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Private Domestic Savings Mobilization by Commercial Banks and Economic Growth in Nigeria

Year 2014, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 0 - 0, 01.06.2014


Özet: This study discusses private domestic savings by commercial banks and economic growth in Nigeria and reviews theories on the determinants of private domestic savings and the impact of savings on economic growth. It also examines the determinants of private domestic savings in Nigeria during the period covering 1986 – 2010.The broad objective is to identify instruments to be used by commercial banks to mobilize savings and to also examine the impact of that private domestic savings on economic growth of Nigeria. It makes an important contribution to the literature by evaluating the magnitude and direction of the effects of money supply, interest rate, inflation rate, exchange rate and per capita income on private domestic savings. We went further to examine the impact of private domestic savings and commercial banks credit to private sector on economic growth of Nigeria. The framework for analysis involves the estimation of a private domestic savings function and economic growth function derived from the Life Cycle Hypothesis. The study employed classical least squares method with the aid of Error-Correction modeling procedure, co-integration, granger causality and stationarity test which minimize the possibility of estimating spurious relations, while at the same time retaining long-run information in the work; as well as the nature of causality between independent variables and dependent variables of our two functions specified in this research work. The results of the analysis show that the money supply and per capita income are strong determinants of private domestic savings for the period under study and private domestic savings and commercial banks credit to private sector turnout to be the leading factors that propel economic growth in Nigeria according to this research results. It was also revealed that, unethical banking practices by Nigerian commercial banks have rendered interest rate impotent to drive savings mobilization.


  • Afolabi, J.A, Ogunleye R.W. and Bwala S.M. (2003), “Determinants of Interest Rate Spread in Nigeria: An empirical Investigation”. NDIC Quarterly, 13(1):31 – 54.
  • Aghevli, B., Boughton, J., Mortiel, P., Villanueva, D., and Woglom, G. (1990),” The Role of National savings in the World Economy: Recent Trends and Prospect”. IMF Occasional Papers, No. 67, Washington D.C.
  • Ando A. and Modigliani F. (1963), “The Life Cycle Hypothesis of Savings: Aggregate Implications and Test”. American Economic Review, 53(1).
  • Anyanwu, J.N and Oaikhenam, H.E (1995) Macroeconomics Theory and Application in Nigeria. In Alaku A.N (1998). “Determinants of Savings behavior as a factor in economic growth”. Unpublished thesis, Department of Economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
  • Azege M. (2007), “The Impact of Financial Intermediation on Economic Growth: The Nigerian Perspective”, Research Paper, Department of Economics, Lagos State University.
  • Balassa, B. (1989), “The Effects of Interest Rates on savings in Developing Countries”. World Bank Working Paper, (56), September, 1989.
  • Barajas, A., Steiner R., Salazar N. (2000), “Foreign Investment in Colubia’s Financial Sector” In the Internationalization of Financial Services. Issues and Lessons for Developing Countries. Kluwe Academic Press, 2000.
  • Bencivenga, V.R. and Smith, B. (1998), “Economic Development and Financial Depth in a Model with costly Financial Intermediation” Journal of Research in Economics, (52): 363 – 386.
  • Berger, A.N and Udell G.F (1995), “Relationship lending and lines of credit is small firm finance,” Journal of Business, (68):351 – 382, 1995. University of Chicago Press.
  • Berger, A.N. and Udell, G.F. (1996), “Universal Banking and the future of small Business lending,: In financial system Design: the case for Universal Banking Irvin Publishing, 1996.
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  • Clarke, G., Cull W., D’Amato, and Molineri, A. (2000), “ON the Kindness of Strangers? The Impact of foreign entry on Domestic Banks in Argentina.” In the internationalization of financial services: Issues and lessons for Developing countries. Kluwer Academic Press Argentina.
  • Classens, S., Demirguc-Kunt, and Huizing, H (2000), “The Role Of Foreign banks in Domestic Banking Systems” In the Internationalization of Financial Services: Issues and Lessons for Developing Countries. Argentina: Kluwer Academy Press.
  • Dages, B.G, Goldbers, L. and Kinney D. (2000), “Foreign and Domestic Bank Participation in Emerging Markets: Lessons from Mexico and Argentina”. Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review, 17-36.
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Year 2014, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 0 - 0, 01.06.2014


