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Öğrenci Öğrenme Kaygısı Ölçeği Türkçe Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

Year 2022, Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 15 - 24, 29.06.2022


COVID-19 salgını hızla tüm dünyayı etkisi altına almış ve ülkeleri çeşitli önlemler almak zorunda bırakmıştır. Bu önlemlerden biri de yüz yüze eğitimin askıya alınması ve eğitim-öğretimin uzaktan eğitim yöntemleriyle sürdürülmesi şeklindedir. Bir kriz yanıtı olarak hızlı bir şekilde uzaktan eğitime geçiş nedeniyle öğrencilerin birtakım olumsuzluklar yaşadıkları tespit edilmiştir. Bu olumsuzlukların başında da öğrencilerin öğrenme süreçlerine ilişkin kaygı duyması gelmektedir. Bu bağlamda, bu araştırmanın amacı öğrencilerin COVID-19 döneminde öğrenme kaygılarını ölçebilecek bir ölçüm aracı olan “Öğrenci Öğrenme Kaygısı Ölçeği”nin Türkçe geçerlik ve güvenilirlik çalışmasının gerçekleştirilmesidir. Araştırma kesitsel tipte metodolojik bir araştırmadır. İki kamu, iki vakıf üniversitesinden toplam 416 öğrenci çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında ölçeğin dil ve kapsam geçerliliği, yapı geçerliliği, iç tutarlılığı ve zamana göre tutarlılığı incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar yedi önermeden oluşan beş kategorili likert tipi “Öğrenci Öğrenme Kaygısı Ölçeği”nin iki alt boyuttan oluşan, geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçek olduğunu göstermektedir. İki alt boyut toplam varyansın %71’ini açıklamaktadır ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ile iki faktörlü yapının iyi uyum gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Her iki boyutun Cronbach Alpha katsayısı 0,70’in üzerindedir ve iç tutarlılığın yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda, ölçeğin COVID-19 sürecinde öğrencilerin öğrenme kaygılarını ölçebilecek nitelikte bir ölçüm aracı olduğu ve Türkçe dilinde mevcut haliyle kullanılabilir olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • Anderson, J. C., & Gerbing, D. W. (1988). Structural equation modeling in practice: A review and recommended two-step approach. Psychological Bulletin, 103(3), 411-423.
  • Anderson, R. M., Heesterbeek, H., Klinkenberg, D., & Hollingsworth, T. D. (2020). How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?. The Lancet, 395(10228), 931-934.
  • Aristovnik, A., Keržič, D., Ravšelj, D., Tomaževič, N., & Umek, L. (2020). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on life of higher education students: A global perspective. Sustainability, 12(20), 8438.
  • Arribathi, A. H., Suwarto, Miftakhu Rosyad, A., Budiarto, M., Supriyanti, D., & Mulyati. (2021). An analysis of student learning anxiety during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A study in higher education. The Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 69(3), 192-205.
  • Bujang, M. A. B. N., & Baharim, N. (2017). Guidelines of the minimum sample size requirements for Cohen’s Kappa. Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health, 14, e12267-12261.
  • Cao, W., Fang, Z., Hou, G., Han, M., Xu, X., Dong, J., & Zheng, J. (2020). The psychological impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on college students in China. Psychiatry Research, 287, 112934.
  • Cavmak, D., Cavmak, S., & Soyler, S. (2020). A cross-sectional examination of the effects of Covid-19 on Turkish community: an integrated perspective of social, economic and public health issues. Management in Health, 24(2).
  • Comrey, A. L., & Lee, H. B. (1992). A first course in factor analysis. Lawrence Eribaum Associates. Inc., Publishers, Hillsdale, NJ.
  • DSÖ (2020). WHO announces COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. Retrieved from. (Erişim Tarihi:11.06.2022).
  • DSÖ (2022). COVID-19 Weekly Epidemiological Update. (Erişim Tarihi:11.06.2022).
  • Ford, J. K., MacCallum, R. C., & Tait, M. (1986). The application of exploratory factor analysis in applied psychology: A critical review and analysis. Personnel Psychology, 39(2), 291-314.
  • Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error: Algebra and statistics. Journal of Marketing Research, 18 (3).,382-388.
  • Freeman, D., & Freeman, J. (2012). Anxiety: A very short introduction. OUP Oxford.
