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The electric power production targeted Unconventional Geothermal Systems (UGS), some conceptual designs and their thermodynamics classification

Year 2020, Volume: 163 Issue: 163, 211 - 228, 15.12.2020


The geothermal energy is a renewable and relatively clean energy resource. The amount of geothermal energy stored just in the upper crust of the earth is large enough to meet the world’s energy needs for thousands of years. Unfortunately, only a small portion of this potential can be utilized today by the conventional methods. The rest corresponds to the hot, fluid-poor areas which cannot be utilized by the current technology. The first concrete steps towards the utilization of such high potential areas emerged in the late 1960s and early 1970s. These studies have gradually continued in the following years, and many new terms and conceptual designs have been proposed so far. Unfortunately, no comprehensive definition has been established on this subject yet. This may bring about some difficulties such as the failure to express the intended concept in the right manner, the inability to determine the legal boundaries for the regulations required by the countries to make use of these areas which pose high risks in the commercial point of view. In this paper, some of the major terms and conceptual designs used for the projects targeting the power generation from fluid- poor hot areas are discussed. Furthermore, all of these terms have been gathered under the title of “Unconventional Geothermal Systems-UGS” and these designs are classified according to the types of thermodynamic system for the first time in this study. In addition, some new suggestions that can be used to define the definitional boundaries of these terms are put forward.


I thank Dr. Arif Mert Eker, Dr. Oktay Çelmen, Dr. Hafize Akıllı, Hakan Özkan, Mehmet Vekli, Fatih M. Öziçli, M. Hüseyin Yıldırım and the referees of this paper for their useful contribution into the development of this study with their valuable criticisms.


