Research Article
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Technical Examination of Pasture Areas in Land Consolidation Projects and Legal Framework: The Case of Balikesir Province

Year 2025, , 11 - 18, 15.01.2025


Among the natural resources, pasture areas are of great importance for animal husbandry and animal production. In addition, they have many benefits, from preventing soil and water erosion to protecting genetic resources. Many studies are being carried out to protect, improve, and make these areas sustainable. In rural areas, land consolidation studies are carried out to obtain the highest yield from the unit area with the least cost. Inland consolidation studies, the geometric shapes of the parcels are corrected, their planning is done so that they will have direct access to roads, irrigation, and drainage networks, and land reclamation is carried out. Pasture lands within the regulation border are also evaluated within this scope. In Türkiye, until April 28, 2018, consolidation studies were carried out by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock and the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works, while after this date, they were carried out by the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works. In addition to the changes in the implementing institution in the consolidation projects, changes were made to the legislation. The changes made within this scope also include the evaluation of pasture areas. In this study, the Manyas Left Bank Irrigation and Fertile Pumped Irrigation L.C. and F.D.S. Project, the works carried out in Bereketli and Simavlı villages will be evaluated. The General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works carries out the project. Different applications regarding pasture areas within the project's scope were made in two villages. The main difference in the application is the cutting from pasture areas. No cutting was done in Simavlı Village pastures, but Bereketli pastures were cut. Within the scope of our study, these differences were revealed, and their status before and after the project was evaluated. Of the two villages in the same project area, no deduction was made from pasture parcels in Simavlı Village, while deductions were made in Bereketli Village. In Simavlı Village, most of the pasture parcels were left out of the regulation in order to reduce the rate of participation in standard facilities and to avoid expropriation costs.

Ethical Statement

Ethics committee approval was not required for this study because of there was no study on animals or humans.


