The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of basic futsal training applied for 10 weeks on the strength and agility characteristics of male individuals in middle adolescence. Forty male volunteers aged 14-16 participated in the study (Experiment, mean avg: 15.3; n=20 – Control, mean avg: 14.9; n=20). The research period was planned as 10 weeks and 3 days a week. While futsal training was applied to the experimental group for 60 minutes for 3 days a week, the control group did not participate in any sports training program. Tests and measurements were carried out to evaluate the strength and agility characteristics of the participants before and after the training. Shapiro-Wilk values were examined in order to determine whether the data showed a normal distribution and it was determined that the data showed a normal distribution. Paired sample t-test was used to compare the pretest and posttest data of the experimental group, and independent sample t-test was used to determine the differences between the posttests of the experimental and control groups. According to the findings, significant differences were found between the pre-post test values of the experimental group in the T test, Hexagon test, standing long jump, medicine ball throwing, right and left hand grip strength, 30 sec push-ups and 30 sec sit-ups. In addition, high values were determined in favor of the experimental group in all parameters between the post-tests of the experimental and control groups. As a result, it has been determined that basic futsal training has positive effects on strength and agility characteristics of male individuals in middle adolescence.
WHO (2015). World Health Organization. Nutrition in adolescence-issues and challenges for the health sector: issues in adolescent health and development. Geneva.
Uzun A., Boyalı E. (2020). Çocuk ve Egzersiz (Ed. Yalın Aygün, Mehdi Duyan), (Ergenlik Dönemleri ve Spor). 1. Baskı. Gece Kitaplığı. Ankara.
Gebregyorgis T., Tadesse T., Atenafu A. (2016). Prevalence of thinness and stunting and associated factors among adolescent school girls in Adwa town, North Ethiopia. International Journal of Food Science. 2016.
Hadush G., Seid O., Wuneh AG. (2021). Assessment of nutritional status and associated factors among adolescent girls in Afar, Northeastern Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition. 40(1), 1-14.
Uzun A., Akbulut A., Erkek A., Pamuk Ö., Bozoğlu MS. (2020). Effect of age on speed and agility in early adolescence. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology. 9(8), 168-175.
Erkek A., Uzun A., Emre M. (2021). Orta ergenlik dönemindeki futbolcularda yaşın sürat performansına etkisi. Sportive. 4(1), 57-68.
Barbero-Alvarez JC., Soto VM., Barbero-Alvarez V., Granda-Vera J. (2008). Match analysis and heart rate of futsal players during competition. J. Sports Sci. (26), 63–73.
Spyrou K., Freitas TT., Marín-Cascales E., Alcaraz PE. (2020). Physical and physiological match-play demands and player characteristics in futsal: A systematic review. Frontiers in Psychology. (11), 569897.
FIFA (2020). Laws of the Game. Zurich: Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA).
Caetano FG., de Oliveira MJ., Marche AL., Nakamura FY., Cunha SA., Moura FA. (2015). Characterization of the sprint and repeated-sprint sequences performed by professional futsal players, according to playing position, during official matches. J. Appl. Biomech. (31), 423-429.
Miloski B., de Freitas VH., Nakamura FY., de A Nogueira FC., Bara-Filho MG. (2016). Seasonal training load distribution of professional futsal players: effects on physical fitness, muscle damage and hormonal status. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 30(6), 1525-1533.
Teixeira AS., Nunes RFH., Yanci J., Izzicupo P., Forner Flores LJ., Romano JC., ... Nakamura FY. (2018). Different pathways leading up to the same futsal competition: individual and inter-team variability in loading patterns and preseason training adaptations. Sports. 7(1), 7.
Akdoğan AS., Uzun A. (2022). Determining the physical fitness of ındividuals with autism in early and middle adolescence period. Education Quarterly Reviews. 5, Doi:10.31014/aior.1993.05.02.471.
Ribeiro JN., Gonçalves B., Coutinho D., Brito J., Sampaio J., Travassos B. (2020). Activity profile and physical performance of match play in elite futsal players. Frontiers in Psychology. (11), 1709.
de Lira CA., Mascarin NC., Vargas VZ., Vancini RL., Andrade MS. (2017). Isokinetic knee muscle strength profile in Brazilian male soccer, futsal, and beach soccer players: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 12(7), 1103-1110.
