Research Article
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أثرُ الثقافةِ في تعليم اللَّغةِ لغير الناطقين بها

Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 121 - 126, 30.12.2018


لم يعد تَعَلَّمُ اللغة
مقتصرًا على معرفة مفرداتها وتراكيبها؛ بل شملَ ذلك الجوانب التي تقف خلف الأداء
اللغوي، وعلى رأسها الموقف التّواصلي والسّياق الاجتماعيّ والثّقافيّ الذي تُعلَّم
فيه اللّغة؛ إذ تَوسَّعَ مفهوم الكفاية الاتِّصاليِّة الذي وضعَته المداخل
الاتّصالية هدفًا لها ليشملَ بعدًا آخر، ألا وهو الكفاية الثقافية، الهدف الرئيسي
من هذه المقالة هو التركيز على العلاقة الوطيدة بين الثقافة وتعليم لغة أجنبية ثانية
وتطبيق الاستراتيجيات التعليمية لغرض تعليم الطلاب لغة أجنبية ثانية من خلال فهم
العلاقة بين الثقافة واللغة لتعزيز الفهم اللغوي للطلاب. اللغة ليست إنتاجا
ثقافيًا فحسب بل تعتبر رمزًا للثقافة (جليسون ، 1961). يجب أن تكون الثقافة مندمجة
اِندماجًا تامًا مع طريقة تعليم اللغة الأجنبية وتصبح جزءًا لايتجزء من مناهج
تعليم اللغة وبذلك سينجح الطالب في الوصول إلى هدفه في اتقان لغة أجنبية ثانية.


  • - Ciccarelli, A. (1996). Teaching culture through language: Suggestions for the Italian language class. Italica, 73(4), 563-576.
  • - Condon, E. C. (1973). Introduction to Cross Cultural Communication. New Brunswick, NJ: Rogers University Press.
  • - Gleason, H. S. Jr., (1961). An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics. New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Publishing Company.
  • - Greey, M. (1994). Honouring diversity: A cross-cultural approach to infant development for babies with special needs. Toronto: Centennial Infant and Child Centre.
  • - Harris, Z. S. (1951). Structural Linguistics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • - Jerrilou, J. (1979). Living language: USA culture capsules for ESL students: dialogs on life in the United States for students of English as a foreign language. Rowley, MA: Newbury House Publishers.
  • - Kramsch, C. (1993). Context and culture in language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University, Press.
  • - Kramsch, C. (1998). Language and Culture, OUP: Oxford.
  • - Kuo, Ming-Mu, L. & Cheng-Chieh, L. (2006), Linguistics across Cultures: The Impact of Culture on Second Language, Journal of Foreign Language Instruction v1 n1 Nov 2006.
  • - Leveridge, A. N. (2008). The relationship between language & culture and the implications for language teaching. Retrieved June 17 2011 from teacher-technique/language-culture/.
  • - Rost, M. (2002). New Technologies in Language Education: Opportunities for Professional Growth. Retrieved October 12, 2006 from ae/multimedia/pdf/MikeRost_PDF.pdf
  • - Salaberry, R. (1999). CALL in the year 2000: still developing the research agenda’. Language learning and technology 3/1: 104-107.
  • - Samovar, L. A., Porter, R.E., & Jain, N. C. (1981). Understanding intercultural communication. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
  • - Thanasoulas, D. (2001). The importance of teaching culture in the foreign language classroom. Retrieved October 12, 2006 from /content/issue3_3/7-thanasoulas.html.
  • - Ubeyd, H, 2015, el-Buddu’ssakafi fi Telimil’luğe el-Arabiyye, el-Lisaniyet el-Arabiyye dergisi, 2/118-147, Riyad.


Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 121 - 126, 30.12.2018


language  is not only limited to learning
its vocabularies and structures, but it is also based on the different forms of
practicing the language, especially the communicative situation as well as the
cultural and social context in which the language is taught; cultural
competence being an expansive dimension of communicative competence. The
purpose of this article is to discuss the inseparability of culture and
language and to propose ways of implementing instructional strategies for
teaching second language through culture to enhance students' linguistic
comprehension. People who live in different areas of the world have different
cultural backgrounds and use different languages. Language and culture appear
on the surface to be two distinct fields, but they have an intertwined
relationship and affect each other mutually. Gleason (1961) indicated that
languages are not only the products of cultures, but also are the symbols of


