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Green Romanticism?: Exhibiting the Ecocritical Approach in Binoy Majumdar’s Poems

Year 2023, , 304 - 312, 29.12.2023


Green romanticism is a term that focuses on the symmetry and interconnectedness of both human and non-human entities. It is interested in re-reading and re-evaluating the writings of romantic writers using an ecocritical approach with an enlightened perception of the features of the ecosphere. The concept and ideas of green romanticism can be found in both western and eastern romantic poets. Binoy Majumdar (1934-2006) is considered the fallen star who has changed the “chaka” (wheel) of contemporary Bengali poetry with the use of scientific and ecological avant-garde symbols and metaphors. He considers nature as equal to a human being and incorporates both real “Nature” and physical “nature” into his works to create a “Body-ecology-text” nexus. This research paper examines the intrinsic green romanticism theme in Binoy Majumdar's poems and how it manifests itself.


  • Andrieu, B., Parry, J., Porrovecchio, A., and Sirost, O. (2018). Body Ecology and Emersive Leisure. Routledge.
  • Bate, J. (1991). Romantic Ecology: Wordsworth and the Environmental Tradition. Other.
  • Chatterjee, A. (2019). Returning of Chaka to a Star: Impact of Jibanananda Das in Binoy Majumdar’s poetry. Journal of the Comparative Literature Association of India, 8, 3-19.
  • Coupe, L., and Bate, J. (2000). The Green Studies Reader: From Romanticism to Ecocriticism. Psychology Press.
  • Das, S. (2019, June 9). The life and times of the Hungry Generation of modern Bengali poets, arguably the most dynamic and divisive literary movement of its generation. The Indian Express.
  • Deleuze, G., and Guattari. (1983). Anti-Oedipus. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Freud, S. (1930). Civilization and Its Discontents (J. Strachey, Ed.; Standard).
  • Ghosh, S. (2019, September). রবীন্দ্র উত্তর বাংলা সাহিত্যে জীবনানন্দের পাশেই অবস্থান করছেন ‘ফিরে এসো চাকা’র রচয়িতা - জিয়ো বাংলা. JiyoBangla.
  • Goswami, J. (2013). Creating Beauty Is A Noiseless Battle.
  • Huggan, G. (2009). Postcolonial ecocriticism and the limits of Green Romanticism. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 45(1), 3–14.
  • Huntington, C. (2017). Can Poetry Save the Earth: A Study in Romantic Ecology. Summer Research.
  • Hutchings, K. (2007). Ecocriticism in British Romantic Studies. Literature Compass, 4(1).
  • Imtiaz, M. I. (2016, June 29). The Logical Indian. The Logical Indian.
  • Klages, M. (2012). L’ecriture feminine. Bloomsbury Literary Studies.'ecriture%20feminine%20is%20a,signifier%20is%20connected%20to%20a%3E
  • Liu, A. (1989). Wordsworth, the Sense of History.
  • Liu, A. Q. (1984). Wordsworth: The History in “Imagination.” ELH, 51(3), 505.
  • Majumdar, B. (2013). 8th March, 1960. Poem Hunter.
  • Majumdar, B. (2014a). Kabyasamagra (Vol. 2). Prativash.
  • Majumdar, B. (2014b). Kabyasamagra (Vol. 1). Prativash.
  • Majumdar, B. (2018). Phire Aso, Chaka. Kobi Prokashani.
  • Majumdar, B. and Kaurab. (n.d.). Selected Bengali Poetry. peripherals/binoy.html
  • Malik, R. (2017, July 17). Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. Speaking Tree.
  • McKusick, J. (2011). Green Writing: Romanticism and Ecology. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Mishra, S. K. (2017). Ecocriticism as a Reappraisal of Romanticism. The Creative Launcher, 2(3).
  • Mitra, A. (1993, April 30). Chipko: an unfinished mission.
  • Naess, A. (1973). The shallow and the deep, long‐range ecology movement. A summary. Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, 95–100.
  • Naess, A. (1987). Self-Realization: An Ecological Approach to Being in the World. The Trumpeter, 4(3).
  • Oppermann, S. (2012). Rethinking Ecocriticism in an Ecological Postmodern Framework: Mangled Matter, Meaning, and Agency. In Literature, Ecology, Ethics: Recent Trends in Ecocriticism (pp. 35-50).
  • Reno, S. T. (2016). Rethinking the Romantics’ Love of Nature. In L. Ottum and S. T. Reno (Eds.), Wordsworth and the Green Romantics: Affect and Ecology in the Nineteenth Century.
  • Ryan, J. J. (2019). Foreword: Ecocriticism in the Age of Dislocation? Dix-Neuf, 23(3–4), 163–170.
  • Schiller, F. (1985). On Naive and Sentimental Poetry. In German Aesthetic and Literary Criticism.
  • Soper, K. (1995). What is Nature: Culture, Politics and the Non-Human. Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Vardhan, S. (2018, May 23). Decoding the Gayatri Mantra. The Indian Express.

