Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 39-1 , 69 - 88, 31.12.2022


COVID-19 salgını fiziki eğitimi tamamen internet temelli eğitime taşıyarak eğitim etkinliklerini değiştirmiştir. Bu sayede, pandemi öncesinde hali hazırda hız kazanmış olan teknoloji entegrasyonu eğitim faaliyetlerini devam ettirmedeki tek çözüm haline geldi. Öğrencilerin eğitim uygulamalarından en iyi şekilde yararlanabilmeleri için çevrimiçi platformlarda birbirleriyle iletişim kurmaları ve akranlarından öğrenmeleri konusu özellikle COVID-19'un patlak vermesinden sonra ön plana çıkmıştır. Bu dönem aynı zamanda video aracılı görev tabanlı iletişimde akran-akran etkileşimi de dahil olmak üzere eğitimdeki çeşitli uygulamalarda teknoloji entegrasyonunun incelenmesinin önemini gündeme getirdi/arttırdı. Mevcut çalışma, teknoloji entegrasyonunun bir boyutuna ışık tutmak amacıyla data olarak COVID-19 salgını esnasında bir öğrenci grubunun bireysel sanal geziler üzerine üç haftalık etkileşiminin video kaydını kullanmaktadır. Öğrenci etkileşiminden gelen video kayıtları konuşma çözümlemesinin (KÇ) mikro analitik lensleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bu çalışma, sınıf dışında akran-akran etkileşiminin derinlemesine incelenmesiyle alana katkı sağlamaktadır. Veri bireysel sanal şehir turları üzerine olan video konferanslarında katılımcıların anlam müzakeresi yoluyla kelime öğretme, kelime öğrenmesini başlatma ve öğrenmeyi gerçekleştirdiklerini göstermiştir. Bu nedenle, akran-akran bilgisayar aracılı etkileşimin öğrenme fırsatları ve öğrenmeyi sağladığı açıktır ve bu sınıf dışında akran-akran etkileşimi gerektiren görevlerin ders tasarımına entegre edilebileceğini göstermektedir.


  • Abe, M., & Roever, C. (2019). Interactional competence in L2 text-chat interactions: First-idea proffering in task openings. Journal of Pragmatics, 144, 1–14.
  • Atkinson, D. (2011). Alternative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition. Taylor & Francis.
  • Balaman, U. (2018). Task-induced development of hinting behaviors in online task-oriented L2 interaction. Language Learning & Technology, 22(2), 95–115.
  • Balaman, U., & Sert, O. (2017a). Development of L2 interactional resources for online collaborative task accomplishment. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 30(7), 601–630.
  • Brouwer, C. E. (2003). Word searches in NNS–NS interaction: Opportunities for language learning? The Modern Language Journal, 87(4), 534–545.
  • Cancino, M. (2015). Assessing Learning Opportunities in EFL classroom interaction: What can conversation analysis tell us? RELC Journal, 46(2), 115–129.
  • Chapelle, C. A. (2009). The relationship between second language acquisition theory and computer-assisted language learning. The Modern Language Journal, 93, 741–753.
  • Dooly, M., & Davitova, N. (2018). ‘What Can We Do to Talk More?’Analysing Language Learners’ Online Interaction. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 33, 215–237.
  • Dooly, M., & Tudini, V. (2016). ‘Now we are teachers’: The role of small talk in student language teachers’ telecollaborative task development. Journal of Pragmatics, 102, 38–53.
  • Duff, P. A., & Talmy, S. (2011). Language socialization approaches to second language acquisition: Social, cultural, and linguistic development in additional languages. In Alternative approaches to second language acquisition (pp. 107–128). Routledge.
  • Dwivedi, Y. K., Hughes, D. L., Coombs, C., Constantiou, I., Duan, Y., Edwards, J. S., Gupta, B., Lal, B., Misra, S., Prashant, P., Raman, R., Rana, N. P., Sharma, S. K., & Upadhyay, N. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on information management research and practice: Transforming education, work and life. International Journal of Information Management, 55, 102211.