  • Gürbüz, S., & Şahin, F. (2014). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri. Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Haleem, A., Javaid, M., & Vaishya, R. (2020). Effects of COVID-19 pandemic in daily life. Current Medicine Research and Practice, 10(2), 78-79.
  • Harrington, D. (2008). Confirmator factor analysis. Oxford University, London.
  • Hodges, C. B., Moore, S., Lockee, B. B., Trust, T., & Bond, M. A. (2020). The difference between emergency remote teaching and online learning. Educause Review 2020.
  • Jenkins, L. N., & Ogg, J. (2021). Inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and academic performance in reading and mathematics: Exploring academic enablers as a mediator. Contemporary School Psychology, 25(2), 219-229.
  • Johnson, J. L. (2003). Distance education: The complete guide to design, delivery, and improvement. Teachers College Press.
  • Kawohl, W., & Nordt, C. (2020). COVID-19, unemployment, and suicide. The Lancet Psychiatry, 7(5), 389-390.
  • Kaya, M. & Varol, K. (2004). İlahiyat fakültesi öğrencilerinin durumluk-sürekli kaygı düzeyleri ve kaygı nedenleri (Samsun örneği). Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(17), 31-63.
  • Kraemer, M. U., Yang, C. H., Gutierrez, B., Wu, C. H., Klein, B., Pigott, D. M., ... & Scarpino, S. V. (2020). The effect of human mobility and control measures on the COVID-19 epidemic in China. Science, 368(6490), 493-497.
  • Nydegger, R. V. (2011). Dealing with anxiety and related disorders: Understanding, coping, and prevention. ABC-CLIO.
  • Oh, J., Lee, J. K., Schwarz, D., Ratcliffe, H. L., Markuns, J. F., & Hirschhorn, L. R. (2020). National response to COVID-19 in the Republic of Korea and lessons learned for other countries. Health Systems & Reform, 6(1), e1753464.
  • Pett, M. A., Lackey, N. R., & Sullivan, J. J. (2003). Making sense of factor analysis: The use of factor analysis for instrument development in health care research. SAGE.
  • Son, C., Hegde, S., Smith, A., Wang, X., & Sasangohar, F. (2020). Effects of COVID-19 on college students’ mental health in the United States: Interview survey study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(9), e21279.
  • Stevens, J. P. (2002). Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences. Lawrance Erlbaum Association, New Jersey.
  • Tan, J., Du, H., Jan, C. L., & Lin, R. (2019). Contributing factors on the effectiveness of delivering business technology courses: on-ground versus online. International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting, 9(4), 19-40.
  • Tully, M. A., McMaw, L., Adlakha, D., Blair, N., McAneney, J., McAneney, H., ... & Smith, L. (2021). The effect of different COVID-19 public health restrictions on mobility: A systematic review. PloS One, 16(12), e0260919.
  • Vitasari, P., Wahab, M. N. A., Othman, A., Herawan, T., & Sinnadurai, S. K. (2010). The relationship between study anxiety and academic performance among engineering students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 8, 490-497.
  • Yaşlıoğlu, M. M. (2017). Sosyal bilimlerde faktör analizi ve geçerlilik: Keşfedici ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizlerinin kullanılması. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 46, 74-85.
  • Yen, C. J., Konold, T. R., & McDermott, P. A. (2004). Does learning behavior augment cognitive ability as an indicator of academic achievement?. Journal of School Psychology, 42(2), 157-169.
  • Yilmaz Ince, E., Kabul, A., & Diler, İ. (2020). Distance education in higher education in the COVID-19 pandemic process: A case of Isparta Applied Sciences University. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science, 4(4), 345-351.
  • Young, D. J. (1991). Creating a low-anxiety classroom environment: What does language anxiety research suggest?. The Modern Language Journal, 75(4), 426-439.
  • Zhang, Y., & Ma, Z. F. (2020). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and quality of life among local residents in Liaoning Province, China: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), 2381.
Year 2022, Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 15 - 24, 29.06.2022



