Responsibilities of the Nurse in Post-Stroke Sexual Dysfunction
Year 2023,
, 740 - 744, 15.10.2023
Burcu Sütcü
Gülşah Çamcı
Hatice Karabuğa Yakar
Sıdıka Oğuz
Post-stroke sexual dysfunction occurs in more than half of stroke patients and has significant effects on the patient's life. It is a very common and under recognized complication. Post-stroke sexual dysfunction is thought to be due to multiple etiologies, including both organic and psychosocial causes. Therefore, sexual dysfunctions should be evaluated and managed with a multidisciplinary approach. Although sexuality is an essential part of quality of life in post-stroke patients, it is often neglected by healthcare professionals. In addition to pharmacological treatment, one of the most important but underestimated success factors of sexual dysfunction treatment is the right counseling that can be given by healthcare professionals to provide accurate information about post-stroke sexuality and to ensure that the patient and his partner are reconnected. The purpose of this review is to examine the effect of stroke on sexual function and the nurse's responsibilities in the light of the literature.
- Afshar B, Amini L, Hasani M, Jahanfar S, Massood Nabavi S. 2022. The most effective sexual function and dysfunction interventions in individuals with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Inter J Reprod Biomed, 20(4): 241–254.
- Auger LP, Grondin M, Aubertin M, Marois A, Filiatrault J, Rochette A. 2021. Interventions used by allied health professionals in sexual rehabilitation after stroke: A systematic review. Topics Stroke Rehabil, 28(8): 557–572.
- Basson R, Brotto LA, Laan E, Redmond G, Utian WH. 2005. Assessment and management of women's sexual dysfunctions: problematic desire and arousal. J Sex Med 2(3): 291-300.
- Bates J. 2011. Broaching sexual health issues with patients. Nursing Times 107(48): 20–22.
- Berman L, Berman J, Felder S, Pollets D, Chhabra S, Miles M, Powell J. A. 2003. Seeking help for sexual function complaints: what gynecologists need to know about the female patient's experience. Fertil Steril, 79(3): 572–576.
- Calabrò RS, Cacciola A, Bruschetta D, Milardi D, Quattrini F, Sciarrone F, la Rosa G, Bramanti P, Anastasi G. 2019. Neuroanatomy and function of human sexual behavior: A neglected or unknown issue? Brain Behav, 9(12): e01389.
- Calabrò RS. 2022. Post-stroke sexual dysfunction in men: epidemiology diagnostic work-up and treatment. Innov Clin Neurosci, 19(7-9): 12–16.
- Contrada M, Cerasa A, Pucci C, Ciancarelli I, Pioggia G, Tonin P, Calabrò R. S. 2023. Talking about sexuality in stroke individuals: the new era of sexual rehabilitation. J Clin Med, 12(12): 3988.
- Demir AN, Aykan SA, Güngör DU, Tunç H. 2022. Evaluation of sexual dysfunction in hospitalized post-stroke rehabilitation patients. J Contemp Med, 12(2): 217-222.
- Dusenbury W, Hill TJ, Mosack V, Steinke EE. 2020. Risk factors depression and drugs influencing sexual activity in individuals with and without stroke. J Assoc Rehabil Nurses, 45(1): 23–29.
- Feigin VL, Norrving B, Mensah GA. 2017. Global burden of stroke. Circulation Res, 120(3): 439–448.
- Flynn KE, Reese JB, Jeffery DD, Abernethy AP, Lin L, Shelby RA, Porter LS, Dombeck CB, Weinfurt KP. 2012. Patient experiences with communication about sex during and after treatment for cancer. Psycho-oncology, 21(6): 594–601.
- GBD 2017 Causes of Death Collaborators. 2018. Global regional and national age-sex-specific mortality for 282 causes of death in 195 countries and territories 1980-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet (London England): 392(10159): 1736–1788.
