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Elektromanyetik Dalgalardan Enerji Hasat Etme Tekniğine Dayali İki Cihaza Sahip Çift Yönlü Simbiyotik Ağ İçin Kaynak Tahsisi

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 6, 1361 - 1368, 15.11.2024


Altıncı nesil (6G) teknolojisine yön verme potansiyeline sahip nesnelerin interneti (IoT) ağlarının en önemli sorunu cihazların pil ömrüdür. Gelecek nesil haberleşme sistemlerinde kullanılabilecek milyarlarca IoT cihazının pillerini sık sık değiştirmek veya şarj etmek, hem maliyetli hem de zahmetli olduğundan uygulama açısından pratik değildir. Ayrıca bu durum, yüksek bit hızında düşük enerji ve düşük gecikme süresine sahip haberleşme protokolü kurma hedefinden de çok uzaktır. Bu makalede, mevcut sorunun üstesinden gelmek ve bit hızını artırmak için elektromanyetik dalgalardan enerji hasat etme tekniğine dayalı iki kablosuz cihaza sahip çift yönlü simbiyotik bir ağ önerilmiştir. Zaman ve güç açısından cihazlara kaynak tahsisinin yapıldığı bu çalışmada iki farklı senaryo düşünülmüştür. İşbirliksiz senaryoda kablosuz cihazlar kendi haberleşme hedefine ulaşmaya çalışırken, işbirlikli senaryoda ise cihazlar simbiyotik bir ilişki içinde bilgi aktarımını gerçekleştirmektedirler. Önerilen sistemde çift yönlü güç istasyonu (FDPS), iki antene sahip olup hem verici hem alıcı görevi görmektedir. Kablosuz cihazlar tipik sinyal iletimi yapma yeteneğine sahip olmanın yanında, anten yük empedansının değiştirilip anten yansıma katsayısının ayarlanarak bit dizisini elektromanyetik dalga türü olan radyo frekans dalga formlarına eşleme yöntemiyle geri saçılım haberleşme de yapabilmektedir. Kablosuz cihazların hasat ettiği enerjinin miktarına göre çalışma durumlarının belirlendiği bu modelde, matematiksel analizler yapılmış ve her iki model için sistemin objektif fonksiyonu elde edilmiştir. Daha sonra güç ve zaman parametreleri üzerinden kaynak tahsisi yapılarak bit hızı maksimize edilmiştir. Simülasyon sonuçlarında, farklı parametreler üzerinden sistem performansı test edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, FDPS’nin sinyal gücünün düşük olması, uzak cihazın iletişimini ciddi manada etkilemektedir. Ayrıca sistemi çok yüksek frekanslarda kullanmak performansta bir miktar düşüşe sebep olmuştur. Son olarak, işbirlikli senaryonun işbirliksiz senaryoya göre sistem parametrelerinden daha az etkilendiği ve performans açısından daha üstün olduğu grafiksel sonuçlarda gösterilmiştir.


