Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 51 - 62, 01.09.2020



  • Abdollahzadeh SH, Mashouf R, Mortazavi H, Moghaddam M, Roozbahani N, Vahedi M. 2011. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of punica granatum peel extracts against oral pathogens. J Dent;8(1):1-6.
  • Adams D, Addy M. 1994Mouthrinses. Adv Dent Res;8(2):291-301.
  • Addy M. 2008. The use of antiseptics in periodontal therapy. In: Linde J, Korrring T, Lang NP (eds.). Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. 4th Ed., Munksgaard, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.;464-493.
  • Addy M, Martin MV. 2003. Systemic antimicrobials in the treatment of chronic periodontal diseases: a dilemma. Oral Dis;9(1):38-44.
  • Al-hebshi N, Al-haroni M, Skaug N. 2006. In vitro antimicrobial and resistance-modifying activities of aqueous crude khat extracts against oral microorganisms. Arch Oral Biol;51(3):183-188.
  • Almas K, Skaug N, Ahmad I. 2005. An in vitro antimicrobial comparison of miswak extract with commercially available non-alcohol mouthrinses. Int J Dent Hyg;3(1):18-24.
  • Autio-Gold J. 2008. The role of chlorhexidine in caries prevention. Oper Dent;33(6):710-716.
  • Avato P, Raffo F, Guglielmi G, Vitali C, Rosato A. 2004. Extracts from St John's Wort and their antimicrobial activity. Phytother Res;18(3):230-232.
  • Baehni PC, Takeuchi Y. 2003. Anti-plaque agents in the prevention of biofilm associated oral diseases. Oral Dis;9(1):23-29.
  • Balakrishnan M, Simmonds RS, Tagg JR. 2000. Dental caries is a preventable infectious disease. Aust Dent J ;45(4):235-245.
  • Beerhues L. 2006. Hyperforin. Phytochemistry ;67(20):2201-2207.
  • Beighton D, Brailsford S, Samaranayake LP, Brown JP, Ping FX, Grant-Mills D, Harris R, Lo EC, Naidoo S, Ramos-Gomez F, Soo TC, Burnside G, Pine CM. 2004. A multi-country comparison of caries-associated microflora in demographically diverse children. Community Dent Health;21:96-101.
  • Borrajo JLL, Varela AG, Castro GL, Nunez IR, Figueroa MG, Torreira MG. 2002. Efficancy of clorhexidine mouthrinses with and without alcohol: a clinical study. J Peridontol;73:317-321.
  • Botelho MA, Nogueira NA, Bastos GM, Fonseca SG, Lemos TL, Matos FJ, Montenegro D, Heukelbach J, Rao VS, Brito GA. 2007. Antimicrobial activity of the essential oil from Lippia sidoides, carvacrol and thymol against oral pathogens. Braz J Med Biol Res ;40(3):349-356.
  • Brambilla E, Garcia-Godoy F, Strohmenger L. 2000. Principles of diagnosis and treatment of high-caries-risk subjects. Dent Clin North Am ;44(3):507-540.
  • Burt BA. 1998. Prevention policies in the light of the changed distribution of dental caries. Acta Odontol Scand, 56:179-186.
  • Colasanti A, Kisslinger A, Liuzzi R, Quarto M, Riccio P, Roberti G, Tramontano D, Villani F. 2000. Hypericin photosensitization of tumor and metastatic cell lines of human prostate. J Photochem Photobiol B;54(2-3):103-107.
  • Cowan MM. 1999. Plant products as antimicrobial agents. Clin Microbiol Rev;12(4):564-582.
  • Cushnie TP, Lamb T, Andrew J. 2005. Antimicrobial activity of flavonoids. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 26.5: 343-356 Çakır FY, Gürgan S, Attar N. 2010.Çürük mikrobiyolojisi. Hacettepe Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 34(3-4):78-91.
  • Çelik EU, Sirin TC, Ergucu Z, Turkun M, Ates M. 2008. Can different chlorhexidine agents be used as cavity disinfectants? Gen Dent ;56(6):33-37.
  • Dadgar T, Asmar M, Saifi A, Mazandarani M, Bayat H, Moradi A, Bazueri M, Ghaemi E. 2006. Antibacterial activity of certain Iranian medicinal plants against methicillin-resistant and sensitive Staphylococcus aureus. Asian J Plant Sci, 5(5), 861-866.
  • Dahl JE, Frangou‐Polyzois MJ, Polyzois GL. 2006. In vitro biocompatibility of denture relining materials. Gerodontology, 23.1: 17-22.