  • Acar Ö, Akdeniz HB. 2023. Arazi toplulaştırma projelerinin parsel şekil değişimine etkisinin analizi: Manyas/Salur mahallesi örneği, Türkiye. In: Ayaz T, Öztürk F, editors. Tarımsal Eski Sorunlara Yeni Yaklaşımlar. Iksad Publishing House, Ankara, Türkiye pp: 81–101.
  • Acar Ö, Bengin E. 2018. Evaluation of Yozgat (Baştürk Village) land consolidation project in terms of regional development. In: 3rd International Bozok Symposium Regional Development and Socio-Cultural Structure, 3-5 May, Bozok University, Yozgat, Türkiye, pp:1105-1113.
  • Akdeniz HB, Acar Ö. 2023. Arazi toplulaştırma projelerinin arazi parçalanması değişimine etkisi bakımından değerlendirilmesi: Manyas / Yeniköy mahallesi örneği, Türkiye. In: Ayaz T, Öztürk F, editors. Tarımsal Eski Sorunlara Yeni Yaklaşımlar. Iksad Publishing House, Ankara, Türkiye, pp:103–121.
  • Akdeniz HB, İnam Ş, Çay T. 2023. Evaluation of land consolidation projects implemented in terms of their effects on rural development in Türkiye. COMU J Agric Fac, 11 (1): 18-30. ISSN: 2147–8384 / e-ISSN: 2564–6826. doi: 10.33202/comuagri.1232016.
  • Akın İ. 2021. The effects of water, soil and climate change on the sustainability of safe food and some determinations. Rahva J Tech Soc Stud, 1(1): 13-23.
  • Akkul M. 2022. Examination of property-related problems in rural land arrangement practices in terms of sustainable land management: the example of Kop region. PhD thesis, Necmettin Erbakan University, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Konya, Türkiye, pp: 114.
  • Aydoğdu M, Özdemir Ş, Dedeoğlu F, Mermer A. 2012. Determining misuse of agricultural lands in yenimahalle district of Ankara using gis and remote sensing techniques. J Field Crops Central Res Instit, 21(2): 57-64.
  • Bacior S, Prus B. 2018. Infrastructure development and its influence on agricultural land and regional sustainable development. Ecol Inf, 44: 82–93. 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2018.02.001.
  • Capone R, Bilali H, Debs P, Gianluigi C, Noureddin D. 2014. Food system sustainability and food security: connecting the dots. J Food Sec, 2 (1): 13–22.
  • Crecente R, Alvarez C, Fra U. 2002. Economic, social and environmental impact of land consolidation in Galicia. Land Use Pol, 19(2): 135-147.
  • Çay T. 2001. Arazi düzenlemesi ve mevzuatı. Petek Ofset, Konya, Türkiye, 2nd ed., pp: 350. ISBN: 975-97743-0-5
  • Çay T, Acar Ö. 2022. Balıkesir İlinde yapılan arazi toplulaştırma projelerinin teknik analizi. In: Babayiğit M, Özkan M, Çanakçı AA, Abdelghany AHA, Polat M, Cengiz L, editors. Geçmişten Günümüze Balıkesir’in Kültürel Mirası, Palet Yayınları, 4th ed., Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 67-98. E- ISBN:978-625-6401-09-9.
  • Çay T, İşcan F. 2005. Karkın kasabası ve şatır köyünde yapılan arazi toplulaştırma çalışmalarının değerlendirilmesi. In: Türkiye’de Arazi Toplulaştırması Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 15-16 September, Konya, Türkiye, pp: 12-26.
  • Çevik B. 1974. Konya İli Çumra-Karkın Köyünün kültürteknik sorunları ve bu sorunların çözümünde arazi toplulaştırmasının yeri ve önemi üzerinde bir araştırma. Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 77.
  • Demirel Z. 2005. Kırsal toprak düzenlemesi (arazi toplulaştırması). Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Basım-Yayın Merkezi, İstanbul, Türkiye, 4th ed., pp: 223.
  • Demirtaş EI, Sarı M. 2003. Land consolidation. Derim, 20(1): 48-58.
  • Denizdurduran M, Kızılelma Y, Acar Ö, Bengin E. 2017. The analysis of the temporal changes with remote sensing in the city, Afşin (Kahramanmaraş) and its surrounding. In: TUFUAB IX. Teknik Sempozyumu, 27-29 April, Afyonkarahisar, Türkiye, pp: 126-130. ISBN978-605-67429-1-0.
  • Diesendorf, M. 2000. Sustainability and sustainable development. In: Dunphy D, Benveniste J, Griffiths A, Sutton P, editors. Sustainability: The Corporate Challenge of the 21st Century, Allen & Unwi, Australia, 1st ed., pp: 19-37.
  • Duru S, Gül A, Hayran S. 2017. Land consolidation in Turkey: Legislation and practices. Turkish J Agri Econ, 23(2):263-269
  • Ertunç E, Janus J. 2021. Impact of Land Consolidation Projects on Land Fragmentation Change: The Case of Turkey and Poland. Turkish J Agri Nat Sci, 8(1): 226-234.
  • Gürbüz M, Denizdurduran M, Karabulut M, Kızılelma Y. 2012. Uzaktan algılama ve CBS kullanarak Elbistan ovasında arazi kullanımı/arazi örtüsünde meydana gelen değişimlerin incelenmesi. KSÜ Müh Bilim Derg, 2012: 30-37.
  • Güzel A. 2021. Problems encountered in the land consolidation works performed by GDSHW and suggestions for solutions. MSc thesis, Artvin Çoruh University, Graduate Education Institute, Artvin, Türkiye, pp: 87.
  • İkincikarakaya SÜ, Beyaz KB, Rezaei F. 2013. Doğal kaynaklar ve tarım. Türk Bilim Der Derg, 6(1): 104-109.
  • Kaya MS, Şişman A. 2020. Investigation of objections in parceling phase in land consolidation projects Turkey. Land Manage J, 2(1): 25-32.
  • Kucukmehmetoglu M, Geymen A. 2009. Urban sprawl factors in the surface water resource basins of Istanbul. Land Use Policy, 26(3): 569-579.
  • Küsek G. 2014. Legal status and historical developments of land consolidation in Turkey. J Agric Fac ÇÜ, 29 (1): 1-6
  • Lerman Z, Cimpoieş D. 2006. Land consolidation as a factor for rural development in Moldova. Europe-Asia Stud, 58(3): 439-455.
  • Marten GG. 2001. Human ecology: Basic concepts for sustainable development. Routledge, London, UK, 1st ed., pp:256. ISBN: 978-1-85383-714-2
  • Munnangi AK, Lohani B, Misra SC. 2020. A review of land consolidation in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India: qualitative approach. Land Use Policy, 90, 104309.
  • Pašakarnis G, Maliene V. 2010. Towards sustainable rural development in central and eastern europe: applying land consolidation. Land Use Policy, 27(2): 545-549.
  • Reidsma P, Konig H, Feng S, Bezlepkina I, Nesheim I, Bonin M, Sghaier M, Purushothaman S, Sieber S, Van Ittersum, MK, Brouwer F. 2011. Methods and tools for integrated assessment of land use policies on sustainable development in developing countries. Land Use Policy, 28(3): 604–617. landusepol.2010.11.009
  • Resmî Gazete, 2019. Arazi toplulaştırması ve tarla içi geliştirme hizmetleri uygulama yönetmeliği. URL: (accessed date: August 10, 2024).
  • Steiner K, Herweg K, Dumanski J. 2000. Practical and cost-effective indicators and procedures for monitoring the impacts of rural development projects on land quality and sustainable land management. Agri Ecosyst Environ, 81: 147–154.
  • Sumiahadi A, Acar R, Özel A. 2020. Green manure for soil properties improvement. In: 2nd International Eurasian Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (EurasianSciEnTech 2020), 7–9 October, Gaziantep, Türkiye, pp: 1267-1274.
  • T.C. GTHB (Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı). 2016. 2016 yılı faaliyet raporu. URL:ık_Faaliyet_Raporları/2016%20YILI%20BAKANLIK%20FAALİYET%20RAPORU.pdf (accessed date: July 20, 2024).
  • T.C. GTHB (Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı). 2017. 2017 yılı faaliyet raporu. URL:ık_Faaliyet_Raporları/2017.pdf (accessed date: July 20, 2024).
  • T.C. Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı, Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü. 2017. 2017 yılı faaliyet raporu. URL: (accessed date: July 20, 2024).
  • T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı, Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü. 2022a. 2022 yılı faaliyet raporu. URL: (Access Date: 20/07/2024)
  • T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı, Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü. 2022b. DSİ 25. Bölge Müdürlüğü, Manyas Sol Sahil Sulaması ve Bereketli Pompaj Sulamaları A.T. ve T.İ.G.H. projesi Simavlı köyü parselasyon planı raporu, Ankara, Türkiye, ss: 58.
  • T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı. 2023. Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, DSİ 25. Bölge Müdürlüğü, Manyas Sol Sahil Sulaması ve Bereketli Pompaj Sulamaları A.T. ve T.İ.G.H. projesi bereketli köyü parselasyon planı raporu, Ankara, Türkiye, ss: 63.
  • Vitikainen, A. 2004. An overview of land consolidation in europe. Nordic J Surv Real Estate Res 1(1): 25-44.
  • Yin Q, Sui X, Ye B, Zhou Y, Li C, Zou M, Zhou S. 2022. What role does land consolidation play in the multi-dimensional rural revitalization in china? a research synthesis. Land Use Policy, 120: 106261.
  • Zang Y, Yang Y, Liu Y. 2021. Toward serving land consolidation on the table of sustainability: an overview of the research landscape and future directions. Land Use Policy, 109: 105696.

