Research Article
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Biofuel Pellets as a Sustainable Energy Solution: Exploring the Role of Biomass and Regional Waste Management in Turkey's TR63 Region

Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 191 - 198, 15.01.2025


In recent years, the increasing demand for sustainable and renewable energy sources has led to significant interest in biofuels. Bifuel pellets, which combine biomass materials with fossil fuels, have emerged as an innovative and environmentally friendly energy solution. Typically made from agricultural residues, wood waste, or energy crops, blended with fossil fuels such as coal or oil derivatives, bifuel pellets offer improved energy efficiency and combustion properties. By bridging the gap between traditional fossil fuels and renewable energy alternatives, bifuel pellets provide a transitional solution that enhances both calorific value and combustion efficiency. The dual composition of these pellets allows for better adaptation to existing energy infrastructures while supporting reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. In Türkiye, regional development and waste management strategies have been shaped by the adoption of the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) system since 2002. The TR63 NUTS Level 2 Region, which includes the provinces of Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, and Osmaniye, plays a critical role in agriculture and livestock production. Due to these activities, the region contributes significantly to waste generation. This research highlights the potential of bifuel pellets as a viable energy option for the TR63 Region, where agricultural and livestock residues could serve as essential feedstock for sustainable energy production. The integration of bifuel pellets into regional energy policies could help address environmental goals while reducing dependence on conventional fossil fuels.

Ethical Statement

Ethics committee approval was not required for this study because of there was no study on animals or humans.


