Research Article
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The Relationship between Health Expenditures and Renewable Energy Consumption in the Turkish Economy

Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 28 - 34, 15.01.2025


Sustainable economic growth without harming nature is one of the top issues on the agenda of all countries recently. In this regard, renewable energy consumption is important for both sustainable economic growth and public health. Along with the environmental pollution caused by non-renewable energy sources, the consumption of renewable energy sources has become very popular in the global economy. In this direction, the relationship between renewable energy consumption and health expenditures for Türkiye was investigated using the 1990-2020 period data using the Toda Yamamato Causality analysis method. The findings show that there is a one-way causality relationship from renewable energy consumption to health expenditures. In addition, the findings revealed the existence of a one-way causality relationship from economic growth to health expenditures.


  • Abdullah H, Azam M, Zakariya SK. 2016. The impact of environmental quality on public health expenditure in Malaysia. Asia Pacific J Adv Busin Soc Stud, 2(2): 365-379.
  • Ak MZ, Altıntaş N, Şimşek AS. 2016. Türkiye’de finansal gelişme ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisinin nedensellik analizi. Doğuş Üniv Derg, 17(2): 151-160.
  • Akar S. 2014. Türkiye’de sağlık harcamaları, sağlık harcamalarının nisbi fiyatı ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Celal Bayar Üniv İİBF Yönet Ekon Derg, 21(1): 311-322.
  • Akar T, Sarıtaş T, Akar G. 2023. Yenilenebilir enerji ve sağlık harcamaları ilişkisi: AB ülkelerinden kanıtlar. Balkan Sos Bil Derg, 12(23): 43-48.
  • Alper FÖ. 2018. Yenilenebilir enerji ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişki: 1990-2017 Türkiye Örneği. Çankırı Karatekin Üniv İİBF Derg, 8(2): 223-242.
  • Altunöz U. 2020. Sağlık harcamalarının ekonomik büyüme ile ilişkisinin oecd ülkeleri için analizi. Ekon Bil Derg, 12(1): 85-105.
  • Apergis N, Jebli MB, Youssef SB. 2018. Does renewable energy consumption and health expenditures decrease carbon dioxide emissions? Evidence for sub-Saharan Africa countries. Renew Ener, 127: 1011-1016.
  • Ataş H, Güler H. 2020. Türkiye’nin doğal gaz, petrol ve kömür tüketiminin büyümeye etkisi: Ekonometrik bir analiz. ÇÜ Sos Bil Enst Derg, 29(3): 524-539.
  • BÇM (Bölgesel Çevre Merkezi). 2015. A’dan Z’ye İklim değişikliği başucu rehberi. Bölgesel Çevre Merkezi, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Caruso G, Colantonio E, Gattone SA. 2020. Relationships between renewable energy consumption, social factors, and health: A panel vector auto regression analysis of a cluster of 12 EU countries. Sustainability, 12(7): 2915.
  • Çetin MA. 2018. The long run relationship between health expenditure and renewable energy consumption in BRICS-T countries: Panel ARDL evidence. ICPESS 2018 Proc Econ Stud, 2: 359-370.
  • Çobur S, Başel S. 2023. Küresel iklim değişikliği ve yenilenebilir enerji farkındalığı arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. J Soc Human Administ Sci, 9(66): 3171-3179. AS.70743
  • Coşkun H, Eygü H. 2020. Ar–Ge harcamaları ve ihracat ilişkisinin incelenmesi: türkiye örneği. Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniv Sos Bil Derg, 8: 233-242.
  • Dorbonova I, Sugözü İH. 2024. Analyzing the relationships between health expenditure, renewable energy and life expectancy: Evidence from Asian countries. ESAM Ekon Sos Araş Derg, 5(1): 111-134.
  • Ecevit E, Çetin M, Yücel AG. 2022. Türkiye’de yenilenebilir enerji ve sağlık: Eşbütünleşme ve nedensellik analizi, Erciyes Akad, 36(1): 138-156.
  • Emirkadı Ö. 2022. D8 ülkelerinde sağlık harcamaları- ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi: Panel nedensellik analizi. Finans Ekon Sos Araş Derg, 7(2): 241-252.
  • Farhad S, Saffar-Avval M, Younessi-Sinaki M. 2008. Efficient design of feedwater heaters network in steam power plants using pinch technology and exergy analysis. Int J Ener Res, 32(1): 1-11.
  • Hansen P, Kıng A. 1996. The determinants of health care expenditure: a cointegration approach. J Health Econ, 15(1): 127-137.