Technical Examination of Pasture Areas in Land Consolidation Projects and Legal Framework: The Case of Balikesir Province

Year 2025, , 11 - 18, 15.01.2025


Among the natural resources, pasture areas are of great importance for animal husbandry and animal production. In addition, they have many benefits, from preventing soil and water erosion to protecting genetic resources. Many studies are being carried out to protect, improve, and make these areas sustainable. In rural areas, land consolidation studies are carried out to obtain the highest yield from the unit area with the least cost. Inland consolidation studies, the geometric shapes of the parcels are corrected, their planning is done so that they will have direct access to roads, irrigation, and drainage networks, and land reclamation is carried out. Pasture lands within the regulation border are also evaluated within this scope. In Türkiye, until April 28, 2018, consolidation studies were carried out by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock and the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works, while after this date, they were carried out by the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works. In addition to the changes in the implementing institution in the consolidation projects, changes were made to the legislation. The changes made within this scope also include the evaluation of pasture areas. In this study, the Manyas Left Bank Irrigation and Fertile Pumped Irrigation L.C. and F.D.S. Project, the works carried out in Bereketli and Simavlı villages will be evaluated. The General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works carries out the project. Different applications regarding pasture areas within the project's scope were made in two villages. The main difference in the application is the cutting from pasture areas. No cutting was done in Simavlı Village pastures, but Bereketli pastures were cut. Within the scope of our study, these differences were revealed, and their status before and after the project was evaluated. Of the two villages in the same project area, no deduction was made from pasture parcels in Simavlı Village, while deductions were made in Bereketli Village. In Simavlı Village, most of the pasture parcels were left out of the regulation in order to reduce the rate of participation in standard facilities and to avoid expropriation costs.