  • Al-Nahari A, Jäntti R, Zheng G, Mishra D, Nie M. 2023. Ergodic secrecy rate analysis and optimal power allocation for symbiotic radio networks. IEEE Access, 11: 82327-82337.
  • Ghafoor U, Siddiqui AM. 2024. 6G cognitive radio: Optimizing resources with cluster-assisted downlink hybrid multiple access. Phys Commun, 66: 102435.
  • Giordani M, Polese M, Mezzavilla M, Rangan S, Zorzi M. 2020. Toward 6G networks: Use cases and technologies. IEEE Commun Mag, 58(3): 55-61.
  • Guo S, Shi Y, Yang Y, Xiao B. 2017. Energy efficiency maximization in mobile wireless energy harvesting sensor networks. IEEE Trans Mob Comput, 17(7): 1524-1537.
  • Janjua MB, Arslan H. 2023. A survey of symbiotic radio: methodologies, applications, and future directions. Sensors, 23(5): 2511.
  • Kang X, Ho CK, Sun S. 2015. Full-duplex wireless-powered communication network with energy causality. IEEE Wirel Commun, 14(10): 5539-5551.
  • Liang YC, Zhang Q, Larsson EG, Li GY. 2020. Symbiotic radio: Cognitive backscattering communications for future wireless networks. IEEE Trans Cogn Commun Netw, 6(4): 1242-1255.
  • Long R, Guo H, Liang YC. 2019. Symbiotic radio with full-duplex backscatter devices. ICC 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 20-24, Shanghai, China, pp: 1-6.
  • Long R, Guo H, Zhang L, Liang YC. 2019. Full-duplex backscatter communications in symbiotic radio systems. IEEE Access, 7: 21597-21608.
  • Lu X, Wang P, Niyato D, Kim DI, Han Z. 2014. Wireless networks with RF energy harvesting: A contemporary survey. IEEE Commun Surv Tutor, 17(2): 757-789.
  • Mahmood A, Beltramelli L, Abedin SF, Zeb S, Mowla NI, Hassan SA, Gidlund M. 2021. Industrial IoT in 5G-and-beyond networks: Vision, architecture, and design trends. IEEE Trans Ind Info, 18(6): 4122-4137.
  • Onay MY, Ertug O. 2023. Ambient backscatter communication based cooperative relaying for heterogeneous cognitive radio networks. Radioengineering, 32(2): 236-247.
  • Onay MY, Ertug O. 2023. Performance analysis under signal jammer in relay aided ambient backscatter cognitive radio networks. 31st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), July 05-08, İstanbul, Türkiye, pp: 1-4.
  • Onay MY. 2024. Dynamic time allocation based physical layer security for jammer-aided symbiotic radio networks. Radioengineering, 33(3): 442-451.
  • Onay MY. 2024. Secrecy rate maximization for symbiotic radio network with relay-obstacle. IJCESEN, 10(3): 381-387.
  • Pradhan D, Priyanka KC. 2020. RF-Energy harvesting (RF-EH) for sustainable ultra dense green network (SUDGN) in 5G green communication. SJEAT, 5(6): 258-264.
  • Psomas C, Ntougias K, Shanin N, Xu D, Mayer K, Tran NM, Krikidis I. 2024. Wireless Information and Energy Transfer in the Era of 6G Communications. Proc IEEE, 112(7): 764-804.
  • Ren C, Liu L. 2023. Toward full passive internet of things: Symbiotic localization and ambient backscatter communication. IEEE Internet Things J, 10(22): 19495-19506.
  • Seid AM, Lu J, Abishu HN, Ayall TA. 2022. Blockchain-enabled task offloading with energy harvesting in multi-UAV-assisted IoT networks: A multi-agent DRL approach. IEEE J Sel Areas Commun, 40(12): 3517-3532.
  • Ullah SA, Mahmood A, Nasir AA, Gidlund M, Hassan SA. 2024. DRL-driven optimization of a wireless powered symbiotic radio with nonlinear EH model. OJ-COMS, 5: 5232-5247.
  • Wang CX, You X, Gao X, Zhu X, Li Z, Zhang C, Hanzo L. 2023. On the road to 6G: Visions, requirements, key technologies, and testbeds. IEEE Commun Surv Tutor, 25(2): 905-974.
  • Yang H, Ding H, Elkashlan M, Li H, Xin K. 2023. A novel symbiotic backscatter-NOMA system. IEEE Trans Veh Technol, 72(8): 11006-11011.
  • Yuan Y, Xu X, Han S, Sun M, Zhang P, Yue, C. 2023. Energy-aware multiuser symbiotic communications enhanced by RIS for passive IoT. IEEE Internet Things J, 11(1): 1398-1412.
  • Zhang L, Liang YC, Niyato D. 2019. 6G Visions: Mobile ultra-broadband, super internet-of-things, and artificial intelligence. China Commun, 16(8): 1-14.

Resource Allocation for a Full-Duplex Symbiotic Network with two Devices based on the Technique of Harvesting Energy from Electromagnetic Wave

