Research Article
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The/ o / and / ow / Contrast: Curing a Fossilized Pronounciation Error of Turkish Teacher Trainees of the English Language

Year 2005, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 71 - 84, 01.08.2005



  • Acton, W. 1991. Changing fossilized pronunciation. In A Brown (ed.) 120-35
  • Baker, A. and Goldstein, S.1990. Pronunciation pairs: An introductory course for students of English: Cambridge: Cambridge university Press.
  • Brown, H. Douglas. 2001. Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy. 2nd Ed. Longman.
  • Cambridge Dictionary of American English 2000, Cambridge University.
  • Dalton, C and Seidlhofer, B. 1994. Is pronunciation teaching desirable? Is it feasible? In T. Sebbage and S. Sebbage (ed.) Proceedings of the 4th international NELLE conference. Hamburg: NELLE.
  • Dauer, R. 1993. Accurate English- A complete course in pronunciation. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice hall.
  • Demirezen, Mehmet. 1987. Articulatory phonetics and the principles of sound production. Ankara: Yargõ publication
  • Demirezen, Mehmet. 1986. Phonemics and phonology: Theory through analysis. Ankara: Bizim Büro Yayõnevi.
  • Demirezen, Mehmet. 2003c. İngilizce’nin THETA sesbiriminin (peltek-t) Türkler için çõkardõğõ sesle- tim sorunlarõ. Tömer Dil Dergisi Sayõ 120, Mayõs-Haziran 2003, 57-71.
  • Demirezen, Mehmet. 2004a. “İngilizcenin peltek-d (ETH) sesbiriminin Türkler için çõkardõğõ sesletim sorunlarõ ve çözümler”, Çankaya University, Journal of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 1, Number 1, May 2004, 7-22.
  • Graham, C. 1992. Singing, chanting, telling tales. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, inc.
  • Hammond, R. M. 1995. “Foreign Accent and Phonetic Interference: The application of linguistic research to the teaching of second language pronunciation.” In Fred, R., Hewings, M and Goldstein, S. 1998. Pronunciation plus-practice through interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Jenkins, J. 1998. “Which pronunciation norms and models for English as an international language.” ELT Journal, Vol 52/2, April 1998, Oxford University Press, 119-126.
  • Leather, J. 1983. “Second-language pronunciation teaching.” Language Teaching 16/3, 198-219.
  • Levis, J. 2001. “Teaching focus for conversational use.” ELT Journal, 55(1), 47-54.
  • Levis, John M. and Grant, L. 2002. “Integrating pronunciation into ESL/EFL classrooms.” TESOL JOURNAL, Vol. 12, No. 2, 13-19.
  • Linse, C. 2003. “Twisting tongues: Tongue twisters in the classroom.” MET Vol. 12, No:4, 26-28.
  • Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English-New Edition 2000.
  • Marianne Celce-Murcia, Brinton, Donna M, and Goodwin, Janet M. 1997. Teaching pronunciation: A reference for techers of English to speakers of other languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Morley, J. 1991.”The pronunciation component in teaching English to speakers of other languages,” TESOL Quarterly 25, 481-520.
  • Munro, M. and Derwing, T. 1995. “Foreign accent, comprehensibility and intelligibility in the speech of second language learners,” Language Learning 45, I, 73-97.
  • Nilsen, Don L. and Nilsen, A. P. 1973. Pronunciation contrasts in English. New York: Regents pub- lishing company
  • Orion, G. 1997. Pronouncing American English: Sounds, stress, and intonation. Heinli and Heinli pub- lishers.
  • Pennington, M. C. 1996. Phonology in English language teaching. London: Longman
  • Thompson, Ian. 1987. “Turkish Speakers.” Michael SWAN and Bernard SMITH (Eds.), Learner English: A teacher’s guide to interference and other problems, Cambridge: CUP, 158-169
  • Yule, G and Macdonald, D.1994. “The effects of pronunciation teaching. In pronunciation pedagogy and theory: New views, new dimensions,” J. Morley (ed.), 109-118.

The / / and /ow/ Contrast: Curing a Fossilized Pronunciaton Error of Turkish Teacher Trainess of The English Language

Year 2005, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 71 - 84, 01.08.2005


Yabancı dil öğretiminin öğretmen yetiştirme alanında, kemikleşmiş sesletim hatalarını düzeltici yöntemlerin yokluğu öğretmen yetiştiricilere zor zamanlar yaşatmakta ve sesletim öğretimi açısından büyük zararları ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Öğretmen yetiştirme alanında sesletim doğruluğu ve güzelliği gibi öğeler vazgeçilmez unsurlardır. Sesletimi kötü olan bir yabancı dil öğrenmeninin hem öğrencilerine hem de kendisine zarar vermesi kaçınılmaz olmaktadır. Üniversitelerin İngilizce öğretmenliği anabilim dallarında ses bilgisi, ses bilimi ve entenasyon öğretimi derslerinin bulunmaması bu alana hiç önem verilmediğinin açık bir göstergesidir. Bu makalede, kemikleşmiş sesletim yanlışlarını ele alan ve Demirezen (2003: 57-71; 2004a: 7-22) tarafından geliştirilen duy-seslet yöntemi (audio-articulation method) uygulanarak, Amerikan İngilizcesinin / , / ve /ou/ ünlülerinin Türk öğrencilere ve öğretmenlerine getirdiği sesletim yanlışları iyileştirilmeye çalışılacaktır.