  • Fernández-García, M., & Martínez-Arbelaiz, A. (2002). Negotiation of meaning in nonnative speaker-nonnative speaker synchronous discussions. Calico Journal, 279–294.
  • Fischer, K., & Tenbrink, T. (n.d.). Video conferencing in a transregional research cooperation: Turn−taking in a new medium. In Connecting Perspectives. Videokonferenz: Beiträge zu ihrer Erforschung und Anwendung (J. Döring, H. W. Schmidtz, O. Schulte, pp. 89–104). Shaker Verlag.
  • Fuente, M. J. (2003). Is SLA Interactionist Theory Relevant to CALL? A Study on the Effects of Computer-Mediated Interaction in L2 Vocabulary Acquisition. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 16(1), 47–81. Gibson, W. (2009). Negotiating textual talk: Conversation analysis, pedagogy and the organisation of online asynchronous discourse. British Educational Research Journal, 35(5), 705–721.
  • Gonzales, A. (2012). Interlanguage Pragmatic Development in Native Speaker/Nonnative Speaker Participatory Online Environments. Spanish and Portuguese ETDs.
  • González-Lloret, M. (2003). Designing task-based CALL to promote interaction: En busca de esmeraldas. Language Learning & Technology, 7(1), 86–104.
  • González-Lloret, M. (2008). Computer-mediated Learning of L2 Pragmatics. In Investigating pragmatics in foreign language learning, teaching and testing (E. A. Soler&A. Martinez-Flor, pp. 114–132). Multilingual Matters.
  • González-Lloret, M. (2011). Conversation analysis of computer-mediated communication. Calico Journal, 28(2), 308–325.
  • González-Lloret, M. (2015). Conversation analysis in computer-assisted language learning. Calico Journal, 32(3), 569–594.
  • Jauregi, K., Canto, S., De Graaff, R., Koenraad, T., & Moonen, M. (2011). Verbal interaction in Second Life: Towards a pedagogic framework for task design. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 24(1), 77–101.
  • Jefferson, G. (2004). Glossary of transcript symbols with an introduction. Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, 125, 13–34.
  • Jenks, C. J. (2009). When is it appropriate to talk? Managing overlapping talk in multi-participant voice-based chat rooms. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 22(1), 19–30.
  • Jenks, C. J., & Brandt, A. (2013). Managing mutual orientation in the absence of physical copresence: Multiparty voice-based chat room interaction. Discourse Processes, 50(4), 227–248.
  • Kardaş İşler, N., Balaman, U., & Şahin, A. E. (2019). The interactional management of learner initiatives in social studies classroom discourse. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 23, 100341. Kardaş İşler, N., & Can Daşkın, N. (2020). Reference to a shared past event in primary school setting. Linguistics and Education, 57, 100815.
  • Kasper, G., & Kim, Y. (2015). Conversation-for-Learning. In The Handbook of Classroom Discourse and Interaction (pp. 390–408). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Kasper, G., & Wagner, J. (2011). A conversation-analytic approach to second language acquisition. Alternative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition, 117, 142.
  • Kim, Y. (2012). Practices for initial recognitional reference and learning opportunities in conversation. Journal of Pragmatics, 44(6–7), 709–729.
  • Kim, Y. (2017). ‘What is Stoyr-Steruh Type?’: Knowledge Asymmetry, Intersubjectivity, and Learning Opportunities in Conversation-for-Learning. Applied Linguistics, 40(2), 307–328.
  • Kitade, K. (2000). L2 learners’ discourse and SLA theories in CMC: Collaborative interaction in Internet chat. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 13(2), 143–166.
  • Lantolf, J. P. (2011). The sociocultural approach to second language acquisition: Sociocultural theory, second language acquisition, and artificial L2 development. In Alternative approaches to second language acquisition (pp. 36–59). Routledge.
  • Lee, Y. (2010). Learning in the contingency of talk-in-interaction. Text & Talk, 30(4).