  • Davies RM, Davies GM, Ellwood RP, Kay EJ. 2003. Prevention. Part 4: What advice should be given to patients? Br Dent J;195:135-141.
  • Davis PH. 1988. Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Island. 1th Edition, England, University of Edinburg.
  • De Soet JJ, Holbrook WP, Vanamerongen WE, Schipper E, Homburg CHE, Degraaff J. 1990. Prevalence of streptococcus-sobrinus in relation to dental-caries in children from Iceland and the Netherlands. J Dent Child;57:337-342.
  • Eick S, Schmitt A, Sachse S, Schmidt KH, Pfister W. 2004. In vitro antibacterial activity of fluoroquinolones against Porphyromonas gingivalis strains. J Antimicrob Chemother ;54(2):553-556.
  • Eley BM. 1999. Antibacterial agents in the control of supragingival plaque--a review. Br Dent J ;186(6):286-296.
  • Fathilah AR, Rahim ZH, Othman Y, Yusoff M. 2009. Bacteriostatic effect of Piper betle and Psidium guajava extracts on dental plaque bacteria. Pak J Biol Sci;12(6):518-521.
  • Fitzgerald RJ, Fitzgerald DB, Adams BO, Duany LF. 1980. Cariogenicity of human oral lactobacilli in hamsters. J Dent Res ;59(5):832-837.
  • Gabris K, Nagy G, Madlena M, Denes Z, Marton S, Keszthelyi G, Banoczy J. 1999. Associations between microbiological and salivary caries activity tests and caries experience in Hungarian adolescents. Caries Res;33:191-195.
  • Gaster B, Holroyd J. 2000. St John’s wort for depression. Arch Intern Med;160(2):152-156.
  • Geoghegan F, Tsui VW, Wong RW, Rabie AB. 2008. Inhibitory effect of quercetin on periodontal pathogens. Ann R Australas Coll Dent Surg.;19:157‐158
  • Gehrke, ITS, et al. 2013. Antimicrobial activity of Schinus lentiscifolius Anacardiaceae). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 148.2: 486-491
  • Hashim R, Williams S, Thomson WM. 2013. Oral hygiene and dental caries in 5- to 6-year-old children in Ajman, United Arab Emirates. Int J Dent Hyg ;11(3):208-215.
  • Iauk L, Lo Bue AM, Milazzo I, Rapisarda A, Blandino G. 2003. Antibacterial activity of medicinal plant extracts against periodontopathic bacteria. Phytother Res;17(6):599-604.
  • Joiner A, Schwarz A, Philpotts CJ, Cox TF, Huber K, Hannig M. 2008. The protective nature of pellicle towards toothpaste abrasion on enamel and dentine. J Dent;36:360-368.
  • Katsura H, Tsukiyama R, Suzuki A, Kobayashi M. 2001. In vitro antimicrobial activities of bakuchiol against oral microorganisms. Antimicrob Agents Chemother;45(11):3009-3013.
  • Klinke T, Guggenheim B, Klimm W, Thurnheer T. 2011. Dental Caries in Rats Associated with Candida albicans. Caries Res;45(2):100-106.
  • Lee JW, Choi BK, Yoo YJ, et al. 2003. Distribution of periodontal pathogens in Korean aggressive periodontitis. J Periodontol;74:1329–35.
  • Lee SS, Zhang W, Li Y. 2004. The antimicrobial potential of 14 natural herbal dentifrices. JADA;135:1133-1141.
  • Lemos-Junior CA, Villoria GEM. 2008. Reviewed evidence about the safety of the daily use of alcohol-based mouthrinses. Braz Oral Res;22:24-31.
  • Loreven CV, Buijs JF, Cate JM. 2000. The effect of triclosan toothpaste on enamel demineralization in a bacterial demineralization model. J Antimicrob Chemother;45(2):153-158.
  • Lüthi M, Gyenge EB, Engstrüm M, Bredell M, Gratz K,Walt H, Gmür R, Maake C. 2009. Hypericin and mTHPC-mediated photodynamic therapy for the treatment of cariogenic bacteria. Medical Laser Application;24:227-236.
  • Maes L, Vereecken C, Vanobbergen J, Honkala S. 2006. Tooth brushing and social characteristics of families in 32 countries. Int Dent J;56:159-167.
  • Malhotra N, Rao SP, Acharya S, Vasudev B. 2011. Comparative in vitro evaluation of efficacy of mouthrinses against Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacilli and Candida albicans. Oral Health Prev Dent;9(3):261-268.