- GBD 2017 DALYs and HALE Collaborators. 2018. Global regional and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs): for 359 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE): for 195 countries and territories 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet (London England): 392(10159): 1859–1922.
- Giaquinto S, Buzzelli S, Di Francesco L, Nolfe G. 2003. Evaluation of sexual changes after stroke. The J Clin Psych, 64(3): 302–307.
- Görgülü Ü, Dönmez R, Bektaş H. 2022. İnmeli hastalarda motor dışı belirtiler. Türk Beyin Damar Hastalıkları Derg, 28 (3): 172-179.
- Karadeniz G, Altıparmak S, Marul G. 2006. Hemodiyaliz tedavisi alan hastaların cinsel yaşama ilişkin yaşadıkları sorunlar ve danışmanlık gereksinimleri. Ege Üniv Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu Derg, 21(2): 29-36.
- Kautz DD. 2007. Hope for love: practical advice for intimacy and sex after stroke. Rehabilitation nursing. J Assoc Rehabil Nur, 32(3): 95–132.
- Low MA, Power E, McGrath M. 2022. Sexuality after stroke: Exploring knowledge attitudes comfort and behaviours of rehabilitation professionals. Annals Physical Rehabil Med, 65(2): 101547.
- Massi DG, Mountap GN, Moby HE, Ngalle FGE, Mouliom S, Doumbe J, Mapoure NY. 2021. Poststroke erectile dysfunction in Cameroon: prevalence associated factors and quality of life. Stroke Res Treat, 9988841.
- McGrath M, Lever S, McCluskey A, Power E. 2019. How is sexuality after stroke experienced by stroke survivors and partners of stroke survivors? A systematic review of qualitative studies. Clin Rehabil, 33(2): 293–303.
- McGrath M, Low MA, Power E, McCluskey A, Lever S. 2021. Addressing sexuality among people living with chronic disease and disability: a systematic mixed methods review of knowledge attitudes and practices of health care professionals. Archives Physical Med Rehabil, 102(5): 999–1010.
- Mountain A, Patrice Lindsay M, Teasell R, Salbach NM, de Jong A, Foley N, Bhogal S. et al. 2020. Canadian stroke best practice recommendations: rehabilitation recovery and community participation following stroke. Part two: transitions and community participation following stroke. Inter J Stroke Soc, 15(7): 789–806.
- Nasimbera A, Rosales J, Silva B, Alonso R, Bohorquez N, Lepera S, Garretto N, Arakaki T, Garcea O, Rey R, Quarracino C, Rodriguez G. E. 2018. Everything you always wanted to know about sex and Neurology: neurological disability and sexuality. Arquivos de Neuro-psiquiatria, 76(7): 430–435.
- NG L, Sansom J, Zhang N, Anatya B, Khan F. 2017. Effectiveness of a structured sexual rehabilitation programme following stroke: A randomized controlled trial. J Rehabilit Med, 49 333-340.
- Nusbaum MR, Singh AR, Pyles AA. 2004. Sexual healthcare needs of women aged 65 and older. J American Geriatrics Soc, 52(1): 117–122.
- Ostwald SK, Godwin KM, Cron SG. 2009. Predictors of life satisfaction in stroke survivors and spousal caregivers after inpatient rehabilitation. Rehabilitation nursing. J Assoc Rehabilit Nurses, 34(4): 160–174.
- Prame KK, Wong CH. 2020. Imbalance in the force: the dark side of the microbiota on stroke risk and progression. Current opinion in neurobiology 62 10–16.
- Quinn C Browne G. 2009. Sexuality of people living with mental illness: a collaborative challenge for mental health nurses. Int J Ment Health Nurs, 18(3): 195-203.
- Richards A, Dean R, Burgess GH, Caird H. 2016. Sexuality after stroke: an exploration of current professional approaches barriers to providing support and future directions. Disability Rehabil, 38(15): 1471–1482.
- Seymour LM, Wolf TJ. 2014. Participation changes in sexual functioning after mild stroke. OTJR, 34(2): 72–80.