  • Lee, Y.-A. (2006). Respecifying Display Questions: Interactional Resources for Language Teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 40(4), 691–713.
  • Marinoni, G., Van’t Land, H., & Jensen, T. (2020). THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON HIGHER EDUCATION AROUND THE WORLD (p. 50). IAU Global Survey Report.
  • Markman, K. M. (2005). To send or not to send: Turn construction in computer-mediated chat. In, 115124.
  • McKinney, C., & Norton, B. (2011). An identity approach to second language acquisition. Alternative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition, 85–106.
  • Mondada, L. (2018). Multiple Temporalities of Language and Body in Interaction: Challenges for Transcribing Multimodality. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 51(1), 85–106.
  • Mori, J. (2004). Negotiating Sequential Boundaries and Learning Opportunities: A Case from a Japanese Language Classroom. The Modern Language Journal, 88(4), 536–550.
  • Negretti, R. (1999). Web-based activities and SLA: A conversation analysis research approach. Language Learning & Technology, 3(1), 75–87.
  • Nguyen, H., & Langevin, A. (2016). Some interactional functions of text in a text-and-voice SCMC chat session for language learning. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT), 6(1), 1–23.
  • Pekarek Doehler, S., & Pochon-Berger, E. (2015). The development of L2 interactional competence: Evidence from turn-taking organ- ization, sequence organization, repair organ- ization and preference organization. In Usage-based Perspectives on Second Language Learning (T. Cadierno and S. W. Eskildsen). Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Reichert, T., & Liebscher, G. (2012). Positioning the Expert: Word Searches, Expertise, and Learning Opportunities in Peer Interaction. The Modern Language Journal, 96(4), 599–609.
  • Rusk, F., & Pörn, M. (2019). Delay in L2 interaction in video-mediated environments in the context of virtual tandem language learning. Linguistics and Education, 50, 56–70.
  • Sahlström, F. (2009). Conversation analysis as a way of studying learning—An introduction to a special issue of SJER. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 53(2), 103–111.
  • Sahlström, F. (2011). Learning as Social Action. In L2 Interactional Competence and Development (p. 45). Multilingual Matters. Sert, O., & Balaman, U. (2018). Orientations to negotiated language and task rules in online L2 interaction. ReCALL, 30(3), 355–374.
  • Sert, O., & Seedhouse, P. (2011). Introduction: Conversation Analysis in Applied Linguistics. Online Submission, 5(1), 1–14.
  • Skulmowski, A., & Rey, G. D. (2020). COVID-19 as an accelerator for digitalization at a German university: Establishing hybrid campuses in times of crisis. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2(3), 212–216.
  • Smith, B. (2003). Computer–mediated negotiated interaction: An expanded model. The Modern Language Journal, 87(1), 38–57.
  • Smith, B. (2004). Computer-mediated negotiated interaction and lexical acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 26(3), 365–398.
  • ten Have, P. (2007). Doing Conversation Analysis. SAGE.
  • Triyason, T., Tassanaviboon, A., & Kanthamanon, P. (2020). Hybrid Classroom: Designing for the New Normal after COVID-19 Pandemic. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advances in Information Technology, 1–8.
  • Walsh, S. (2002). Construction or obstruction: Teacher talk and learner involvement in the EFL classroom. Language Teaching Research, 6(1), 3–23.
  • Walsh, S. (2006). Investigating Classroom Discourse. Routledge.
  • Waring, H. Z. (2008). Using Explicit Positive Assessment in the Language Classroom: IRF, Feedback, and Learning Opportunities. The Modern Language Journal, 92(4), 577–594.
  • Waring, H. Z. (2009). Moving out of IRF (Initiation‐Response‐Feedback): A Single Case Analysis. Language Learning, 59(4), 796–824.
  • Waring, H. Z. (2011). Learner initiatives and learning opportunities in the language classroom. Classroom Discourse, 2(2), 201–218.
  • Xie, X., Siau, K., & Nah, F. F.-H. (2020). COVID-19 pandemic – online education in the new normal and the next normal. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 22(3), 175–187.