Özet: This study discusses private domestic savings by commercial banks and economic growth in Nigeria and reviews theories on the determinants of private domestic savings and the impact of savings on economic growth. It also examines the determinants of private domestic savings in Nigeria during the period covering 1986 – 2010.The broad objective is to identify instruments to be used by commercial banks to mobilize savings and to also examine the impact of that private domestic savings on economic growth of Nigeria. It makes an important contribution to the literature by evaluating the magnitude and direction of the effects of money supply, interest rate, inflation rate, exchange rate and per capita income on private domestic savings. We went further to examine the impact of private domestic savings and commercial banks credit to private sector on economic growth of Nigeria. The framework for analysis involves the estimation of a private domestic savings function and economic growth function derived from the Life Cycle Hypothesis. The study employed classical least squares method with the aid of Error-Correction modeling procedure, co-integration, granger causality and stationarity test which minimize the possibility of estimating spurious relations, while at the same time retaining long-run information in the work; as well as the nature of causality between independent variables and dependent variables of our two functions specified in this research work. The results of the analysis show that the money supply and per capita income are strong determinants of private domestic savings for the period under study and private domestic savings and commercial banks credit to private sector turnout to be the leading factors that propel economic growth in Nigeria according to this research results. It was also revealed that, unethical banking practices by Nigerian commercial banks have rendered interest rate impotent to drive savings mobilization.