- Stewart CE, Sohrabji F. 2020. Gonadal hormones and stroke risk: PCOS as a case study. Frontiers Neuroendocrin, 58: 100853.
- Stratton H, Sansom J, Brown-Major A, Anderson P, Ng L. 2020. Interventions for sexual dysfunction following stroke. The Cochrane Database System Rev, 5(5): CD011189.
- Stroke Foundation. 2019. Clinical guidelines for stroke management. URL: (Erişim tarihi: 03 Mart 2023).
- Stroke Foundation. 2023. Australian and New Zealand Living Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management. Chapter 8 of 8: Community participation and long-term care. Melbourne VIC Australia. URL: (Erişim tarihi: 03 Mart 2023).
- Tamam Y, Tamam L, Akil E, Yasan A. Tamam B. 2008. Post-stroke sexual functioning in first stroke patients. European J Neurology, 15: 660–666. doi:10.1111/j.1468-1331.2008.02184.x.
- Taylor B, Davis S. 2006. Using the extended PLISSIT model to address sexual healthcare needs. Nursing Standard, 21(11): 35–40.
- Winstein CJ, Stein J, Arena R, Bates B, Cherney LR, Cramer SC, Deruyter F, et al. 2016. American heart association stroke council on cardiovascular and stroke nursing council on clinical cardiology and council on quality of care and outcomes research (guidelines for adult stroke rehabilitation and recovery: a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American heart association/American stroke association. Stroke 47(6): e98–e169.
- Yılmaz H, Gümüş H, Yılmaz SD, Akkurt HE, Odabaş FO. 2017. The evaluation of sexual function in women with stroke. Neurology India, 65(2): 271–276.
İnme Sonrası Cinsel İşlev Bozukluğunda Hemşirenin Sorumlulukları
Year 2023,
, 740 - 744, 15.10.2023
Burcu Sütcü
Gülşah Çamcı
Hatice Karabuğa Yakar
Sıdıka Oğuz
İnme sonrası cinsel işlev bozukluğu, inmeli hastaların yarısından fazlasında görülür ve hastanın yaşamı üzerinde önemli etkilere sahiptir. Oldukça yaygın olup yeterince tanınmayan bir komplikasyondur. İnme sonrası cinsel işlev bozukluklarının, hem organik hem de psikososyal nedenler dahil olmak üzere birçok etiyolojiye bağlı olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu nedenle cinsel işlev bozuklukları multidisipliner bir yaklaşımla değerlendirilmeli ve yönetilmelidir. İnme sonrası hastalarda cinsellik yaşam kalitesinin temel bir parçası olmasına rağmen, sağlık çalışanları tarafından genellikle ihmal edilir. Farmakolojik tedavinin yanı sıra, cinsel işlev bozukluğu tedavisinin en önemli ama hafife alınan başarı faktörlerinden biri, inme sonrası cinsellik hakkında doğru bilgi vermek ve hasta ile partnerinin yeniden yakınlaşmasını sağlamak için sağlık çalışanları tarafından verilebilecek doğru bir danışmanlıktır. Bu derlemenin amacı ise inmenin cinsel işlev üzerindeki etkisini ve hemşirenin sorumluluklarını literatür doğrultusunda incelemektir.
- Afshar B, Amini L, Hasani M, Jahanfar S, Massood Nabavi S. 2022. The most effective sexual function and dysfunction interventions in individuals with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Inter J Reprod Biomed, 20(4): 241–254.
- Auger LP, Grondin M, Aubertin M, Marois A, Filiatrault J, Rochette A. 2021. Interventions used by allied health professionals in sexual rehabilitation after stroke: A systematic review. Topics Stroke Rehabil, 28(8): 557–572.
- Basson R, Brotto LA, Laan E, Redmond G, Utian WH. 2005. Assessment and management of women's sexual dysfunctions: problematic desire and arousal. J Sex Med 2(3): 291-300.
