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Year 2011, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 50 - 57, 01.04.2011


Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinin BİT gelişmesi ve yaygınlaşması eğitim problemlerini çözümünde de bir araç olarak görülmesinde etkili olmaktadır. Çünkü yüksek öğretimde derslerin yoğun şekilde teknolojiye dayalı olması, öğretmen adaylarının teknoloji kullanımında donanımlı olarak mezun olmasını sağlayacaktır. Eğitim teknolojisinin eğitim ve öğretimde rol oynaması, öğretmen adaylarının teknoloji kullanma bilgi ve becerisine sahip oluşuyla ilgilidir. Dersin amacına uygun materyal seçimi, öğrencilerin dersi anlama seviyelerini ve bilginin kalıcılığını etkilemektedir. Ancak bu teknolojileri kullanacak olan öğretmenler ve öğrenciler olduğundan onların bu teknolojileri eğitsel amaçlı kullanımına ilişkin öz güven düzeylerinin belirlenmesi önemlidir. Araştırmada Beden Eğitimi ve spor yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin BİT’i eğitsel amaçlı kullanımına ilişkin öz güven düzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma betimsel tarama modelinde yapılmıştır. Bu çerçevede veri toplamak için 4’li Likert ölçek kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin BİT kullanımına yönelik öz güven düzeylerinin olduğunu, cinsiyet açından farklılık belirlendiği bununla beraber bilgisayar alanında eğitim alanlar ve kişisel bilgisayara sahip olma durumunun özgüven düzeyi ile ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. Beden eğitimi ve spor yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin bölümlere göre değerlendirildiğinde beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmenliği bölümünde okuyan öğrencilerin bilgisayar kullanımı ve iletişim teknolojilerini kullanmamada özgüvenlerinin spor yöneticiliği ve Antrenörlük eğitimi bölümündekilere göre daha yüksek olduğu bulgusu bulunmuştur.


  • Akpınar, Y., Öğretmenlerin Yeni Bilgi Teknolojileri Kullanımında Yükseköğretimin Etkisi: İstanbul Okulları Örneği.The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2(2), 2003.
  • Alkan, C., Deryakulu, D. & Şimşek, N.,(Eğitim Teknolojisine Giriş: Disiplin, Süreç,Ürün. Ankara: Önder Matbaacılık Ltd.Şti, 1995.
  • Akkoyulu, B. & Kurbanoğlu, S., Öğretmen adaylarının bilgi okuryazarlığı ve bilgisayar özyeterlik algıları üzerine bir çalışma. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24, 1-10, 2003.
  • Balanskat, A., Blamire, R., & Kefala, S., The ICT Impact Report: A Review of Studies of ICT impact on Schools in Europe, European Schoolnet. Erişim tarihi 25 Ekim 2009,
  • Bandura, A., Social foundations of thought and action. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 1986.
  • Cohen, D.K., ve Ball, D.L.,Policy and practice: An overview. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 12(3), 347-353, 1990.
  • Deubel, P., An investigation of behaviorist and cognitive approaches to instructionaldesign. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 12(1), 63–90.2003.
  • Christanse, R., Effects of technology integration education on the attitudes of teachers and students. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 34(4) 411-434, 2002.
  • Collier, K. G., Paula, F.J. & Goff, R.J., Colleges of Education LearningProgrammes: A proposal (Working Paper No.5). Washington, DC: Commission on Instructional Technology,1971.
  • Crowther, M. S., Keller, C. C. & Waddoups, G. L., Improving the quality and effectiveness of computer-mediated instruction through usability evaluations. British Journal of Educational Technology, 35(3), 289–303, 2004.
  • Dincer B., Özaslan, M. ve Kavasoğlu., T., İllerin ve bölgelerin sosyo ekonomik gelişmişlik sıralaması araştırması. Ankara: Devlet Planlama Teskilatı Yay., 2671,2003.
  • Hopson, M.H., Simms, R.L., and Knezek, G.A., Using a technologically enriched environment to improve higher-order thinking skills. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 34 (2), 109-119, Etmer, P.A., Teacher pedagogical beliefs: The final frontier in our quest for technology integration? Educational Technology Research and Development, 53(4), 25-39,2005.
