Makalenin amacı, günümüzde Taylorizm prensiplerinin geçerliliğini, bilimsellik ve evrensellik prensiplerini stratejik yönetim açısından incelemektir. Bu çalışmada Taylorizm hakkında nitel alanyazın incelemesi olarak doküman içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Makalede Frederic Winslow Taylor’un hayatı, ile “Bilimsel Yönetim Düşünceleri ve Uygulamaları” irdelenmiştir. Bunlara ilaveten Taylor’un bilimsel düşünceleri ve evrensellik konuları gözden geçirilmiştir. Taylorizmin bilimsel yönetimi hakkında diğer bazı bilim adamlarının ve uygulayıcıların zamanımızda insan yönetimi, ekonomi ve işletme yönetimi alanlarında geçerliliğini sürdürmektedir. Aynı şekilde gelecekteki bilimsel çalışmalarda ve geliştirmelerde de Taylorizmin bilimsel ve uygulamalı yöntemleri ile evrenselliği yol gösterici olacaktır. Taylor’un günümüze böylesi bilimsel çalışmalarının ve düşüncelerinin yansımalarında, diyebilirim ki stratejik bilimsel yönetim, ekonomi ve işletme yönetimi alanlarında onun geçerliliğinin ve performansının devam edeceği değerlendirilmektedir
Aldemir C., Ataol A. Ve Budak G., (2001). İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, İzmir, Barış Yayınları, 4. Baskı, s: 64.
Arslan H.,(1992). Epistemik Cemaat , İstanbul , Paradigma Yayınları Atta D. V.,(1986). Why is There No Taylorism in the Soviet Union , Comparative Politics , 18/3 , s: 327-338.
Belek İ., (1999). Postkapitalist Paradigmalar, İstanbul, Sorun Yayınları, s: 55.
Choudhury M. A. Ve Korvin G., (2001). Sustainability in Knowledge- Centered Sustainability in Higher Education, 2/3, s: 257-266. Systems, International Journal of
Cooke M. L., (1913). The Spirit and Social Significanca of Scientific Management, The Journal of Political Economy, 21/6, s: 481-493.
Corwin S.,(2003). Picturing Efficiency : Precisionism , Scientific Management and the Effacement of Labor , Represantions , 84 , (In Memory of Michael Rogin) , s: 139-165.
Drucker P., (1993). Post Capitalist Society, New York: Harper Business, s: 19-97.
Ertürte , M ., (2000) İşletmelerde Yönetim ve Organizasyon , Beta Yayıncılık , İstanbul, s:8-22.
Fristone , J. M. (1971). Remarks on Concept Formation : Theory Building and Theory Testing, Philosophy of Science, 38/4, s: 570-604.
Fişek K., (1979). Yönetim, Yönetim Biliminin Gelişmesinde Planlama, Ankara, Sevinç Matbaası, s:28.
Fodor J. A., (1991). The Dogma That Didn’t Bark (A Fragment of Naturalized Epistwmology), Mind, 2001, s: 223.
Friedman G., (2005). Capitalism, Social Privilege and Managerial Ideologies, Enterprise and Society, 6/4, s: 769-771.
Gantham E., (2005). Capitalism, Social Privilege and Managerial Ideologies, England , Ashgate Publishing, s:48.
Heinemann F. H. (1948). Are There Only Two Kinds of Truth ?, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 16/3, s: 367-379.
Kantorovich A., (1998). Philosophy of Science: From Justification to Explanatinon , The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 39/4, s: 469-494.
Kuhn T. S., (1969). The New Reality in Art and Science, Commet , Comperative Studies in Society and History, 11/4, s: 403-417.
Kuhn T. S., (1984). Professionalization Recollected in Tranquility , Sarton Science and History , 75/1, s: 29-32.
Kuhn T. S., (1990). The Road since Structure, PSA: Proceedings of Biennial Meeting of the Philosopy of Science Association, 1990/2, s: 3-13.
Lincoln Y. S. Ve Guba E. G., (2003). The Failure of Positivist Science Turninhg Points in Qualitative Research , (Eds : Lincoln Y. S., Denzin N. K.) Rowman Altamira, s: 500-515.
Litter C. R., (1978) Understanding Taylorism , The Britsh Journal of Sociology , 29/2, s: 185-202.
Mucuk İ., (2003). Modern İşletmecilik, İstanbul, Türkmen Kitapevi, s: 253- 255.
Özakpınar Y., (2003). İslam Medeniyet ve Türk Kültürü, İstanbul, Ötüken Yayınevi, s: 21-27.