  • Anderson, J. C., & Gerbing, D. W. (1988). Structural equation modeling in practice: A review and recommended two-step approach. Psychological Bulletin, 103(3), 411-423.
  • Anderson, R. M., Heesterbeek, H., Klinkenberg, D., & Hollingsworth, T. D. (2020). How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?. The Lancet, 395(10228), 931-934.
  • Aristovnik, A., Keržič, D., Ravšelj, D., Tomaževič, N., & Umek, L. (2020). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on life of higher education students: A global perspective. Sustainability, 12(20), 8438.
  • Arribathi, A. H., Suwarto, Miftakhu Rosyad, A., Budiarto, M., Supriyanti, D., & Mulyati. (2021). An analysis of student learning anxiety during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A study in higher education. The Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 69(3), 192-205.
  • Bujang, M. A. B. N., & Baharim, N. (2017). Guidelines of the minimum sample size requirements for Cohen’s Kappa. Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health, 14, e12267-12261.
  • Cao, W., Fang, Z., Hou, G., Han, M., Xu, X., Dong, J., & Zheng, J. (2020). The psychological impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on college students in China. Psychiatry Research, 287, 112934.
  • Cavmak, D., Cavmak, S., & Soyler, S. (2020). A cross-sectional examination of the effects of Covid-19 on Turkish community: an integrated perspective of social, economic and public health issues. Management in Health, 24(2).
  • Comrey, A. L., & Lee, H. B. (1992). A first course in factor analysis. Lawrence Eribaum Associates. Inc., Publishers, Hillsdale, NJ.
  • DSÖ (2020). WHO announces COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. Retrieved from. (Erişim Tarihi:11.06.2022).
  • DSÖ (2022). COVID-19 Weekly Epidemiological Update. (Erişim Tarihi:11.06.2022).
  • Ford, J. K., MacCallum, R. C., & Tait, M. (1986). The application of exploratory factor analysis in applied psychology: A critical review and analysis. Personnel Psychology, 39(2), 291-314.
  • Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error: Algebra and statistics. Journal of Marketing Research, 18 (3).,382-388.
  • Freeman, D., & Freeman, J. (2012). Anxiety: A very short introduction. OUP Oxford.
  • Gürbüz, S., & Şahin, F. (2014). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri. Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Haleem, A., Javaid, M., & Vaishya, R. (2020). Effects of COVID-19 pandemic in daily life. Current Medicine Research and Practice, 10(2), 78-79.
  • Harrington, D. (2008). Confirmator factor analysis. Oxford University, London.
  • Hodges, C. B., Moore, S., Lockee, B. B., Trust, T., & Bond, M. A. (2020). The difference between emergency remote teaching and online learning. Educause Review 2020.
  • Jenkins, L. N., & Ogg, J. (2021). Inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and academic performance in reading and mathematics: Exploring academic enablers as a mediator. Contemporary School Psychology, 25(2), 219-229.
  • Johnson, J. L. (2003). Distance education: The complete guide to design, delivery, and improvement. Teachers College Press.
  • Kawohl, W., & Nordt, C. (2020). COVID-19, unemployment, and suicide. The Lancet Psychiatry, 7(5), 389-390.
  • Kaya, M. & Varol, K. (2004). İlahiyat fakültesi öğrencilerinin durumluk-sürekli kaygı düzeyleri ve kaygı nedenleri (Samsun örneği). Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(17), 31-63.
  • Kraemer, M. U., Yang, C. H., Gutierrez, B., Wu, C. H., Klein, B., Pigott, D. M., ... & Scarpino, S. V. (2020). The effect of human mobility and control measures on the COVID-19 epidemic in China. Science, 368(6490), 493-497.
  • Nydegger, R. V. (2011). Dealing with anxiety and related disorders: Understanding, coping, and prevention. ABC-CLIO.
  • Oh, J., Lee, J. K., Schwarz, D., Ratcliffe, H. L., Markuns, J. F., & Hirschhorn, L. R. (2020). National response to COVID-19 in the Republic of Korea and lessons learned for other countries. Health Systems & Reform, 6(1), e1753464.
  • Pett, M. A., Lackey, N. R., & Sullivan, J. J. (2003). Making sense of factor analysis: The use of factor analysis for instrument development in health care research. SAGE.
  • Son, C., Hegde, S., Smith, A., Wang, X., & Sasangohar, F. (2020). Effects of COVID-19 on college students’ mental health in the United States: Interview survey study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(9), e21279.
  • Stevens, J. P. (2002). Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences. Lawrance Erlbaum Association, New Jersey.
  • Tan, J., Du, H., Jan, C. L., & Lin, R. (2019). Contributing factors on the effectiveness of delivering business technology courses: on-ground versus online. International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting, 9(4), 19-40.
  • Tully, M. A., McMaw, L., Adlakha, D., Blair, N., McAneney, J., McAneney, H., ... & Smith, L. (2021). The effect of different COVID-19 public health restrictions on mobility: A systematic review. PloS One, 16(12), e0260919.
  • Vitasari, P., Wahab, M. N. A., Othman, A., Herawan, T., & Sinnadurai, S. K. (2010). The relationship between study anxiety and academic performance among engineering students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 8, 490-497.
  • Yaşlıoğlu, M. M. (2017). Sosyal bilimlerde faktör analizi ve geçerlilik: Keşfedici ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizlerinin kullanılması. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 46, 74-85.
  • Yen, C. J., Konold, T. R., & McDermott, P. A. (2004). Does learning behavior augment cognitive ability as an indicator of academic achievement?. Journal of School Psychology, 42(2), 157-169.
  • Yilmaz Ince, E., Kabul, A., & Diler, İ. (2020). Distance education in higher education in the COVID-19 pandemic process: A case of Isparta Applied Sciences University. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science, 4(4), 345-351.
  • Young, D. J. (1991). Creating a low-anxiety classroom environment: What does language anxiety research suggest?. The Modern Language Journal, 75(4), 426-439.
  • Zhang, Y., & Ma, Z. F. (2020). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and quality of life among local residents in Liaoning Province, China: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), 2381.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

İsmail Biçer This is me

Sait Söyler This is me

Doğancan Çavmak This is me

Publication Date June 29, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 19 Issue: 1


APA Biçer, İ., Söyler, S., & Çavmak, D. (2022). Öğrenci Öğrenme Kaygısı Ölçeği Türkçe Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Çağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 19(1), 15-24.