  • Yan, Z. (2020). Unprecedented pandemic, unprecedented shift, and unprecedented opportunity. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 10.1002/hbe2.192.
  • Yi, Y., & Jang, J. (2020). Envisioning possibilities amid the COVID‐19 pandemic: Implications from English language teaching in South Korea. TESOL Journal, 11(3), e00543.


Year 2022, Volume: 39-1 , 69 - 88, 31.12.2022


The outbreak of COVID-19 has changed education practices through moving face-to-face education to complete internet-based education. Therefore, the integration of technology which already gained acceleration before the pandemic has become the only solution to be able to carry out educational practices. The issue of making students communicate with each other on online platforms to get the best from educational practice and peer learning especially came into prominence following the outbreak of the COVID-19. This era also brought/raised the importance of the examination of technology integration in various practices in education including the peer-peer interaction in video-mediated task-based communication. To shed a light on an aspect of technology integration, the current study makes use of the data that comes from video recordings of online peer-peer interaction on individual virtual city tours of a group for three weeks during COVID-19 pandemic. The video-recordings of student-student interaction in groups are analyzed by using the micro lenses of multimodal conversation analysis (CA). The study contributes to the field with an in-depth examination of peer-peer interaction out of the classroom. The examination of the data shows that participants do lexicon teaching, initiate and do lexicon learning via negotiation of meaning during their videoconferences on their virtual city tours. Thus, it is obvious that peer-peer computer-mediated interaction provides learning opportunities and enables learning which suggests that tasks which require peer-peer interaction out of classroom can be integrated into course design.


  • Abe, M., & Roever, C. (2019). Interactional competence in L2 text-chat interactions: First-idea proffering in task openings. Journal of Pragmatics, 144, 1–14.
  • Atkinson, D. (2011). Alternative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition. Taylor & Francis.
  • Balaman, U. (2018). Task-induced development of hinting behaviors in online task-oriented L2 interaction. Language Learning & Technology, 22(2), 95–115.
  • Balaman, U., & Sert, O. (2017a). Development of L2 interactional resources for online collaborative task accomplishment. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 30(7), 601–630.
  • Brouwer, C. E. (2003). Word searches in NNS–NS interaction: Opportunities for language learning? The Modern Language Journal, 87(4), 534–545.
  • Cancino, M. (2015). Assessing Learning Opportunities in EFL classroom interaction: What can conversation analysis tell us? RELC Journal, 46(2), 115–129.
  • Chapelle, C. A. (2009). The relationship between second language acquisition theory and computer-assisted language learning. The Modern Language Journal, 93, 741–753.
  • Dooly, M., & Davitova, N. (2018). ‘What Can We Do to Talk More?’Analysing Language Learners’ Online Interaction. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 33, 215–237.
  • Dooly, M., & Tudini, V. (2016). ‘Now we are teachers’: The role of small talk in student language teachers’ telecollaborative task development. Journal of Pragmatics, 102, 38–53.
  • Duff, P. A., & Talmy, S. (2011). Language socialization approaches to second language acquisition: Social, cultural, and linguistic development in additional languages. In Alternative approaches to second language acquisition (pp. 107–128). Routledge.
  • Dwivedi, Y. K., Hughes, D. L., Coombs, C., Constantiou, I., Duan, Y., Edwards, J. S., Gupta, B., Lal, B., Misra, S., Prashant, P., Raman, R., Rana, N. P., Sharma, S. K., & Upadhyay, N. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on information management research and practice: Transforming education, work and life. International Journal of Information Management, 55, 102211.
  • Fernández-García, M., & Martínez-Arbelaiz, A. (2002). Negotiation of meaning in nonnative speaker-nonnative speaker synchronous discussions. Calico Journal, 279–294.
  • Fischer, K., & Tenbrink, T. (n.d.). Video conferencing in a transregional research cooperation: Turn−taking in a new medium. In Connecting Perspectives. Videokonferenz: Beiträge zu ihrer Erforschung und Anwendung (J. Döring, H. W. Schmidtz, O. Schulte, pp. 89–104). Shaker Verlag.