- Bates J. 2011. Broaching sexual health issues with patients. Nursing Times 107(48): 20–22.
- Berman L, Berman J, Felder S, Pollets D, Chhabra S, Miles M, Powell J. A. 2003. Seeking help for sexual function complaints: what gynecologists need to know about the female patient's experience. Fertil Steril, 79(3): 572–576.
- Calabrò RS, Cacciola A, Bruschetta D, Milardi D, Quattrini F, Sciarrone F, la Rosa G, Bramanti P, Anastasi G. 2019. Neuroanatomy and function of human sexual behavior: A neglected or unknown issue? Brain Behav, 9(12): e01389.
- Calabrò RS. 2022. Post-stroke sexual dysfunction in men: epidemiology diagnostic work-up and treatment. Innov Clin Neurosci, 19(7-9): 12–16.
- Contrada M, Cerasa A, Pucci C, Ciancarelli I, Pioggia G, Tonin P, Calabrò R. S. 2023. Talking about sexuality in stroke individuals: the new era of sexual rehabilitation. J Clin Med, 12(12): 3988.
- Demir AN, Aykan SA, Güngör DU, Tunç H. 2022. Evaluation of sexual dysfunction in hospitalized post-stroke rehabilitation patients. J Contemp Med, 12(2): 217-222.
- Dusenbury W, Hill TJ, Mosack V, Steinke EE. 2020. Risk factors depression and drugs influencing sexual activity in individuals with and without stroke. J Assoc Rehabil Nurses, 45(1): 23–29.
- Feigin VL, Norrving B, Mensah GA. 2017. Global burden of stroke. Circulation Res, 120(3): 439–448.
- Flynn KE, Reese JB, Jeffery DD, Abernethy AP, Lin L, Shelby RA, Porter LS, Dombeck CB, Weinfurt KP. 2012. Patient experiences with communication about sex during and after treatment for cancer. Psycho-oncology, 21(6): 594–601.
- GBD 2017 Causes of Death Collaborators. 2018. Global regional and national age-sex-specific mortality for 282 causes of death in 195 countries and territories 1980-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet (London England): 392(10159): 1736–1788.
- GBD 2017 DALYs and HALE Collaborators. 2018. Global regional and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs): for 359 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE): for 195 countries and territories 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet (London England): 392(10159): 1859–1922.
- Giaquinto S, Buzzelli S, Di Francesco L, Nolfe G. 2003. Evaluation of sexual changes after stroke. The J Clin Psych, 64(3): 302–307.
- Görgülü Ü, Dönmez R, Bektaş H. 2022. İnmeli hastalarda motor dışı belirtiler. Türk Beyin Damar Hastalıkları Derg, 28 (3): 172-179.
- Karadeniz G, Altıparmak S, Marul G. 2006. Hemodiyaliz tedavisi alan hastaların cinsel yaşama ilişkin yaşadıkları sorunlar ve danışmanlık gereksinimleri. Ege Üniv Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu Derg, 21(2): 29-36.
- Kautz DD. 2007. Hope for love: practical advice for intimacy and sex after stroke. Rehabilitation nursing. J Assoc Rehabil Nur, 32(3): 95–132.
- Low MA, Power E, McGrath M. 2022. Sexuality after stroke: Exploring knowledge attitudes comfort and behaviours of rehabilitation professionals. Annals Physical Rehabil Med, 65(2): 101547.
- Massi DG, Mountap GN, Moby HE, Ngalle FGE, Mouliom S, Doumbe J, Mapoure NY. 2021. Poststroke erectile dysfunction in Cameroon: prevalence associated factors and quality of life. Stroke Res Treat, 9988841.
- McGrath M, Lever S, McCluskey A, Power E. 2019. How is sexuality after stroke experienced by stroke survivors and partners of stroke survivors? A systematic review of qualitative studies. Clin Rehabil, 33(2): 293–303.