  • Mazandarani M, Yassaghi S, Rezaei MB, Mansourian AR, Ghaemi EO. 2007. Ethnobotany and antibacterial activities of two endemic species of Hypericum in North-East of Iran. Asian J Plant Sci;6:354-358.
  • Mc Donald RE, Avery DR, Dean JA. 2004. Dentistry For The Child and Adolescent. 8th Edition, Indiana, Mosby Year Book.; 340-356.
  • Medina MA, Martinez-Poveda B, Amores-Sanchez MI, Quesada AR. 2006. Hyperforin: more than an antidepressant bioactive compound? Life Sci;79(2):105–111.
  • Milosevic T, Solujic S, Sukdolak S. 2007. In vitro study of ethanolic extract of Hypericum perforatum L. on growth and sporulation of some bacteria and fungi. Turkish J Biol;31:237-241.
  • Misra S, Tahmassebi JF, Brosnan M. 2007. Early childhood caries--a review. Dent update;34(9):556-564.
  • Moalic E, Gestalin A, Quinio D, Gest PE, Zerilli A, Le Flohic AM. 2001. The extent of oral fungal flora in 353 students and possible relationship with dental caries. Caries Res;35:149-155.
  • Newman MG, Takei H, Klokkevold PR, Carranza FA. 2007. Carranza's Clinical Periodontology Middle East and Africa Edition. 10th Edition, Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Company.;99-208.
  • Norman OH, Garcia- Godoy F. 2004. Introduction to Primary Preventive Dentistry. 6th edition, New Jersey, Pearson Prentence Hall. 23-45. Paterniti I, Briguglio E, Mazzon E, Galuppo M, Oteri G, Cordasco G, Cuzzecrea S. 2010. Effect of Hypericum perforatum, in rodent model of periodontitis. BMC Complement Altern Med; 10(73):1-10.
  • Poggi P, Baena RR, Rizzo S, Rota MT. 2003. Mouthrinses with alcohol: cytotoxic effect on human gingival fibroblasts in vitro. J Periodontol;74:623-629.
  • Quiney C, Billard C, Faussat AM, Salanoubat C, Kolb JP. 2007. Hyperforin inhibits P-gp and BCRP activities in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells and myeloid cells. Leuk Lymphoma; 48(8):1587-1599.
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Assessment of the Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Hypericum Perforatum L. and Secondary Metabolites against Pathogenic Oral Bacteria

Year 2020, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 51 - 62, 01.09.2020


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, Hypericum perforatum L.’nin ve içindeki sekonder metabolitlerin, diş çürüğü ve periodontal hastalıklardan sorumlu mikroorganizmalar üzerine antimikrobiyal etkisini araştırarak, bu bitkinin ve sekonder metabolitlerinin insan gingival fibroblast hücreleri üzerine sitotoksisitelerini in vitro olarak incelemektir. Materyal ve Metot: Çalışmamızda Hypericum perforatum L. bitki ekstratı ve 6 ayrı sekonder metabolit (hyperforin, hypericin, hyperoside, quercetin, quercitrin, rutin) kullanıldı. Bu ürünlerin patojenik oral mikroorganizmalara [S. mutans, S. mitis, S. sanguinis, S. salivarius, S. sobrinus, L. acidophilus, P. gingivalis, A. actinomycetemcomitans, C. albicans] karşı antimikrobiyal aktivitesi disk difüzyon yöntemi ile incelenirken, MIC ve MBC değerleri de belirlendi. Tüm test materyallerinin oral dokular üzerine sitotoksisitesi, insan gingival fibroblast hücreleri kullanılarak MTT analizi ile değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Hypericum perforatum L. ekstratı ve sekonder metabolitlerinin çalışmamızda test edilen tüm oral patojenlere etkisi istatistiki olarak CHX’den düşük bulunmuştur. Bununla birlikte, periodontal hastalıkla ilişkili gram-negatif mikroorganizmalara ve C. albicans’a karşı CHX’ne yakın değerde inhibisyon zonu oluşturduğu görülen quercitrin’in, gingival fibroblast hücreleri üzerine CHX gibi şiddetli sitotoksisite göstermediği tespit edilmiştir.