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  • ABD Patent ve Marka Ofisi, Patent No: 6,247,313B1, June 19, 2001.
  • Armstead, H. C. H., Tester, J. W. 1987. Heat Mining. E. and F. N. Spon, London and New York, 478 p.
  • Breede, K., Dzebisashvili, K., Liu, X., Falcone, G. 2013. A systematic review of enhanced (or engineered) geothermal systems: past, present and future. Geothermal Energy, 1, 4.
  • Breede, K., Dzebisashvili, K., Falcone, G. 2015. Overcoming challenges in the classification of deep geothermal potential. Geothermal Energy Sciences, 3, 19-39.
  • Brown, D.W., Duchane, D.V., Heiken, G. Hriscu, V.T. 2012. Mining the Earth’s Heat: Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Energy. Springer-Verlag, 657 p.
  • Çiçek, A. 2019. Enerji hedefli geleneksel olmayan jeotermal sistemlerin (UGS) uygulandığı sahalarda yaşanan önemli teknik sorunlar. MTA Doğal Kaynaklar ve Ekonomi Bülteni, 28, 73-77.
  • Canoğlu, M.C., Kurtuluş, B. 2016. Body type optimization of water structures and engineering parameters determination of natural structural materials: an example from Kışlademirli Dam (Kütahya). Karaelmas Science and Engineering Journal, 6, 2, 250-264.
  • Canoğlu, M. C., Kurtulus, B. 2017. Permeability of Savcıbey dam (Bilecik) axis location and design of grout curtain. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 154, 157-168.
  • Canoğlu, M. C. 2019. Selection of Suitable Dam Axis Location Considering Permeability and Grout Curtain Optimization Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, 25, 1, 15-25.
  • Eavor Technologies Inc. https://eavor.com/press/.September 12, 2020.
  • Espinoza, G. https://dnicolasespinoza.github.io/, September 12, 2020.
  • Finsterle, S., Zhang, Y., Pan, L., Dobson, P. Oglesby, K. 2013. Microhole arrays for improved heat mining from enhanced geothermal systems. Geothermics, 47, 104-115.
  • Genter, A., Guillou-Frottier, L., Feybesse, J.-L., Nicol, N., Dezayes, C., Schwartz, S. 2003. Typology of potential hot fractured rock resources in Europe, Geothermics, 32, 701-710.
  • Genter, A., Evans, K., Cuenot, N., Fritsch, D., Sanjuan, B. 2010. Contribution of Exploration of Deep Crystalline Fractured Reservoir of Soultz to the Knowledge of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 342, 502- 516.
  • GeoSierra LLC. http://www.geosierra.com/geothermal. html. September 12, 2020.
  • Geothermal Explorers Ltd., 2003. Schematic representation of the Classical UGS design
  • Grassiani, M., Krieger, Z., Legmann, H. 1999. Advanced power plants for use with HDR/ enhanced geothermal technology. Bulletin D’Hydrogéologie, 17, 165-172.
  • He, Z., Zhang, Y., Feng, J., Ding, Q., Li, P. 2018. An EGS Site Evaluation Method for Geothermal Resources Based on Geology, Engineering and Economic Considerations. PROCEEDINGS, 43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 12-14, 2018, SGP-TR-213.
  • Hıdıroğlu, İ. A., Parlaktuna, M. 2019. Dünyada Kızgın Kuru Kaya (HDR) Projeleri ve Türkiye’nin Muhtemel HDR Alanları. Jeotermal Elektrik Santral Yatırımcıları Derneği, 6-7 Şubat GT2019 Türkiye Jeotermal Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Ankara, 91- 103.
  • https://eavor .com/press-release/eavor - announcescommercial-eavor-loop-project-be- builtgeretsried-germany. September 12, 2020.
  • Kuriyagawa, M. 1987. Hot dry rock geothermal energy in Japan. Geothermics, 6, 4, 401-403.
  • Li, S., Zhang, D. 2017. A fully coupled model for hydraulic fracture growth during multi-well fracturing treatments: enhancing fracture complexity. SPE- 182674-MS.
  • Nagel, N., Zhang, F., Sanchez-Nagel, M., Lee, B. 2013. Quantitative Evaluation of Completion Techniques on Influencing Shale Fracture ‘Complexity’. In ISRM International Conference for Effective and Sustainable Hydraulic Fracturing. International Society for Rock Mechanics. May 22-23, 2013. Brisbane, Australia.
  • OpenEI, https://openei.org/wiki/Fenton_Hill_HDR_ Geothermal_Area, September 12, 2020.
  • OpenEI, https://openei.org/wiki/EGS_Collab_Project_Overview, September 12, 2020
  • Riahi, A., Moncarz, P., Kolbe, W., Damjanac, B. 2017. Innovative Closed-Loop Geothermal Well Designs Using Water and Super Critical Carbon Dioxide as Working Fluids. Geothermal Resources Council Bulletin, 7-10, 42nd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 13-15, 2017, SGP-TR-212.
  • Roberts, V., Kruger, P. 1982. Utility Industry Estimates of Geothermal Electricity-Geothermal power production to continue rapid growth through the year 2000. Geothermal Resources Council Bulletin, 7-10.
  • Sanyal, S.K., Granados, E.E., Butler, S.J., Horne, R.N. 2005. An alternative and modular approach to enhanced geothermal systems. Transactions Geothermal Resources Council, 29, 139-144.
  • Serpen, Ü. 2019. Sıcak Kuru Kayalar’ın (EGS) Potansiyeli, Geçmişi, Geleceği ve Gerçekler, 14. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 17-20 Nisan 2019, İzmir, 238-249.
  • Shiozawa, S. 2015. Designing Enhanced Geothermal and Hydraulic Fracturing Systems Based on Multiple Stages and Proppant. MSc Thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 86 p. (unpublished).
  • Taleghani, A. D. 2013. An Improved Closed-Loop Heat Extraction Method From Geothermal Resources. Journal of Energy Resources Technology,135/042904-1.
  • Takahashi, H., Hashida, T. 1993. New Project for Hot Wet Rock Geothermal Reservoir Design Concept. Proceedings, 18th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA, 26-28 Ocak 1993, SGP-TR-145, 6 s.
  • Tester, J. W., Anderson, B. J., Batchelor, A. S., Blackwell, D. D., DiPippo, R., Drake, E. M., Garnish, J., Livesay, B., Moore, M. C., Nichols, K., Petty, S., Toksöz, M. N., Veatch Jr., R.W. 2006. The future of geothermal energy-impact of enhanced geothermal systems on the United States in the 21st Century. MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Cambridge MA., 372 s.
  • Winsloe, R. 2019. official e-mail communication. Zhang, Y., Pan, L., Dobson, P., Oglesby, K., Finsterle, S. 2012. Microhole for Improved Heat Extraction From EGS Reservoirs: Numerical Evaluation. Proceedings, 37th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, January 30- February 1,2012, SGP-TR-194.
Year 2020, Volume: 163 Issue: 163, 211 - 228, 15.12.2020