  • Karakaya M, Oktay S. 2024. Türkiye’de bankacılık sektörü ve sermaye piyasası değişkenleri arasındaki ilişkinin toda-yamamoto nedensellik analiziyle araştırılması. BDDK Bank Finan Piyasalar Derg, 18(1): 19-36.
  • Khan SAR, Zhang Y, Kumar A, Zavadskas E, Streimikiene D. 2020. Measuring the impact of renewable energy, public health expenditure, logistics, and environmental performance on sustainable economic growth: Sustain Devel, 2020: 1-11.
  • Khan SAR. 2019. The role of renewable energy, public health expenditure, logistics and environmental performance in economic growth: an evidence from structural equation modelling. Urban Stud Plan (preprint).
  • Khanolkar V, Khan SA, Gamba M. 2016. An insight on health care expenditure. URL: Care-1.pdf (accessed date: May 12, 2024).
  • Kızılkan Ö. 2023. The impact of renewable energy consumption on unemloyment and CO2 emmission: The case of OECD countries. MSC Thesis, Siirt Univerity, Institute of Social Sciences, Siirt, Türkiye, pp: 111.
  • Meçi̇k O, Koyuncu T. 2020. Türkiye’de göç ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi: toda-yamamoto nedensellik testi. İnsan Toplum Bil Araş Derg, 9(3): 2618-2635.
  • Mehmood U, Agyekum EB, Kamel S, Shahinzadeh H, Moshayedi AJ. 2022. Exploring the rolesof renewable energy, educationspending, and CO2 emissionstowards health spending in south Asian countries. Sustainability, 14: 3549.
  • Mutlu A, Işık A. 2012. Sağlık ekonomisine giriş. Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım, Bursa, Türkiye, pp: 372.
  • Narayan PK, Narayan S. 2008. Does environmental quality influence health expenditures? Empirical evidence from a panel of selected OECD countries. Ecol Econ, 65(2): 367-374.
  • Nawab T, Muneza C, Afghan M. 2021. Impact of renewable energy consumption and health expenditure on air pollutants: Implications for sustainable development in Asian countries. IRASD J Ener Environ, 2(2): 78-89.
  • Okur MG, Çiçek A. 2023. Türkiye’de kırmızı et fiyatları ile besi yemi fiyatları arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisinin Toda-Yamamoto testi ile belirlenmesi. ÇOMÜ Zir Fak Derg, 11(2): 368-376.
  • Öndes H. 2019. Yenilenebilir enerji tüketimi ve sağlık harcamaları karbondioksit emisyonunu azaltır mı?. International Conference on Business and Organization Research Izmir. September 4-7, İzmir, Türkiye.
  • Owusu PA, Asumadu-Sarkodie S. 2016. A review of renewable energy sources, sustainability issues and climate change mitigation. Cogent Eng, 3(1): 1-14.
  • Özkurt İC. 2024. Türkiye’de inovasyon faaliyetleri ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi: nedensellik analizi, Afyon Kocatepe Üniv Sos Bil Derg, 26(1): 164-176.
  • Pata UK. 2021. Do renewable energy and health expenditures ımprove load capacity factor in the usa and japan? a new approach to environmental issues. Eur J Health Econ, 22: 1427-1439.
  • Saida Z, Kais S. 2018. Environmental pollution, health expenditure and economic growth and in the sub-saharan africa countries: panel ARDL approach. Sustain Cities Society, 41: 833-840.
  • Shahzad K, Jianqiu Z, Hashim M, Nazam M, Wang L. 2020. Impact of using information and communication technology and renewable energy on health expenditure: A case study from Pakistan. Energy, 204: 117956.
  • Tarı R. 2015. Ekonometri. Umuttepe Yayınları, Kocaeli, Türkiye, pp: 534.
  • Toda HY, Yamamoto T. 1995. Statistical ınference in vector autoregressions with possibly ıntegrated process. J Economet, 66(1- 2): 225-250.
  • Triki R, Kahouli B, Tissaoui K, Tlili H. 2023. Assessing the link between environmental quality, green finance, health expenditure, renewable energy, and technology innovation. Sustainability, 15(5): 4286.
  • Ullah I, Rehman A, Khan FU, Shah MH, Khan F. 2019. Nexus between trade, CO2 emissions, renewable energy, and health expenditure in Pakistan. Int J Health Plan Manag, 35(4): 818-831.
  • Yavuz NC, Yılancı V, Öztürk ZA. 2013. Is health care a luxury or a necessity or both? Evidence from Turkey. Eur J Health Econ, 14(1): 5-10.
  • Yazdi SK, Khanalizadeh B. 2017. Air pollution, economic growth and health care expenditure. Econ Res Istrazivanja, 30(1): 1181-1190.