Soares-Caldeira LF., de Souza EA., de Freitas VH., de Moraes SM., Leicht AS., Nakamura FY. (2014). Effects of additional repeated sprint training during preseason on performance, heart rate variability, and stress symptoms in futsal players: a randomized controlled trial. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 28(10), 2815-2826.
Başkaya G., Ünveren A., Karavelioğlu MB. (2018). Comparison of some physiological and motoric characteristics of female soccer and futsal players. Journal of Physical Education & Sports Science/Beden Egitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 12(1).
Erdem K., Yazar M. (2019). Futsal antrenmanlarının 16-17 yaş erkek sporcularda sürat, çeviklik ve anaerobik dayanıklılığa etkisi. Spor Eğitim Dergisi. 3(3), 63-70.
Balcıoğlu A. (2018). Futsal antrenmanlarının 12-14 yaş erkek çocuklarda sürat, çeviklik ve anaerobik güce etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Hatay.
De Oliveira Bueno MJ., Caetano FG., Pereira TJC., De Souza NM., Moreira GD., Nakamura FY., ... Moura FA. (2014). Analysis of the distance covered by Brazilian professional futsal players during official matches. Sports Biomechanics. 13(3), 230-240.
Gómez MA., Moral J., Lago-Peñas C. (2015). Multivariate analysis of ball possessions effectiveness in elite futsal. Journal of Sports Sciences. 33(20), 2173-2181.
Yiannaki C., Barron D., Collins D., Carling C. (2020). Match performance in a reference futsal team during an international tournament–implications for talent development in soccer. Biology of Sport. 37(2), 147-156.
Benvenuti C., Minganti C., Condello G., Capranica L., Tessitore A. (2010). Agility assessment in female futsal and soccer players. Medicina, 46(6), 415.
Uzun A, Şahan A. (2021). Orta ergenlik dönemindeki futbolcularda yaşın, aktif ve pasif sıçramaya etkisi. CBÜ Beden Egitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 16(1), 36-45.
Zorba E., Saygın Ö. (2009). Fiziksel aktivite ve fiziksel uygunluk. 2. Baskı. İnceler Ofset. Ankara.
Raya MA., Gailey RS., Gaunaurd IA., Jayne DM., Campbell SM., Gagne E., ... Tucker C. (2013). Comparison of three agility tests with male servicemembers: Edgren Side Step Test, T-Test, and Illinois Agility Test. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development. 50(7), 951-960.
Mackenzie B. (2005). 101 performance evaluation tests. Electric Word plc. London, 96.
Greene JJ., McGuine TA., Leverson G., Best TM. (1998). Anthropometric and performance measures for high school basketball players. Journal of Athletic Training. 33(3), 229–232.
Diker G., Müniroğlu S. (2016). 8-14 yaş grubu futbolcuların seçilmiş fiziksel özelliklerinin yaş gruplarına göre incelenmesi. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 14(1), 45-52.
Freitas TT., Pereira LA., Alcaraz PE., Arruda AF., Guerriero A., Azevedo PH., Loturco I. (2019). Influence of strength and power capacity on change of direction speed and deficit in elite team-sport athletes. Journal of Human Kinetics. 68(1), 167-176.
Loturco I., Pereira LA., Reis VP., Abad CC., Freitas TT., Azevedo PH., Nimphius S. (2022). Change of direction performance in elite players from different team sports. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 36(3), 862-866.
Galy O., Zongo P., Chamari K., Michalak E., Dellal A., Castagna C., Hue O. (2015). Anthropometric and physiological characteristics of Melanesian futsal players: a first approach to talent identification in Oceania. Biology of Sport. 32(2), 135-141.
Nakamura FY., Pereira LA., Cal Abad CC., Kobal R., Kitamura K., Roschel H., ... Loturco I. (2015). Differences in physical performance between U-20 and senior top-level Brazilian futsal players. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 56(11), 1289-1297.
Loturco I., Suchomel T., James LP., Bishop C., Abad CC., Pereira LA., McGuigan MR. (2018). Selective influences of maximum dynamic strength and bar-power output on team sports performance: a comprehensive study of four different disciplines. Frontiers in Physiology. (9), 1820.