  • European Schoolnet, The ICT impact report: A review of studies of ICT impact on schools in Europe. Hazırlayanlar Anja Balanskat, Roger Blamire, Stella Kefala. Retrieved October 20, 2009, from:
  • Ferrero, S.,. Two generations of teachers: Differences in attitudes towards ICT. Observation and analysis of the uses of information and communication technology in European primary and secondary schools. Erişim Tarihi 24 Ocak 2008,
  • Fisher, M., Computer skills of initial teacher education students. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, 9(1), 109–123, 2000.
  • Fiske, E. ve Hammond, B., Indentifying quality in American colleges and universities. Planning for High Education, 26(1), 8-15, 1997.
  • Francis, L.J., The relationship between computer related attitudes and gender stereotyping of computer use. Computers and Education, 22, 283–289, 1994
  • Garland, J.K., ve Noyes, M.J., Computer experience: a poor predictor of computer attitudes. Computers in Human Behavior, 20, 823–840, 2004.
  • İşman, A. and Çelikli, G.E., How does student ability and self-efficacy affect the usage of computer technology? The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 8(1), 33-38. 2009.
  • Kiridis, A., Drossos, V., ve Tsakiridou, H., Teachers Facing Information and Communication Technology (ICT): The Case of Greece journal of Technology and Teacher Education , 14(1), 75-96, Li, N. and Kirkup, G., Gender and cultural differences in Internet use: A study of China and the UK. Computers ve Education, 48, 301–317, 2007.
  • Lim, C.P., Effective integration of ICT in Singapore schools: pedagogical and policy implications. Education Technology, Research and Development, 55(1), 83–116, 2007.
  • MEB. Temel eğitime destek projesi “öğretmen eğitimi bileşeni” öğretmenlik mesleği genel yeterlikleri, Tebliğler Dergisi, S.2590, 1491-1540, 2006.
  • McGrail, E., Teachers, technology and change: English teachers’ perspectives.Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 13(1), 5-24,2005.
  • OECD., Completing the foundation for lifelong learning: An OECD survey of upper secondary schools. Innsbruck/Paris: OECD, Studienverlag. Erişim tarihi 28 Ağustos 2009,
  • Ogletree, S.M., and Williams S.W., Sex and sex-typing effects on computer attitudes and aptitude. Sex Roles, 23(11/12), 703-712, 1990.
  • Oral, B., The evaluation of the student teachers’ attitudes toward Internet and democracy, Computers & Education, 50, 437–445, 2008.
  • Papanastasiou, E.C. and Angeli, C.,. Evaluating the use of ICT in education: Psychometric properties of the survey of factors affecting teachers teaching with technology (SFA-T3). Educational Technology ve Society, 11(1), 69-86, 2008.
  • Pelgrum, W.J., Obstacles to the integration of ICT in education: Results from a worldwide educational assessment. Computers ve Education 37, 163–178, 2001.
  • Roussos, P., The Greek computer attitudes scale: construction and assessment of psychometric properties. Computers in Human Behavior, 23, 578–590, 2007.
  • Rugayah, H., Hashim, H. & Wan, N. M. Attitudes toward learning about and working with computers of students at unit. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET), 3(2). 35, 2004.
  • Sam, H.K., Othman, A.E.A., and Nordin, Z.S., Computer Self-Efficacy, Computer Anxiety, and Attitudes toward the Internet: A Study among Undergraduates in Unimas. Educational Technology ve Society, 8 (4), 205-219, 2005.
  • Shashaani, L. and Khalili, AGender and computers: similarities and differences in Iranian college students’ attitudes toward computers, Computers ve Education, 37, 363–375, 2001.
  • Slowinski, J., Becoming a technologically savvy administrator. ERIC Digest 135, 2000.
  • Smarkola, C. Efficacy of planner behavior model: Beliefs that contribute to computer usage intentions of student teachers and experienced teachers. Computers in Human Behaviour, 24, 1196- , 2008.
  • Şahinkayasi, Y.,Comparison of Turkey and EU members regarding ICT use, self-confidence in ICT attitudes toward computer. İnt. Educational Technology Conferance 2008, Eskişehir. Erişim tarihi, 3
  • Ocak 2009.