  • ABD Patent ve Marka Ofisi, Patent No: 5,515,679, May 14, 1996.
  • ABD Patent ve Marka Ofisi, Patent No: 6,247,313B1, June 19, 2001.
  • Armstead, H. C. H., Tester, J. W. 1987. Heat Mining. E. and F. N. Spon, London and New York, 478 p.
  • Breede, K., Dzebisashvili, K., Liu, X., Falcone, G. 2013. A systematic review of enhanced (or engineered) geothermal systems: past, present and future. Geothermal Energy, 1, 4.
  • Breede, K., Dzebisashvili, K., Falcone, G. 2015. Overcoming challenges in the classification of deep geothermal potential. Geothermal Energy Sciences, 3, 19-39.
  • Brown, D.W., Duchane, D.V., Heiken, G. Hriscu, V.T. 2012. Mining the Earth’s Heat: Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Energy. Springer-Verlag, 657 p.
  • Çiçek, A. 2019. Enerji hedefli geleneksel olmayan jeotermal sistemlerin (UGS) uygulandığı sahalarda yaşanan önemli teknik sorunlar. MTA Doğal Kaynaklar ve Ekonomi Bülteni, 28, 73-77.
  • Canoğlu, M.C., Kurtuluş, B. 2016. Body type optimization of water structures and engineering parameters determination of natural structural materials: an example from Kışlademirli Dam (Kütahya). Karaelmas Science and Engineering Journal, 6, 2, 250-264.
  • Canoğlu, M. C., Kurtulus, B. 2017. Permeability of Savcıbey dam (Bilecik) axis location and design of grout curtain. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 154, 157-168.
  • Canoğlu, M. C. 2019. Selection of Suitable Dam Axis Location Considering Permeability and Grout Curtain Optimization Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, 25, 1, 15-25.
  • Eavor Technologies Inc. https://eavor.com/press/.September 12, 2020.
  • Espinoza, G. https://dnicolasespinoza.github.io/, September 12, 2020.
  • Finsterle, S., Zhang, Y., Pan, L., Dobson, P. Oglesby, K. 2013. Microhole arrays for improved heat mining from enhanced geothermal systems. Geothermics, 47, 104-115.
  • Genter, A., Guillou-Frottier, L., Feybesse, J.-L., Nicol, N., Dezayes, C., Schwartz, S. 2003. Typology of potential hot fractured rock resources in Europe, Geothermics, 32, 701-710.
  • Genter, A., Evans, K., Cuenot, N., Fritsch, D., Sanjuan, B. 2010. Contribution of Exploration of Deep Crystalline Fractured Reservoir of Soultz to the Knowledge of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 342, 502- 516.
  • GeoSierra LLC. http://www.geosierra.com/geothermal. html. September 12, 2020.
  • Geothermal Explorers Ltd., 2003. Schematic representation of the Classical UGS design
  • Grassiani, M., Krieger, Z., Legmann, H. 1999. Advanced power plants for use with HDR/ enhanced geothermal technology. Bulletin D’Hydrogéologie, 17, 165-172.
  • He, Z., Zhang, Y., Feng, J., Ding, Q., Li, P. 2018. An EGS Site Evaluation Method for Geothermal Resources Based on Geology, Engineering and Economic Considerations. PROCEEDINGS, 43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 12-14, 2018, SGP-TR-213.
  • Hıdıroğlu, İ. A., Parlaktuna, M. 2019. Dünyada Kızgın Kuru Kaya (HDR) Projeleri ve Türkiye’nin Muhtemel HDR Alanları. Jeotermal Elektrik Santral Yatırımcıları Derneği, 6-7 Şubat GT2019 Türkiye Jeotermal Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Ankara, 91- 103.
  • https://eavor .com/press-release/eavor - announcescommercial-eavor-loop-project-be- builtgeretsried-germany. September 12, 2020.
  • Kuriyagawa, M. 1987. Hot dry rock geothermal energy in Japan. Geothermics, 6, 4, 401-403.
  • Li, S., Zhang, D. 2017. A fully coupled model for hydraulic fracture growth during multi-well fracturing treatments: enhancing fracture complexity. SPE- 182674-MS.
  • Nagel, N., Zhang, F., Sanchez-Nagel, M., Lee, B. 2013. Quantitative Evaluation of Completion Techniques on Influencing Shale Fracture ‘Complexity’. In ISRM International Conference for Effective and Sustainable Hydraulic Fracturing. International Society for Rock Mechanics. May 22-23, 2013. Brisbane, Australia.
  • OpenEI, https://openei.org/wiki/Fenton_Hill_HDR_ Geothermal_Area, September 12, 2020.
  • OpenEI, https://openei.org/wiki/EGS_Collab_Project_Overview, September 12, 2020
  • Riahi, A., Moncarz, P., Kolbe, W., Damjanac, B. 2017. Innovative Closed-Loop Geothermal Well Designs Using Water and Super Critical Carbon Dioxide as Working Fluids. Geothermal Resources Council Bulletin, 7-10, 42nd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 13-15, 2017, SGP-TR-212.
  • Roberts, V., Kruger, P. 1982. Utility Industry Estimates of Geothermal Electricity-Geothermal power production to continue rapid growth through the year 2000. Geothermal Resources Council Bulletin, 7-10.
  • Sanyal, S.K., Granados, E.E., Butler, S.J., Horne, R.N. 2005. An alternative and modular approach to enhanced geothermal systems. Transactions Geothermal Resources Council, 29, 139-144.
  • Serpen, Ü. 2019. Sıcak Kuru Kayalar’ın (EGS) Potansiyeli, Geçmişi, Geleceği ve Gerçekler, 14. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 17-20 Nisan 2019, İzmir, 238-249.
  • Shiozawa, S. 2015. Designing Enhanced Geothermal and Hydraulic Fracturing Systems Based on Multiple Stages and Proppant. MSc Thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 86 p. (unpublished).
  • Taleghani, A. D. 2013. An Improved Closed-Loop Heat Extraction Method From Geothermal Resources. Journal of Energy Resources Technology,135/042904-1.
  • Takahashi, H., Hashida, T. 1993. New Project for Hot Wet Rock Geothermal Reservoir Design Concept. Proceedings, 18th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA, 26-28 Ocak 1993, SGP-TR-145, 6 s.
  • Tester, J. W., Anderson, B. J., Batchelor, A. S., Blackwell, D. D., DiPippo, R., Drake, E. M., Garnish, J., Livesay, B., Moore, M. C., Nichols, K., Petty, S., Toksöz, M. N., Veatch Jr., R.W. 2006. The future of geothermal energy-impact of enhanced geothermal systems on the United States in the 21st Century. MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Cambridge MA., 372 s.
  • Winsloe, R. 2019. official e-mail communication. Zhang, Y., Pan, L., Dobson, P., Oglesby, K., Finsterle, S. 2012. Microhole for Improved Heat Extraction From EGS Reservoirs: Numerical Evaluation. Proceedings, 37th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, January 30- February 1,2012, SGP-TR-194.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Aydın Çiçek This is me 0000-0001-7111-6295