  • Fuente, M. J. (2003). Is SLA Interactionist Theory Relevant to CALL? A Study on the Effects of Computer-Mediated Interaction in L2 Vocabulary Acquisition. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 16(1), 47–81. Gibson, W. (2009). Negotiating textual talk: Conversation analysis, pedagogy and the organisation of online asynchronous discourse. British Educational Research Journal, 35(5), 705–721.
  • Gonzales, A. (2012). Interlanguage Pragmatic Development in Native Speaker/Nonnative Speaker Participatory Online Environments. Spanish and Portuguese ETDs.
  • González-Lloret, M. (2003). Designing task-based CALL to promote interaction: En busca de esmeraldas. Language Learning & Technology, 7(1), 86–104.
  • González-Lloret, M. (2008). Computer-mediated Learning of L2 Pragmatics. In Investigating pragmatics in foreign language learning, teaching and testing (E. A. Soler&A. Martinez-Flor, pp. 114–132). Multilingual Matters.
  • González-Lloret, M. (2011). Conversation analysis of computer-mediated communication. Calico Journal, 28(2), 308–325.
  • González-Lloret, M. (2015). Conversation analysis in computer-assisted language learning. Calico Journal, 32(3), 569–594.
  • Jauregi, K., Canto, S., De Graaff, R., Koenraad, T., & Moonen, M. (2011). Verbal interaction in Second Life: Towards a pedagogic framework for task design. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 24(1), 77–101.
  • Jefferson, G. (2004). Glossary of transcript symbols with an introduction. Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, 125, 13–34.
  • Jenks, C. J. (2009). When is it appropriate to talk? Managing overlapping talk in multi-participant voice-based chat rooms. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 22(1), 19–30.
  • Jenks, C. J., & Brandt, A. (2013). Managing mutual orientation in the absence of physical copresence: Multiparty voice-based chat room interaction. Discourse Processes, 50(4), 227–248.
  • Kardaş İşler, N., Balaman, U., & Şahin, A. E. (2019). The interactional management of learner initiatives in social studies classroom discourse. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 23, 100341. Kardaş İşler, N., & Can Daşkın, N. (2020). Reference to a shared past event in primary school setting. Linguistics and Education, 57, 100815.
  • Kasper, G., & Kim, Y. (2015). Conversation-for-Learning. In The Handbook of Classroom Discourse and Interaction (pp. 390–408). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Kasper, G., & Wagner, J. (2011). A conversation-analytic approach to second language acquisition. Alternative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition, 117, 142.
  • Kim, Y. (2012). Practices for initial recognitional reference and learning opportunities in conversation. Journal of Pragmatics, 44(6–7), 709–729.
  • Kim, Y. (2017). ‘What is Stoyr-Steruh Type?’: Knowledge Asymmetry, Intersubjectivity, and Learning Opportunities in Conversation-for-Learning. Applied Linguistics, 40(2), 307–328.
  • Kitade, K. (2000). L2 learners’ discourse and SLA theories in CMC: Collaborative interaction in Internet chat. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 13(2), 143–166.
  • Lantolf, J. P. (2011). The sociocultural approach to second language acquisition: Sociocultural theory, second language acquisition, and artificial L2 development. In Alternative approaches to second language acquisition (pp. 36–59). Routledge.
  • Lee, Y. (2010). Learning in the contingency of talk-in-interaction. Text & Talk, 30(4).
  • Lee, Y.-A. (2006). Respecifying Display Questions: Interactional Resources for Language Teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 40(4), 691–713.
  • Marinoni, G., Van’t Land, H., & Jensen, T. (2020). THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON HIGHER EDUCATION AROUND THE WORLD (p. 50). IAU Global Survey Report.
  • Markman, K. M. (2005). To send or not to send: Turn construction in computer-mediated chat. In, 115124.
  • McKinney, C., & Norton, B. (2011). An identity approach to second language acquisition. Alternative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition, 85–106.