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 6, 1361 - 1368, 15.11.2024


The most important problem of IoT networks, which have the potential to drive 6G technology, is the battery life of devices. Frequently changing or charging the batteries of billions of IoT devices that can be used in next-generation communication systems is both costly and inconvenient, making it impractical. Moreover, this is far from the goal of establishing a low energy and low latency communication protocol with high bit rate. In this paper, a full-duplex symbiotic network with two devices based on the technique of harvesting energy from electromagnetic waves is proposed to overcome the existing problem and increase the bit rate. Two different scenarios are considered in this work where resource allocation is determined in terms of time and power. In the non-cooperative scenario, the wireless devices try to reach their own communication destination, while in the cooperative scenario, the devices transfer information in a symbiotic relationship. In the proposed system, the full-duplex power station (FDPS) has two antennas and acts as both a transmitter and a receiver. Wireless devices are not only capable of transmitting a typical signal, but also capable of backscatter communication, which is a method of mapping the bit sequence to radio frequency waveforms, which are a type of electromagnetic wave by changing the antenna load impedance and adjusting the antenna reflection coefficient. In this model, where the operating states of wireless devices are determined according to the amount of energy they harvest, mathematical analysis is performed and the objective function of the system is obtained for both models. Then, the bit rate is maximized by allocating resources over power and time parameters. In the simulation results, the system performance is tested over different parameters. According to the findings, the low signal power of the FDPS seriously affects the communication of the remote device. In addition, using the system at very high frequencies caused some degradation in performance. Finally, the graphical results show that the cooperative scenario is less affected by the system parameters than the non-cooperative scenario and is superior in terms of performance.


  • Al-Nahari A, Jäntti R, Zheng G, Mishra D, Nie M. 2023. Ergodic secrecy rate analysis and optimal power allocation for symbiotic radio networks. IEEE Access, 11: 82327-82337.
  • Ghafoor U, Siddiqui AM. 2024. 6G cognitive radio: Optimizing resources with cluster-assisted downlink hybrid multiple access. Phys Commun, 66: 102435.
  • Giordani M, Polese M, Mezzavilla M, Rangan S, Zorzi M. 2020. Toward 6G networks: Use cases and technologies. IEEE Commun Mag, 58(3): 55-61.
  • Guo S, Shi Y, Yang Y, Xiao B. 2017. Energy efficiency maximization in mobile wireless energy harvesting sensor networks. IEEE Trans Mob Comput, 17(7): 1524-1537.
  • Janjua MB, Arslan H. 2023. A survey of symbiotic radio: methodologies, applications, and future directions. Sensors, 23(5): 2511.
  • Kang X, Ho CK, Sun S. 2015. Full-duplex wireless-powered communication network with energy causality. IEEE Wirel Commun, 14(10): 5539-5551.
  • Liang YC, Zhang Q, Larsson EG, Li GY. 2020. Symbiotic radio: Cognitive backscattering communications for future wireless networks. IEEE Trans Cogn Commun Netw, 6(4): 1242-1255.
  • Long R, Guo H, Liang YC. 2019. Symbiotic radio with full-duplex backscatter devices. ICC 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 20-24, Shanghai, China, pp: 1-6.
  • Long R, Guo H, Zhang L, Liang YC. 2019. Full-duplex backscatter communications in symbiotic radio systems. IEEE Access, 7: 21597-21608.
  • Lu X, Wang P, Niyato D, Kim DI, Han Z. 2014. Wireless networks with RF energy harvesting: A contemporary survey. IEEE Commun Surv Tutor, 17(2): 757-789.
  • Mahmood A, Beltramelli L, Abedin SF, Zeb S, Mowla NI, Hassan SA, Gidlund M. 2021. Industrial IoT in 5G-and-beyond networks: Vision, architecture, and design trends. IEEE Trans Ind Info, 18(6): 4122-4137.
  • Onay MY, Ertug O. 2023. Ambient backscatter communication based cooperative relaying for heterogeneous cognitive radio networks. Radioengineering, 32(2): 236-247.
  • Onay MY, Ertug O. 2023. Performance analysis under signal jammer in relay aided ambient backscatter cognitive radio networks. 31st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), July 05-08, İstanbul, Türkiye, pp: 1-4.
  • Onay MY. 2024. Dynamic time allocation based physical layer security for jammer-aided symbiotic radio networks. Radioengineering, 33(3): 442-451.
  • Onay MY. 2024. Secrecy rate maximization for symbiotic radio network with relay-obstacle. IJCESEN, 10(3): 381-387.
  • Pradhan D, Priyanka KC. 2020. RF-Energy harvesting (RF-EH) for sustainable ultra dense green network (SUDGN) in 5G green communication. SJEAT, 5(6): 258-264.
  • Psomas C, Ntougias K, Shanin N, Xu D, Mayer K, Tran NM, Krikidis I. 2024. Wireless Information and Energy Transfer in the Era of 6G Communications. Proc IEEE, 112(7): 764-804.
  • Ren C, Liu L. 2023. Toward full passive internet of things: Symbiotic localization and ambient backscatter communication. IEEE Internet Things J, 10(22): 19495-19506.
  • Seid AM, Lu J, Abishu HN, Ayall TA. 2022. Blockchain-enabled task offloading with energy harvesting in multi-UAV-assisted IoT networks: A multi-agent DRL approach. IEEE J Sel Areas Commun, 40(12): 3517-3532.
  • Ullah SA, Mahmood A, Nasir AA, Gidlund M, Hassan SA. 2024. DRL-driven optimization of a wireless powered symbiotic radio with nonlinear EH model. OJ-COMS, 5: 5232-5247.
  • Wang CX, You X, Gao X, Zhu X, Li Z, Zhang C, Hanzo L. 2023. On the road to 6G: Visions, requirements, key technologies, and testbeds. IEEE Commun Surv Tutor, 25(2): 905-974.
  • Yang H, Ding H, Elkashlan M, Li H, Xin K. 2023. A novel symbiotic backscatter-NOMA system. IEEE Trans Veh Technol, 72(8): 11006-11011.
  • Yuan Y, Xu X, Han S, Sun M, Zhang P, Yue, C. 2023. Energy-aware multiuser symbiotic communications enhanced by RIS for passive IoT. IEEE Internet Things J, 11(1): 1398-1412.
  • Zhang L, Liang YC, Niyato D. 2019. 6G Visions: Mobile ultra-broadband, super internet-of-things, and artificial intelligence. China Commun, 16(8): 1-14.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering Electromagnetics, Wireless Communication Systems and Technologies (Incl. Microwave and Millimetrewave), Data Communications
Journal Section Research Articles