  • Akkuş G. 2018. Bağ budama artıklarından torrefaksiyon ile katı yakıt üretimi.Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Fırat Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kimya Mühendisliği, Elâzığ, Türkiye, ss: 86.
  • Avcıoğlu AO, Dayıoğlu MA, Türker U. 2019. Assessment of the energy potential of agricultural biomass residues in Türkiye. Renew Energy, 138: 610-619.
  • Aybek A, Üçok S, İspir MA, Bilgili ME. 2015a. Türkiye’de kullanılabilir hayvansal gübre ve tahıl sap atıklarının biyogaz ve enerji potansiyelinin belirlenerek sayısal haritalarının oluşturulması. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fak Derg, 12(03): 111-120.
  • Aybek A, Üçok S, Bilgili ME, İspir MA. 2015b. Kahramanmaraş ilinde bazı tarımsal atıkların biyogaz enerji potansiyelinin belirlenerek sayısal haritalarının oluşturulması. Uludağ Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 29(2): 25-37.
  • Arık C. 2023. Bağ budama atıklarının mevcut ve olası değerlendirilme şekilleri. Bah Derg, 52(1): 401-417.
  • Bascetincelik A, , Ozturk HH, Karaca C, Ekinci K, Kaya D, Kacıra M. 2006. A guide on exploitation of agricultural residues in Turkey. EU Life Program Project, LIFE03 TCY/TR/000061, pp: 761.
  • Başıbüyük ÜF, Aybek A, Üçok S. 2021. Pamuk çiğidi küspesi ve kırmızı biber işleme atıklarından biyoyakıt amaçlı pelet elde edilmesi. ÇÜ Müh Fak Derg, 36(4): 879-890.
  • Bradna J, Malaťák J, Hájek D. 2016. The properties of wheat straw combustion and use of fly ash as a soil amendment. Agron Res, 14(4): 1257-1265.
  • Cavalaglio G, Cotana S. 2007. Recovery of vineyards pruning residues in an agro-energetic chain. Peach, 2(6): 1-11.
  • Celma AR, Rojas S, López RF. 2007. Waste-to-energy possibilities for industrial olive and grape by-products in Extremadura. Biomass Bioenerg, 31(7): 522-534.
  • Develi HC, Aybek A, Üçok S. 2021. Pellet production from pistachio shell and olive cake for biofuels. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fak Derg, 18(4): 689-701.
  • Dogaka, 2024., (accesed date: October 10, 2024).
  • FAO, 2023. (Erişim tarihi: .09.11.2023).
  • Hocaoğlu SM, Haksevenler P, Talazan C, Aydöner G, Karahan A, Günay G. Bağtürk ET, Budak T. 2015. Zeytin sektörü atıklarının yönetimi. Proje nihai rapor, Proje No: 5148602, Ankara, Türkiye, ss: 145.
  • Jóvér J, Antal K, Zsembeli J, Blaskó L, Tamás J. 2018. Assessment of gross calorific value of crop and bio-energy residues. Res Agri Eng, 64(3): 121-127.
  • Karaca C, Başçetinçelik A. 2010. Pamuk çırçır atıklarının briketleme özelliklerinin ve yanma emisyonlarının belirlenmesi. VII. Ulusal Temiz Enerji Sempozyumu, UTES, 1-5 Aralık, Samsun, Türkiye, ss: 1-5.
  • Karka P, Johnsson F, Papadokonstantakis S. 2021. Perspectives for greening European fossil-fuel infrastructures through use of biomass: the case of liquid biofuels based on lignocellulosic resources. Front Energy Res, 9(1): 1-22
  • Kheshgi HS, Prince RC, Marland G. 2000. The potential of biomass fuels in the context of global climate change: focus on transportation fuels. Annu Rev Energy Environ, 25(1): 199-244.
  • Kantova NC, Caja A, Belány P, Kolková Z, Hrabovsky P, Hecko D, Micko P. 2022. Mechanical and energy properties of pellets formed from walnut shells blended with spruce sawdust. Bioresour Technol, 17(1): 1881-1891.
  • Kovač A, Paranos M, Marciuš D. 2021. Hydrogen in energy transition: A review. Int J Hyd Energy, 46(16): 10016-10035.
  • Luo J, Hou S, Zhao L, Meng H, Tian Y. 2010. Experimental study on combustion and emission characteristics of biomass pellets. Tran Chin Soc Agri Eng, 26(5): 220-226.
  • Miranda T, Arranz JI, Montero I, Román S, Rojas CV, Nogales S. 2012. Characterization and combustion of olive pomace and forest residue pellets. Fuel Proc Tech, 103(1): 91-96.
  • Moreno MA, Manzano-Agugliaro F, Hernandez-Escobedo Q, Perea-Moreno AJ. 2018. Peanut shell for energy: properties and its potential to respect the environment. Sustain, 10(9): 3254-3264.
  • OGM, 2024. (accessed date: December 9, 2024).
  • Özdemir S, Er A. 2018. Tavuk gübresi ve tarımsal atıkların biyoyakıt karakterlerinin incelenmesi. Sak Univ J Sci, 22(2): 489-494.
  • Rodionova MV, Poudyal RS, Tiwari I, Voloshin RA, Zharmukhamedov SK, Nam, HG, Allakhverdiev SI. 2017. Biofuel production: challenges and opportunities. Int J Hydrog Energy, 42(12): 8450-8461.
  • Shah MA. Khan MNS, Kumar V. 2018. Biomass residue characterization for their potential application as biofuels. J Therm Anal Calor, 134(10): 2137-2145.
  • Sanchez A, Ysunza F, Beltran-Garcia MJ, Esqueda M. 2002. Biodegradation of viticulture wastes by Pleurotus: A source of microbial and human food and its potential use in animal feeding. J Agric Food Chem, 50(9): 2537-2542.
  • Samuelsson R, Larsson SH, Thyrel M, Lestander TA. 2012. Moisture content and storage time influence the binding mechanisms in biofuel wood pellets. Appl Energy, 99(5): 109-115.
  • Serrano C, Monedero E, Lapuerta M, Portero H. 2011. Effect of moisture content, particle size and pine addition on quality parameters of barley straw pellets. Fuel Proc Tech, 92(3), 699-706.
  • Sing N, Mahali K, Roy S. 2024. An Overview on Biofuels: Advantages and Disadvantages. In: Karaman R. editor. Recent Developments in Chemistry and Biochemistry. BP International. London, England, 7th ed., pp: 98-116.
  • Ståhl M, Berghel J, Williams H. 2016. Energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions and durability when using additives in the wood fuel pellet chain. Fuel Proc Tech, 152(6): 350-355.
  • Stattman SL, Gupta A, Partzsch L, Oosterveer P. 2018. Toward sustainable biofuels in the European Union? Lessons from a decade of hybrid biofuel governance. Sustain, 10(11): 4111-4122.
  • Taşar Ş, Kaya F, Özer A. 2015. A study on the pyrolysis of peanut shells at different isothermal conditions and determination of the kinetic parameters. Pamuk. Üni Müh Bil Derg, 21(7): 306-313.
  • TOBB, 2024. Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği Sanayi Veri Tabanı, (accesed date: October 10, 2024).
  • Topkoç E. 2023. Çeşitli tarımsal atıklardan elde edilen biyopeletlerin bazı yakıt özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Tarsus Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Mersin, Türkiye, pp: 105.
  • Toklu, E. 2017. Biomass energy potential and utilization in Turkey. Ren Ener, 107(7): 235-244.
  • TUIK, 2021. (accesed date: October 10, 2024).
  • Uzundumlu AS, Pınar V, Tosun NE, Kumbasaroğlu, H. 2024. Global pistachio production forecasts for 2020–2025. Kah Süt İm Üniv Tar Doğ Der, 27(5): 1105-1115.
  • Zohary M. 1952. Ecological studies in the vegetation of the near eastern deserts: Environment and vegetation classes. Isr Exp J, 2(4): 201-215.
  • Yang Z, Wu Y, Zhang Z, Li H, Li X, Egorov RI, Gao X. 2019. Recent advances in co-thermochemical conversions of biomass with fossil fuels focusing on the synergistic effects. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, 103(8): 384-398.
  • Wang J, Fu J, Zhao Z, Bing L, Xi F, Wang F, Hu Q. 2023. Benefit analysis of multi-approach biomass energy utilization toward carbon neutrality. The Innov, 4(3): 1-11.

