Çevreci Bir Bakış Açısıyla Kadın Tüketicilerin Kozmetik Ürün Tüketim
Davranışlarının İncelenmesi
Year 2013,
Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 115 - 131, 01.06.2013
Serap Çabuk
Hatice Doğan Südaş
Bu araştırma çevreci bir bakış açısıyla kadın tüketicilerin kozmetik ürün tüketim davranışlarını belirlemek üzere gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sırasıyla, kozmetik ürünlerin kullanım sıklığı, içeriklerinde yer alan kimyasal maddelerin farkındalık seviyesi, kozmetik ürün satın alırken önem verilen unsurlar, çevreci iddiaların reklam etkililiği üzerindeki etkisi, etik tüketim motivlerinin kozmetik üründen beklenen fayda boyutları üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucu elde edilen bulguların pazarlama iletişim stratejsinin geliştirilmesinde firmalara katkı sağlaması beklenmektedir
- Alnıaçık, Ü., Yılmaz, C. ve Alnıaçık, E. (2010), “Reklamlarda Çevreci İddialar ve Reklam Etkililiği: Basılı Reklamlar Üzerinde Deneysel Bir Araştırma”, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt.10, Sayı:1, 85–106.
- Alnıaçık, Ü. ve Yılmaz, C. (2012), “The Effectiveness of Green Advertising: Influences of Claim Specificity, Product’s Environmental Relevance and Consumers’ Pro-Environmental Orientation”, Economic Interferences, Vol.XIV, No.31, 207-222.
- Auger, P., Burke, P., Devinney, T. M. ve Louviere, J. J. (2003), “What Will Consumers Pay for Social Product Features?”, Journal of Business Ethics, 42, 281–304.
- Banerjee, S., Gulas, C. S. and Iyer, E. (2005), “Shades of Green: A Multidimensional Analysis of Environmental Advertising”, Journal of Advertising, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, 21-31.
- Bergfeld,W.F.,Belsito,D.V.,Marks, J.G. “Kozmetik İçeriklerin Güvenilirliği”, Journal of The American Academy of http://www.turkiyeklinikleri.com/abstract_tr.php?id=36020 A. (2005), Dermatology, Cilt.2, Sayı.1, Ziyaret Tarihi 16/08/12,
- Brown, S.P. and Stayman, D.M. (1992), “Antecedents and Consequences of Attitude Toward the Ad: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 19, No. 1, 34-51.
- Chan, R. Y.K (2000), “The effectiveness of environmental advertising: the role of claim type and the source country green image”, International Journal of Advertising, 2000, Volume: 19, Issue: 3 pp.349-375.
- Chan, R. Y.K, Leung, T.K.P. ve Wong, Y.H. (2006), “The effectiveness of environmental claims for services advertising”, Journal of Services Marketing, 20/4, 233–250.
- Chan, R.Y.K ve Lau, L. B.Y. (2004), “The Effectiveness of Environmental Claims among Chinese Consumers: Influences of Claim Type, Country Disposition and Ecocentric Orientation”, Journal of Marketing Management, 20, 273-319.
- Carlson, L., Grove, S. J. ve Kangun, N. (1993), “A Content Analysis of Environmental Advertising Claims: A Matrix Method Approach, Journal of Advertising, Vol.XXII, No.3, 27-39.
- Carlson, L., Grove, S. J.,Kangun, N. ve Polonsky, M. J. (1996), “An International Comparison of Environmental Advertising: Substantive versus Associative Claims”, Journal of Macromarketing, Fall, 57-68.
- Davis, J. J. (1993), “Strategies for Environmental Advertising”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 10, No. 2,19–36.