  • Tezci, E., Teachers’ effect on ict use in education: The Turkey sample. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1, 1285–1294. World Conference on Educational Sciences 2009.
  • Torkzadeh, G. and Angula, I.E. The concept and correlates of computer anxiety. Behavior and Information Technology, 11, 99-108. 1992.
  • Wang, L., Ertmer, P. A,, & Newby, T. J. Increasing pre-service teacher’s self-efficacybeliefs for technology. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 3, 231-250, 2004.


Year 2011, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 50 - 57, 01.04.2011


The development and expansion of information and communication technologies ICT is seen as a tool to be effective in solving problems. Because higher education courses are technology intensive at universities, prospective teachers will be equipped with technology skills The role of educational technology in university education and training is happening by prospective teachers’ having related knowledge and skills. The material selection for the course purpose affects students’ level of comprehension and persistence of knowledge. Since, teachers and students will use these technologies, it is important to determine their level of self confidence for using technologies on educational purposes. The purpose of the study is to determine physical education and sport students’ levels of self confidence on the use of CIT for educational purposes. The survey method was used for collecting the data, and Likert type scale was preferred for measuring variables. The results of the analysis indicate the students have some level of self confidence in using information and communication technologies. The levels of self-confidence differ according to gender, taking computer courses or not and having computers at home or not . When physical education and sport school students are evaluated according to the department,the students of physical education and sports have higher self-confidence levels fort he use computers and communications Technologies than the students of coaching education and sport management have


  • Akpınar, Y., Öğretmenlerin Yeni Bilgi Teknolojileri Kullanımında Yükseköğretimin Etkisi: İstanbul Okulları Örneği.The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2(2), 2003.
  • Alkan, C., Deryakulu, D. & Şimşek, N.,(Eğitim Teknolojisine Giriş: Disiplin, Süreç,Ürün. Ankara: Önder Matbaacılık Ltd.Şti, 1995.
  • Akkoyulu, B. & Kurbanoğlu, S., Öğretmen adaylarının bilgi okuryazarlığı ve bilgisayar özyeterlik algıları üzerine bir çalışma. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24, 1-10, 2003.
  • Balanskat, A., Blamire, R., & Kefala, S., The ICT Impact Report: A Review of Studies of ICT impact on Schools in Europe, European Schoolnet. Erişim tarihi 25 Ekim 2009,
  • Bandura, A., Social foundations of thought and action. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 1986.
  • Cohen, D.K., ve Ball, D.L.,Policy and practice: An overview. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 12(3), 347-353, 1990.
  • Deubel, P., An investigation of behaviorist and cognitive approaches to instructionaldesign. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 12(1), 63–90.2003.
  • Christanse, R., Effects of technology integration education on the attitudes of teachers and students. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 34(4) 411-434, 2002.
  • Collier, K. G., Paula, F.J. & Goff, R.J., Colleges of Education LearningProgrammes: A proposal (Working Paper No.5). Washington, DC: Commission on Instructional Technology,1971.
  • Crowther, M. S., Keller, C. C. & Waddoups, G. L., Improving the quality and effectiveness of computer-mediated instruction through usability evaluations. British Journal of Educational Technology, 35(3), 289–303, 2004.
  • Dincer B., Özaslan, M. ve Kavasoğlu., T., İllerin ve bölgelerin sosyo ekonomik gelişmişlik sıralaması araştırması. Ankara: Devlet Planlama Teskilatı Yay., 2671,2003.
  • Hopson, M.H., Simms, R.L., and Knezek, G.A., Using a technologically enriched environment to improve higher-order thinking skills. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 34 (2), 109-119, Etmer, P.A., Teacher pedagogical beliefs: The final frontier in our quest for technology integration? Educational Technology Research and Development, 53(4), 25-39,2005.
  • European Schoolnet, The ICT impact report: A review of studies of ICT impact on schools in Europe. Hazırlayanlar Anja Balanskat, Roger Blamire, Stella Kefala. Retrieved October 20, 2009, from:
  • Ferrero, S.,. Two generations of teachers: Differences in attitudes towards ICT. Observation and analysis of the uses of information and communication technology in European primary and secondary schools. Erişim Tarihi 24 Ocak 2008,
  • Fisher, M., Computer skills of initial teacher education students. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, 9(1), 109–123, 2000.