Biofuel Pellets as a Sustainable Energy Solution: Exploring the Role of Biomass and Regional Waste Management in Turkey's TR63 Region

Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 191 - 198, 15.01.2025


In recent years, the increasing demand for sustainable and renewable energy sources has led to significant interest in biofuels. Bifuel pellets, which combine biomass materials with fossil fuels, have emerged as an innovative and environmentally friendly energy solution. Typically made from agricultural residues, wood waste, or energy crops, blended with fossil fuels such as coal or oil derivatives, bifuel pellets offer improved energy efficiency and combustion properties. By bridging the gap between traditional fossil fuels and renewable energy alternatives, bifuel pellets provide a transitional solution that enhances both calorific value and combustion efficiency. The dual composition of these pellets allows for better adaptation to existing energy infrastructures while supporting reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. In Türkiye, regional development and waste management strategies have been shaped by the adoption of the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) system since 2002. The TR63 NUTS Level 2 Region, which includes the provinces of Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, and Osmaniye, plays a critical role in agriculture and livestock production. Due to these activities, the region contributes significantly to waste generation. This research highlights the potential of bifuel pellets as a viable energy option for the TR63 Region, where agricultural and livestock residues could serve as essential feedstock for sustainable energy production. The integration of bifuel pellets into regional energy policies could help address environmental goals while reducing dependence on conventional fossil fuels.

Ethical Statement

Ethics committee approval was not required for this study because of there was no study on animals or humans.


