J.H. Applegate, ‘A mechanism for orbital period modulation in close binaries’, ApJ, 385 (1992), pp.621-629
L. Binnendijk, ‘Photoelectric observations of V502 Ophiuchi’, AJ, 74 (1969), pp.218-223
C. D’Angelo, M.H. van Kerkwijk, S.M. Rucisnki, ‘Contact binaries with additional components. II. A spe- ctroscopic search for faint tertiaries’, AJ, 132 (2006), pp.650-662
E. Derman, O. Demircan, ‘A period study of V502 Ophiuchus’, AJ, 103 (1992), pp.1658-1661
P.D. Hendry, S.W. Mochnacki, ‘Detection of Tertiary Components in W UMa Systems’, ApJ, 504 (1998), pp.978-982
F. Hinderer, ‘Lichtelektrische Untersuchungen an W Ursae Majoris-Sternen’, Journal des Observateurs, 43 (1960), pp.161-210
C. Hoffmeister, ‘162 neue Veranderliche’, AN, (1935) 255, pp.401-412
M.A. Hobart, J.H. Pena, T. Gomez, J.M. Alcala, ‘Period variation determination of the W UMa type star V502 Oph’, RevMxAA, 17 (1989), pp.97-101
V.A. Hughes, B.J. McLean, ‘Radio observations of W Ursae Majoris stars’, ApJ, 278 (1984), pp.716-720
D.J. King, R.W. Hilditch, ‘Contact and near-contact binary systems - II. RR Cen, EZ Hya, V502 Oph and RS Sct’, MNRAS, 209 (1984), pp.645-653
K.K. Kwee, ‘Investigation of variations in the period of sixteen bright short-period eclipsing binary stars’, BAN, 14 (1958), pp.131-151
K.K. Kwee, ‘Photo-electric observations of the short-period eclipsing binary V 502 Ophiuchi made in 1955 and 1956’, BAN, 19 (1968), pp.417-417
F. Lause, ‘Beobachtungen von Bedeckungveranderlichen’, AN, 264 (1937), pp.105-114
Q.-Y. Liu, Y.-L. Yang, ‘On the period variation of the W UMa-type contact binary V502 Ophiuchi’, ChJAA, 6 (2006), pp.331-337
L.B. Lucy, ‘Gravity Darkening for Stars with Convective Envelopes’, Zeitschr. Astrophys., 65 (1967), pp.89- 92
C. Maceroni, L. Milano, G. Russo, ‘Determination of parameters of W UMa systems. III: CC Com, YY Eri, V502 Oph and TY Pup’, A&AS, 49 (1982), pp.123-128
S. Nekrassova, Astr.Circ.Acad.Sci Soviet Union, 21 (1943), p.8
T.S. Polushina, ‘Photoelectric observations of V502 Ophiuchi’, Perem. Zvezdy Prilozh., 2 (1975), pp.161- 170
A. Prša, T. Zwitter, ‘A Computational Guide to Physics of Eclipsing Binaries. I. Demonstrations and Perspe- ctives’, ApJ, 628 (2005), pp.426-438
T. Pribulla, S.M. Rucinski, ‘Contact binaries with additional components. I. The extant data’, AJ, 131 (2006), pp.2986-3007
W. Pych, S.M. Rucinski, H. DeBond, J.R. Thomson, C.C. Capobianco, R.M. Blake, W. Ogloza, G. Stachows- ki, P. Rogoziecki, P. Ligeza, K. Gazeas, ‘Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars. IX.’, AJ, 127 (2004), pp.1712-1719
P. Rovithis, P.G. Niarchos, H. Rovithis-Livaniou, ‘Photoelectric Observations and Light Curve Analysis of V502 Ophiuchi’, A&AS, 74 (1988), pp.265-271
S.M. Rucinski, ‘The Proximity Effects in Close Binary Systems II. The Bolometric Reflection Effect for Stars with Deep Convective Envelopes’, Acta Astr., 19 (1969), pp.245-255
S.M. Rucinski, T. Pribulla, M.H. van Kerkwijk, ‘Contact binaries with additional components. III. A search using adaptive optics’, AJ, 134 (2007), pp.2353-2365
O. Struve, L., Gratton, ‘Spectrographic Observations of the Eclipsing Binaries RZ Comae, V502 Ophiuchi, RV Corvi, and BF Virginis’, ApJ, 108(1948), pp.497-503
O. Struve, V. Zebergs, ‘The Spectrum of V502 Ophiuchi’, ApJ, 130 (1959), pp.789-790
P. Vader, N.A. van der Wal, ‘Photoelectric Observations of the Eclipsing Binary V502 Ophiuchi’, IBVS, no:842 (1973), pp.1-2
W. van Hamme, ‘New Limb-darkening Coefficients for Modeling Binary Star Light Curves’, AJ, 106 (1993), pp.2096-2117
R.E. Wilson, ‘Photometry of V502 Ophiuchi’, AJ, 72 (1967), pp.1028-1031