Özgen H. ve Yalçın A., (2006). Temel İşletmecilik Bilgisi, Adana, Nobel Kitapevi, s: 126-129.
Popper K., (2001). Daha İyi Bir Dünya Arayışı , (çev:İlknur AKA), İstanbul, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, s: 82-84.
Putnam H.,(1993). Objectivity and the Science-Ethis Distinction , The Quality of Life, (eds: Nussbum M. C., Sen A. K.), Clarendon Press , Oxford, s: 143-157.
Rosenberg S., (2003). Questioning Assumptions About the Role of Education in American Society, A. Review of Schooling in Capitalist America, Physics, 23-28.
Scott W. G., (1959). The Early Record of a Modern Administrative Dilemma, The Journal of the Academy of the Management, 2/2, 97- 110.
Scott W. G., (1967), Organizastion Theory; Behaviour Analysis for Management, Irwin, s: 470-471.
Scoville J. G., (2004). Was Lenin Truly Taylorixed? A Rejoinder to Devinatz, Indudtrial Relations, 43/2, 480-484.
Smyser S. (1925). Who was Frederick Tylor?, The Scientific Monthly, 20/5, 527-529.
Taylor F. W., (1911). The Principles of Scientific Management, Harper & Brothers Publishers, New York, London, s: 25-32.
Wallerstein I., (2003). Yeni Bir Sosyal Bilim İçin, (çev: E. Abadoğlu), İstanbul, Aram Yayıncılık, s:38-39.
Whitehead A. N., (1933). Adventures of Ideas, Harmondsworth: Penguin, s:73-94.
Witzel M., (2005), Where Scientific Management Went Owry, European Business Forum, 21, s: 89-91.
Wrege C. D. ve Hodgetts R. M., (2000). Frederick Winslow Taylor’s 1899
Pig Iron Observations: Examining Fact, Fiction and Lessons for the New Millenium, The Academy of Management Journal, 43/6, s: 1283- 1291.
Wrege C. D. ve Perroni A. D., (1974). Taylor’s Pig Tale: A Historical Analiysis of Frederick W. Taylor’s PigIronExperiments, The Academy of Management Journal, 17/1, s: 6-27.
Wrege C. D. ve Stokta A. M., (1978). Cooke Creates a Classic: The Story Behind F. W. Taylor’s Principles of Scientific Management, The Academy of Management Review, 3/4, s: 736-749.
Ulusal İşletmecilik Kongresi Bildirileri Kitabı, Muğla, Marmaris, 2013- 314.
The aim of this article is to scrutinize the validity, scientification and universality of Taylorism Principles owing to strategic management during the present period. In this study, document context analysis methods were used as qualitative analysis about Taylorism. Frederic Winslow Taylor’s life, science management desicions and applications have been examined in this article. In addition to these, scientific thoughts and universal subjects of Taylor have been discussed accordingly. Positive and negative criticism have been stated about the scientific decisions of Taylorism by other scientists and appliers. However, Taylorism Principles are valid in human management, economics and business administrations in our time. Likewise, Taylorism will be a quide with its universality, scientific-applicable studies and inovations for the future. When Taylorism’s reflections of scientific studies and thoughts during our period, I dare say, could be mentioned about the continuity of his validity and performans in the strategic scientific management, economics and business administration matters
Aldemir C., Ataol A. Ve Budak G., (2001). İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, İzmir, Barış Yayınları, 4. Baskı, s: 64.
Arslan H.,(1992). Epistemik Cemaat , İstanbul , Paradigma Yayınları Atta D. V.,(1986). Why is There No Taylorism in the Soviet Union , Comparative Politics , 18/3 , s: 327-338.
Belek İ., (1999). Postkapitalist Paradigmalar, İstanbul, Sorun Yayınları, s: 55.
Choudhury M. A. Ve Korvin G., (2001). Sustainability in Knowledge- Centered Sustainability in Higher Education, 2/3, s: 257-266. Systems, International Journal of
Cooke M. L., (1913). The Spirit and Social Significanca of Scientific Management, The Journal of Political Economy, 21/6, s: 481-493.
Corwin S.,(2003). Picturing Efficiency : Precisionism , Scientific Management and the Effacement of Labor , Represantions , 84 , (In Memory of Michael Rogin) , s: 139-165.
Drucker P., (1993). Post Capitalist Society, New York: Harper Business, s: 19-97.
Ertürte , M ., (2000) İşletmelerde Yönetim ve Organizasyon , Beta Yayıncılık , İstanbul, s:8-22.
Fristone , J. M. (1971). Remarks on Concept Formation : Theory Building and Theory Testing, Philosophy of Science, 38/4, s: 570-604.