  • Akkuş G. 2018. Bağ budama artıklarından torrefaksiyon ile katı yakıt üretimi.Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Fırat Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kimya Mühendisliği, Elâzığ, Türkiye, ss: 86.
  • Avcıoğlu AO, Dayıoğlu MA, Türker U. 2019. Assessment of the energy potential of agricultural biomass residues in Türkiye. Renew Energy, 138: 610-619.
  • Aybek A, Üçok S, İspir MA, Bilgili ME. 2015a. Türkiye’de kullanılabilir hayvansal gübre ve tahıl sap atıklarının biyogaz ve enerji potansiyelinin belirlenerek sayısal haritalarının oluşturulması. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fak Derg, 12(03): 111-120.
  • Aybek A, Üçok S, Bilgili ME, İspir MA. 2015b. Kahramanmaraş ilinde bazı tarımsal atıkların biyogaz enerji potansiyelinin belirlenerek sayısal haritalarının oluşturulması. Uludağ Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 29(2): 25-37.
  • Arık C. 2023. Bağ budama atıklarının mevcut ve olası değerlendirilme şekilleri. Bah Derg, 52(1): 401-417.
  • Bascetincelik A, , Ozturk HH, Karaca C, Ekinci K, Kaya D, Kacıra M. 2006. A guide on exploitation of agricultural residues in Turkey. EU Life Program Project, LIFE03 TCY/TR/000061, pp: 761.
  • Başıbüyük ÜF, Aybek A, Üçok S. 2021. Pamuk çiğidi küspesi ve kırmızı biber işleme atıklarından biyoyakıt amaçlı pelet elde edilmesi. ÇÜ Müh Fak Derg, 36(4): 879-890.
  • Bradna J, Malaťák J, Hájek D. 2016. The properties of wheat straw combustion and use of fly ash as a soil amendment. Agron Res, 14(4): 1257-1265.
  • Cavalaglio G, Cotana S. 2007. Recovery of vineyards pruning residues in an agro-energetic chain. Peach, 2(6): 1-11.
  • Celma AR, Rojas S, López RF. 2007. Waste-to-energy possibilities for industrial olive and grape by-products in Extremadura. Biomass Bioenerg, 31(7): 522-534.
  • Develi HC, Aybek A, Üçok S. 2021. Pellet production from pistachio shell and olive cake for biofuels. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fak Derg, 18(4): 689-701.
  • Dogaka, 2024., (accesed date: October 10, 2024).
  • FAO, 2023. (Erişim tarihi: .09.11.2023).
  • Hocaoğlu SM, Haksevenler P, Talazan C, Aydöner G, Karahan A, Günay G. Bağtürk ET, Budak T. 2015. Zeytin sektörü atıklarının yönetimi. Proje nihai rapor, Proje No: 5148602, Ankara, Türkiye, ss: 145.
  • Jóvér J, Antal K, Zsembeli J, Blaskó L, Tamás J. 2018. Assessment of gross calorific value of crop and bio-energy residues. Res Agri Eng, 64(3): 121-127.
  • Karaca C, Başçetinçelik A. 2010. Pamuk çırçır atıklarının briketleme özelliklerinin ve yanma emisyonlarının belirlenmesi. VII. Ulusal Temiz Enerji Sempozyumu, UTES, 1-5 Aralık, Samsun, Türkiye, ss: 1-5.
  • Karka P, Johnsson F, Papadokonstantakis S. 2021. Perspectives for greening European fossil-fuel infrastructures through use of biomass: the case of liquid biofuels based on lignocellulosic resources. Front Energy Res, 9(1): 1-22
  • Kheshgi HS, Prince RC, Marland G. 2000. The potential of biomass fuels in the context of global climate change: focus on transportation fuels. Annu Rev Energy Environ, 25(1): 199-244.
  • Kantova NC, Caja A, Belány P, Kolková Z, Hrabovsky P, Hecko D, Micko P. 2022. Mechanical and energy properties of pellets formed from walnut shells blended with spruce sawdust. Bioresour Technol, 17(1): 1881-1891.
  • Kovač A, Paranos M, Marciuš D. 2021. Hydrogen in energy transition: A review. Int J Hyd Energy, 46(16): 10016-10035.
  • Luo J, Hou S, Zhao L, Meng H, Tian Y. 2010. Experimental study on combustion and emission characteristics of biomass pellets. Tran Chin Soc Agri Eng, 26(5): 220-226.
  • Miranda T, Arranz JI, Montero I, Román S, Rojas CV, Nogales S. 2012. Characterization and combustion of olive pomace and forest residue pellets. Fuel Proc Tech, 103(1): 91-96.
  • Moreno MA, Manzano-Agugliaro F, Hernandez-Escobedo Q, Perea-Moreno AJ. 2018. Peanut shell for energy: properties and its potential to respect the environment. Sustain, 10(9): 3254-3264.
  • OGM, 2024. (accessed date: December 9, 2024).
  • Özdemir S, Er A. 2018. Tavuk gübresi ve tarımsal atıkların biyoyakıt karakterlerinin incelenmesi. Sak Univ J Sci, 22(2): 489-494.
  • Rodionova MV, Poudyal RS, Tiwari I, Voloshin RA, Zharmukhamedov SK, Nam, HG, Allakhverdiev SI. 2017. Biofuel production: challenges and opportunities. Int J Hydrog Energy, 42(12): 8450-8461.
  • Shah MA. Khan MNS, Kumar V. 2018. Biomass residue characterization for their potential application as biofuels. J Therm Anal Calor, 134(10): 2137-2145.
  • Sanchez A, Ysunza F, Beltran-Garcia MJ, Esqueda M. 2002. Biodegradation of viticulture wastes by Pleurotus: A source of microbial and human food and its potential use in animal feeding. J Agric Food Chem, 50(9): 2537-2542.
  • Samuelsson R, Larsson SH, Thyrel M, Lestander TA. 2012. Moisture content and storage time influence the binding mechanisms in biofuel wood pellets. Appl Energy, 99(5): 109-115.
  • Serrano C, Monedero E, Lapuerta M, Portero H. 2011. Effect of moisture content, particle size and pine addition on quality parameters of barley straw pellets. Fuel Proc Tech, 92(3), 699-706.
  • Sing N, Mahali K, Roy S. 2024. An Overview on Biofuels: Advantages and Disadvantages. In: Karaman R. editor. Recent Developments in Chemistry and Biochemistry. BP International. London, England, 7th ed., pp: 98-116.
  • Ståhl M, Berghel J, Williams H. 2016. Energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions and durability when using additives in the wood fuel pellet chain. Fuel Proc Tech, 152(6): 350-355.
  • Stattman SL, Gupta A, Partzsch L, Oosterveer P. 2018. Toward sustainable biofuels in the European Union? Lessons from a decade of hybrid biofuel governance. Sustain, 10(11): 4111-4122.
  • Taşar Ş, Kaya F, Özer A. 2015. A study on the pyrolysis of peanut shells at different isothermal conditions and determination of the kinetic parameters. Pamuk. Üni Müh Bil Derg, 21(7): 306-313.
  • TOBB, 2024. Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği Sanayi Veri Tabanı, (accesed date: October 10, 2024).
  • Topkoç E. 2023. Çeşitli tarımsal atıklardan elde edilen biyopeletlerin bazı yakıt özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Tarsus Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Mersin, Türkiye, pp: 105.
  • Toklu, E. 2017. Biomass energy potential and utilization in Turkey. Ren Ener, 107(7): 235-244.
  • TUIK, 2021. (accesed date: October 10, 2024).
  • Uzundumlu AS, Pınar V, Tosun NE, Kumbasaroğlu, H. 2024. Global pistachio production forecasts for 2020–2025. Kah Süt İm Üniv Tar Doğ Der, 27(5): 1105-1115.
  • Zohary M. 1952. Ecological studies in the vegetation of the near eastern deserts: Environment and vegetation classes. Isr Exp J, 2(4): 201-215.
  • Yang Z, Wu Y, Zhang Z, Li H, Li X, Egorov RI, Gao X. 2019. Recent advances in co-thermochemical conversions of biomass with fossil fuels focusing on the synergistic effects. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, 103(8): 384-398.
  • Wang J, Fu J, Zhao Z, Bing L, Xi F, Wang F, Hu Q. 2023. Benefit analysis of multi-approach biomass energy utilization toward carbon neutrality. The Innov, 4(3): 1-11.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Energy Systems
Journal Section Research Articles