Muhammed Yusuf Onay 0000-0002-4984-5421

Publication Date November 15, 2024
Submission Date October 16, 2024
Acceptance Date November 7, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 6


APA Onay, M. Y. (2024). Elektromanyetik Dalgalardan Enerji Hasat Etme Tekniğine Dayali İki Cihaza Sahip Çift Yönlü Simbiyotik Ağ İçin Kaynak Tahsisi. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, 7(6), 1361-1368.
AMA Onay MY. Elektromanyetik Dalgalardan Enerji Hasat Etme Tekniğine Dayali İki Cihaza Sahip Çift Yönlü Simbiyotik Ağ İçin Kaynak Tahsisi. BSJ Eng. Sci. November 2024;7(6):1361-1368. doi:10.34248/bsengineering.1568341
Chicago Onay, Muhammed Yusuf. “Elektromanyetik Dalgalardan Enerji Hasat Etme Tekniğine Dayali İki Cihaza Sahip Çift Yönlü Simbiyotik Ağ İçin Kaynak Tahsisi”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 7, no. 6 (November 2024): 1361-68.
EndNote Onay MY (November 1, 2024) Elektromanyetik Dalgalardan Enerji Hasat Etme Tekniğine Dayali İki Cihaza Sahip Çift Yönlü Simbiyotik Ağ İçin Kaynak Tahsisi. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 7 6 1361–1368.
IEEE M. Y. Onay, “Elektromanyetik Dalgalardan Enerji Hasat Etme Tekniğine Dayali İki Cihaza Sahip Çift Yönlü Simbiyotik Ağ İçin Kaynak Tahsisi”, BSJ Eng. Sci., vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 1361–1368, 2024, doi: 10.34248/bsengineering.1568341.
ISNAD Onay, Muhammed Yusuf. “Elektromanyetik Dalgalardan Enerji Hasat Etme Tekniğine Dayali İki Cihaza Sahip Çift Yönlü Simbiyotik Ağ İçin Kaynak Tahsisi”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 7/6 (November 2024), 1361-1368.
JAMA Onay MY. Elektromanyetik Dalgalardan Enerji Hasat Etme Tekniğine Dayali İki Cihaza Sahip Çift Yönlü Simbiyotik Ağ İçin Kaynak Tahsisi. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2024;7:1361–1368.
MLA Onay, Muhammed Yusuf. “Elektromanyetik Dalgalardan Enerji Hasat Etme Tekniğine Dayali İki Cihaza Sahip Çift Yönlü Simbiyotik Ağ İçin Kaynak Tahsisi”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, vol. 7, no. 6, 2024, pp. 1361-8, doi:10.34248/bsengineering.1568341.
Vancouver Onay MY. Elektromanyetik Dalgalardan Enerji Hasat Etme Tekniğine Dayali İki Cihaza Sahip Çift Yönlü Simbiyotik Ağ İçin Kaynak Tahsisi. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2024;7(6):1361-8.
