Research Article
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Determination of Nurses' Knowledge Levels Regarding Intramuscular Injection to the Ventrogluteal Area

Year 2024, , 202 - 209, 15.09.2024


This study was aimed to determine nurses' knowledge levels regarding ventrogluteal (VG) area injection. This descriptive and cross-sectional study involved 121 nurses in Türkiye between December 2018 and March 2019. The nurses' descriptive characteristics form and the knowledge suggestions form were completed. Statistical analyzes included the Mann Whitney U test, Kruskal Wallis test, and Spearman correlation. It was found that 61.2% of the nurses received training for the VG area, most nurses (69.4%) never injected the VG area, and 59.5% of those who applied it only once a week. The correct mean of nurses' information suggestions regarding VG area injection was 6.76±3.92. There was a statistically significant difference between the knowledge levels of those over the age of 40 (Mean Rank=45.97) and those under the age of 30 (Mean Rank=70.73) (P=0.022). It was found that the knowledge level of nurses who received training on VG injection, applied VG injection in the department where they worked, and who applied VG injection at least once a week were higher than the others (P<0.05). A weakly negative, statistically significant linear relationship was found between age (r=-0.284, P=0.002), total professional working time (r=-0.265, P=0.003) and knowledge level. In this study, the mean knowledge of nurses regarding the VG area was determined to be slightly lower than the medium level. In order for nurses to have up-to-date information, it is recommended to provide in-service training at regular intervals and to measure training outcomes through exams. In addition, the implementation and supervision of VG area injection in clinics will contribute to the widespread use of VG area in intramuscular injection practice.


