Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 56 - 64, 23.03.2023


The effect of the change in estrogen hormone related to the menstrual cycle on bone mineral density was investigated. The study consisted of 23 physically active young women with a mean age of 20.65±1.87 years, 1.62±0.06 height, 55.61±8.805 kg. After the menstrual cycle phases were determined, bone mineral density (BMD) (T score of the vertebrae L1-L4 and femoral neck regions and BMD (g/cm2) values) were measured in each phase. The obtained data was used in the SPSS 21.0 package program, with repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). The confidence interval was chosen as 95% and values below p<0.05 were considered statistically significant. It was determined that the mean of the interphase mean of the T score and BMD (g/cm2) values of the vertebra L1-L4 and femoral neck regions of the participants did not differ according to time. However, when the T score values of the regions were examined, it was determined that the L1-L4 region and the femur length had the lowest mean in the middle luteal phase compared to the other phases. When the BMD (g/cm2) values were compared, it was found that L1-L4 had the lowest mean in the middle luteal, while the femur length had the lowest mean in the ovulation and middle luteal phases compared to the other phases. It is suggested that some phases of the menstrual cycle in young women affect bone mineral density and that calcium supplements should be used during these periods for bone health..


  • Kurtkapan H. (2019). Türkiye’de demografik dönüşümün sosyal yansımaları ve yaşlılık. Sosyal Güvence. 15, 27-46.
  • Erselcan T., Özen A., Yüksel D., Durmuş AG., Öztürk E., Balcı TA., Karayalçın B. (2009). Kemik mineral yoğunluğu ölçümü uygulama kılavuzu. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 18(1), 31-40.
  • Lida T., Chikamura C., Ishikawa H., Aoi S., Ikeda H., Harada T., Katada K., Ishizaki F., Yatsuya H., Ono, Y. (2012). Factors predicting bone mineral density (BMD) changes in young women over a one-year study: changes in body weight and bone metabolic markers during the menstrual cycle and their effects on BMD. Acta Medica Okayama. 66(4), 307-315.
  • Brecher LS., Pomerantz SC., Snyder BA., Janora DM., Klotzbach-Shimomura KM., Cavalieri TA. (2002). Osteoporosis prevention project: a model multidisciplinary educational intervention. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine. 102(6), 327-335.
  • Tussing L., Chapman-Novakofski K. (2005). Osteoporosis prevention education: behavior theories and calcium intake. Journal Of The American Dietetic Association. 105(1), 92-97.
  • Heaney RP., Abrams S., Dawson-Hughes B., Looker A., Marcus R., Matkovic V., Weaver C. (2000). Peak bone mass. Osteoporosis International. 11(12), 985.
  • Kuroda T., Onoe Y., Miyabara Y., Yoshikata R., Orito S., Ishitani K., Okano H., Ohta H. (2009). Influence of maternal genetic and lifestyle factors on bone mineral density in adolescent daughters: a cohort study in 387 Japanese daughter-mother pairs. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism. 27(3), 379-385.
  • Orito S., Kuroda T., Onoe Y., Sato Y., Ohta H. (2009). Age-related distribution of bone and skeletal parameters in 1,322 Japanese young women. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism. 27(6), 698-704.
  • Misra M., Klibanski A. (2006). Anorexia nervosa and osteoporosis. Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders. 7(1), 91-99.
  • Petit MA., Beck TJ., Lin HM., Bentley C., Legro RS., Lloyd T. (2004). Femoral bone structural geometry adapts to mechanical loading and is influenced by sex steroids: the Penn State Young Women's Health Study. Bone. 35(3), 750-759.
  • Lida T., Chikamura C., Ishikawa H. (2007). Menstrual changes of serum N-telopeptide of type I collagen and urinary deoxypyridinoline among young women. Journal of Analytical Bio-Science. 30(3), 252-257.
  • Braat DD., Smeenk JM. (1998). Saliva test as ovulation predictor. The Lancet. 352(9136), 1283-1284.
  • Thompson B., Han A. (2019). Methodological recommendations for menstrual cycle research in sports and exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 51(12), 2610-2617.
  • Kanis JA., Melton LJ., Christiansen C., Johnston CC., Khaltaev N. (1994). The diagnosis of osteoporosis. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 9(8), 1137-1141.
  • Kutsal YG. (2005). Osteoporoz tanısında görüntüleme yöntemleri ve histomorfometri. İçinde: Kutsal YG. (Editör). Güneş Kitabevi: Ankara.
  • Faulkner KG. (2001). Update on bone density measurement. Rheumatic Disease Clinics. 27(1), 81-99.
  • National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF). Clinician’s guide to prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. [Erişim tarihi: 06.12.2022].
  • International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) Official Positions Adult. [Erişim tarihi: 06.12.2022].
  • Sindel D., Gula G. (2015). Osteoporozda kemik mineral yoğunluğunun değerlendirilmesi. Türk Osteoporoz Dergisi. 21(1), 24-29.
  • George D., Mallery P. (2001). SPSS for windows step by step: A simple guide and reference 10.0 update. 3. Printing. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Weaver CM. (2002). Adolescence the period of dramatic bone growth. Endocrine. 17(1), 43-48.
  • Southmayd EA., Mallinson RJ., Williams NI., Mallinson DJ., De Souza MJ. (2017). Unique effects of energy versus estrogen deficiency on multiple components of bone strength in exercising women. Osteoporosis International. 28(4), 1365-1376.
  • Nichols JF., Rauh MJ., Barrack MT., Barkai HS. (2007). Bone mineral density in female high school athletes: interactions of menstrual function and type of mechanical loading. Bone. 41(3), 371-377.
  • Blumsohn A., Hannon RA., Wrate R., Barton J., AI‐Dehaimi AW., Colwell A., Eastell R. (1994). Biochemical markers of bone turnover in girls during puberty. Clinical Endocrinology. 40(5), 663-670.
  • Weinreb M., Shinar D., Rodan GA. (1990). Different pattern of alkaline phosphatase, osteopontin, and osteocalcin expression in developing rat bone visualized by in situ hybridization. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 5(8), 831-842.
  • Motooka N., Matsuo H. (2019). The affect of lifestyle on bone mineral density and bone turnover in young women. Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences. 65(4), 124.
  • Anderson JJ., Rondano PA. (1996). Peak bone mass development of females: can young adult women improve their peak bone mass?. Journal of The American College of Nutrition. 15(6), 570-574.
  • Özünal A., Alim, NE. (2022). Menopozal dönemde görülen osteoporozda kalsiyum ve D vitaminin rolü. Türkiye Sağlık Araştırmaları Dergisi. 3(1), 46-55.