The Relationship between Health Expenditures and Renewable Energy Consumption in the Turkish Economy

Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 28 - 34, 15.01.2025


Sustainable economic growth without harming nature is one of the top issues on the agenda of all countries recently. In this regard, renewable energy consumption is important for both sustainable economic growth and public health. Along with the environmental pollution caused by non-renewable energy sources, the consumption of renewable energy sources has become very popular in the global economy. In this direction, the relationship between renewable energy consumption and health expenditures for Türkiye was investigated using the 1990-2020 period data using the Toda Yamamato Causality analysis method. The findings show that there is a one-way causality relationship from renewable energy consumption to health expenditures. In addition, the findings revealed the existence of a one-way causality relationship from economic growth to health expenditures.


  • Abdullah H, Azam M, Zakariya SK. 2016. The impact of environmental quality on public health expenditure in Malaysia. Asia Pacific J Adv Busin Soc Stud, 2(2): 365-379.
  • Ak MZ, Altıntaş N, Şimşek AS. 2016. Türkiye’de finansal gelişme ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisinin nedensellik analizi. Doğuş Üniv Derg, 17(2): 151-160.
  • Akar S. 2014. Türkiye’de sağlık harcamaları, sağlık harcamalarının nisbi fiyatı ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Celal Bayar Üniv İİBF Yönet Ekon Derg, 21(1): 311-322.
  • Akar T, Sarıtaş T, Akar G. 2023. Yenilenebilir enerji ve sağlık harcamaları ilişkisi: AB ülkelerinden kanıtlar. Balkan Sos Bil Derg, 12(23): 43-48.
  • Alper FÖ. 2018. Yenilenebilir enerji ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişki: 1990-2017 Türkiye Örneği. Çankırı Karatekin Üniv İİBF Derg, 8(2): 223-242.
  • Altunöz U. 2020. Sağlık harcamalarının ekonomik büyüme ile ilişkisinin oecd ülkeleri için analizi. Ekon Bil Derg, 12(1): 85-105.
  • Apergis N, Jebli MB, Youssef SB. 2018. Does renewable energy consumption and health expenditures decrease carbon dioxide emissions? Evidence for sub-Saharan Africa countries. Renew Ener, 127: 1011-1016.
  • Ataş H, Güler H. 2020. Türkiye’nin doğal gaz, petrol ve kömür tüketiminin büyümeye etkisi: Ekonometrik bir analiz. ÇÜ Sos Bil Enst Derg, 29(3): 524-539.
  • BÇM (Bölgesel Çevre Merkezi). 2015. A’dan Z’ye İklim değişikliği başucu rehberi. Bölgesel Çevre Merkezi, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Caruso G, Colantonio E, Gattone SA. 2020. Relationships between renewable energy consumption, social factors, and health: A panel vector auto regression analysis of a cluster of 12 EU countries. Sustainability, 12(7): 2915.
  • Çetin MA. 2018. The long run relationship between health expenditure and renewable energy consumption in BRICS-T countries: Panel ARDL evidence. ICPESS 2018 Proc Econ Stud, 2: 359-370.
  • Çobur S, Başel S. 2023. Küresel iklim değişikliği ve yenilenebilir enerji farkındalığı arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. J Soc Human Administ Sci, 9(66): 3171-3179. AS.70743
  • Coşkun H, Eygü H. 2020. Ar–Ge harcamaları ve ihracat ilişkisinin incelenmesi: türkiye örneği. Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniv Sos Bil Derg, 8: 233-242.
  • Dorbonova I, Sugözü İH. 2024. Analyzing the relationships between health expenditure, renewable energy and life expectancy: Evidence from Asian countries. ESAM Ekon Sos Araş Derg, 5(1): 111-134.
  • Ecevit E, Çetin M, Yücel AG. 2022. Türkiye’de yenilenebilir enerji ve sağlık: Eşbütünleşme ve nedensellik analizi, Erciyes Akad, 36(1): 138-156.
  • Emirkadı Ö. 2022. D8 ülkelerinde sağlık harcamaları- ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi: Panel nedensellik analizi. Finans Ekon Sos Araş Derg, 7(2): 241-252.
  • Farhad S, Saffar-Avval M, Younessi-Sinaki M. 2008. Efficient design of feedwater heaters network in steam power plants using pinch technology and exergy analysis. Int J Ener Res, 32(1): 1-11.
  • Hansen P, Kıng A. 1996. The determinants of health care expenditure: a cointegration approach. J Health Econ, 15(1): 127-137.