Binoy Majumdar’ın Şiirlerinde Ekokritik Yaklaşımlar

Year 2023, , 304 - 312, 29.12.2023


Yeşil romantizm, insan ve insan dışı varlıkların benzerliklerine ve birbirine bağlılığına odaklanan bir terimdir. Eko-kritik yaklaşımım sayesinde romantik yazarların eserlerini yeniden okumak ve yeniden değerlendirmekle ilgilidir. Bu kavramı ve fikirleri hem batılı hem de doğulu romantik şairlerde bulabiliriz. Binoy Majumdar (1934-2006), bilimsel ve ekolojik avangart semboller ve metaforlar kullanarak çağdaş Bengal şiirinin yönünü değiştiren kayıp şair olarak kabul edilir. Doğayı insanla eşit görür ve “beden-ekoloji-metin” bağını oluşturmak için gerçek doğa ve fiziksel doğayı eserlerine dahil eder. Bu araştırma, Binoy Majumdar’ın şiirlerindeki içsel yeşil romantizm temasını ve bunun kendini nasıl gösterdiğini incelemektedir.


  • Andrieu, B., Parry, J., Porrovecchio, A., and Sirost, O. (2018). Body Ecology and Emersive Leisure. Routledge.
  • Bate, J. (1991). Romantic Ecology: Wordsworth and the Environmental Tradition. Other.
  • Chatterjee, A. (2019). Returning of Chaka to a Star: Impact of Jibanananda Das in Binoy Majumdar’s poetry. Journal of the Comparative Literature Association of India, 8, 3-19.
  • Coupe, L., and Bate, J. (2000). The Green Studies Reader: From Romanticism to Ecocriticism. Psychology Press.
  • Das, S. (2019, June 9). The life and times of the Hungry Generation of modern Bengali poets, arguably the most dynamic and divisive literary movement of its generation. The Indian Express.
  • Deleuze, G., and Guattari. (1983). Anti-Oedipus. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Freud, S. (1930). Civilization and Its Discontents (J. Strachey, Ed.; Standard).
  • Ghosh, S. (2019, September). রবীন্দ্র উত্তর বাংলা সাহিত্যে জীবনানন্দের পাশেই অবস্থান করছেন ‘ফিরে এসো চাকা’র রচয়িতা - জিয়ো বাংলা. JiyoBangla.
  • Goswami, J. (2013). Creating Beauty Is A Noiseless Battle.
  • Huggan, G. (2009). Postcolonial ecocriticism and the limits of Green Romanticism. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 45(1), 3–14.
  • Huntington, C. (2017). Can Poetry Save the Earth: A Study in Romantic Ecology. Summer Research.
  • Hutchings, K. (2007). Ecocriticism in British Romantic Studies. Literature Compass, 4(1).
  • Imtiaz, M. I. (2016, June 29). The Logical Indian. The Logical Indian.
  • Klages, M. (2012). L’ecriture feminine. Bloomsbury Literary Studies.'ecriture%20feminine%20is%20a,signifier%20is%20connected%20to%20a%3E
  • Liu, A. (1989). Wordsworth, the Sense of History.
  • Liu, A. Q. (1984). Wordsworth: The History in “Imagination.” ELH, 51(3), 505.
  • Majumdar, B. (2013). 8th March, 1960. Poem Hunter.
  • Majumdar, B. (2014a). Kabyasamagra (Vol. 2). Prativash.
  • Majumdar, B. (2014b). Kabyasamagra (Vol. 1). Prativash.
  • Majumdar, B. (2018). Phire Aso, Chaka. Kobi Prokashani.
  • Majumdar, B. and Kaurab. (n.d.). Selected Bengali Poetry. peripherals/binoy.html
  • Malik, R. (2017, July 17). Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. Speaking Tree.
  • McKusick, J. (2011). Green Writing: Romanticism and Ecology. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Mishra, S. K. (2017). Ecocriticism as a Reappraisal of Romanticism. The Creative Launcher, 2(3).
  • Mitra, A. (1993, April 30). Chipko: an unfinished mission.
  • Naess, A. (1973). The shallow and the deep, long‐range ecology movement. A summary. Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, 95–100.
  • Naess, A. (1987). Self-Realization: An Ecological Approach to Being in the World. The Trumpeter, 4(3).
  • Oppermann, S. (2012). Rethinking Ecocriticism in an Ecological Postmodern Framework: Mangled Matter, Meaning, and Agency. In Literature, Ecology, Ethics: Recent Trends in Ecocriticism (pp. 35-50).
  • Reno, S. T. (2016). Rethinking the Romantics’ Love of Nature. In L. Ottum and S. T. Reno (Eds.), Wordsworth and the Green Romantics: Affect and Ecology in the Nineteenth Century.
  • Ryan, J. J. (2019). Foreword: Ecocriticism in the Age of Dislocation? Dix-Neuf, 23(3–4), 163–170.
  • Schiller, F. (1985). On Naive and Sentimental Poetry. In German Aesthetic and Literary Criticism.
  • Soper, K. (1995). What is Nature: Culture, Politics and the Non-Human. Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Vardhan, S. (2018, May 23). Decoding the Gayatri Mantra. The Indian Express.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Literary Studies (Other), Creative Arts and Writing
Journal Section Research Articles

Nusrat Jahan 0000-0002-8075-9353

Early Pub Date December 28, 2023
Publication Date December 29, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Jahan, N. (2023). Green Romanticism?: Exhibiting the Ecocritical Approach in Binoy Majumdar’s Poems. Cankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 17(2), 304-312.

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