Research Article
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Year 2022, , 39 - 44, 01.01.2022



  • Ahmad I, Afshan G. 2011. Knowledge and attitudes of Pakistani women to wards anaesthesia techniques for caesarean section. J Pak Med Assoc, 61(4): 359-362.
  • Amma RO, Ravindran S, Koshy RC, Jagathnath Krishna KM. 2016. A survey on the use of low flow anaesthesia and the choice of inhalational anaesthetic agents among anaesthesiologists of India. Indian J Anaesth, 60(10): 751-756.
  • Brattwall M, Warrén-Stomberg M, Hesselvik F, Jakobsson J. 2012. Brief review: theory and practice of minimal fresh gas flow anesthesia. Can J Anaesth, 59(8): 785-797.
  • Brown EN, Pavone KJ, Naranjo M. 2018. Multimodal general anesthesia: theory and practice. Anesth Analg, 127(5): 1246-1258.
  • Dağlı R, Dağlı SS. 2015. Anaesthetic method preference of obstetricians for caesarean section. Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim, 43(1): 41-46.
  • Gonano C, Leitgeb U, Sitzwohl C, Ihra G, Weinstabl C, Kettner SC. 2006. Spinal versus general anesthesia for orthopedic surgery: anesthesia drug and supply costs. Anesth Analg, 102(2): 524-529.
  • Hanci V, Pişkin Ö. 2011. Geriatrik anestezide derlenme ve postoperatif bakım. Turkiye Klinikleri J Anest Reanim, 4(1): 52-59.
  • Hanci V, Yurtlu S, Ayoğlu H. 2010. Effect of low-flow anesthesia education on knowledge, attitude and behavior of the anesthesia team. Kaohsiung J Med Sci, 26(8): 415-421.
  • Horwitz M, Jakobsson JG. 2016. Desflurane and sevoflurane use during low- and minimal-flow anesthesia at fixed vaporizer settings. Minerva Anestesiologica, 82(2): 180-185.
  • Ishizawa Y. 2011. Special article: general anesthetic gases and the global environment. Anesth Analg, 112(1): 213-217.
  • İyilikçi L, Çakmak Ş, Ögdül E. 2006. Ameliyathane dışı anestezi uygulamalarında deneyimlerimiz. Türk Anest Rean Der Derg, 34(3): 169-176.
  • Jenkins JG, Khan MM. 2003. Anaesthesia for Caesarean section: a survey in a UK region from 1992 to 2002. Anaesthesia, 58(11): 1114-1118.
  • KHGM. 2017. Kamu hastaneleri genel müdürlüğü; İstatistik, analiz, raporlama ve stratejik yönetim dairesi başkanlığı. ‘Her Branşta İlk 100 Hastane’ 2017 yılı Ocak-Ekim Dönemi Poliklinik, Yatış, Yoğun Bakım ve Acil Servis İstatistikleri. Ankara. URL:,2017-ocak-ekim-donemi-poliklinik-yatis-ve-yogun-bakim-ve-acil-servis-verileri-baglaminda-her-bransta-ilk-100-hastanepdf (access date: December 05, 2017).
  • Lai HY, Tsai PS, Fan YC, Huang CJ. 2014. Anesthetic practice for Caesarean section and factors influencing anesthesiologists’ choice of anesthesia: a population-based study. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 58(7): 843-850.
  • Marcus HE, Behrend A, Schier R. 2011. Anesthesiological management of Caesarean sections: nationwide survey in Germany. Anaesthesist, 60(10): 916-928.
  • McGoldrick KE. 2008. Anesthesia Considerations for Geriatric Outpatients. In: Silverstein JH, Rooke GA, Reves JG, Mcleskey CH (eds). Geriatric Anesthesiology. 2nd ed. Springerscience + Business Media, New York, US, pp: 337.
  • Morgan GE, Mikail MS, Murray MJ. 2002. Postanesthesia Care. In: Morgan GE, Mikail MS, Murray MJ (eds.) Clinical AnesthesiologyLange Medical Books/ McGraw-Hill, New York, US. . 3rd ed., pp. 950.
  • Odin I, Feiss P. 2005. Low flow and economics of inhalational anaesthesia. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol, 19(3): 399-413.
  • Okur O, Telgul ZT, Yeniay O, Direnç KE. 2016. Effect of low flow anesthesia education on short term anesthetic gas consumption. Tepecik Eğit ve Araş Hast Derg, 26(2): 146-150.
  • Palmer SK. 2009. Anaesthesia care for obstetric patients in the United States. 1st ed. Springer-Verlag, London, UK, pp: 200.
  • Sabate S, Gomar C, Canet J, Fernandez C, Fernandez M, Fuentes A. 2006. Obstetric anesthesia in Catalonia, Spain. Med Clin (Barc), 126(2): 40-45.
  • Toker K, Yılmaz AS, Gürkan Y, Baykara N, Canatay H, Özdamar D. 2003. Sezaryen ameliyatlarında anestezi uygulaması, 5 yıllık retrospektif değerlendirme. Türk Anest Rean Cem Mecmuası, 31: 26-30.
  • Töre G, Gurbet A, Şahin Ş, Türker G, Yavaşçaoğlu, Korkmaz S. 2009. Türkiye’de obstetrik anestezi uygulamalarındaki değişimin değerlendirilmesi. Turk J Anaesth Reanim, 37(2): 86-95.
  • TARD. 2015. Türk Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Derneği (TARD) Anestezi uygulama kılavuzları. Ameliyathane dışı anestezi uygulamaları. URL: (access date: December 02, 2015).