  • Karakaya M, Oktay S. 2024. Türkiye’de bankacılık sektörü ve sermaye piyasası değişkenleri arasındaki ilişkinin toda-yamamoto nedensellik analiziyle araştırılması. BDDK Bank Finan Piyasalar Derg, 18(1): 19-36.
  • Khan SAR, Zhang Y, Kumar A, Zavadskas E, Streimikiene D. 2020. Measuring the impact of renewable energy, public health expenditure, logistics, and environmental performance on sustainable economic growth: Sustain Devel, 2020: 1-11.
  • Khan SAR. 2019. The role of renewable energy, public health expenditure, logistics and environmental performance in economic growth: an evidence from structural equation modelling. Urban Stud Plan (preprint).
  • Khanolkar V, Khan SA, Gamba M. 2016. An insight on health care expenditure. URL: Care-1.pdf (accessed date: May 12, 2024).
  • Kızılkan Ö. 2023. The impact of renewable energy consumption on unemloyment and CO2 emmission: The case of OECD countries. MSC Thesis, Siirt Univerity, Institute of Social Sciences, Siirt, Türkiye, pp: 111.
  • Meçi̇k O, Koyuncu T. 2020. Türkiye’de göç ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi: toda-yamamoto nedensellik testi. İnsan Toplum Bil Araş Derg, 9(3): 2618-2635.
  • Mehmood U, Agyekum EB, Kamel S, Shahinzadeh H, Moshayedi AJ. 2022. Exploring the rolesof renewable energy, educationspending, and CO2 emissionstowards health spending in south Asian countries. Sustainability, 14: 3549.
  • Mutlu A, Işık A. 2012. Sağlık ekonomisine giriş. Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım, Bursa, Türkiye, pp: 372.
  • Narayan PK, Narayan S. 2008. Does environmental quality influence health expenditures? Empirical evidence from a panel of selected OECD countries. Ecol Econ, 65(2): 367-374.
  • Nawab T, Muneza C, Afghan M. 2021. Impact of renewable energy consumption and health expenditure on air pollutants: Implications for sustainable development in Asian countries. IRASD J Ener Environ, 2(2): 78-89.
  • Okur MG, Çiçek A. 2023. Türkiye’de kırmızı et fiyatları ile besi yemi fiyatları arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisinin Toda-Yamamoto testi ile belirlenmesi. ÇOMÜ Zir Fak Derg, 11(2): 368-376.
  • Öndes H. 2019. Yenilenebilir enerji tüketimi ve sağlık harcamaları karbondioksit emisyonunu azaltır mı?. International Conference on Business and Organization Research Izmir. September 4-7, İzmir, Türkiye.
  • Owusu PA, Asumadu-Sarkodie S. 2016. A review of renewable energy sources, sustainability issues and climate change mitigation. Cogent Eng, 3(1): 1-14.
  • Özkurt İC. 2024. Türkiye’de inovasyon faaliyetleri ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi: nedensellik analizi, Afyon Kocatepe Üniv Sos Bil Derg, 26(1): 164-176.
  • Pata UK. 2021. Do renewable energy and health expenditures ımprove load capacity factor in the usa and japan? a new approach to environmental issues. Eur J Health Econ, 22: 1427-1439.
  • Saida Z, Kais S. 2018. Environmental pollution, health expenditure and economic growth and in the sub-saharan africa countries: panel ARDL approach. Sustain Cities Society, 41: 833-840.
  • Shahzad K, Jianqiu Z, Hashim M, Nazam M, Wang L. 2020. Impact of using information and communication technology and renewable energy on health expenditure: A case study from Pakistan. Energy, 204: 117956.
  • Tarı R. 2015. Ekonometri. Umuttepe Yayınları, Kocaeli, Türkiye, pp: 534.
  • Toda HY, Yamamoto T. 1995. Statistical ınference in vector autoregressions with possibly ıntegrated process. J Economet, 66(1- 2): 225-250.
  • Triki R, Kahouli B, Tissaoui K, Tlili H. 2023. Assessing the link between environmental quality, green finance, health expenditure, renewable energy, and technology innovation. Sustainability, 15(5): 4286.
  • Ullah I, Rehman A, Khan FU, Shah MH, Khan F. 2019. Nexus between trade, CO2 emissions, renewable energy, and health expenditure in Pakistan. Int J Health Plan Manag, 35(4): 818-831.
  • Yavuz NC, Yılancı V, Öztürk ZA. 2013. Is health care a luxury or a necessity or both? Evidence from Turkey. Eur J Health Econ, 14(1): 5-10.
  • Yazdi SK, Khanalizadeh B. 2017. Air pollution, economic growth and health care expenditure. Econ Res Istrazivanja, 30(1): 1181-1190.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Ecology, Sustainability and Energy
Journal Section Research Articles

