Research Article
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Systematics, biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental investigation of early Ypresian Alveolina assemblages in the northern part of Isparta Angle (Keçiborlu, Isparta, SW Turkey)

Year 2021, , 183 - 229, 15.04.2021


Thanetian-early Ypresian (middle Ilerdian) limestones from the northern part of Isparta Angle (Keçiborlu, Isparta, SW Turkey) contain rich benthic foraminiferal assemblage. Ilerdian beds of the Büyükkırtepe formation are characterized by high diversity of the following Alveolina species: Alveolina (Glomalveolina) karsica, A. (G.) aff. karsica, A.(G.) lepidula, A.(G.) cf. subtilis, A. (Alveolina) aragonensis, A. (A.) cemali, A. (A.) corbarica, A. (A.) cf. coudurensis, A.(A.) decipiens, A.(A.) dedolia, A.(A.) ellipsoidalis, A.(A.) erki, A.(A.) guidonis, A.(A.) cf. ilerdensis, A.(A.) montanarii, A.(A.) moussoulensis, A.(A.) pasticillata, A.(A.) pisella, A.(A.) rotundata kazancii, A.(A.) trempina, A.(A.) varians, and A.(A.) vredenburgi. In this study, 30 different Alveolina species including two new species and a new subspecies namely as A. (A.) acari n. sp., A. (A.) ozbahcensis n. sp., and A.(A.) avsari fusunae n. ssp. were identified for the first time. Besides, some probable new subspecies that were unnamed yet due to the insufficient number of individuals were also defined and proposed. Despite having close stratigraphic distributions with coeval assemblages described in different regions of Tethyan Province, Alveolina assemblages of the study area exhibit some stratigraphical range differences and present SBZ 3-SBZ 8 biozone intervals. The obtained data show that the study area was a lagoon to low en rgy shallow marine paleoenvironment with normal salinity in Thanetian – middle Ilerdian interval.

Supporting Institution

Geological Researches Department of General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration

Project Number



This article was prepared from a part of the first author's PhD thesis. In the sample collecting, facilities of the project no 2016-30-14-05 of Geological Researches Department of General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) were benefited. We would like to thank Dr. Şükrü Acar (MTA) for his supports to the laboratory studies and foraminiferal descriptions. Prof. Dr. Wojciech Nemec (University of Bergen) made valuable contributions with his opinions on regional paleogeographic evaluations. We are thankful to Prof. Dr. Atike Nazik (Çukurova University), Prof. Dr. Marcelle BouDagher- Fadel (University College London) and the other two anonymous referees for their constructive criticism which improved the article.


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  • Acar, Ş. 2019a. Burdur güneybatısı (Yarışlı Gölü güneyi, Batı Türkiye) Selandiyen yaşlı bentik foraminifer toplulukları ve bazı taksonomik revizyonlar. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi (2019) 158: 49-121.
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Year 2021, , 183 - 229, 15.04.2021