Retrospective Evaluation of Anesthesia Experience at a Training and Research Hospital in Turkey

Year 2022, , 39 - 44, 01.01.2022


This study aims to evaluate retrospectively the two-year data of our clinic concerning the effects of training for reduced fresh gas flow anesthesia applications, the demographic data of patients, the types of anesthesia performed, non-operating room anesthesia applications and the incidences of admission to the post-anesthesia care unit. Hospital archives on anesthesia services of 2016-2017 were scanned. The acquired data were analyzed retrospectively with yearly comparisons on the bases of the consumed amount of inhalation anesthetics, distribution of the peripheral blocks according to the surgical sections, the number of patients operated outside the operating room and sent to the post-anesthesia care unit. The number of operations carried out in our hospital was 22533 in 2016 and 24634 in 2017. High flow anesthesia in 2016 and low flow anesthesia in 2017 were found statistically high (P < 0.001). In 2016 and 2017, neuraxial block cases were used in 76.24% and 76.19% of the cesarean section, 4936and 7152 patients underwent anesthesia outside of the operating room; 405 and 816 patients were sent to the post-anesthesia care unit, respectively. In 2017, the consumption of inhalation agents decreased after regular training on the reduced fresh gas flow technique. In 2017, the increase observed in peripheral block applications was based on the increase in ultrasound experience in our clinic. We recommend a combination of reduced fresh gas flow with peripheral or neuraxial blocks to achieve multimodal general anesthesia.