  • Akbıyık A. 2021. Parenteral drug applications. Kara Kaşıkçı M, Akın E. editors. Basic nursing fundamentals, concepts, principles, practices, 1st Edition. Istanbul Medical Bookstores, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp: 543-553.
  • Apaydın A, Öztürk H. 2021. Comparison of intramuscular injections applied on ventrogluteal and dorsogluteal areas in the way of bleeding, pain and hematoma. Gümüşhane Univ J Health Sci, 10(1): 105-113.
  • Arslan GG, Özden D. 2018. Creating a change in the use of ventrogluteal site for intramuscular injection. Patient Prefer Adherence, 12: 1749-1756.
  • Berman A, Snyder SJ, Kozier B, Erb G. 2008. Kozier & Erb’s fundamentals of nursing conceps, process, and practice, 8th Ed. Pearson Education Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, US, pp: 73-874.
  • Göçmen Baykara Z, Çalışkan N, Öztürk D, Karadağ A. 2019. Basic Nursing Skills. Ankara Nobel Medical Bookstore, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 316.
  • Gülnar E, Çalışkan N. 2014. Determination of knowledge level of nurses regarding intramuscular injection administration to ventrogluteal site. Dokuz Eylül Univ Fac Nurs E-J, 7(2): 70-77.
  • Gülnar E, Özveren H. 2016. An evaluation of the effectiveness of a planned training program for nurses on administering intramusculer injections into the ventrogluteal site. Nurse Educ Today, 36: 360-363.
  • Güneş Ü, Kara Yılmaz D, Arı S, Ceyhan O. 2013. Which site ismore painful in intramuscular injections? The dorsogluteal site orthe ventrogluteal site? A case study from Turkey. Clin Nurs Stud, 1(4): 74-81.
  • İnce M, Tuncer M, Khorshid L. 2023. Theses on site and methods to reduce intramuscular injection pain: A systematic review. Ordu Univ J Nurs Stud, 6(1): 182-192.
  • Isseven SD, Sagkal Midilli T. 2020. A comparison of the dorsogluteal and ventrogluteal sites regarding patients' levels of pain intensity and satisfaction following intramuscular injection. Int J Caring Sci, 13(3): 2168-2179.
  • Kara D, Uzelli D, Karaman D. 2015. Using ventrogluteal site in intramuscular injections is a priority or an alternative?. Int J Caring Sci, 8(2): 507-513.
  • Legrand G, Guiguet-Auclair C, Viennet H, Aumeran C, Reynaud D, Badrikian L, Debost-Legrand A. 2019. Nurses' practices in the preparation and administration of intramuscular injections in mental health: A cross-sectional study. J Clin Nurs, 28(17-18): 3310-3317.
  • Oliveira LF, Junqueira PS, Silva MR, Souza MM, Teles SA, Junqueira ALN. 2015. Randomized controlled clinical trial: ventral gluteal region, alternative site for application of benzathine G benzylpenicillin. Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem, 17(4): 1-7.
  • Önder H. 2018. Nonparametric statistical methods used in biological experiments. BSJ Eng Sci, 1(1): 1-6.
  • Potter PA, Perry AG, Hall A, Stockert PA. 2009. Fundamentals of nursing, 7th ed. Elsevier, New York, US, pp: 1520.
  • Roldán-Chicano MT, Rodríguez-Tello J, Cebrián-López R, Moore JR, Del Mar García-López M. 2023. Adverse effects of dorsogluteal intramuscular injection versus ventrogluteal intramuscular injection: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Nurs Open, 10(9): 5975-5988.
  • Şanlıalp Zeyrek A, Kuzu Kurban N. 2017. The effect of education on knowledge and administration of intramuscular injection of nurses: Z technique and ventrogluteal site. J Res Devel Nurs, 19(1): 26-37.
  • Sarı D, Şahin M, Yaşar E, Taşkıran N, Telli S. 2017. Investigation of Turkish nurses frequency and knowledge of administration of intramusculer injections to the ventrogluteal site: Results from questionnaires. Nurs Educ Today, 56: 47-51.
  • Schober P, Boer C, Schwarte LA. 2018. Correlation coefficients: appropriate use and interpretation. Anesthesia Analgesia, 126(5): 1763-1768.
  • Sü S, Bekmezci E. 2020. The reasons for the nurses not to use ventrogluteal region in intramuscular injection administration. J Educ Res Nurs, 17(1): 46-50.
  • Taylor C, Lillis C, LeMone P, Lynn P. 2008. Fundamentals of nursing the art and science of nursing care, 6th ed. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, US, pp: 1822.
  • Tuğrul E, Denat Y. 2014. Nurses’ knowledge, opinion and practices regarding to injection practices in ventrogluteal site. Dokuz Eylul Univ School Nurs E-J, 7(4): 275-284.
  • Tuğrul E, Khorshid L. 2014. Effect on pain intensity of injection sites and speed of injection associated with intramuscular penicillin. Int J Nurs Pract, 20(5): 468-474.
  • Yigit Gokbel K, Sagkal Midilli T. 2021. The effect on nurses’ knowledge and skills of planned training given on the administration of intramuscular injection to the ventrogluteal site. Int J Caring Sci, 14(2): 1130-1139.
  • Yilmaz DK, Dikmen Y, Köktürk F, Dedeoğlu Y. 2016. The effect of air-lock technique on pain at the site of intramuscular injection. Saudi Medic J, 37(3): 304-308. smj.2016.3.13113

Determination of Nurses' Knowledge Levels Regarding Intramuscular Injection to the Ventrogluteal Area

Year 2024, , 202 - 209, 15.09.2024


This study was aimed to determine nurses' knowledge levels regarding ventrogluteal (VG) area injection. This descriptive and cross-sectional study involved 121 nurses in Türkiye between December 2018 and March 2019. The nurses' descriptive characteristics form and the knowledge suggestions form were completed. Statistical analyzes included the Mann Whitney U test, Kruskal Wallis test, and Spearman correlation. It was found that 61.2% of the nurses received training for the VG area, most nurses (69.4%) never injected the VG area, and 59.5% of those who applied it only once a week. The correct mean of nurses' information suggestions regarding VG area injection was 6.76±3.92. There was a statistically significant difference between the knowledge levels of those over the age of 40 (Mean Rank=45.97) and those under the age of 30 (Mean Rank=70.73) (P=0.022). It was found that the knowledge level of nurses who received training on VG injection, applied VG injection in the department where they worked, and who applied VG injection at least once a week were higher than the others (P<0.05). A weakly negative, statistically significant linear relationship was found between age (r=-0.284, P=0.002), total professional working time (r=-0.265, P=0.003) and knowledge level. In this study, the mean knowledge of nurses regarding the VG area was determined to be slightly lower than the medium level. In order for nurses to have up-to-date information, it is recommended to provide in-service training at regular intervals and to measure training outcomes through exams. In addition, the implementation and supervision of VG area injection in clinics will contribute to the widespread use of VG area in intramuscular injection practice.