Sekulic D., Foretic N., Gilic B., Esco MR., Hammami R., Uljevic O., ... Spasic M. (2019). Importance of agility performance in professional futsal players; Reliability and applicability of newly developed testing protocols. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16(18), 3246.
Charlot K., Zongo P., Leicht AS., Hue O., Galy O. (2016). Intensity, recovery kinetics and well-being indices are not altered during an official FIFA futsal tournament in Oceanian players. Journal of Sports Sciences. 34(4), 379-388.
Makaje N., Ruangthai R., Arkarapanthu A., Yoopat P. (2012). Physiological demands and activity profiles during futsal match play according to competitive level. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 52(4), 366–374.
Gomes SA., Da Costa Sotero R., Giavoni A. (2011). Body composition and physical fitness level evaluation among futsal athletes classified into gender schemas typological groups. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte. (17), 156–160.
Yüksel MF. (2015). Gölge badminton antrenmanlarının 8-10 yaş grubu badmintoncuların performansları üzerine etkisinin araştırılması. Doktora Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Ankara.
Naser N., Ali A. (2016). A descriptive-comparative study of performance characteristics in futsal players of different levels. Journal of Sports Sciences. 34(18), 1707-1715.
Nogueira FDA., De Freitas VH., Nogueira RA., Miloski B., Werneck FZ., Bara-Filho MG. (2018). Improvement of physical performance, hormonal profile, recovery-stress balance and increase of muscle damage in a specific futsal pre-season planning. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte. 11(2), 63-68.
Yüksel MF., Aydos L. (2019). Investigation the effect of footwork on strength and agility parameters of badminton players. Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 13(3), 286-299.
Nikolaidis PT., Chtourou H., Torres-Luque G., Rosemann T., Knechtle B. (2019). The relationship of age and BMI with physical fitness in futsal players. Sports. 7(4), 87.
Year 2022,
Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 342 - 351, 19.12.2022
Bu çalışmanın amacı, 10 hafta süre ile uygulanan temel futsal eğitiminin orta ergenlik dönemindeki erkek bireylerin kuvvet ve çeviklik özellikleri üzerine etkilerini incelemektir. Çalışmaya yaşları 14-16 arasında değişen 40 gönüllü erkek katılmıştır (Deney, yaş ort: 15,3; n=20 – Kontrol, yaş ort: 14,9; n=20). Araştırma süresi 10 hafta ve haftada 3 gün olarak planlanmıştır. Uygulama grubuna haftada 3 gün boyunca 60 dakika süre ile futsal antrenmanları uygulanırken, kontrol grubu herhangi bir sportif eğitim programına katılmamıştır. Antrenmanlar öncesi ve sonrasında katılımcıların kuvvet ve çeviklik özelliklerini değerlendirmek için test ve ölçümler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Verilerin normal dağılım gösterip göstermediğini tespit etmek amacıyla Shapiro-Wilk değerleri incelenmiş ve verilerin normal dağılım gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Uygulama grubunun ön test ve son test verilerini karşılaştırmak için paired sample t testi, uygulama ve kontrol gruplarının son testleri arasındaki farklılıkları tespit etmek için ise bağımsız örneklem t testi kullanılmıştır. Bulgulara göre uygulama grubunun ön-son test değerleri arasında T testi, Hexagon testi, durarak uzun atlama, sağlık topu fırlatma, sağ ve sol el kavrama kuvveti, 30 sn şınav ve 30 sn mekik çekme parametrelerinde anlamlı farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca uygulama ve kontrol grupları son testleri arasında tüm parametrelerde uygulama grubu lehine yüksek değerler tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak temel futsal eğitiminin orta ergenlik dönemindeki erkek bireylerin kuvvet ve çeviklik özellikleri üzerine olumlu etkileri olduğu belirlenmiştir.
WHO (2015). World Health Organization. Nutrition in adolescence-issues and challenges for the health sector: issues in adolescent health and development. Geneva.
Uzun A., Boyalı E. (2020). Çocuk ve Egzersiz (Ed. Yalın Aygün, Mehdi Duyan), (Ergenlik Dönemleri ve Spor). 1. Baskı. Gece Kitaplığı. Ankara.
Gebregyorgis T., Tadesse T., Atenafu A. (2016). Prevalence of thinness and stunting and associated factors among adolescent school girls in Adwa town, North Ethiopia. International Journal of Food Science. 2016.
