In this study, elbow and knee joint kinematics of the non stationary ice hockey slap shot was investigated using photogrammetric methods. 4 right handed elite Turkish ice hockey players from various teams participated in the study in order to scientifically obtain a general description of elbow and knee joint kinematics during a non-stationary slap shot. The loading, contact and follow through phases were analyzed using a dual camera and Pictran software system. The results showed an elbow angle pattern consistent with previous studies however a general knee angle strategy could not be obtained
(hitting, shooting, passing, and skating) of professional ice hockey players, in D.J. Persall & A.B. Ashare (Eds) Safety in Ice Hockey, ASTM STP 1446. 4th ed. American Society for Testing &
Materials. West Conshohocken, PA, USA. Woo, T.K. (2004) Three Dimensional Kinematic Analyses of the Stationary Ice
Hockey Slap Shot: Elite versus Recreational. M. Sc. Thesis, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Wu, T-C, Pearsall, D., Hodges, A., Turcotte, R., Lefebvre, R., Montgomery, D. & Bateni, H. (2003) The performance of the ice hockey slap and wrist shots: the effects of stick construction and player skill. Sports Engineering, 6, 31-40.
Worobets, J.T., Fairbairn, J.C. & Stefanyshyn D.J. (2006) The influence of shaft stiffness on potential energy and puck speed during wrist and slap shots in ice hockey. Sports Engineering, 9, 200.
Pearsall, D.J., Montgomery, D.L., Rothsching, N. & Turcotte, R.A. (1999) The influence of stick stiffness on the performance of ice hockey slap shots. Sports Engineering, 2, 3-11.
Villasenor, A., Turcotte, R.A.& Pearsall, D.J. (2006) Recoil effect of the ice hockey stick during a slap shot. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 22, 202-211.
Coleman, G.S.Simon & Rankin, J. Andrew (2005) A three-dimensional examination of the planar nature of the golf swing. Journal of Sports Sciences, 23(3), 227-234.
Lomond, K.V., Turcotte, R.A. & Pearsall D.J. (2007) Three-dimensional analysis of blade contact in an ice hockey slap shot, in relation to player skill. Sports Engineering, 10, 87-100.
Year 2009,
Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 106 - 112, 01.08.2009
Bu çalışmada, buz hokeyinde kullanılan dinamik bir slap-shot vuruşu, fotogrametrik metodlar kullanılarak, dirsek ve diz eklemlerinin kinematiği incelenmiştir. Diz ve dirsek kinematiği tanımının elde edilebilmesi için, istatiksel olarak farklı takımlardan, 4 sağ sopa Türk buz hokeyi oyuncusu bu çalışmaya gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Yükleme, temas ve takip evreleri 2 adet DragonFly ExpressTM dijital video kamera ile çekilmiştir. Değerlendirme fotogrametrik bir yazılım olan Pictran 2.9 yazılımı ile yapılmıştır. Sonuçlar, dirsek açısı için önceki çalışmalarla tutarlılık gösterirken, diz eklem açısı için genel bir strateji elde edilememiştir.
(hitting, shooting, passing, and skating) of professional ice hockey players, in D.J. Persall & A.B. Ashare (Eds) Safety in Ice Hockey, ASTM STP 1446. 4th ed. American Society for Testing &
Materials. West Conshohocken, PA, USA. Woo, T.K. (2004) Three Dimensional Kinematic Analyses of the Stationary Ice
Hockey Slap Shot: Elite versus Recreational. M. Sc. Thesis, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Wu, T-C, Pearsall, D., Hodges, A., Turcotte, R., Lefebvre, R., Montgomery, D. & Bateni, H. (2003) The performance of the ice hockey slap and wrist shots: the effects of stick construction and player skill. Sports Engineering, 6, 31-40.
Worobets, J.T., Fairbairn, J.C. & Stefanyshyn D.J. (2006) The influence of shaft stiffness on potential energy and puck speed during wrist and slap shots in ice hockey. Sports Engineering, 9, 200.
Pearsall, D.J., Montgomery, D.L., Rothsching, N. & Turcotte, R.A. (1999) The influence of stick stiffness on the performance of ice hockey slap shots. Sports Engineering, 2, 3-11.
Villasenor, A., Turcotte, R.A.& Pearsall, D.J. (2006) Recoil effect of the ice hockey stick during a slap shot. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 22, 202-211.
Coleman, G.S.Simon & Rankin, J. Andrew (2005) A three-dimensional examination of the planar nature of the golf swing. Journal of Sports Sciences, 23(3), 227-234.
Lomond, K.V., Turcotte, R.A. & Pearsall D.J. (2007) Three-dimensional analysis of blade contact in an ice hockey slap shot, in relation to player skill. Sports Engineering, 10, 87-100.
Goktepe, A., Özfidan, I., Karabörk, H., Korkusuz, F. (2009). BUZ HOKEYİ SPORUNDA SLAP-SHOT VURUŞUNUN FOTOGRAMETRİK YÖNTEMLER KULLANILARAK BİYOMEKANİK ANALİZİ. Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2), 106-112.