Ethical Statement

Approval for the research was received from Hitit University Non-Interventional Ethics Committee with the letter dated 28.03.2018 and numbered 2018-47. In addition, permission was obtained from the institution where the study would be conducted. First, participants were informed and their consent was obtained. The research was conducted in accordance with the Principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.


  • Akbıyık A. 2021. Parenteral drug applications. Kara Kaşıkçı M, Akın E. editors. Basic nursing fundamentals, concepts, principles, practices, 1st Edition. Istanbul Medical Bookstores, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp: 543-553.
  • Apaydın A, Öztürk H. 2021. Comparison of intramuscular injections applied on ventrogluteal and dorsogluteal areas in the way of bleeding, pain and hematoma. Gümüşhane Univ J Health Sci, 10(1): 105-113.
  • Arslan GG, Özden D. 2018. Creating a change in the use of ventrogluteal site for intramuscular injection. Patient Prefer Adherence, 12: 1749-1756.
  • Berman A, Snyder SJ, Kozier B, Erb G. 2008. Kozier & Erb’s fundamentals of nursing conceps, process, and practice, 8th Ed. Pearson Education Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, US, pp: 73-874.
  • Göçmen Baykara Z, Çalışkan N, Öztürk D, Karadağ A. 2019. Basic Nursing Skills. Ankara Nobel Medical Bookstore, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 316.
  • Gülnar E, Çalışkan N. 2014. Determination of knowledge level of nurses regarding intramuscular injection administration to ventrogluteal site. Dokuz Eylül Univ Fac Nurs E-J, 7(2): 70-77.
  • Gülnar E, Özveren H. 2016. An evaluation of the effectiveness of a planned training program for nurses on administering intramusculer injections into the ventrogluteal site. Nurse Educ Today, 36: 360-363.
  • Güneş Ü, Kara Yılmaz D, Arı S, Ceyhan O. 2013. Which site ismore painful in intramuscular injections? The dorsogluteal site orthe ventrogluteal site? A case study from Turkey. Clin Nurs Stud, 1(4): 74-81.
  • İnce M, Tuncer M, Khorshid L. 2023. Theses on site and methods to reduce intramuscular injection pain: A systematic review. Ordu Univ J Nurs Stud, 6(1): 182-192.
  • Isseven SD, Sagkal Midilli T. 2020. A comparison of the dorsogluteal and ventrogluteal sites regarding patients' levels of pain intensity and satisfaction following intramuscular injection. Int J Caring Sci, 13(3): 2168-2179.
  • Kara D, Uzelli D, Karaman D. 2015. Using ventrogluteal site in intramuscular injections is a priority or an alternative?. Int J Caring Sci, 8(2): 507-513.
  • Legrand G, Guiguet-Auclair C, Viennet H, Aumeran C, Reynaud D, Badrikian L, Debost-Legrand A. 2019. Nurses' practices in the preparation and administration of intramuscular injections in mental health: A cross-sectional study. J Clin Nurs, 28(17-18): 3310-3317.
  • Oliveira LF, Junqueira PS, Silva MR, Souza MM, Teles SA, Junqueira ALN. 2015. Randomized controlled clinical trial: ventral gluteal region, alternative site for application of benzathine G benzylpenicillin. Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem, 17(4): 1-7.
  • Önder H. 2018. Nonparametric statistical methods used in biological experiments. BSJ Eng Sci, 1(1): 1-6.
  • Potter PA, Perry AG, Hall A, Stockert PA. 2009. Fundamentals of nursing, 7th ed. Elsevier, New York, US, pp: 1520.
  • Roldán-Chicano MT, Rodríguez-Tello J, Cebrián-López R, Moore JR, Del Mar García-López M. 2023. Adverse effects of dorsogluteal intramuscular injection versus ventrogluteal intramuscular injection: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Nurs Open, 10(9): 5975-5988.
  • Şanlıalp Zeyrek A, Kuzu Kurban N. 2017. The effect of education on knowledge and administration of intramuscular injection of nurses: Z technique and ventrogluteal site. J Res Devel Nurs, 19(1): 26-37.
  • Sarı D, Şahin M, Yaşar E, Taşkıran N, Telli S. 2017. Investigation of Turkish nurses frequency and knowledge of administration of intramusculer injections to the ventrogluteal site: Results from questionnaires. Nurs Educ Today, 56: 47-51.
  • Schober P, Boer C, Schwarte LA. 2018. Correlation coefficients: appropriate use and interpretation. Anesthesia Analgesia, 126(5): 1763-1768.
  • Sü S, Bekmezci E. 2020. The reasons for the nurses not to use ventrogluteal region in intramuscular injection administration. J Educ Res Nurs, 17(1): 46-50.
  • Taylor C, Lillis C, LeMone P, Lynn P. 2008. Fundamentals of nursing the art and science of nursing care, 6th ed. Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, US, pp: 1822.
  • Tuğrul E, Denat Y. 2014. Nurses’ knowledge, opinion and practices regarding to injection practices in ventrogluteal site. Dokuz Eylul Univ School Nurs E-J, 7(4): 275-284.
  • Tuğrul E, Khorshid L. 2014. Effect on pain intensity of injection sites and speed of injection associated with intramuscular penicillin. Int J Nurs Pract, 20(5): 468-474.
  • Yigit Gokbel K, Sagkal Midilli T. 2021. The effect on nurses’ knowledge and skills of planned training given on the administration of intramuscular injection to the ventrogluteal site. Int J Caring Sci, 14(2): 1130-1139.
  • Yilmaz DK, Dikmen Y, Köktürk F, Dedeoğlu Y. 2016. The effect of air-lock technique on pain at the site of intramuscular injection. Saudi Medic J, 37(3): 304-308. smj.2016.3.13113
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Fundamentals of Nursing
Journal Section Research Article