  • Ahmad I, Afshan G. 2011. Knowledge and attitudes of Pakistani women to wards anaesthesia techniques for caesarean section. J Pak Med Assoc, 61(4): 359-362.
  • Amma RO, Ravindran S, Koshy RC, Jagathnath Krishna KM. 2016. A survey on the use of low flow anaesthesia and the choice of inhalational anaesthetic agents among anaesthesiologists of India. Indian J Anaesth, 60(10): 751-756.
  • Brattwall M, Warrén-Stomberg M, Hesselvik F, Jakobsson J. 2012. Brief review: theory and practice of minimal fresh gas flow anesthesia. Can J Anaesth, 59(8): 785-797.
  • Brown EN, Pavone KJ, Naranjo M. 2018. Multimodal general anesthesia: theory and practice. Anesth Analg, 127(5): 1246-1258.
  • Dağlı R, Dağlı SS. 2015. Anaesthetic method preference of obstetricians for caesarean section. Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim, 43(1): 41-46.
  • Gonano C, Leitgeb U, Sitzwohl C, Ihra G, Weinstabl C, Kettner SC. 2006. Spinal versus general anesthesia for orthopedic surgery: anesthesia drug and supply costs. Anesth Analg, 102(2): 524-529.
  • Hanci V, Pişkin Ö. 2011. Geriatrik anestezide derlenme ve postoperatif bakım. Turkiye Klinikleri J Anest Reanim, 4(1): 52-59.
  • Hanci V, Yurtlu S, Ayoğlu H. 2010. Effect of low-flow anesthesia education on knowledge, attitude and behavior of the anesthesia team. Kaohsiung J Med Sci, 26(8): 415-421.
  • Horwitz M, Jakobsson JG. 2016. Desflurane and sevoflurane use during low- and minimal-flow anesthesia at fixed vaporizer settings. Minerva Anestesiologica, 82(2): 180-185.
  • Ishizawa Y. 2011. Special article: general anesthetic gases and the global environment. Anesth Analg, 112(1): 213-217.
  • İyilikçi L, Çakmak Ş, Ögdül E. 2006. Ameliyathane dışı anestezi uygulamalarında deneyimlerimiz. Türk Anest Rean Der Derg, 34(3): 169-176.
  • Jenkins JG, Khan MM. 2003. Anaesthesia for Caesarean section: a survey in a UK region from 1992 to 2002. Anaesthesia, 58(11): 1114-1118.
  • KHGM. 2017. Kamu hastaneleri genel müdürlüğü; İstatistik, analiz, raporlama ve stratejik yönetim dairesi başkanlığı. ‘Her Branşta İlk 100 Hastane’ 2017 yılı Ocak-Ekim Dönemi Poliklinik, Yatış, Yoğun Bakım ve Acil Servis İstatistikleri. Ankara. URL:,2017-ocak-ekim-donemi-poliklinik-yatis-ve-yogun-bakim-ve-acil-servis-verileri-baglaminda-her-bransta-ilk-100-hastanepdf (access date: December 05, 2017).
  • Lai HY, Tsai PS, Fan YC, Huang CJ. 2014. Anesthetic practice for Caesarean section and factors influencing anesthesiologists’ choice of anesthesia: a population-based study. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 58(7): 843-850.
  • Marcus HE, Behrend A, Schier R. 2011. Anesthesiological management of Caesarean sections: nationwide survey in Germany. Anaesthesist, 60(10): 916-928.
  • McGoldrick KE. 2008. Anesthesia Considerations for Geriatric Outpatients. In: Silverstein JH, Rooke GA, Reves JG, Mcleskey CH (eds). Geriatric Anesthesiology. 2nd ed. Springerscience + Business Media, New York, US, pp: 337.
  • Morgan GE, Mikail MS, Murray MJ. 2002. Postanesthesia Care. In: Morgan GE, Mikail MS, Murray MJ (eds.) Clinical AnesthesiologyLange Medical Books/ McGraw-Hill, New York, US. . 3rd ed., pp. 950.
  • Odin I, Feiss P. 2005. Low flow and economics of inhalational anaesthesia. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol, 19(3): 399-413.
  • Okur O, Telgul ZT, Yeniay O, Direnç KE. 2016. Effect of low flow anesthesia education on short term anesthetic gas consumption. Tepecik Eğit ve Araş Hast Derg, 26(2): 146-150.
  • Palmer SK. 2009. Anaesthesia care for obstetric patients in the United States. 1st ed. Springer-Verlag, London, UK, pp: 200.
  • Sabate S, Gomar C, Canet J, Fernandez C, Fernandez M, Fuentes A. 2006. Obstetric anesthesia in Catalonia, Spain. Med Clin (Barc), 126(2): 40-45.
  • Toker K, Yılmaz AS, Gürkan Y, Baykara N, Canatay H, Özdamar D. 2003. Sezaryen ameliyatlarında anestezi uygulaması, 5 yıllık retrospektif değerlendirme. Türk Anest Rean Cem Mecmuası, 31: 26-30.
  • Töre G, Gurbet A, Şahin Ş, Türker G, Yavaşçaoğlu, Korkmaz S. 2009. Türkiye’de obstetrik anestezi uygulamalarındaki değişimin değerlendirilmesi. Turk J Anaesth Reanim, 37(2): 86-95.
  • TARD. 2015. Türk Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Derneği (TARD) Anestezi uygulama kılavuzları. Ameliyathane dışı anestezi uygulamaları. URL: (access date: December 02, 2015).
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research Article