  • Fiske, E. ve Hammond, B., Indentifying quality in American colleges and universities. Planning for High Education, 26(1), 8-15, 1997.
  • Francis, L.J., The relationship between computer related attitudes and gender stereotyping of computer use. Computers and Education, 22, 283–289, 1994
  • Garland, J.K., ve Noyes, M.J., Computer experience: a poor predictor of computer attitudes. Computers in Human Behavior, 20, 823–840, 2004.
  • İşman, A. and Çelikli, G.E., How does student ability and self-efficacy affect the usage of computer technology? The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 8(1), 33-38. 2009.
  • Kiridis, A., Drossos, V., ve Tsakiridou, H., Teachers Facing Information and Communication Technology (ICT): The Case of Greece journal of Technology and Teacher Education , 14(1), 75-96, Li, N. and Kirkup, G., Gender and cultural differences in Internet use: A study of China and the UK. Computers ve Education, 48, 301–317, 2007.
  • Lim, C.P., Effective integration of ICT in Singapore schools: pedagogical and policy implications. Education Technology, Research and Development, 55(1), 83–116, 2007.
  • MEB. Temel eğitime destek projesi “öğretmen eğitimi bileşeni” öğretmenlik mesleği genel yeterlikleri, Tebliğler Dergisi, S.2590, 1491-1540, 2006.
  • McGrail, E., Teachers, technology and change: English teachers’ perspectives.Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 13(1), 5-24,2005.
  • OECD., Completing the foundation for lifelong learning: An OECD survey of upper secondary schools. Innsbruck/Paris: OECD, Studienverlag. Erişim tarihi 28 Ağustos 2009,
  • Ogletree, S.M., and Williams S.W., Sex and sex-typing effects on computer attitudes and aptitude. Sex Roles, 23(11/12), 703-712, 1990.
  • Oral, B., The evaluation of the student teachers’ attitudes toward Internet and democracy, Computers & Education, 50, 437–445, 2008.
  • Papanastasiou, E.C. and Angeli, C.,. Evaluating the use of ICT in education: Psychometric properties of the survey of factors affecting teachers teaching with technology (SFA-T3). Educational Technology ve Society, 11(1), 69-86, 2008.
  • Pelgrum, W.J., Obstacles to the integration of ICT in education: Results from a worldwide educational assessment. Computers ve Education 37, 163–178, 2001.
  • Roussos, P., The Greek computer attitudes scale: construction and assessment of psychometric properties. Computers in Human Behavior, 23, 578–590, 2007.
  • Rugayah, H., Hashim, H. & Wan, N. M. Attitudes toward learning about and working with computers of students at unit. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET), 3(2). 35, 2004.
  • Sam, H.K., Othman, A.E.A., and Nordin, Z.S., Computer Self-Efficacy, Computer Anxiety, and Attitudes toward the Internet: A Study among Undergraduates in Unimas. Educational Technology ve Society, 8 (4), 205-219, 2005.
  • Shashaani, L. and Khalili, AGender and computers: similarities and differences in Iranian college students’ attitudes toward computers, Computers ve Education, 37, 363–375, 2001.
  • Slowinski, J., Becoming a technologically savvy administrator. ERIC Digest 135, 2000.
  • Smarkola, C. Efficacy of planner behavior model: Beliefs that contribute to computer usage intentions of student teachers and experienced teachers. Computers in Human Behaviour, 24, 1196- , 2008.
  • Şahinkayasi, Y.,Comparison of Turkey and EU members regarding ICT use, self-confidence in ICT attitudes toward computer. İnt. Educational Technology Conferance 2008, Eskişehir. Erişim tarihi, 3
  • Ocak 2009.
  • Tezci, E., Teachers’ effect on ict use in education: The Turkey sample. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1, 1285–1294. World Conference on Educational Sciences 2009.
  • Torkzadeh, G. and Angula, I.E. The concept and correlates of computer anxiety. Behavior and Information Technology, 11, 99-108. 1992.
  • Wang, L., Ertmer, P. A,, & Newby, T. J. Increasing pre-service teacher’s self-efficacybeliefs for technology. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 3, 231-250, 2004.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Zekeriya Göktaş This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 5 Issue: 1