  • Afolabi, J.A, Ogunleye R.W. and Bwala S.M. (2003), “Determinants of Interest Rate Spread in Nigeria: An empirical Investigation”. NDIC Quarterly, 13(1):31 – 54.
  • Aghevli, B., Boughton, J., Mortiel, P., Villanueva, D., and Woglom, G. (1990),” The Role of National savings in the World Economy: Recent Trends and Prospect”. IMF Occasional Papers, No. 67, Washington D.C.
  • Ando A. and Modigliani F. (1963), “The Life Cycle Hypothesis of Savings: Aggregate Implications and Test”. American Economic Review, 53(1).
  • Anyanwu, J.N and Oaikhenam, H.E (1995) Macroeconomics Theory and Application in Nigeria. In Alaku A.N (1998). “Determinants of Savings behavior as a factor in economic growth”. Unpublished thesis, Department of Economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
  • Azege M. (2007), “The Impact of Financial Intermediation on Economic Growth: The Nigerian Perspective”, Research Paper, Department of Economics, Lagos State University.
  • Balassa, B. (1989), “The Effects of Interest Rates on savings in Developing Countries”. World Bank Working Paper, (56), September, 1989.
  • Barajas, A., Steiner R., Salazar N. (2000), “Foreign Investment in Colubia’s Financial Sector” In the Internationalization of Financial Services. Issues and Lessons for Developing Countries. Kluwe Academic Press, 2000.
  • Bencivenga, V.R. and Smith, B. (1998), “Economic Development and Financial Depth in a Model with costly Financial Intermediation” Journal of Research in Economics, (52): 363 – 386.
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  • Berger, A.N. and Udell, G.F. (1996), “Universal Banking and the future of small Business lending,: In financial system Design: the case for Universal Banking Irvin Publishing, 1996.
  • Berger, A.N. and Humphery, D.B. (1997) “Problem Loans and cost Efficiency in commercial Bank.” Journal of Banking and Finance. Federal Reserve Bank.
  • Berger, A.N., Saunders, A., Scalise, J., and Udell, G.F (1998). “The Effects of Bank Mergers and Acquisitions on Small Businesses Lending”. Journal of Financial Economics, 187 -229, 1998.
  • Berger, A.N., Klapper, L. and Udell, G.F (2000), “The Ability of Banks to lend to Informationally Opaque Small Businesses”. World Bank Papers 2000, Washington D.C.
  • Bigstein and Soderbom (2005), “Credit Constraints in Manufacturing Enterprises in Africa”. The Centre for the study of African Economics Working Paper Series, Oxford University Press.
  • Bloch, H. and Tang S.H.K, (2003), “The Role of financial Development in Economic Growth” Progress in Development Studies, 3 (3):243 – 251.
  • Borary, Y. and Sierra (1993), “Assessing Bank Performance and the Impact of Financial Restructuring in a Macroeconomic Framework” Journal of financial Economics.
  • Boskin, M.J (1978), “Taxation, Savings and the Rate of Interest”. Journal of Political Economy, 86:523 – 527.
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  • Brown bridge and Gayi (1999), “Progress, Constraints and Limitations of Financial Sector Reforms in the Least Developed Countries.”. World Bank Papers, 1999.
  • Chaudavartkar, A.J. (1971), “Some Aspects of Interest Rate Policies in Less Developed Economics” IMF Staff Papers, 1971, March.
  • Chete, L.N. (1999), “Macroeconomic Determinants of Private savings in Nigeria”. Nigerian Institute of Social Science and Economic Research (NISER) Monograph Series, 7:1-4.
  • Central Bank of Nigeria (2007), “Explanatory Notes”. CBN Statistical Bulletin, 15: XVII – XVIII.
  • Clarke, G., Cull W., D’Amato, and Molineri, A. (2000), “ON the Kindness of Strangers? The Impact of foreign entry on Domestic Banks in Argentina.” In the internationalization of financial services: Issues and lessons for Developing countries. Kluwer Academic Press Argentina.
  • Classens, S., Demirguc-Kunt, and Huizing, H (2000), “The Role Of Foreign banks in Domestic Banking Systems” In the Internationalization of Financial Services: Issues and Lessons for Developing Countries. Argentina: Kluwer Academy Press.
  • Dages, B.G, Goldbers, L. and Kinney D. (2000), “Foreign and Domestic Bank Participation in Emerging Markets: Lessons from Mexico and Argentina”. Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review, 17-36.
  • Deaton, A. (1977), “Involuntary Savings Through Unanticipated inflation”. American Economic Review, 67:800-910.
  • Demirguc - kunt, Asli and Enrica, D. (1998), “The Determinants of Banking crisis in Development and Developed Countries”, IMF papers, 45:81 – 109.
  • Demirguc – Kunt and Maksinovic (2000), “Capital Structure in Developing Countries”. The Journal of Finance, IMF. 2000.
  • De Young R. (1998), “Management Quality and X – inefficiency in National Banks”. Journal of Financial services Research, 13:5 – 22. IMF
  • De Young R. Goldberg L.G, White L.J (1999), “Youth, Adolescence, and Maturity of Banks Credit availability to small Business in an era of Banking
  • consolidation”. Journal of Banking and
  • Finance, 23:463 – 492 IMF.
  • Diamond D.W., (1983), “Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance and Liquidity” Journal of Political Economy, University of Chicago Press.
  • Dickey, D.A and Fuller, W.A, (1979), “Distribution of the Estimators for Autoregressive Time series with a Unit Root,” Journal of the American Statistical Association. 74,1979.