  • Acton, W. 1991. Changing fossilized pronunciation. In A Brown (ed.) 120-35
  • Baker, A. and Goldstein, S.1990. Pronunciation pairs: An introductory course for students of English: Cambridge: Cambridge university Press.
  • Brown, H. Douglas. 2001. Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy. 2nd Ed. Longman.
  • Cambridge Dictionary of American English 2000, Cambridge University.
  • Dalton, C and Seidlhofer, B. 1994. Is pronunciation teaching desirable? Is it feasible? In T. Sebbage and S. Sebbage (ed.) Proceedings of the 4th international NELLE conference. Hamburg: NELLE.
  • Dauer, R. 1993. Accurate English- A complete course in pronunciation. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice hall.
  • Demirezen, Mehmet. 1987. Articulatory phonetics and the principles of sound production. Ankara: Yargõ publication
  • Demirezen, Mehmet. 1986. Phonemics and phonology: Theory through analysis. Ankara: Bizim Büro Yayõnevi.
  • Demirezen, Mehmet. 2003c. İngilizce’nin THETA sesbiriminin (peltek-t) Türkler için çõkardõğõ sesle- tim sorunlarõ. Tömer Dil Dergisi Sayõ 120, Mayõs-Haziran 2003, 57-71.
  • Demirezen, Mehmet. 2004a. “İngilizcenin peltek-d (ETH) sesbiriminin Türkler için çõkardõğõ sesletim sorunlarõ ve çözümler”, Çankaya University, Journal of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 1, Number 1, May 2004, 7-22.
  • Graham, C. 1992. Singing, chanting, telling tales. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, inc.
  • Hammond, R. M. 1995. “Foreign Accent and Phonetic Interference: The application of linguistic research to the teaching of second language pronunciation.” In Fred, R., Hewings, M and Goldstein, S. 1998. Pronunciation plus-practice through interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Jenkins, J. 1998. “Which pronunciation norms and models for English as an international language.” ELT Journal, Vol 52/2, April 1998, Oxford University Press, 119-126.
  • Leather, J. 1983. “Second-language pronunciation teaching.” Language Teaching 16/3, 198-219.
  • Levis, J. 2001. “Teaching focus for conversational use.” ELT Journal, 55(1), 47-54.
  • Levis, John M. and Grant, L. 2002. “Integrating pronunciation into ESL/EFL classrooms.” TESOL JOURNAL, Vol. 12, No. 2, 13-19.
  • Linse, C. 2003. “Twisting tongues: Tongue twisters in the classroom.” MET Vol. 12, No:4, 26-28.
  • Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English-New Edition 2000.
  • Marianne Celce-Murcia, Brinton, Donna M, and Goodwin, Janet M. 1997. Teaching pronunciation: A reference for techers of English to speakers of other languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Morley, J. 1991.”The pronunciation component in teaching English to speakers of other languages,” TESOL Quarterly 25, 481-520.
  • Munro, M. and Derwing, T. 1995. “Foreign accent, comprehensibility and intelligibility in the speech of second language learners,” Language Learning 45, I, 73-97.
  • Nilsen, Don L. and Nilsen, A. P. 1973. Pronunciation contrasts in English. New York: Regents pub- lishing company
  • Orion, G. 1997. Pronouncing American English: Sounds, stress, and intonation. Heinli and Heinli pub- lishers.
  • Pennington, M. C. 1996. Phonology in English language teaching. London: Longman
  • Thompson, Ian. 1987. “Turkish Speakers.” Michael SWAN and Bernard SMITH (Eds.), Learner English: A teacher’s guide to interference and other problems, Cambridge: CUP, 158-169
  • Yule, G and Macdonald, D.1994. “The effects of pronunciation teaching. In pronunciation pedagogy and theory: New views, new dimensions,” J. Morley (ed.), 109-118.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Demirezen This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 1 Issue: 3


APA Demirezen, M. . (2005). The / / and /ow/ Contrast: Curing a Fossilized Pronunciaton Error of Turkish Teacher Trainess of The English Language. Cankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences, 1(3), 71-84.
AMA Demirezen M. The / / and /ow/ Contrast: Curing a Fossilized Pronunciaton Error of Turkish Teacher Trainess of The English Language. Cankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences. August 2005;1(3):71-84.
Chicago Demirezen, Mehmet. “The / / and /Ow/ Contrast: Curing a Fossilized Pronunciaton Error of Turkish Teacher Trainess of The English Language”. Cankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences 1, no. 3 (August 2005): 71-84.
EndNote Demirezen M (August 1, 2005) The / / and /ow/ Contrast: Curing a Fossilized Pronunciaton Error of Turkish Teacher Trainess of The English Language. Cankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences 1 3 71–84.
IEEE M. . Demirezen, “The / / and /ow/ Contrast: Curing a Fossilized Pronunciaton Error of Turkish Teacher Trainess of The English Language”, Cankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 71–84, 2005.
ISNAD Demirezen, Mehmet. “The / / and /Ow/ Contrast: Curing a Fossilized Pronunciaton Error of Turkish Teacher Trainess of The English Language”. Cankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences 1/3 (August 2005), 71-84.
JAMA Demirezen M. The / / and /ow/ Contrast: Curing a Fossilized Pronunciaton Error of Turkish Teacher Trainess of The English Language. Cankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences. 2005;1:71–84.
MLA Demirezen, Mehmet. “The / / and /Ow/ Contrast: Curing a Fossilized Pronunciaton Error of Turkish Teacher Trainess of The English Language”. Cankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences, vol. 1, no. 3, 2005, pp. 71-84.
Vancouver Demirezen M. The / / and /ow/ Contrast: Curing a Fossilized Pronunciaton Error of Turkish Teacher Trainess of The English Language. Cankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences. 2005;1(3):71-84.