Hadush G., Seid O., Wuneh AG. (2021). Assessment of nutritional status and associated factors among adolescent girls in Afar, Northeastern Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition. 40(1), 1-14.
Uzun A., Akbulut A., Erkek A., Pamuk Ö., Bozoğlu MS. (2020). Effect of age on speed and agility in early adolescence. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology. 9(8), 168-175.
Erkek A., Uzun A., Emre M. (2021). Orta ergenlik dönemindeki futbolcularda yaşın sürat performansına etkisi. Sportive. 4(1), 57-68.
Barbero-Alvarez JC., Soto VM., Barbero-Alvarez V., Granda-Vera J. (2008). Match analysis and heart rate of futsal players during competition. J. Sports Sci. (26), 63–73.
Spyrou K., Freitas TT., Marín-Cascales E., Alcaraz PE. (2020). Physical and physiological match-play demands and player characteristics in futsal: A systematic review. Frontiers in Psychology. (11), 569897.
FIFA (2020). Laws of the Game. Zurich: Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA).
Caetano FG., de Oliveira MJ., Marche AL., Nakamura FY., Cunha SA., Moura FA. (2015). Characterization of the sprint and repeated-sprint sequences performed by professional futsal players, according to playing position, during official matches. J. Appl. Biomech. (31), 423-429.
Miloski B., de Freitas VH., Nakamura FY., de A Nogueira FC., Bara-Filho MG. (2016). Seasonal training load distribution of professional futsal players: effects on physical fitness, muscle damage and hormonal status. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 30(6), 1525-1533.
Teixeira AS., Nunes RFH., Yanci J., Izzicupo P., Forner Flores LJ., Romano JC., ... Nakamura FY. (2018). Different pathways leading up to the same futsal competition: individual and inter-team variability in loading patterns and preseason training adaptations. Sports. 7(1), 7.
Akdoğan AS., Uzun A. (2022). Determining the physical fitness of ındividuals with autism in early and middle adolescence period. Education Quarterly Reviews. 5, Doi:10.31014/aior.1993.05.02.471.
Ribeiro JN., Gonçalves B., Coutinho D., Brito J., Sampaio J., Travassos B. (2020). Activity profile and physical performance of match play in elite futsal players. Frontiers in Psychology. (11), 1709.
de Lira CA., Mascarin NC., Vargas VZ., Vancini RL., Andrade MS. (2017). Isokinetic knee muscle strength profile in Brazilian male soccer, futsal, and beach soccer players: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 12(7), 1103-1110.
Soares-Caldeira LF., de Souza EA., de Freitas VH., de Moraes SM., Leicht AS., Nakamura FY. (2014). Effects of additional repeated sprint training during preseason on performance, heart rate variability, and stress symptoms in futsal players: a randomized controlled trial. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 28(10), 2815-2826.
Başkaya G., Ünveren A., Karavelioğlu MB. (2018). Comparison of some physiological and motoric characteristics of female soccer and futsal players. Journal of Physical Education & Sports Science/Beden Egitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 12(1).
Erdem K., Yazar M. (2019). Futsal antrenmanlarının 16-17 yaş erkek sporcularda sürat, çeviklik ve anaerobik dayanıklılığa etkisi. Spor Eğitim Dergisi. 3(3), 63-70.
Balcıoğlu A. (2018). Futsal antrenmanlarının 12-14 yaş erkek çocuklarda sürat, çeviklik ve anaerobik güce etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Hatay.
De Oliveira Bueno MJ., Caetano FG., Pereira TJC., De Souza NM., Moreira GD., Nakamura FY., ... Moura FA. (2014). Analysis of the distance covered by Brazilian professional futsal players during official matches. Sports Biomechanics. 13(3), 230-240.
Gómez MA., Moral J., Lago-Peñas C. (2015). Multivariate analysis of ball possessions effectiveness in elite futsal. Journal of Sports Sciences. 33(20), 2173-2181.
Yiannaki C., Barron D., Collins D., Carling C. (2020). Match performance in a reference futsal team during an international tournament–implications for talent development in soccer. Biology of Sport. 37(2), 147-156.
Benvenuti C., Minganti C., Condello G., Capranica L., Tessitore A. (2010). Agility assessment in female futsal and soccer players. Medicina, 46(6), 415.