  • Donald, D.A and Ndikumanah (1998), “Financial Intermediation and Economic Growth in Southern Africa”. Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank, St. Louis
  • Dornbush, R (1990), “Economic perform in Eastern Europe and Soviet Union: Priorities and strategy”. Mimeo, The World Bank, Washinton D.C.
  • Duesenbury, J. (1949), Income, savings, and the Theory of consumer Behaviour, Cambridge, M.A: Harvard University Press.
  • Escude G., Burdisso, T., D’ Amato, L., and MacCandless (2001), “Howmuch do SME borroe from the Banking system in Argentina? Mimeo, Banco Central de la
  • Republic, Argentina”.
  • Francisco, Norman and Loyza (2000) “Financial Markets and the Financing
  • Decisions in Chilean
  • firms” In financial structure and economic
  • development, World Bank Conference, Washington D.C.
  • Friedman, M. (1957), A Theory of the consumption function, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Fry, M. (1989), “Foreign Debt Instability: An Analysis of National savings and Domestic Investment Responses to Foreign Debt Accumulation in 28 developing countries”. Journal of International
  • Money and Finance, 8:315 – 344.
  • Gelos and Werner A. (1999), Financial Liberalization, credit constrainst and collateral investment in the Mexican manufacturing Sector”. IMF working paper series.
  • Gerlach and peng (2005), “Bank Lending and Property prices in Hong Kong: Journal of Banking and Finance, 29:461 – 481, 2005.
  • Ghatak, S. and Siddiki, J.U (2001), “The use of the ARDL Approach in Estimating Virtual Exchange Rates in India”, Journal of Applied statistics, 28(5): 573 – 583.
  • Goldberg, L.G (1992), “The Competitive Impact of Foreign Commercial Banks in the United states”. In the changing market in financial services, economic policy conference of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
  • Golgberg L.G and White L.J (1998), “De Novo Banks and Lending to Small Business: An Empirical Analysis”, Journal of Banking and Finance, IMF 22:851- 867.
  • Goodhart C., (1995), “House Prices, Money, Credit, and the Macro – economy,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, U.S.A 9:49 – 72.
  • Greenwood J., and Jovanovic, B. (1990) “Financial Liberalization, financial Development and economic development” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108:717 – 738.
  • Gujarati N.D (2007), Basic Economics. New York: McGraw Hill, Inc, 4th Edition.
  • Gupta, K.L (1970), “Personal savings in Developing Nations: Further Evidence” Journal of economic, Record World Bank 46:243 – 249.
  • Gylfason, T. (1981), “Interest Rates, Inflation and Aggregate Consumption Function”. Review of Economic and Statitics, LXII (2):233 – 243
  • Holfamnn, M (2008), “Consumption Risk sharing over the Business cycle: The Role of Firm’ Access to credit markets”,
  • Howard, D.H. (1978), “Personal Saving Behaviour and the Rate if Inflation” Review of Economics and Statistics, 60:554 – 554.
  • Lan D., Jack G., and Ananth M., (2000), “International corporate finding Decisions in financial structure and Economic Development”. World Bank Conference paper, Washington D.C,
  • Jenkins, H., (2000), Commercial bank Behaviour in Micro and Small Enterprise Finance”. Development Discussion paper, 741, Harvard University, 2000.
  • Jhinghan M.I., (2003) Macroeconomic Theory, 11 the Edition., Delhi press.
  • Johansen, S. (1991), “Estimation and Hypothesis Testing of Co-integration vectors,in Gaussian Vector Autoregressive Models”. Econometrical, 59:1551 – 1580, 1991
  • Kaldor, N. (1940), “A Model of the Trade Cycle,” Economic Journal, 50:78 – 92
  • Kecton, W. (1996), “Do Bank Mergers Reduce lending to Businesses and farmers Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Review, 81:63 – 75.
  • Keynes, J.M (1936), General Theory of Employment, Invest and Money. London: MacMillan Company Ltd.
  • Kellick, T. (1981), Policy Economics. London: Heinemann Educational Books Ltd.
  • King, R. G. and Levine R. (1993), “Finance and Growth: Schumpeter Might Be Right”. Quaterly
  • Journal of Economics, World Bank, 108:717 – 737.
  • Lewis, F and Mackinnon, M. (1986), “Government Lean Guarantees and the Failure of Canadian Northern Railway”, the Journal of Economic History 47:175 – 196.
  • Lenonian, M. and Soller, J. (1995), “Small Banks Loans, Small Business”, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Working Paper.
  • Levine, R. and Loayza, N. (1999), “Financial Intermediation and Growth – Causality and Causes” World
  • Bank Policies Research Working Paper No. 2059 – 1999.
  • Levine R., (2005), “Financial and Growth: Theory and Evidence: in The handbook of Economic Growth the Nether lands: Elsevier Science Press.
  • Mackinnon, R.I (1973), Money and Banking in Economic Development. Washington D.C: The Brooking Institute.
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There are 115 citations in total.


Journal Section Review Article

Musa Success Jibrin This is me

İyaji Danjuma This is me

Success Ejura Blessing This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Jibrin, M. S., Danjuma, İ., & Blessing, S. E. (2014). Private Domestic Savings Mobilization by Commercial Banks and Economic Growth in Nigeria. Beykent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(1).


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