R.E. Wilson, E.J. Devinney, ‘Realization of Accurate Close-Binary Light Curves: Application to MR Cygni’, ApJ, 166 (1971), pp.605-619
K. Yüce, S.O. Selam, B. Albayrak, T. Ak, ‘Monitoring Secular Orbital Period Variations of Some Eclipsing Binaries at the Ankara University Observatory’, Ap&SS, 304 (2006), pp.65-67
S. Zola, J. Krzesinski, ‘Photoelectric Light Curve of V502 Oph’, IBVS, 3251 (1988)
V502 Ophiuchi Çift Yıldız Sisteminin Işık Eğrisi ve Dönem Analizi
Year 2009,
Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 151 - 163, 01.04.2009
V502 Ophiuchi örten çift yıldız sisteminin 2005 yılında TÜBİTAK Ulusal Gözlemevi’nde, BVR bantlarında elde edilen ışık eğrileri, sistemin fiziksel parametrelerini belirlemek üzere, güncel tayfsal kütle oranı da dikkate alınarak PHOEBE analiz programı ile modellendi. Analiz sonucunda W-türü bir W UMa sistemi olan V502 Oph’nin ışık eğrileri, birinci bileşen üzerinde güneş benzeri soğuk bir lekenin varlığı altında başarılı bir şekilde modellendi ve sisteme ilişkin güncel fiziksel parametreler hesaplandı. Ayrıca, Ankara Üniversitesi Rasathanesi’nde 2009 yılı içinde sistemin ek ışıkölçüm gözlemleri yapılarak yeni minimum zamanları elde edildi. Bu minimum zamanları, literatürden toplanan tüm yayınlanmış minimum zamanları ile birleştirildi ve sistem için güncel bir dönem değişimi analizi gerçekleştirildi. Bu analiz sonucunda ise sistemin yörünge döneminin azalmakta olduğu tespit edildi ve bu azalmaya neden olabilecek mekanizma için bileşenler arası kütle aktarımı önerildi
J.H. Applegate, ‘A mechanism for orbital period modulation in close binaries’, ApJ, 385 (1992), pp.621-629
L. Binnendijk, ‘Photoelectric observations of V502 Ophiuchi’, AJ, 74 (1969), pp.218-223
C. D’Angelo, M.H. van Kerkwijk, S.M. Rucisnki, ‘Contact binaries with additional components. II. A spe- ctroscopic search for faint tertiaries’, AJ, 132 (2006), pp.650-662
E. Derman, O. Demircan, ‘A period study of V502 Ophiuchus’, AJ, 103 (1992), pp.1658-1661
P.D. Hendry, S.W. Mochnacki, ‘Detection of Tertiary Components in W UMa Systems’, ApJ, 504 (1998), pp.978-982
F. Hinderer, ‘Lichtelektrische Untersuchungen an W Ursae Majoris-Sternen’, Journal des Observateurs, 43 (1960), pp.161-210
C. Hoffmeister, ‘162 neue Veranderliche’, AN, (1935) 255, pp.401-412
M.A. Hobart, J.H. Pena, T. Gomez, J.M. Alcala, ‘Period variation determination of the W UMa type star V502 Oph’, RevMxAA, 17 (1989), pp.97-101
V.A. Hughes, B.J. McLean, ‘Radio observations of W Ursae Majoris stars’, ApJ, 278 (1984), pp.716-720
D.J. King, R.W. Hilditch, ‘Contact and near-contact binary systems - II. RR Cen, EZ Hya, V502 Oph and RS Sct’, MNRAS, 209 (1984), pp.645-653
K.K. Kwee, ‘Investigation of variations in the period of sixteen bright short-period eclipsing binary stars’, BAN, 14 (1958), pp.131-151
K.K. Kwee, ‘Photo-electric observations of the short-period eclipsing binary V 502 Ophiuchi made in 1955 and 1956’, BAN, 19 (1968), pp.417-417
F. Lause, ‘Beobachtungen von Bedeckungveranderlichen’, AN, 264 (1937), pp.105-114
Q.-Y. Liu, Y.-L. Yang, ‘On the period variation of the W UMa-type contact binary V502 Ophiuchi’, ChJAA, 6 (2006), pp.331-337
L.B. Lucy, ‘Gravity Darkening for Stars with Convective Envelopes’, Zeitschr. Astrophys., 65 (1967), pp.89- 92
C. Maceroni, L. Milano, G. Russo, ‘Determination of parameters of W UMa systems. III: CC Com, YY Eri, V502 Oph and TY Pup’, A&AS, 49 (1982), pp.123-128
S. Nekrassova, Astr.Circ.Acad.Sci Soviet Union, 21 (1943), p.8
T.S. Polushina, ‘Photoelectric observations of V502 Ophiuchi’, Perem. Zvezdy Prilozh., 2 (1975), pp.161- 170