  • - Ciccarelli, A. (1996). Teaching culture through language: Suggestions for the Italian language class. Italica, 73(4), 563-576.
  • - Condon, E. C. (1973). Introduction to Cross Cultural Communication. New Brunswick, NJ: Rogers University Press.
  • - Gleason, H. S. Jr., (1961). An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics. New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Publishing Company.
  • - Greey, M. (1994). Honouring diversity: A cross-cultural approach to infant development for babies with special needs. Toronto: Centennial Infant and Child Centre.
  • - Harris, Z. S. (1951). Structural Linguistics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • - Jerrilou, J. (1979). Living language: USA culture capsules for ESL students: dialogs on life in the United States for students of English as a foreign language. Rowley, MA: Newbury House Publishers.
  • - Kramsch, C. (1993). Context and culture in language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University, Press.
  • - Kramsch, C. (1998). Language and Culture, OUP: Oxford.
  • - Kuo, Ming-Mu, L. & Cheng-Chieh, L. (2006), Linguistics across Cultures: The Impact of Culture on Second Language, Journal of Foreign Language Instruction v1 n1 Nov 2006.
  • - Leveridge, A. N. (2008). The relationship between language & culture and the implications for language teaching. Retrieved June 17 2011 from teacher-technique/language-culture/.
  • - Rost, M. (2002). New Technologies in Language Education: Opportunities for Professional Growth. Retrieved October 12, 2006 from ae/multimedia/pdf/MikeRost_PDF.pdf
  • - Salaberry, R. (1999). CALL in the year 2000: still developing the research agenda’. Language learning and technology 3/1: 104-107.
  • - Samovar, L. A., Porter, R.E., & Jain, N. C. (1981). Understanding intercultural communication. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
  • - Thanasoulas, D. (2001). The importance of teaching culture in the foreign language classroom. Retrieved October 12, 2006 from /content/issue3_3/7-thanasoulas.html.
  • - Ubeyd, H, 2015, el-Buddu’ssakafi fi Telimil’luğe el-Arabiyye, el-Lisaniyet el-Arabiyye dergisi, 2/118-147, Riyad.


Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 121 - 126, 30.12.2018


Yabancı dil
öğreniminde, öğrenilen dildeki sözcük ve kalıpları bilmenin yeterli olmadığı,
toplum yapısı ve iletişimi gibi dile destek veren bütün faktörlerin de
bilinmesi gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle dilbilimciler, farklı diller kullanan
toplumlarla kültürlerini bilmeden iletişim kurmanın oldukça zor olduğunu

Bu araştırma ile yabancı dil eğitmenine, kültürün
dille olan ilişkisi üzerine bazı yöntemlerin değerlendirilerek, tespit edilen
en uygun yöntemlerin dil öğretiminde uygulatılması amaçlanmıştır. Dil kültürel
bir ilimdir, aynı zamanda kültürün simgesi sayılmaktadır (Gleason, 1961).
Yabancı dil öğreniminde, öğrencinin ana hedefe ulaşabilmesi için yabancı dil
ile o dilin ait olduğu kültürü, öğretim yöntemlerinde beraberce ele alması


  • - Ciccarelli, A. (1996). Teaching culture through language: Suggestions for the Italian language class. Italica, 73(4), 563-576.
  • - Condon, E. C. (1973). Introduction to Cross Cultural Communication. New Brunswick, NJ: Rogers University Press.
  • - Gleason, H. S. Jr., (1961). An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics. New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Publishing Company.
  • - Greey, M. (1994). Honouring diversity: A cross-cultural approach to infant development for babies with special needs. Toronto: Centennial Infant and Child Centre.
  • - Harris, Z. S. (1951). Structural Linguistics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • - Jerrilou, J. (1979). Living language: USA culture capsules for ESL students: dialogs on life in the United States for students of English as a foreign language. Rowley, MA: Newbury House Publishers.
  • - Kramsch, C. (1993). Context and culture in language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University, Press.
  • - Kramsch, C. (1998). Language and Culture, OUP: Oxford.
  • - Kuo, Ming-Mu, L. & Cheng-Chieh, L. (2006), Linguistics across Cultures: The Impact of Culture on Second Language, Journal of Foreign Language Instruction v1 n1 Nov 2006.
  • - Leveridge, A. N. (2008). The relationship between language & culture and the implications for language teaching. Retrieved June 17 2011 from teacher-technique/language-culture/.
  • - Rost, M. (2002). New Technologies in Language Education: Opportunities for Professional Growth. Retrieved October 12, 2006 from ae/multimedia/pdf/MikeRost_PDF.pdf
  • - Salaberry, R. (1999). CALL in the year 2000: still developing the research agenda’. Language learning and technology 3/1: 104-107.
  • - Samovar, L. A., Porter, R.E., & Jain, N. C. (1981). Understanding intercultural communication. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
  • - Thanasoulas, D. (2001). The importance of teaching culture in the foreign language classroom. Retrieved October 12, 2006 from /content/issue3_3/7-thanasoulas.html.
  • - Ubeyd, H, 2015, el-Buddu’ssakafi fi Telimil’luğe el-Arabiyye, el-Lisaniyet el-Arabiyye dergisi, 2/118-147, Riyad.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language Arabic
Subjects Religious Studies
Journal Section Makaleler

Hasan Akreş This is me

Publication Date December 30, 2018
Acceptance Date November 25, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


ISNAD Akreş, Hasan. “أثرُ الثقافةِ في تعليم اللَّغةِ لغير الناطقين بها”. Batman Üniversitesi İslami İlimler Hakemli Dergisi 2/2 (December 2018), 121-126.