Canan Yılmaz 0000-0002-6626-3626

Derya Karasu 0000-0003-1867-9018

Merve Baytar 0000-0002-4829-4779

Selim Yırtımcı 0000-0001-8417-0178

Ümran Karaca 0000-0001-5922-2300

Ayşe Neslihan Balkaya 0000-0001-8031-6264

Mehmet Gamlı 0000-0002-5618-2734

Publication Date January 1, 2022
Submission Date June 10, 2021
Acceptance Date October 7, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Yılmaz, C., Karasu, D., Baytar, M., Yırtımcı, S., et al. (2022). Retrospective Evaluation of Anesthesia Experience at a Training and Research Hospital in Turkey. Black Sea Journal of Health Science, 5(1), 39-44.
AMA Yılmaz C, Karasu D, Baytar M, Yırtımcı S, Karaca Ü, Balkaya AN, Gamlı M. Retrospective Evaluation of Anesthesia Experience at a Training and Research Hospital in Turkey. BSJ Health Sci. January 2022;5(1):39-44. doi:10.19127/bshealthscience.950743
Chicago Yılmaz, Canan, Derya Karasu, Merve Baytar, Selim Yırtımcı, Ümran Karaca, Ayşe Neslihan Balkaya, and Mehmet Gamlı. “Retrospective Evaluation of Anesthesia Experience at a Training and Research Hospital in Turkey”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 5, no. 1 (January 2022): 39-44.
EndNote Yılmaz C, Karasu D, Baytar M, Yırtımcı S, Karaca Ü, Balkaya AN, Gamlı M (January 1, 2022) Retrospective Evaluation of Anesthesia Experience at a Training and Research Hospital in Turkey. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 5 1 39–44.
IEEE C. Yılmaz, D. Karasu, M. Baytar, S. Yırtımcı, Ü. Karaca, A. N. Balkaya, and M. Gamlı, “Retrospective Evaluation of Anesthesia Experience at a Training and Research Hospital in Turkey”, BSJ Health Sci., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 39–44, 2022, doi: 10.19127/bshealthscience.950743.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Canan et al. “Retrospective Evaluation of Anesthesia Experience at a Training and Research Hospital in Turkey”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 5/1 (January 2022), 39-44.
JAMA Yılmaz C, Karasu D, Baytar M, Yırtımcı S, Karaca Ü, Balkaya AN, Gamlı M. Retrospective Evaluation of Anesthesia Experience at a Training and Research Hospital in Turkey. BSJ Health Sci. 2022;5:39–44.
MLA Yılmaz, Canan et al. “Retrospective Evaluation of Anesthesia Experience at a Training and Research Hospital in Turkey”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science, vol. 5, no. 1, 2022, pp. 39-44, doi:10.19127/bshealthscience.950743.
Vancouver Yılmaz C, Karasu D, Baytar M, Yırtımcı S, Karaca Ü, Balkaya AN, Gamlı M. Retrospective Evaluation of Anesthesia Experience at a Training and Research Hospital in Turkey. BSJ Health Sci. 2022;5(1):39-44.