Ayşe Eryer 0000-0002-6556-1605

Publication Date January 15, 2025
Submission Date October 5, 2024
Acceptance Date December 27, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Eryer, A. (2025). The Relationship between Health Expenditures and Renewable Energy Consumption in the Turkish Economy. Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Science, 8(1), 28-34.
AMA Eryer A. The Relationship between Health Expenditures and Renewable Energy Consumption in the Turkish Economy. BSJ Pub. Soc. Sci. January 2025;8(1):28-34. doi:10.52704/bssocialscience.1561102
Chicago Eryer, Ayşe. “The Relationship Between Health Expenditures and Renewable Energy Consumption in the Turkish Economy”. Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Science 8, no. 1 (January 2025): 28-34.
EndNote Eryer A (January 1, 2025) The Relationship between Health Expenditures and Renewable Energy Consumption in the Turkish Economy. Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Science 8 1 28–34.
IEEE A. Eryer, “The Relationship between Health Expenditures and Renewable Energy Consumption in the Turkish Economy”, BSJ Pub. Soc. Sci., vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 28–34, 2025, doi: 10.52704/bssocialscience.1561102.
ISNAD Eryer, Ayşe. “The Relationship Between Health Expenditures and Renewable Energy Consumption in the Turkish Economy”. Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Science 8/1 (January 2025), 28-34.
JAMA Eryer A. The Relationship between Health Expenditures and Renewable Energy Consumption in the Turkish Economy. BSJ Pub. Soc. Sci. 2025;8:28–34.
MLA Eryer, Ayşe. “The Relationship Between Health Expenditures and Renewable Energy Consumption in the Turkish Economy”. Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Science, vol. 8, no. 1, 2025, pp. 28-34, doi:10.52704/bssocialscience.1561102.
Vancouver Eryer A. The Relationship between Health Expenditures and Renewable Energy Consumption in the Turkish Economy. BSJ Pub. Soc. Sci. 2025;8(1):28-34.