Sonuç: Bu çalışmada, bitki ekstratlarının saf bileşikler olmaması nedeniyle bu yönde yapılacak çalışmaların sadece bitkileri değil sekonder metabolitleri de incelemesi, yüksek antimikrobiyal etkinliğe sahip, düşük sitotoksik etkili yeni antimikrobiyal ve antifungal bitki ekstratları ve sekonder metabolitlerin bulunmasını mümkün kılacağı sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Abdollahzadeh SH, Mashouf R, Mortazavi H, Moghaddam M, Roozbahani N, Vahedi M. 2011. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of punica granatum peel extracts against oral pathogens. J Dent;8(1):1-6.
  • Adams D, Addy M. 1994Mouthrinses. Adv Dent Res;8(2):291-301.
  • Addy M. 2008. The use of antiseptics in periodontal therapy. In: Linde J, Korrring T, Lang NP (eds.). Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. 4th Ed., Munksgaard, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.;464-493.
  • Addy M, Martin MV. 2003. Systemic antimicrobials in the treatment of chronic periodontal diseases: a dilemma. Oral Dis;9(1):38-44.
  • Al-hebshi N, Al-haroni M, Skaug N. 2006. In vitro antimicrobial and resistance-modifying activities of aqueous crude khat extracts against oral microorganisms. Arch Oral Biol;51(3):183-188.
  • Almas K, Skaug N, Ahmad I. 2005. An in vitro antimicrobial comparison of miswak extract with commercially available non-alcohol mouthrinses. Int J Dent Hyg;3(1):18-24.
  • Autio-Gold J. 2008. The role of chlorhexidine in caries prevention. Oper Dent;33(6):710-716.
  • Avato P, Raffo F, Guglielmi G, Vitali C, Rosato A. 2004. Extracts from St John's Wort and their antimicrobial activity. Phytother Res;18(3):230-232.
  • Baehni PC, Takeuchi Y. 2003. Anti-plaque agents in the prevention of biofilm associated oral diseases. Oral Dis;9(1):23-29.
  • Balakrishnan M, Simmonds RS, Tagg JR. 2000. Dental caries is a preventable infectious disease. Aust Dent J ;45(4):235-245.
  • Beerhues L. 2006. Hyperforin. Phytochemistry ;67(20):2201-2207.
  • Beighton D, Brailsford S, Samaranayake LP, Brown JP, Ping FX, Grant-Mills D, Harris R, Lo EC, Naidoo S, Ramos-Gomez F, Soo TC, Burnside G, Pine CM. 2004. A multi-country comparison of caries-associated microflora in demographically diverse children. Community Dent Health;21:96-101.
  • Borrajo JLL, Varela AG, Castro GL, Nunez IR, Figueroa MG, Torreira MG. 2002. Efficancy of clorhexidine mouthrinses with and without alcohol: a clinical study. J Peridontol;73:317-321.
  • Botelho MA, Nogueira NA, Bastos GM, Fonseca SG, Lemos TL, Matos FJ, Montenegro D, Heukelbach J, Rao VS, Brito GA. 2007. Antimicrobial activity of the essential oil from Lippia sidoides, carvacrol and thymol against oral pathogens. Braz J Med Biol Res ;40(3):349-356.
  • Brambilla E, Garcia-Godoy F, Strohmenger L. 2000. Principles of diagnosis and treatment of high-caries-risk subjects. Dent Clin North Am ;44(3):507-540.
  • Burt BA. 1998. Prevention policies in the light of the changed distribution of dental caries. Acta Odontol Scand, 56:179-186.
  • Colasanti A, Kisslinger A, Liuzzi R, Quarto M, Riccio P, Roberti G, Tramontano D, Villani F. 2000. Hypericin photosensitization of tumor and metastatic cell lines of human prostate. J Photochem Photobiol B;54(2-3):103-107.
  • Cowan MM. 1999. Plant products as antimicrobial agents. Clin Microbiol Rev;12(4):564-582.
  • Cushnie TP, Lamb T, Andrew J. 2005. Antimicrobial activity of flavonoids. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 26.5: 343-356 Çakır FY, Gürgan S, Attar N. 2010.Çürük mikrobiyolojisi. Hacettepe Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 34(3-4):78-91.
  • Çelik EU, Sirin TC, Ergucu Z, Turkun M, Ates M. 2008. Can different chlorhexidine agents be used as cavity disinfectants? Gen Dent ;56(6):33-37.
  • Dadgar T, Asmar M, Saifi A, Mazandarani M, Bayat H, Moradi A, Bazueri M, Ghaemi E. 2006. Antibacterial activity of certain Iranian medicinal plants against methicillin-resistant and sensitive Staphylococcus aureus. Asian J Plant Sci, 5(5), 861-866.