Serdar Üçok 0000-0002-7158-669X

Publication Date January 15, 2025
Submission Date October 22, 2024
Acceptance Date December 17, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Üçok, S. (2025). Biofuel Pellets as a Sustainable Energy Solution: Exploring the Role of Biomass and Regional Waste Management in Turkey’s TR63 Region. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, 8(1), 191-198.
AMA Üçok S. Biofuel Pellets as a Sustainable Energy Solution: Exploring the Role of Biomass and Regional Waste Management in Turkey’s TR63 Region. BSJ Eng. Sci. January 2025;8(1):191-198. doi:10.34248/bsengineering.1571404
Chicago Üçok, Serdar. “Biofuel Pellets As a Sustainable Energy Solution: Exploring the Role of Biomass and Regional Waste Management in Turkey’s TR63 Region”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 8, no. 1 (January 2025): 191-98.
EndNote Üçok S (January 1, 2025) Biofuel Pellets as a Sustainable Energy Solution: Exploring the Role of Biomass and Regional Waste Management in Turkey’s TR63 Region. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 8 1 191–198.
IEEE S. Üçok, “Biofuel Pellets as a Sustainable Energy Solution: Exploring the Role of Biomass and Regional Waste Management in Turkey’s TR63 Region”, BSJ Eng. Sci., vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 191–198, 2025, doi: 10.34248/bsengineering.1571404.
ISNAD Üçok, Serdar. “Biofuel Pellets As a Sustainable Energy Solution: Exploring the Role of Biomass and Regional Waste Management in Turkey’s TR63 Region”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science 8/1 (January 2025), 191-198.
JAMA Üçok S. Biofuel Pellets as a Sustainable Energy Solution: Exploring the Role of Biomass and Regional Waste Management in Turkey’s TR63 Region. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2025;8:191–198.
MLA Üçok, Serdar. “Biofuel Pellets As a Sustainable Energy Solution: Exploring the Role of Biomass and Regional Waste Management in Turkey’s TR63 Region”. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science, vol. 8, no. 1, 2025, pp. 191-8, doi:10.34248/bsengineering.1571404.
Vancouver Üçok S. Biofuel Pellets as a Sustainable Energy Solution: Exploring the Role of Biomass and Regional Waste Management in Turkey’s TR63 Region. BSJ Eng. Sci. 2025;8(1):191-8.