Nadiye Barış Eren 0000-0002-1935-244X

Publication Date September 15, 2024
Submission Date August 13, 2024
Acceptance Date September 4, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Barış Eren, N. (2024). Determination of Nurses’ Knowledge Levels Regarding Intramuscular Injection to the Ventrogluteal Area. Black Sea Journal of Health Science, 7(5), 202-209.
AMA Barış Eren N. Determination of Nurses’ Knowledge Levels Regarding Intramuscular Injection to the Ventrogluteal Area. BSJ Health Sci. September 2024;7(5):202-209. doi:10.19127/bshealthscience.1532937
Chicago Barış Eren, Nadiye. “Determination of Nurses’ Knowledge Levels Regarding Intramuscular Injection to the Ventrogluteal Area”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 7, no. 5 (September 2024): 202-9.
EndNote Barış Eren N (September 1, 2024) Determination of Nurses’ Knowledge Levels Regarding Intramuscular Injection to the Ventrogluteal Area. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 7 5 202–209.
IEEE N. Barış Eren, “Determination of Nurses’ Knowledge Levels Regarding Intramuscular Injection to the Ventrogluteal Area”, BSJ Health Sci., vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 202–209, 2024, doi: 10.19127/bshealthscience.1532937.
ISNAD Barış Eren, Nadiye. “Determination of Nurses’ Knowledge Levels Regarding Intramuscular Injection to the Ventrogluteal Area”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 7/5 (September 2024), 202-209.
JAMA Barış Eren N. Determination of Nurses’ Knowledge Levels Regarding Intramuscular Injection to the Ventrogluteal Area. BSJ Health Sci. 2024;7:202–209.
MLA Barış Eren, Nadiye. “Determination of Nurses’ Knowledge Levels Regarding Intramuscular Injection to the Ventrogluteal Area”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science, vol. 7, no. 5, 2024, pp. 202-9, doi:10.19127/bshealthscience.1532937.
Vancouver Barış Eren N. Determination of Nurses’ Knowledge Levels Regarding Intramuscular Injection to the Ventrogluteal Area. BSJ Health Sci. 2024;7(5):202-9.