A. Prša, T. Zwitter, ‘A Computational Guide to Physics of Eclipsing Binaries. I. Demonstrations and Perspe- ctives’, ApJ, 628 (2005), pp.426-438
T. Pribulla, S.M. Rucinski, ‘Contact binaries with additional components. I. The extant data’, AJ, 131 (2006), pp.2986-3007
W. Pych, S.M. Rucinski, H. DeBond, J.R. Thomson, C.C. Capobianco, R.M. Blake, W. Ogloza, G. Stachows- ki, P. Rogoziecki, P. Ligeza, K. Gazeas, ‘Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars. IX.’, AJ, 127 (2004), pp.1712-1719
P. Rovithis, P.G. Niarchos, H. Rovithis-Livaniou, ‘Photoelectric Observations and Light Curve Analysis of V502 Ophiuchi’, A&AS, 74 (1988), pp.265-271
S.M. Rucinski, ‘The Proximity Effects in Close Binary Systems II. The Bolometric Reflection Effect for Stars with Deep Convective Envelopes’, Acta Astr., 19 (1969), pp.245-255
S.M. Rucinski, T. Pribulla, M.H. van Kerkwijk, ‘Contact binaries with additional components. III. A search using adaptive optics’, AJ, 134 (2007), pp.2353-2365
O. Struve, L., Gratton, ‘Spectrographic Observations of the Eclipsing Binaries RZ Comae, V502 Ophiuchi, RV Corvi, and BF Virginis’, ApJ, 108(1948), pp.497-503
O. Struve, V. Zebergs, ‘The Spectrum of V502 Ophiuchi’, ApJ, 130 (1959), pp.789-790
P. Vader, N.A. van der Wal, ‘Photoelectric Observations of the Eclipsing Binary V502 Ophiuchi’, IBVS, no:842 (1973), pp.1-2
W. van Hamme, ‘New Limb-darkening Coefficients for Modeling Binary Star Light Curves’, AJ, 106 (1993), pp.2096-2117
R.E. Wilson, ‘Photometry of V502 Ophiuchi’, AJ, 72 (1967), pp.1028-1031
R.E. Wilson, E.J. Devinney, ‘Realization of Accurate Close-Binary Light Curves: Application to MR Cygni’, ApJ, 166 (1971), pp.605-619
K. Yüce, S.O. Selam, B. Albayrak, T. Ak, ‘Monitoring Secular Orbital Period Variations of Some Eclipsing Binaries at the Ankara University Observatory’, Ap&SS, 304 (2006), pp.65-67
S. Zola, J. Krzesinski, ‘Photoelectric Light Curve of V502 Oph’, IBVS, 3251 (1988)
Selam, S. O., Baştürk, Ö., Esmaslı, A., Şenavcı, H. V., et al. (2009). V502 Ophiuchi Çift Yıldız Sisteminin Işık Eğrisi ve Dönem Analizi. Cankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering, 12(2), 151-163.
Selam SO, Baştürk Ö, Esmaslı A, Şenavcı HV, Albayrak B. V502 Ophiuchi Çift Yıldız Sisteminin Işık Eğrisi ve Dönem Analizi. CUJSE. April 2009;12(2):151-163.
Selam, Selim O., Özgür Baştürk, Aslı Esmaslı, Hakan V. Şenavcı, and Berahitdin Albayrak. “V502 Ophiuchi Çift Yıldız Sisteminin Işık Eğrisi Ve Dönem Analizi”. Cankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering 12, no. 2 (April 2009): 151-63.
Selam SO, Baştürk Ö, Esmaslı A, Şenavcı HV, Albayrak B (April 1, 2009) V502 Ophiuchi Çift Yıldız Sisteminin Işık Eğrisi ve Dönem Analizi. Cankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering 12 2 151–163.
S. O. Selam, Ö. Baştürk, A. Esmaslı, H. V. Şenavcı, and B. Albayrak, “V502 Ophiuchi Çift Yıldız Sisteminin Işık Eğrisi ve Dönem Analizi”, CUJSE, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 151–163, 2009.
Selam, Selim O. et al. “V502 Ophiuchi Çift Yıldız Sisteminin Işık Eğrisi Ve Dönem Analizi”. Cankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering 12/2 (April 2009), 151-163.
Selam SO, Baştürk Ö, Esmaslı A, Şenavcı HV, Albayrak B. V502 Ophiuchi Çift Yıldız Sisteminin Işık Eğrisi ve Dönem Analizi. CUJSE. 2009;12:151–163.
Selam, Selim O. et al. “V502 Ophiuchi Çift Yıldız Sisteminin Işık Eğrisi Ve Dönem Analizi”. Cankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering, vol. 12, no. 2, 2009, pp. 151-63.
Selam SO, Baştürk Ö, Esmaslı A, Şenavcı HV, Albayrak B. V502 Ophiuchi Çift Yıldız Sisteminin Işık Eğrisi ve Dönem Analizi. CUJSE. 2009;12(2):151-63.