Project Number



  • Acar, Ş. 1995. Türkiye’nin değişik bölgelerinin Paleojen’inden bazı alveolin cinslerinin (Alveolina (Alveolina), Alveolina (Glomalveolina), Borelis ve Praebullalveolina) sistematik tanımları ve stratigrafik dağılımları. Doktora Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi, 166s., 38 Lev., Konya.
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  • Akıncı, Ö., Robertson, A., Poisson, A., Bozkurt, E. 2003. Preface: the Isparta Angle, SW Turkey – Its Role in the Evolution of Tethys in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Geological Journal 38 (Spec. Issue 3–4), 191–193.
  • Akkiraz, M.S., Akgün, F., Örçen, S. 2011. Stratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of the Lower-“middle” Oligocene units in the northern part of the Western Taurides (Incesu area, Isparta, Turkey). Journal of Asian Earth Science 40, 452-474.
  • Balcı, V. 2011. 1:100.000 ölçekli Türkiye Jeoloji Haritaları Afyon L-24 paftası. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, No:162, 23s.
  • Blumenthal, M. 1947. Seydişehir – Beyşehir hinterlandındaki Toros Dağlarının jeolojisi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enstitüsü Yayın Serisi, D2.
  • Boudagher-Fadel, M.K. 2008. Evolution and Geological Significance of Larger Benthic Foraminifera, Developments in Paleontology and Stratigraphy 21, 1-540, Elsevier.
  • BouDagher-Fadel, MK. 2018. Evolution and geological significance of larger Benthic Foraminifera. London: UCL Press. 704 p. Retrieved from
  • BouDagher-Fadel, M. K., Price, G. D., Hu, X., Li, J. 2015. Late Cretaceous to early Paleogene foraminiferal biozones in the Tibetan Himalayas, and a pan- Tethyan foraminiferal correlation scheme. Stratigraphy 12 (1), 67-91.
  • Bozkurt, A., Görmüş, M. 2019. Description Criteria for Eocene Alveolinids: Examples from Inner Western Anatolia. IOP Conf. Ser: Earth Environ. Sci. 362, 012019.
  • Bozkurt, A., Görmüş, M., Türkmen-Bozkurt, B. 2021. Keçiborlu Kuzeyi (Isparta) Tanesiyen - Erken İpresiyen Alveolinidlerinin Biyoçeşitlilik İncelemesi ve Mikrofasiyeslere Dayalı Paleoortamsal Yaklaşımlar. Uluslararası Katılımlı 73. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, Ankara, Türkiye (Baskıda).
  • Bronn, H.G. 1825. System der urweltliche Pflanzenthiere durch Diagnose, Analyse und Abbildung der Geschlechter erläutert: zum Gebrauche bey Vorlesungen über Petrefactenkunde und zur Erleichterung des Selbststudiums derselben. J.C.B. Mohr (Heidelberg). 1-59.
  • D’ Orbigny, A.D. 1826. Tableau méthodique de la classe des Cephalopodes. Annales des Sciences Naturelles 1, (7), 245-314, pl. 10-17, Paris.
  • Davies, L.M., Pinfold, E.S. 1937. The Eocene Beds of the Punjab Salt Range. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, Palaeontologia Indica 24, 1-79.
  • Debenay, J. P. 2012. A Guide to 1000 Foraminifera from Southwestern Pacific: New Caledonia. IRD éditions, Institut de recherche pourle développement, Marseille, Publications Scientifiques du Muséum, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris 378.
  • Delage, Y., Hérouard, E. 1896. Traité de Zoologie Concrète Vol. I. La Cellule et les Protozoaires, Paris: Schleicher Fréres. Devoto, G. 1964. Zone ad Alveolinidae Nel Cretaceo e Paleocene Del Lazio Ed Abruzzo Centro- Meridionali. Geologica Romana III, 405-414.
  • Dong, S., Lei, Y., Li, T., Jian, Z. 2018. Responses of benthic foraminifera to changes of temperature and salinity: Results from a laboratory culture experiment. Science China Earth Sciences 61,
  • Drobne, K. 1977. Alvéolines paléogenes de la Slovénie et de I’Istrie. Mémoires Suisses de Paléontologie 99, 9–174.
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There are 78 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Alper Bozkurt This is me 0000-0001-5515-5577

Muhittin Görmüş 0000-0001-9699-1002

Project Number 2016-30-14-05
Publication Date April 15, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Bozkurt, A., & Görmüş, M. (2021). Systematics, biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental investigation of early Ypresian Alveolina assemblages in the northern part of Isparta Angle (Keçiborlu, Isparta, SW Turkey). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 164(164), 183-229.
AMA Bozkurt A, Görmüş M. Systematics, biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental investigation of early Ypresian Alveolina assemblages in the northern part of Isparta Angle (Keçiborlu, Isparta, SW Turkey). Bull.Min.Res.Exp. April 2021;164(164):183-229. doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.740944
Chicago Bozkurt, Alper, and Muhittin Görmüş. “Systematics, Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Investigation of Early Ypresian Alveolina Assemblages in the Northern Part of Isparta Angle (Keçiborlu, Isparta, SW Turkey)”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 164, no. 164 (April 2021): 183-229.
EndNote Bozkurt A, Görmüş M (April 1, 2021) Systematics, biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental investigation of early Ypresian Alveolina assemblages in the northern part of Isparta Angle (Keçiborlu, Isparta, SW Turkey). Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 164 164 183–229.
IEEE A. Bozkurt and M. Görmüş, “Systematics, biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental investigation of early Ypresian Alveolina assemblages in the northern part of Isparta Angle (Keçiborlu, Isparta, SW Turkey)”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., vol. 164, no. 164, pp. 183–229, 2021, doi: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.740944.
ISNAD Bozkurt, Alper - Görmüş, Muhittin. “Systematics, Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Investigation of Early Ypresian Alveolina Assemblages in the Northern Part of Isparta Angle (Keçiborlu, Isparta, SW Turkey)”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 164/164 (April 2021), 183-229.
JAMA Bozkurt A, Görmüş M. Systematics, biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental investigation of early Ypresian Alveolina assemblages in the northern part of Isparta Angle (Keçiborlu, Isparta, SW Turkey). Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2021;164:183–229.
MLA Bozkurt, Alper and Muhittin Görmüş. “Systematics, Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Investigation of Early Ypresian Alveolina Assemblages in the Northern Part of Isparta Angle (Keçiborlu, Isparta, SW Turkey)”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, vol. 164, no. 164, 2021, pp. 183-29, doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.740944.
Vancouver Bozkurt A, Görmüş M. Systematics, biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental investigation of early Ypresian Alveolina assemblages in the northern part of Isparta Angle (Keçiborlu, Isparta, SW Turkey). Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2021;164(164):183-229.

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