Ethical Statement

Ethics committee approval was not required for this study because of there was no study on animals or humans.


  • Acar Ö, Akdeniz HB. 2023. Arazi toplulaştırma projelerinin parsel şekil değişimine etkisinin analizi: Manyas/Salur mahallesi örneği, Türkiye. In: Ayaz T, Öztürk F, editors. Tarımsal Eski Sorunlara Yeni Yaklaşımlar. Iksad Publishing House, Ankara, Türkiye pp: 81–101.
  • Acar Ö, Bengin E. 2018. Evaluation of Yozgat (Baştürk Village) land consolidation project in terms of regional development. In: 3rd International Bozok Symposium Regional Development and Socio-Cultural Structure, 3-5 May, Bozok University, Yozgat, Türkiye, pp:1105-1113.
  • Akdeniz HB, Acar Ö. 2023. Arazi toplulaştırma projelerinin arazi parçalanması değişimine etkisi bakımından değerlendirilmesi: Manyas / Yeniköy mahallesi örneği, Türkiye. In: Ayaz T, Öztürk F, editors. Tarımsal Eski Sorunlara Yeni Yaklaşımlar. Iksad Publishing House, Ankara, Türkiye, pp:103–121.
  • Akdeniz HB, İnam Ş, Çay T. 2023. Evaluation of land consolidation projects implemented in terms of their effects on rural development in Türkiye. COMU J Agric Fac, 11 (1): 18-30. ISSN: 2147–8384 / e-ISSN: 2564–6826. doi: 10.33202/comuagri.1232016.
  • Akın İ. 2021. The effects of water, soil and climate change on the sustainability of safe food and some determinations. Rahva J Tech Soc Stud, 1(1): 13-23.
  • Akkul M. 2022. Examination of property-related problems in rural land arrangement practices in terms of sustainable land management: the example of Kop region. PhD thesis, Necmettin Erbakan University, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Konya, Türkiye, pp: 114.
  • Aydoğdu M, Özdemir Ş, Dedeoğlu F, Mermer A. 2012. Determining misuse of agricultural lands in yenimahalle district of Ankara using gis and remote sensing techniques. J Field Crops Central Res Instit, 21(2): 57-64.
  • Bacior S, Prus B. 2018. Infrastructure development and its influence on agricultural land and regional sustainable development. Ecol Inf, 44: 82–93. 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2018.02.001.
  • Capone R, Bilali H, Debs P, Gianluigi C, Noureddin D. 2014. Food system sustainability and food security: connecting the dots. J Food Sec, 2 (1): 13–22.
  • Crecente R, Alvarez C, Fra U. 2002. Economic, social and environmental impact of land consolidation in Galicia. Land Use Pol, 19(2): 135-147.
  • Çay T. 2001. Arazi düzenlemesi ve mevzuatı. Petek Ofset, Konya, Türkiye, 2nd ed., pp: 350. ISBN: 975-97743-0-5
  • Çay T, Acar Ö. 2022. Balıkesir İlinde yapılan arazi toplulaştırma projelerinin teknik analizi. In: Babayiğit M, Özkan M, Çanakçı AA, Abdelghany AHA, Polat M, Cengiz L, editors. Geçmişten Günümüze Balıkesir’in Kültürel Mirası, Palet Yayınları, 4th ed., Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 67-98. E- ISBN:978-625-6401-09-9.
  • Çay T, İşcan F. 2005. Karkın kasabası ve şatır köyünde yapılan arazi toplulaştırma çalışmalarının değerlendirilmesi. In: Türkiye’de Arazi Toplulaştırması Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 15-16 September, Konya, Türkiye, pp: 12-26.
  • Çevik B. 1974. Konya İli Çumra-Karkın Köyünün kültürteknik sorunları ve bu sorunların çözümünde arazi toplulaştırmasının yeri ve önemi üzerinde bir araştırma. Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 77.
  • Demirel Z. 2005. Kırsal toprak düzenlemesi (arazi toplulaştırması). Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Basım-Yayın Merkezi, İstanbul, Türkiye, 4th ed., pp: 223.
  • Demirtaş EI, Sarı M. 2003. Land consolidation. Derim, 20(1): 48-58.
  • Denizdurduran M, Kızılelma Y, Acar Ö, Bengin E. 2017. The analysis of the temporal changes with remote sensing in the city, Afşin (Kahramanmaraş) and its surrounding. In: TUFUAB IX. Teknik Sempozyumu, 27-29 April, Afyonkarahisar, Türkiye, pp: 126-130. ISBN978-605-67429-1-0.
  • Diesendorf, M. 2000. Sustainability and sustainable development. In: Dunphy D, Benveniste J, Griffiths A, Sutton P, editors. Sustainability: The Corporate Challenge of the 21st Century, Allen & Unwi, Australia, 1st ed., pp: 19-37.
  • Duru S, Gül A, Hayran S. 2017. Land consolidation in Turkey: Legislation and practices. Turkish J Agri Econ, 23(2):263-269
  • Ertunç E, Janus J. 2021. Impact of Land Consolidation Projects on Land Fragmentation Change: The Case of Turkey and Poland. Turkish J Agri Nat Sci, 8(1): 226-234.