Yıl 2023, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 56 - 64, 23.03.2023


Menstruel döngüye bağlı östrojen hormonundaki değişimin kemik mineral yoğunluğu üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştırma ortalama yaşı 20.65±1.87 yıl, 1.62±0.06 boy, 55.61±8.805 kg olan fiziksel olarak aktif 23 genç kadından oluşmaktadır. Adet döngü fazları belirlendikten sonra her fazda katılımcılardan kemik mineral yoğunluğu (KMY) (vertebra L1-L4 ve femur boyun bölgelerinin T skoru ile KMY(g/cm2) değerleri) düzeyleri ölçülmüştür. Elde edilen verilere SPSS 21.0 paket programında tekrarlı ölçümlerde varyans analizi (Repeated measures -ANOVA) kullanılmıştır. Güven aralığı %95 olarak seçilmiş ve p<0,05’in altındaki değerler istatiksel olarak anlamlı kabul edilmiştir. Katılımcıların vertebra L1-L4 ile femur boyun bölgelerinin T skoru ile KMY(g/cm2) değerlerinin fazlar arası ortalamalarının zamana göre farklılık göstermediği tespit edilmiştir. Ancak bölgelerin T skoru değerleri incelendiğinde L1-L4 bölgesi ile femur boyunun orta luteal fazda diğer fazlara oranla en düşük ortalamaya sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. KMY(g/cm2) değerlerinin karşılaştırılmasına bakıldığında ise L1-L4’ün orta lutealde, femur boyunun ise ovülasyon ve orta luteal fazın diğer fazlara oranla en düşük ortalamaya sahip olduğu bulunmuştur. Genç kadınlarda menstruel döngüdeki bazı fazların kemik mineral yoğunluğunu etkilediği ve kemik sağlığı için bu dönemlerde kalsiyum takviyesinin kullanılması gerektiği önerilmektedir.