Uzun A, Şahan A. (2021). Orta ergenlik dönemindeki futbolcularda yaşın, aktif ve pasif sıçramaya etkisi. CBÜ Beden Egitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 16(1), 36-45.
Zorba E., Saygın Ö. (2009). Fiziksel aktivite ve fiziksel uygunluk. 2. Baskı. İnceler Ofset. Ankara.
Raya MA., Gailey RS., Gaunaurd IA., Jayne DM., Campbell SM., Gagne E., ... Tucker C. (2013). Comparison of three agility tests with male servicemembers: Edgren Side Step Test, T-Test, and Illinois Agility Test. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development. 50(7), 951-960.
Mackenzie B. (2005). 101 performance evaluation tests. Electric Word plc. London, 96.
Greene JJ., McGuine TA., Leverson G., Best TM. (1998). Anthropometric and performance measures for high school basketball players. Journal of Athletic Training. 33(3), 229–232.
Diker G., Müniroğlu S. (2016). 8-14 yaş grubu futbolcuların seçilmiş fiziksel özelliklerinin yaş gruplarına göre incelenmesi. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 14(1), 45-52.
Freitas TT., Pereira LA., Alcaraz PE., Arruda AF., Guerriero A., Azevedo PH., Loturco I. (2019). Influence of strength and power capacity on change of direction speed and deficit in elite team-sport athletes. Journal of Human Kinetics. 68(1), 167-176.
Loturco I., Pereira LA., Reis VP., Abad CC., Freitas TT., Azevedo PH., Nimphius S. (2022). Change of direction performance in elite players from different team sports. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 36(3), 862-866.
Galy O., Zongo P., Chamari K., Michalak E., Dellal A., Castagna C., Hue O. (2015). Anthropometric and physiological characteristics of Melanesian futsal players: a first approach to talent identification in Oceania. Biology of Sport. 32(2), 135-141.
Nakamura FY., Pereira LA., Cal Abad CC., Kobal R., Kitamura K., Roschel H., ... Loturco I. (2015). Differences in physical performance between U-20 and senior top-level Brazilian futsal players. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 56(11), 1289-1297.
Loturco I., Suchomel T., James LP., Bishop C., Abad CC., Pereira LA., McGuigan MR. (2018). Selective influences of maximum dynamic strength and bar-power output on team sports performance: a comprehensive study of four different disciplines. Frontiers in Physiology. (9), 1820.
Sekulic D., Foretic N., Gilic B., Esco MR., Hammami R., Uljevic O., ... Spasic M. (2019). Importance of agility performance in professional futsal players; Reliability and applicability of newly developed testing protocols. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16(18), 3246.
Charlot K., Zongo P., Leicht AS., Hue O., Galy O. (2016). Intensity, recovery kinetics and well-being indices are not altered during an official FIFA futsal tournament in Oceanian players. Journal of Sports Sciences. 34(4), 379-388.
Makaje N., Ruangthai R., Arkarapanthu A., Yoopat P. (2012). Physiological demands and activity profiles during futsal match play according to competitive level. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 52(4), 366–374.
Gomes SA., Da Costa Sotero R., Giavoni A. (2011). Body composition and physical fitness level evaluation among futsal athletes classified into gender schemas typological groups. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte. (17), 156–160.
Yüksel MF. (2015). Gölge badminton antrenmanlarının 8-10 yaş grubu badmintoncuların performansları üzerine etkisinin araştırılması. Doktora Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Ankara.
Naser N., Ali A. (2016). A descriptive-comparative study of performance characteristics in futsal players of different levels. Journal of Sports Sciences. 34(18), 1707-1715.
Nogueira FDA., De Freitas VH., Nogueira RA., Miloski B., Werneck FZ., Bara-Filho MG. (2018). Improvement of physical performance, hormonal profile, recovery-stress balance and increase of muscle damage in a specific futsal pre-season planning. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte. 11(2), 63-68.
Yüksel MF., Aydos L. (2019). Investigation the effect of footwork on strength and agility parameters of badminton players. Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 13(3), 286-299.
Nikolaidis PT., Chtourou H., Torres-Luque G., Rosemann T., Knechtle B. (2019). The relationship of age and BMI with physical fitness in futsal players. Sports. 7(4), 87.