  • Gürbüz M, Denizdurduran M, Karabulut M, Kızılelma Y. 2012. Uzaktan algılama ve CBS kullanarak Elbistan ovasında arazi kullanımı/arazi örtüsünde meydana gelen değişimlerin incelenmesi. KSÜ Müh Bilim Derg, 2012: 30-37.
  • Güzel A. 2021. Problems encountered in the land consolidation works performed by GDSHW and suggestions for solutions. MSc thesis, Artvin Çoruh University, Graduate Education Institute, Artvin, Türkiye, pp: 87.
  • İkincikarakaya SÜ, Beyaz KB, Rezaei F. 2013. Doğal kaynaklar ve tarım. Türk Bilim Der Derg, 6(1): 104-109.
  • Kaya MS, Şişman A. 2020. Investigation of objections in parceling phase in land consolidation projects Turkey. Land Manage J, 2(1): 25-32.
  • Kucukmehmetoglu M, Geymen A. 2009. Urban sprawl factors in the surface water resource basins of Istanbul. Land Use Policy, 26(3): 569-579.
  • Küsek G. 2014. Legal status and historical developments of land consolidation in Turkey. J Agric Fac ÇÜ, 29 (1): 1-6
  • Lerman Z, Cimpoieş D. 2006. Land consolidation as a factor for rural development in Moldova. Europe-Asia Stud, 58(3): 439-455.
  • Marten GG. 2001. Human ecology: Basic concepts for sustainable development. Routledge, London, UK, 1st ed., pp:256. ISBN: 978-1-85383-714-2
  • Munnangi AK, Lohani B, Misra SC. 2020. A review of land consolidation in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India: qualitative approach. Land Use Policy, 90, 104309.
  • Pašakarnis G, Maliene V. 2010. Towards sustainable rural development in central and eastern europe: applying land consolidation. Land Use Policy, 27(2): 545-549.
  • Reidsma P, Konig H, Feng S, Bezlepkina I, Nesheim I, Bonin M, Sghaier M, Purushothaman S, Sieber S, Van Ittersum, MK, Brouwer F. 2011. Methods and tools for integrated assessment of land use policies on sustainable development in developing countries. Land Use Policy, 28(3): 604–617. landusepol.2010.11.009
  • Resmî Gazete, 2019. Arazi toplulaştırması ve tarla içi geliştirme hizmetleri uygulama yönetmeliği. URL: (accessed date: August 10, 2024).
  • Steiner K, Herweg K, Dumanski J. 2000. Practical and cost-effective indicators and procedures for monitoring the impacts of rural development projects on land quality and sustainable land management. Agri Ecosyst Environ, 81: 147–154.
  • Sumiahadi A, Acar R, Özel A. 2020. Green manure for soil properties improvement. In: 2nd International Eurasian Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (EurasianSciEnTech 2020), 7–9 October, Gaziantep, Türkiye, pp: 1267-1274.
  • T.C. GTHB (Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı). 2016. 2016 yılı faaliyet raporu. URL:ık_Faaliyet_Raporları/2016%20YILI%20BAKANLIK%20FAALİYET%20RAPORU.pdf (accessed date: July 20, 2024).
  • T.C. GTHB (Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı). 2017. 2017 yılı faaliyet raporu. URL:ık_Faaliyet_Raporları/2017.pdf (accessed date: July 20, 2024).
  • T.C. Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı, Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü. 2017. 2017 yılı faaliyet raporu. URL: (accessed date: July 20, 2024).
  • T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı, Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü. 2022a. 2022 yılı faaliyet raporu. URL: (Access Date: 20/07/2024)
  • T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı, Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü. 2022b. DSİ 25. Bölge Müdürlüğü, Manyas Sol Sahil Sulaması ve Bereketli Pompaj Sulamaları A.T. ve T.İ.G.H. projesi Simavlı köyü parselasyon planı raporu, Ankara, Türkiye, ss: 58.
  • T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı. 2023. Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, DSİ 25. Bölge Müdürlüğü, Manyas Sol Sahil Sulaması ve Bereketli Pompaj Sulamaları A.T. ve T.İ.G.H. projesi bereketli köyü parselasyon planı raporu, Ankara, Türkiye, ss: 63.
  • Vitikainen, A. 2004. An overview of land consolidation in europe. Nordic J Surv Real Estate Res 1(1): 25-44.
  • Yin Q, Sui X, Ye B, Zhou Y, Li C, Zou M, Zhou S. 2022. What role does land consolidation play in the multi-dimensional rural revitalization in china? a research synthesis. Land Use Policy, 120: 106261.
  • Zang Y, Yang Y, Liu Y. 2021. Toward serving land consolidation on the table of sustainability: an overview of the research landscape and future directions. Land Use Policy, 109: 105696.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Land Management, Cadastral and Property
Journal Section Research Articles

