole Body Vibration on Electromechanical Delay, Rate of Force Development and Presynaptic Inhıbition, International Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, 2010;1(1):30-40
  • 16. Issurin V. B., Liebermann D.G., Tenenbaun G., Effect of Vibratory Stimulation Training on Maximal Force and Flexibility, Journal of Sports Science, 1994;12(6):561- 566
  • 17. Issurin V.B., Vibrations and Their Applications in Sport, Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2005;45(3):324-336
  • 18. Jordan M.J., Norris S.R., Smith D.J., Herzog W., Vibration Training: an Overview of the Area, Training Consequences and Future Considerations, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2005;19(2): 459- 466
  • 19. Kin-İşler A., Effects of Vibration on Performance [Titreşimin Performansa Etkisi, Hacettepe Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2007;18(1):42-56]
  • 20. Kipp K., Johnson S.T., Hoffman M.A.,(a)Functional Principal Component Analysis of H-reflex recruitment curves, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2011;197:270-273
  • 21. Kipp K., Johnson S.T., Doeringer J.R., Hoffman M.A.,(b) Spinal Reflex Excitability and Homosynaptic Depression After a Bout of Whole Body Vibration, Muscle and Nerve, 2011;43:259-262
  • 22. Knikou M., The H reflex as a Probe Pathways and Pitfalls, Journal of Neuroscience Methods,2008; 171(1):1-12
  • 23. Latash, M. L., Neurophysiological Basis of Movement, Human Kinetics, USA,1998
  • 24. Lora M.H., Granados S.R., Corrales B.S., Páez L.C., Whole Body Vibration: Acute and Residual Effect on the Explosive Strength, Journal of Human Sport & Exercise,2008;5(2):188-195
  • 25. Marin P.J., Rhea M.R. (a),Effects of Vibration Training on Muscle Power :A meta-Analysis, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2010;24(3):871- 878
  • 26. Marin P.J., Rhea M.R. (b),Effects of Vibration Training on Muscle Strength: A Meta-analysis, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,2010; 24(2):548- 556
  • 27. Martin B.J., Park H.S., Analysis of the Tonic Vibration Reflex: Influence of Vibration Variables on Motor Unit Synchronization and Fatigue, European Journal of Physiology, 1997;75:504-511
  • 28. McBride J.M., Nuzzo J.L., Dayne A.M. Israetel M.A., Nıeman D.C., Triplett N.T., Effect of an Acute Bout of Whole Body Vibration Exercise on Muscle Force Output and Motor Neuron Excitability, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2009;23(4):1-6
  • 29. Nishihira Y., Iwasaki T., Hatta A., Wasaka T., Kaneda T., Kuroiwa K., Akiyama S., Kida T., Ryol K.S., Effect of Whole Body Vibration Stimulus and Voluntary Contraction on Motoneuron Pool, Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology, 2002;8(4):83-86
  • 30. Palmieri R.M., Ingersoll C.D., Hoffman M.A., The Hoffmann Reflex: Methodologic Considerations and Applications for Use in Sports Medicine and Athletic Training Research, Journal of Athletic Training, 2004;39(3):268-277
  • 31. Pöğün Ş., Kas Vibrasyonunun Tanı ve sağıtım amacı olarak kullanılma olasılıkları, Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon, 1977;(2):33-40
  • 32. Sayenko D.G., Masani K., Alizadeh-Meghrazi M., Popovic M.R., Craven B.C., Acute Effects of Whole Body Vibration During Passive Standing on Soleus H Reflex in Subjects With and Without Spinal Cord, Neuroscience Letters, 2010;(482):66-70
  • 33. Schmidtbleicher D., Haas C.T., Turbanski S., Vibration Training in Rehabilitation, Proceedings of the 23th ISBS Congress, Publikation Nr. XVI, 2005:71-79
  • 34. Torvinen S., Kannus P., Seivanen H., Jarvinen, PasanenT.,Effect of Vibration Exposure on Muscular Performance and Body Balance, Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 2002; 22:145-152
  • 35. Tunçel N., Aydın S., Zeytinoğlu M., Human Anatomy and Physiology [İnsanAnatomisiveFizyolojisi,DersKitabı,AnadoluÜniver sitesi,Eskişehir, 2000]
  • 36. Weiss L., Silver J.K., Weiss J.,Çeviri Editörü: Beyazova M., Kolay EMG, Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, Ankara, 2010
  • 37. Zehr E.P., Considerations for Use of the Hoffmann Reflex in Exercise Studies, Journal of Applied Physiolology, 2002;86:455-468
  • 38. Zepetnek J.O.T., Giangregorio L.M., Craven C., Whole-body Vibration as Potential Intervention for People With Low Bone Mineral Density and Osteoporosis: A review, Journal of Rehabilitation Research& Development, 2009;46(4):529-542
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Gözde Koç This is me

K. Alparslan Erman This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Koç, G., & Erman, K. A. (2012). THE NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF WHOLE BODY VIBRATION TRAINING. Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(2), 129-137.