Publication Date December 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 163 Issue: 163


APA Çiçek, A. (2020). The electric power production targeted Unconventional Geothermal Systems (UGS), some conceptual designs and their thermodynamics classification. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 163(163), 211-228. https://doi.org/10.19111/bulletinofmre.660706
AMA Çiçek A. The electric power production targeted Unconventional Geothermal Systems (UGS), some conceptual designs and their thermodynamics classification. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. December 2020;163(163):211-228. doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.660706
Chicago Çiçek, Aydın. “The Electric Power Production Targeted Unconventional Geothermal Systems (UGS), Some Conceptual Designs and Their Thermodynamics Classification”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 163, no. 163 (December 2020): 211-28. https://doi.org/10.19111/bulletinofmre.660706.
EndNote Çiçek A (December 1, 2020) The electric power production targeted Unconventional Geothermal Systems (UGS), some conceptual designs and their thermodynamics classification. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 163 163 211–228.
IEEE A. Çiçek, “The electric power production targeted Unconventional Geothermal Systems (UGS), some conceptual designs and their thermodynamics classification”, Bull.Min.Res.Exp., vol. 163, no. 163, pp. 211–228, 2020, doi: 10.19111/bulletinofmre.660706.
ISNAD Çiçek, Aydın. “The Electric Power Production Targeted Unconventional Geothermal Systems (UGS), Some Conceptual Designs and Their Thermodynamics Classification”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 163/163 (December 2020), 211-228. https://doi.org/10.19111/bulletinofmre.660706.
JAMA Çiçek A. The electric power production targeted Unconventional Geothermal Systems (UGS), some conceptual designs and their thermodynamics classification. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2020;163:211–228.
MLA Çiçek, Aydın. “The Electric Power Production Targeted Unconventional Geothermal Systems (UGS), Some Conceptual Designs and Their Thermodynamics Classification”. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, vol. 163, no. 163, 2020, pp. 211-28, doi:10.19111/bulletinofmre.660706.
Vancouver Çiçek A. The electric power production targeted Unconventional Geothermal Systems (UGS), some conceptual designs and their thermodynamics classification. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 2020;163(163):211-28.

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