  • Dahl JE, Frangou‐Polyzois MJ, Polyzois GL. 2006. In vitro biocompatibility of denture relining materials. Gerodontology, 23.1: 17-22.
  • Davies RM, Davies GM, Ellwood RP, Kay EJ. 2003. Prevention. Part 4: What advice should be given to patients? Br Dent J;195:135-141.
  • Davis PH. 1988. Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Island. 1th Edition, England, University of Edinburg.
  • De Soet JJ, Holbrook WP, Vanamerongen WE, Schipper E, Homburg CHE, Degraaff J. 1990. Prevalence of streptococcus-sobrinus in relation to dental-caries in children from Iceland and the Netherlands. J Dent Child;57:337-342.
  • Eick S, Schmitt A, Sachse S, Schmidt KH, Pfister W. 2004. In vitro antibacterial activity of fluoroquinolones against Porphyromonas gingivalis strains. J Antimicrob Chemother ;54(2):553-556.
  • Eley BM. 1999. Antibacterial agents in the control of supragingival plaque--a review. Br Dent J ;186(6):286-296.
  • Fathilah AR, Rahim ZH, Othman Y, Yusoff M. 2009. Bacteriostatic effect of Piper betle and Psidium guajava extracts on dental plaque bacteria. Pak J Biol Sci;12(6):518-521.
  • Fitzgerald RJ, Fitzgerald DB, Adams BO, Duany LF. 1980. Cariogenicity of human oral lactobacilli in hamsters. J Dent Res ;59(5):832-837.
  • Gabris K, Nagy G, Madlena M, Denes Z, Marton S, Keszthelyi G, Banoczy J. 1999. Associations between microbiological and salivary caries activity tests and caries experience in Hungarian adolescents. Caries Res;33:191-195.
  • Gaster B, Holroyd J. 2000. St John’s wort for depression. Arch Intern Med;160(2):152-156.
  • Geoghegan F, Tsui VW, Wong RW, Rabie AB. 2008. Inhibitory effect of quercetin on periodontal pathogens. Ann R Australas Coll Dent Surg.;19:157‐158
  • Gehrke, ITS, et al. 2013. Antimicrobial activity of Schinus lentiscifolius Anacardiaceae). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 148.2: 486-491
  • Hashim R, Williams S, Thomson WM. 2013. Oral hygiene and dental caries in 5- to 6-year-old children in Ajman, United Arab Emirates. Int J Dent Hyg ;11(3):208-215.
  • Iauk L, Lo Bue AM, Milazzo I, Rapisarda A, Blandino G. 2003. Antibacterial activity of medicinal plant extracts against periodontopathic bacteria. Phytother Res;17(6):599-604.
  • Joiner A, Schwarz A, Philpotts CJ, Cox TF, Huber K, Hannig M. 2008. The protective nature of pellicle towards toothpaste abrasion on enamel and dentine. J Dent;36:360-368.
  • Katsura H, Tsukiyama R, Suzuki A, Kobayashi M. 2001. In vitro antimicrobial activities of bakuchiol against oral microorganisms. Antimicrob Agents Chemother;45(11):3009-3013.
  • Klinke T, Guggenheim B, Klimm W, Thurnheer T. 2011. Dental Caries in Rats Associated with Candida albicans. Caries Res;45(2):100-106.
  • Lee JW, Choi BK, Yoo YJ, et al. 2003. Distribution of periodontal pathogens in Korean aggressive periodontitis. J Periodontol;74:1329–35.
  • Lee SS, Zhang W, Li Y. 2004. The antimicrobial potential of 14 natural herbal dentifrices. JADA;135:1133-1141.
  • Lemos-Junior CA, Villoria GEM. 2008. Reviewed evidence about the safety of the daily use of alcohol-based mouthrinses. Braz Oral Res;22:24-31.
  • Loreven CV, Buijs JF, Cate JM. 2000. The effect of triclosan toothpaste on enamel demineralization in a bacterial demineralization model. J Antimicrob Chemother;45(2):153-158.
  • Lüthi M, Gyenge EB, Engstrüm M, Bredell M, Gratz K,Walt H, Gmür R, Maake C. 2009. Hypericin and mTHPC-mediated photodynamic therapy for the treatment of cariogenic bacteria. Medical Laser Application;24:227-236.
  • Maes L, Vereecken C, Vanobbergen J, Honkala S. 2006. Tooth brushing and social characteristics of families in 32 countries. Int Dent J;56:159-167.