Tayfun Çay 0000-0002-4661-5583

Ömer Acar 0000-0002-2382-8594

Publication Date January 15, 2025
Submission Date October 3, 2024
Acceptance Date November 17, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025


APA Çay, T., & Acar, Ö. (2025). Technical Examination of Pasture Areas in Land Consolidation Projects and Legal Framework: The Case of Balikesir Province. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, 8(1), 11-18.
AMA Çay T, Acar Ö. Technical Examination of Pasture Areas in Land Consolidation Projects and Legal Framework: The Case of Balikesir Province. BSJ Eng. Sci. January 2025;8(1):11-18. doi:10.34248/bsengineering.1560496
Chicago Çay, Tayfun, and Ömer Acar. “Technical Examination of Pasture Areas in Land Consolidation Projects and Legal Framework: The Case of Balikesir Province”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 8, no. 1 (January 2025): 11-18.
EndNote Çay T, Acar Ö (January 1, 2025) Technical Examination of Pasture Areas in Land Consolidation Projects and Legal Framework: The Case of Balikesir Province. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 8 1 11–18.
IEEE T. Çay and Ö. Acar, “Technical Examination of Pasture Areas in Land Consolidation Projects and Legal Framework: The Case of Balikesir Province”, BSJ Eng. Sci., vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 11–18, 2025, doi: 10.34248/bsengineering.1560496.
ISNAD Çay, Tayfun - Acar, Ömer. “Technical Examination of Pasture Areas in Land Consolidation Projects and Legal Framework: The Case of Balikesir Province”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 8/1 (January 2025), 11-18.
JAMA Çay T, Acar Ö. Technical Examination of Pasture Areas in Land Consolidation Projects and Legal Framework: The Case of Balikesir Province. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2025;8:11–18.
MLA Çay, Tayfun and Ömer Acar. “Technical Examination of Pasture Areas in Land Consolidation Projects and Legal Framework: The Case of Balikesir Province”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, vol. 8, no. 1, 2025, pp. 11-18, doi:10.34248/bsengineering.1560496.
Vancouver Çay T, Acar Ö. Technical Examination of Pasture Areas in Land Consolidation Projects and Legal Framework: The Case of Balikesir Province. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2025;8(1):11-8.