  • Mondada, L. (2018). Multiple Temporalities of Language and Body in Interaction: Challenges for Transcribing Multimodality. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 51(1), 85–106.
  • Mori, J. (2004). Negotiating Sequential Boundaries and Learning Opportunities: A Case from a Japanese Language Classroom. The Modern Language Journal, 88(4), 536–550.
  • Negretti, R. (1999). Web-based activities and SLA: A conversation analysis research approach. Language Learning & Technology, 3(1), 75–87.
  • Nguyen, H., & Langevin, A. (2016). Some interactional functions of text in a text-and-voice SCMC chat session for language learning. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT), 6(1), 1–23.
  • Pekarek Doehler, S., & Pochon-Berger, E. (2015). The development of L2 interactional competence: Evidence from turn-taking organ- ization, sequence organization, repair organ- ization and preference organization. In Usage-based Perspectives on Second Language Learning (T. Cadierno and S. W. Eskildsen). Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Reichert, T., & Liebscher, G. (2012). Positioning the Expert: Word Searches, Expertise, and Learning Opportunities in Peer Interaction. The Modern Language Journal, 96(4), 599–609.
  • Rusk, F., & Pörn, M. (2019). Delay in L2 interaction in video-mediated environments in the context of virtual tandem language learning. Linguistics and Education, 50, 56–70.
  • Sahlström, F. (2009). Conversation analysis as a way of studying learning—An introduction to a special issue of SJER. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 53(2), 103–111.
  • Sahlström, F. (2011). Learning as Social Action. In L2 Interactional Competence and Development (p. 45). Multilingual Matters. Sert, O., & Balaman, U. (2018). Orientations to negotiated language and task rules in online L2 interaction. ReCALL, 30(3), 355–374.
  • Sert, O., & Seedhouse, P. (2011). Introduction: Conversation Analysis in Applied Linguistics. Online Submission, 5(1), 1–14.
  • Skulmowski, A., & Rey, G. D. (2020). COVID-19 as an accelerator for digitalization at a German university: Establishing hybrid campuses in times of crisis. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2(3), 212–216.
  • Smith, B. (2003). Computer–mediated negotiated interaction: An expanded model. The Modern Language Journal, 87(1), 38–57.
  • Smith, B. (2004). Computer-mediated negotiated interaction and lexical acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 26(3), 365–398.
  • ten Have, P. (2007). Doing Conversation Analysis. SAGE.
  • Triyason, T., Tassanaviboon, A., & Kanthamanon, P. (2020). Hybrid Classroom: Designing for the New Normal after COVID-19 Pandemic. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advances in Information Technology, 1–8.
  • Walsh, S. (2002). Construction or obstruction: Teacher talk and learner involvement in the EFL classroom. Language Teaching Research, 6(1), 3–23.
  • Walsh, S. (2006). Investigating Classroom Discourse. Routledge.
  • Waring, H. Z. (2008). Using Explicit Positive Assessment in the Language Classroom: IRF, Feedback, and Learning Opportunities. The Modern Language Journal, 92(4), 577–594.
  • Waring, H. Z. (2009). Moving out of IRF (Initiation‐Response‐Feedback): A Single Case Analysis. Language Learning, 59(4), 796–824.
  • Waring, H. Z. (2011). Learner initiatives and learning opportunities in the language classroom. Classroom Discourse, 2(2), 201–218.
  • Xie, X., Siau, K., & Nah, F. F.-H. (2020). COVID-19 pandemic – online education in the new normal and the next normal. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 22(3), 175–187.
  • Yan, Z. (2020). Unprecedented pandemic, unprecedented shift, and unprecedented opportunity. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 10.1002/hbe2.192.
  • Yi, Y., & Jang, J. (2020). Envisioning possibilities amid the COVID‐19 pandemic: Implications from English language teaching in South Korea. TESOL Journal, 11(3), e00543.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Special issue on Distance Teaching/Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Responses

Gülşah Uyar 0000-0002-5023-9971

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 39-1