Fişek K., (1979). Yönetim, Yönetim Biliminin Gelişmesinde Planlama, Ankara, Sevinç Matbaası, s:28.
Fodor J. A., (1991). The Dogma That Didn’t Bark (A Fragment of Naturalized Epistwmology), Mind, 2001, s: 223.
Friedman G., (2005). Capitalism, Social Privilege and Managerial Ideologies, Enterprise and Society, 6/4, s: 769-771.
Gantham E., (2005). Capitalism, Social Privilege and Managerial Ideologies, England , Ashgate Publishing, s:48.
Heinemann F. H. (1948). Are There Only Two Kinds of Truth ?, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 16/3, s: 367-379.
Kantorovich A., (1998). Philosophy of Science: From Justification to Explanatinon , The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 39/4, s: 469-494.
Kuhn T. S., (1969). The New Reality in Art and Science, Commet , Comperative Studies in Society and History, 11/4, s: 403-417.
Kuhn T. S., (1984). Professionalization Recollected in Tranquility , Sarton Science and History , 75/1, s: 29-32.
Kuhn T. S., (1990). The Road since Structure, PSA: Proceedings of Biennial Meeting of the Philosopy of Science Association, 1990/2, s: 3-13.
Lincoln Y. S. Ve Guba E. G., (2003). The Failure of Positivist Science Turninhg Points in Qualitative Research , (Eds : Lincoln Y. S., Denzin N. K.) Rowman Altamira, s: 500-515.
Litter C. R., (1978) Understanding Taylorism , The Britsh Journal of Sociology , 29/2, s: 185-202.
Mucuk İ., (2003). Modern İşletmecilik, İstanbul, Türkmen Kitapevi, s: 253- 255.
Özakpınar Y., (2003). İslam Medeniyet ve Türk Kültürü, İstanbul, Ötüken Yayınevi, s: 21-27.
Özgen H. ve Yalçın A., (2006). Temel İşletmecilik Bilgisi, Adana, Nobel Kitapevi, s: 126-129.
Popper K., (2001). Daha İyi Bir Dünya Arayışı , (çev:İlknur AKA), İstanbul, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, s: 82-84.
Putnam H.,(1993). Objectivity and the Science-Ethis Distinction , The Quality of Life, (eds: Nussbum M. C., Sen A. K.), Clarendon Press , Oxford, s: 143-157.
Rosenberg S., (2003). Questioning Assumptions About the Role of Education in American Society, A. Review of Schooling in Capitalist America, Physics, 23-28.
Scott W. G., (1959). The Early Record of a Modern Administrative Dilemma, The Journal of the Academy of the Management, 2/2, 97- 110.
Scott W. G., (1967), Organizastion Theory; Behaviour Analysis for Management, Irwin, s: 470-471.
Scoville J. G., (2004). Was Lenin Truly Taylorixed? A Rejoinder to Devinatz, Indudtrial Relations, 43/2, 480-484.
Smyser S. (1925). Who was Frederick Tylor?, The Scientific Monthly, 20/5, 527-529.
Taylor F. W., (1911). The Principles of Scientific Management, Harper & Brothers Publishers, New York, London, s: 25-32.
Wallerstein I., (2003). Yeni Bir Sosyal Bilim İçin, (çev: E. Abadoğlu), İstanbul, Aram Yayıncılık, s:38-39.
Whitehead A. N., (1933). Adventures of Ideas, Harmondsworth: Penguin, s:73-94.
Witzel M., (2005), Where Scientific Management Went Owry, European Business Forum, 21, s: 89-91.
Wrege C. D. ve Hodgetts R. M., (2000). Frederick Winslow Taylor’s 1899
Pig Iron Observations: Examining Fact, Fiction and Lessons for the New Millenium, The Academy of Management Journal, 43/6, s: 1283- 1291.
Wrege C. D. ve Perroni A. D., (1974). Taylor’s Pig Tale: A Historical Analiysis of Frederick W. Taylor’s PigIronExperiments, The Academy of Management Journal, 17/1, s: 6-27.
Wrege C. D. ve Stokta A. M., (1978). Cooke Creates a Classic: The Story Behind F. W. Taylor’s Principles of Scientific Management, The Academy of Management Review, 3/4, s: 736-749.
Ulusal İşletmecilik Kongresi Bildirileri Kitabı, Muğla, Marmaris, 2013- 314.
Köroğlu, V., & Koç, M. (2017). STRATEJİK YÖNETİM AÇISINDAN TAYLORİZM PRENSİPLERİNİN ZAMANIMIZA YANSIMALARI. Çağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14(1), 1-18.