  • Kurtkapan H. (2019). Türkiye’de demografik dönüşümün sosyal yansımaları ve yaşlılık. Sosyal Güvence. 15, 27-46.
  • Erselcan T., Özen A., Yüksel D., Durmuş AG., Öztürk E., Balcı TA., Karayalçın B. (2009). Kemik mineral yoğunluğu ölçümü uygulama kılavuzu. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 18(1), 31-40.
  • Lida T., Chikamura C., Ishikawa H., Aoi S., Ikeda H., Harada T., Katada K., Ishizaki F., Yatsuya H., Ono, Y. (2012). Factors predicting bone mineral density (BMD) changes in young women over a one-year study: changes in body weight and bone metabolic markers during the menstrual cycle and their effects on BMD. Acta Medica Okayama. 66(4), 307-315.
  • Brecher LS., Pomerantz SC., Snyder BA., Janora DM., Klotzbach-Shimomura KM., Cavalieri TA. (2002). Osteoporosis prevention project: a model multidisciplinary educational intervention. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine. 102(6), 327-335.
  • Tussing L., Chapman-Novakofski K. (2005). Osteoporosis prevention education: behavior theories and calcium intake. Journal Of The American Dietetic Association. 105(1), 92-97.
  • Heaney RP., Abrams S., Dawson-Hughes B., Looker A., Marcus R., Matkovic V., Weaver C. (2000). Peak bone mass. Osteoporosis International. 11(12), 985.
  • Kuroda T., Onoe Y., Miyabara Y., Yoshikata R., Orito S., Ishitani K., Okano H., Ohta H. (2009). Influence of maternal genetic and lifestyle factors on bone mineral density in adolescent daughters: a cohort study in 387 Japanese daughter-mother pairs. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism. 27(3), 379-385.
  • Orito S., Kuroda T., Onoe Y., Sato Y., Ohta H. (2009). Age-related distribution of bone and skeletal parameters in 1,322 Japanese young women. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism. 27(6), 698-704.
  • Misra M., Klibanski A. (2006). Anorexia nervosa and osteoporosis. Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders. 7(1), 91-99.
  • Petit MA., Beck TJ., Lin HM., Bentley C., Legro RS., Lloyd T. (2004). Femoral bone structural geometry adapts to mechanical loading and is influenced by sex steroids: the Penn State Young Women's Health Study. Bone. 35(3), 750-759.
  • Lida T., Chikamura C., Ishikawa H. (2007). Menstrual changes of serum N-telopeptide of type I collagen and urinary deoxypyridinoline among young women. Journal of Analytical Bio-Science. 30(3), 252-257.
  • Braat DD., Smeenk JM. (1998). Saliva test as ovulation predictor. The Lancet. 352(9136), 1283-1284.
  • Thompson B., Han A. (2019). Methodological recommendations for menstrual cycle research in sports and exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 51(12), 2610-2617.
  • Kanis JA., Melton LJ., Christiansen C., Johnston CC., Khaltaev N. (1994). The diagnosis of osteoporosis. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 9(8), 1137-1141.
  • Kutsal YG. (2005). Osteoporoz tanısında görüntüleme yöntemleri ve histomorfometri. İçinde: Kutsal YG. (Editör). Güneş Kitabevi: Ankara.
  • Faulkner KG. (2001). Update on bone density measurement. Rheumatic Disease Clinics. 27(1), 81-99.
  • National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF). Clinician’s guide to prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. [Erişim tarihi: 06.12.2022].
  • International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) Official Positions Adult. [Erişim tarihi: 06.12.2022].
  • Sindel D., Gula G. (2015). Osteoporozda kemik mineral yoğunluğunun değerlendirilmesi. Türk Osteoporoz Dergisi. 21(1), 24-29.
  • George D., Mallery P. (2001). SPSS for windows step by step: A simple guide and reference 10.0 update. 3. Printing. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Weaver CM. (2002). Adolescence the period of dramatic bone growth. Endocrine. 17(1), 43-48.
  • Southmayd EA., Mallinson RJ., Williams NI., Mallinson DJ., De Souza MJ. (2017). Unique effects of energy versus estrogen deficiency on multiple components of bone strength in exercising women. Osteoporosis International. 28(4), 1365-1376.
  • Nichols JF., Rauh MJ., Barrack MT., Barkai HS. (2007). Bone mineral density in female high school athletes: interactions of menstrual function and type of mechanical loading. Bone. 41(3), 371-377.
  • Blumsohn A., Hannon RA., Wrate R., Barton J., AI‐Dehaimi AW., Colwell A., Eastell R. (1994). Biochemical markers of bone turnover in girls during puberty. Clinical Endocrinology. 40(5), 663-670.
  • Weinreb M., Shinar D., Rodan GA. (1990). Different pattern of alkaline phosphatase, osteopontin, and osteocalcin expression in developing rat bone visualized by in situ hybridization. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 5(8), 831-842.
  • Motooka N., Matsuo H. (2019). The affect of lifestyle on bone mineral density and bone turnover in young women. Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences. 65(4), 124.
  • Anderson JJ., Rondano PA. (1996). Peak bone mass development of females: can young adult women improve their peak bone mass?. Journal of The American College of Nutrition. 15(6), 570-574.
  • Özünal A., Alim, NE. (2022). Menopozal dönemde görülen osteoporozda kalsiyum ve D vitaminin rolü. Türkiye Sağlık Araştırmaları Dergisi. 3(1), 46-55.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Spor Hekimliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Seda Yalçın 0000-0002-9661-2356

Gökhan Yerlikaya 0000-0003-0086-6552

Malik Beyleroğlu 0000-0002-2223-0064

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Mart 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Şubat 2023
Kabul Tarihi 19 Mart 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1

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