
Manuscript acceptance for our journal continues!

Bingöl Üniversitesi Teknik Bilimleri Dergisi
Bingol University Journal of Technical Sciences

You can access the Writing Rules and all the files you need for article submission from the link below.

Writing Rules

As of 2024, a DOI number will be given to all articles published in our journal.

No fee is charged for the articles sent to our journal.

Our journal is published electronically only.

The web address of our journal outside of DergiPark: http://tbmyo.bingol.edu.tr/dergi/

Journal e-mail: buts@bingol.edu.tr 

Last Update Time: 1/16/25, 10:20:21 AM
This journal is prepared and published by the Bingöl University Technical Sciences journal team.