- Hu, H.S. (2012), “The Effectiveness of Environmental Advertising in the Hotel Industry”, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 53,154-164. Kozmetik Sektör Raporu (2012), Ziyaret Tarihi: 09/03/2013. http://www.ibp.gov.tr/pg/sektorpdf/sanayi/Kozmetik.pdf
- Kozmetik Ürünlerinin Öteki Yüzü (2012), Ziyaret Tarihi:06/08/2012 http://stylesalad.blogspot.com/2007/06/blog-post.html
- Lewis, C. (2004), “Kozmetik Ürün ve İlaç Arasındaki İnce Çizgi”, Online Kozmetoloji Dergisi, Sayı:1, Cilt:3
- MacKenzıe, S.B., Lutz, R.J., and Belch, G.E. (1986), “The Role of Attitude Toward the Ad as a Mediator of Advertising Effectiveness: A Test of Competing Explanations”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XXIII, 130-43.
- McGoldrick, P. J. ve Freestone, O. M. (2008), “Ethical product premiums: antecedents and extent of consumers’willingness to pay”, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, Vol.18, No.2, May, 185-201.
- Mehta, A. (2000), “Advertising Attitudes and Advertising Effectiveness”, Journal of Advertising Research, May-June, 67-72.
- Nysveen, H. and Breivik, E. (2005), “The influence of media on advertising effectiveness: A comparison of internet, posters and radio”, International Journal of Market Research, Vol. 47, Issue.4, 383-405.
- Polonsky, M.J., Carlson, L., Grove, S. ve Kangun, N. (1997), “International environmental marketing claims: Real changes or simple posturing?”, International Marketing Review, Vol. 14, Iss: 4, 218-232.
- Polonsky, M.J., Bailey, J., Baker, H., Basche, C., Jepson, C. ve Neath, L. (1998), “Communicating Environmental Information: Are Marketing Claims on Packaging Misleading?”, Journal of Business Ethics, 17, 281- 294.
- Velicer, W.F., Prochaska, J.Q., DiClemente, C.C., ve Brandenburg, N. (1985), “Decisional Balance Measure for Assessing and Predicting Smoking Status”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol.48, No.5, 1279-1289.
- Morwitz V.G. and Schmittlein, D. (1992), “Using Segmentation to Improve Sales Forecasts Based on Purchase Intent: Which "Intenders" Actually Buy?”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol, XXIX, 391-405.
- Tekkeşin, Nilgün (2011), “Güzelleşeyim Derken Sağlığınızdan Olmayın “http://sizdensize.milliyet.com.tr Ziyaret Tarihi: 19/04/2012.
An Investigation of Cosmetics Product Consumption Behavior of Female Consumers from Environmental Perspective
Year 2013,
Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 115 - 131, 01.06.2013
Serap Çabuk
Hatice Doğan Südaş
This study is conducted to investigate the cosmetics product consumption of female consumers from environmental perspective.. Respectively, the frequency of cosmetics usage, the level of awareness of the contents of chemical substances, the important factors when buying cosmetics, the effects of environmental claims on advertisement effectiveness and the effects of ethical consumption motives on benefits sought from the use of cosmetics were examined. Research findings are expected to contribute to the development of marketing communication strategy
- Alnıaçık, Ü., Yılmaz, C. ve Alnıaçık, E. (2010), “Reklamlarda Çevreci İddialar ve Reklam Etkililiği: Basılı Reklamlar Üzerinde Deneysel Bir Araştırma”, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt.10, Sayı:1, 85–106.
- Alnıaçık, Ü. ve Yılmaz, C. (2012), “The Effectiveness of Green Advertising: Influences of Claim Specificity, Product’s Environmental Relevance and Consumers’ Pro-Environmental Orientation”, Economic Interferences, Vol.XIV, No.31, 207-222.
- Auger, P., Burke, P., Devinney, T. M. ve Louviere, J. J. (2003), “What Will Consumers Pay for Social Product Features?”, Journal of Business Ethics, 42, 281–304.
- Banerjee, S., Gulas, C. S. and Iyer, E. (2005), “Shades of Green: A Multidimensional Analysis of Environmental Advertising”, Journal of Advertising, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, 21-31.
- Bergfeld,W.F.,Belsito,D.V.,Marks, J.G. “Kozmetik İçeriklerin Güvenilirliği”, Journal of The American Academy of http://www.turkiyeklinikleri.com/abstract_tr.php?id=36020 A. (2005), Dermatology, Cilt.2, Sayı.1, Ziyaret Tarihi 16/08/12,
- Brown, S.P. and Stayman, D.M. (1992), “Antecedents and Consequences of Attitude Toward the Ad: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 19, No. 1, 34-51.