- McGrath M, Low MA, Power E, McCluskey A, Lever S. 2021. Addressing sexuality among people living with chronic disease and disability: a systematic mixed methods review of knowledge attitudes and practices of health care professionals. Archives Physical Med Rehabil, 102(5): 999–1010.
- Mountain A, Patrice Lindsay M, Teasell R, Salbach NM, de Jong A, Foley N, Bhogal S. et al. 2020. Canadian stroke best practice recommendations: rehabilitation recovery and community participation following stroke. Part two: transitions and community participation following stroke. Inter J Stroke Soc, 15(7): 789–806.
- Nasimbera A, Rosales J, Silva B, Alonso R, Bohorquez N, Lepera S, Garretto N, Arakaki T, Garcea O, Rey R, Quarracino C, Rodriguez G. E. 2018. Everything you always wanted to know about sex and Neurology: neurological disability and sexuality. Arquivos de Neuro-psiquiatria, 76(7): 430–435.
- NG L, Sansom J, Zhang N, Anatya B, Khan F. 2017. Effectiveness of a structured sexual rehabilitation programme following stroke: A randomized controlled trial. J Rehabilit Med, 49 333-340.
- Nusbaum MR, Singh AR, Pyles AA. 2004. Sexual healthcare needs of women aged 65 and older. J American Geriatrics Soc, 52(1): 117–122.
- Ostwald SK, Godwin KM, Cron SG. 2009. Predictors of life satisfaction in stroke survivors and spousal caregivers after inpatient rehabilitation. Rehabilitation nursing. J Assoc Rehabilit Nurses, 34(4): 160–174.
- Prame KK, Wong CH. 2020. Imbalance in the force: the dark side of the microbiota on stroke risk and progression. Current opinion in neurobiology 62 10–16.
- Quinn C Browne G. 2009. Sexuality of people living with mental illness: a collaborative challenge for mental health nurses. Int J Ment Health Nurs, 18(3): 195-203.
- Richards A, Dean R, Burgess GH, Caird H. 2016. Sexuality after stroke: an exploration of current professional approaches barriers to providing support and future directions. Disability Rehabil, 38(15): 1471–1482.
- Seymour LM, Wolf TJ. 2014. Participation changes in sexual functioning after mild stroke. OTJR, 34(2): 72–80.
- Stewart CE, Sohrabji F. 2020. Gonadal hormones and stroke risk: PCOS as a case study. Frontiers Neuroendocrin, 58: 100853.
- Stratton H, Sansom J, Brown-Major A, Anderson P, Ng L. 2020. Interventions for sexual dysfunction following stroke. The Cochrane Database System Rev, 5(5): CD011189.
- Stroke Foundation. 2019. Clinical guidelines for stroke management. URL: (Erişim tarihi: 03 Mart 2023).
- Stroke Foundation. 2023. Australian and New Zealand Living Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management. Chapter 8 of 8: Community participation and long-term care. Melbourne VIC Australia. URL: (Erişim tarihi: 03 Mart 2023).
- Tamam Y, Tamam L, Akil E, Yasan A. Tamam B. 2008. Post-stroke sexual functioning in first stroke patients. European J Neurology, 15: 660–666. doi:10.1111/j.1468-1331.2008.02184.x.
- Taylor B, Davis S. 2006. Using the extended PLISSIT model to address sexual healthcare needs. Nursing Standard, 21(11): 35–40.
- Winstein CJ, Stein J, Arena R, Bates B, Cherney LR, Cramer SC, Deruyter F, et al. 2016. American heart association stroke council on cardiovascular and stroke nursing council on clinical cardiology and council on quality of care and outcomes research (guidelines for adult stroke rehabilitation and recovery: a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American heart association/American stroke association. Stroke 47(6): e98–e169.
- Yılmaz H, Gümüş H, Yılmaz SD, Akkurt HE, Odabaş FO. 2017. The evaluation of sexual function in women with stroke. Neurology India, 65(2): 271–276.