  • Malhotra N, Rao SP, Acharya S, Vasudev B. 2011. Comparative in vitro evaluation of efficacy of mouthrinses against Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacilli and Candida albicans. Oral Health Prev Dent;9(3):261-268.
  • Mazandarani M, Yassaghi S, Rezaei MB, Mansourian AR, Ghaemi EO. 2007. Ethnobotany and antibacterial activities of two endemic species of Hypericum in North-East of Iran. Asian J Plant Sci;6:354-358.
  • Mc Donald RE, Avery DR, Dean JA. 2004. Dentistry For The Child and Adolescent. 8th Edition, Indiana, Mosby Year Book.; 340-356.
  • Medina MA, Martinez-Poveda B, Amores-Sanchez MI, Quesada AR. 2006. Hyperforin: more than an antidepressant bioactive compound? Life Sci;79(2):105–111.
  • Milosevic T, Solujic S, Sukdolak S. 2007. In vitro study of ethanolic extract of Hypericum perforatum L. on growth and sporulation of some bacteria and fungi. Turkish J Biol;31:237-241.
  • Misra S, Tahmassebi JF, Brosnan M. 2007. Early childhood caries--a review. Dent update;34(9):556-564.
  • Moalic E, Gestalin A, Quinio D, Gest PE, Zerilli A, Le Flohic AM. 2001. The extent of oral fungal flora in 353 students and possible relationship with dental caries. Caries Res;35:149-155.
  • Newman MG, Takei H, Klokkevold PR, Carranza FA. 2007. Carranza's Clinical Periodontology Middle East and Africa Edition. 10th Edition, Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Company.;99-208.
  • Norman OH, Garcia- Godoy F. 2004. Introduction to Primary Preventive Dentistry. 6th edition, New Jersey, Pearson Prentence Hall. 23-45. Paterniti I, Briguglio E, Mazzon E, Galuppo M, Oteri G, Cordasco G, Cuzzecrea S. 2010. Effect of Hypericum perforatum, in rodent model of periodontitis. BMC Complement Altern Med; 10(73):1-10.
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There are 76 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Research Article

Feride Ballı

Ayça Tuba Ulusoy Yamak

Publication Date September 1, 2020
Submission Date June 1, 2020
Acceptance Date June 20, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 3 Issue: 3


APA Ballı, F., & Ulusoy Yamak, A. T. (2020). Assessment of the Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Hypericum Perforatum L. and Secondary Metabolites against Pathogenic Oral Bacteria. Black Sea Journal of Health Science, 3(3), 51-62.
AMA Ballı F, Ulusoy Yamak AT. Assessment of the Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Hypericum Perforatum L. and Secondary Metabolites against Pathogenic Oral Bacteria. BSJ Health Sci. September 2020;3(3):51-62.
Chicago Ballı, Feride, and Ayça Tuba Ulusoy Yamak. “Assessment of the Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Hypericum Perforatum L. And Secondary Metabolites Against Pathogenic Oral Bacteria”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 3, no. 3 (September 2020): 51-62.
EndNote Ballı F, Ulusoy Yamak AT (September 1, 2020) Assessment of the Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Hypericum Perforatum L. and Secondary Metabolites against Pathogenic Oral Bacteria. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 3 3 51–62.
IEEE F. Ballı and A. T. Ulusoy Yamak, “Assessment of the Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Hypericum Perforatum L. and Secondary Metabolites against Pathogenic Oral Bacteria”, BSJ Health Sci., vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 51–62, 2020.
ISNAD Ballı, Feride - Ulusoy Yamak, Ayça Tuba. “Assessment of the Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Hypericum Perforatum L. And Secondary Metabolites Against Pathogenic Oral Bacteria”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 3/3 (September 2020), 51-62.
JAMA Ballı F, Ulusoy Yamak AT. Assessment of the Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Hypericum Perforatum L. and Secondary Metabolites against Pathogenic Oral Bacteria. BSJ Health Sci. 2020;3:51–62.
MLA Ballı, Feride and Ayça Tuba Ulusoy Yamak. “Assessment of the Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Hypericum Perforatum L. And Secondary Metabolites Against Pathogenic Oral Bacteria”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science, vol. 3, no. 3, 2020, pp. 51-62.
Vancouver Ballı F, Ulusoy Yamak AT. Assessment of the Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Hypericum Perforatum L. and Secondary Metabolites against Pathogenic Oral Bacteria. BSJ Health Sci. 2020;3(3):51-62.