- Chan, R. Y.K (2000), “The effectiveness of environmental advertising: the role of claim type and the source country green image”, International Journal of Advertising, 2000, Volume: 19, Issue: 3 pp.349-375.
- Chan, R. Y.K, Leung, T.K.P. ve Wong, Y.H. (2006), “The effectiveness of environmental claims for services advertising”, Journal of Services Marketing, 20/4, 233–250.
- Chan, R.Y.K ve Lau, L. B.Y. (2004), “The Effectiveness of Environmental Claims among Chinese Consumers: Influences of Claim Type, Country Disposition and Ecocentric Orientation”, Journal of Marketing Management, 20, 273-319.
- Carlson, L., Grove, S. J. ve Kangun, N. (1993), “A Content Analysis of Environmental Advertising Claims: A Matrix Method Approach, Journal of Advertising, Vol.XXII, No.3, 27-39.
- Carlson, L., Grove, S. J.,Kangun, N. ve Polonsky, M. J. (1996), “An International Comparison of Environmental Advertising: Substantive versus Associative Claims”, Journal of Macromarketing, Fall, 57-68.
- Davis, J. J. (1993), “Strategies for Environmental Advertising”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 10, No. 2,19–36.
- Hu, H.S. (2012), “The Effectiveness of Environmental Advertising in the Hotel Industry”, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 53,154-164. Kozmetik Sektör Raporu (2012), Ziyaret Tarihi: 09/03/2013. http://www.ibp.gov.tr/pg/sektorpdf/sanayi/Kozmetik.pdf
- Kozmetik Ürünlerinin Öteki Yüzü (2012), Ziyaret Tarihi:06/08/2012 http://stylesalad.blogspot.com/2007/06/blog-post.html
- Lewis, C. (2004), “Kozmetik Ürün ve İlaç Arasındaki İnce Çizgi”, Online Kozmetoloji Dergisi, Sayı:1, Cilt:3
- MacKenzıe, S.B., Lutz, R.J., and Belch, G.E. (1986), “The Role of Attitude Toward the Ad as a Mediator of Advertising Effectiveness: A Test of Competing Explanations”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XXIII, 130-43.
- McGoldrick, P. J. ve Freestone, O. M. (2008), “Ethical product premiums: antecedents and extent of consumers’willingness to pay”, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, Vol.18, No.2, May, 185-201.
- Mehta, A. (2000), “Advertising Attitudes and Advertising Effectiveness”, Journal of Advertising Research, May-June, 67-72.
- Nysveen, H. and Breivik, E. (2005), “The influence of media on advertising effectiveness: A comparison of internet, posters and radio”, International Journal of Market Research, Vol. 47, Issue.4, 383-405.
- Polonsky, M.J., Carlson, L., Grove, S. ve Kangun, N. (1997), “International environmental marketing claims: Real changes or simple posturing?”, International Marketing Review, Vol. 14, Iss: 4, 218-232.
- Polonsky, M.J., Bailey, J., Baker, H., Basche, C., Jepson, C. ve Neath, L. (1998), “Communicating Environmental Information: Are Marketing Claims on Packaging Misleading?”, Journal of Business Ethics, 17, 281- 294.
- Velicer, W.F., Prochaska, J.Q., DiClemente, C.C., ve Brandenburg, N. (1985), “Decisional Balance Measure for Assessing and Predicting Smoking Status”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol.48, No.5, 1279-1289.
- Morwitz V.G. and Schmittlein, D. (1992), “Using Segmentation to Improve Sales Forecasts Based on Purchase Intent: Which "Intenders" Actually Buy?”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol, XXIX, 391-405.
- Tekkeşin, Nilgün (2011), “Güzelleşeyim Derken Sağlığınızdan Olmayın “http://sizdensize.milliyet.com.tr Ziyaret Tarihi: 19/04/2012.