By cationic polymerization of substituted vinylcyclopropyl ethers a series of polyvinylcyclopropyl ethers has been prepared. By data of spectral analysis the structure of the prepared polymers has been established and it has been shown that the polymerization proceeds only with opening of double bond and conservation of cyclopropane ring. The influence of substituent of three-membered cycle on reactivity of the synthesized monomers has been estimated.
M. F. Shostakovskiy, “Vinyl ethers”. M.: AS USSR, 1962, 167 p.
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R. Z. Shahnazarli, Sh. H. Aliyeva, A. M. Guliyev, “Cationic polymerization of cyclopropane-containing vinyl ethers”. Georgia, Batumi, 2015, p.110. [Digests 4th International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials “ICSP&AM4”].
S. M. Shostakovskiy, V. N. Mochalov, G. M. Larionov, “Synthesis and biological activity of gem-dichlorocyclopropyl ethers”. Chem.Pharm.J., (in Russian), 1985. № 11, p.1330-1335
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T. V. Arbuzova, “Synthesis of substituted gem-dichlorocyclopropanes and reactions on their basisе”.– Dissert.cand.chem.sci., Ufa, 2006, 111 p.
M. S. Zefirov, I. V. Kazimirchik, K. A. Lukin. “Cycloaddition of dichlorocarbene to olefins”. M.: Nauka, 1985, p.144-150
F. Sanda, T. Takata, T. Endo, “Vinylcyclopropanone Cyclic Acetale – Synthesis, Polymerization, Structure of the Polymer and Mechanism of the Polymerization”. Macromolecules. 1994, v.27, p.1099-1111
R. Z. Shahnazarli, A. A. Aliyeva, A. M. .Guliyev, “Chemical; reagent and processes of multitonnage chemistry” (REACTANT-2007): XX Intern.scien.-techn.conf. Minsk, 2007. P. 89-95
M. F. Shostakovskiy, “Vinyl ethers”. M.: AS USSR, 1962, 167 p.
M. V. Markova, D. I. Mognolov, L. V. Morozova and et al, “Composition proton conducting membranes on the basis of polyvinylglycidyl ether of ethylene glycol”. High-molecular compounds (in Russian). 2004, 56 B, № 2, p. 216-225
B. A. Zhubanov, E. M. Shaykhutdinov, E. F. Osadchaya, “Vinyl ethers in the radical polymerization”. Alam-Ata: Nauka, 1985. 160 p.
A. Matsumoto, T. Nakana, M. Oiwa, “Radical polymerization of Butyl Vinyl Ether”. Macromol.Chem., Rapid Commun., 1983, 4, p.277-279
K. Zh. Abdiyev, “Synthesis of (so)polymers on the basis of vinyl ethers” (Review). Izv.AS Repub.Kaz. 2008, Ser.chem. № 3, p.33-41
R. Z. Shahnazarli, Sh. H. Aliyeva, A. M. Guliyev, “Cationic polymerization of cyclopropane-containing vinyl ethers”. Georgia, Batumi, 2015, p.110. [Digests 4th International Caucasian Symposium on Polymers and Advanced Materials “ICSP&AM4”].
S. M. Shostakovskiy, V. N. Mochalov, G. M. Larionov, “Synthesis and biological activity of gem-dichlorocyclopropyl ethers”. Chem.Pharm.J., (in Russian), 1985. № 11, p.1330-1335
K. A. Makarov, A. F. Nikolaev, A. I.Andreev et al., “Estimation of copolymerization ability of monomers on results of chromatographic study of copolymerization”. High-molecular compounds (in Russian), 1967, v.115, № 12, p.867-868
T. V. Arbuzova, “Synthesis of substituted gem-dichlorocyclopropanes and reactions on their basisе”.– Dissert.cand.chem.sci., Ufa, 2006, 111 p.
M. S. Zefirov, I. V. Kazimirchik, K. A. Lukin. “Cycloaddition of dichlorocarbene to olefins”. M.: Nauka, 1985, p.144-150
F. Sanda, T. Takata, T. Endo, “Vinylcyclopropanone Cyclic Acetale – Synthesis, Polymerization, Structure of the Polymer and Mechanism of the Polymerization”. Macromolecules. 1994, v.27, p.1099-1111
R. Z. Shahnazarli, A. A. Aliyeva, A. M. .Guliyev, “Chemical; reagent and processes of multitonnage chemistry” (REACTANT-2007): XX Intern.scien.-techn.conf. Minsk, 2007. P. 89-95
Shahnazarli, R., Aliyeva, S., & Guliyev, A. (2015). Synthesis and Cationic polymerization of Some Substituted of Vinylcyclopropyl Ethers. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, 11(3).
Shahnazarli R, Aliyeva S, Guliyev A. Synthesis and Cationic polymerization of Some Substituted of Vinylcyclopropyl Ethers. CBUJOS. December 2015;11(3). doi:10.18466/cbujos.59141
Shahnazarli, R, Sh Aliyeva, and Abasgulu Guliyev. “Synthesis and Cationic Polymerization of Some Substituted of Vinylcyclopropyl Ethers”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 11, no. 3 (December 2015).
Shahnazarli R, Aliyeva S, Guliyev A (December 1, 2015) Synthesis and Cationic polymerization of Some Substituted of Vinylcyclopropyl Ethers. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 11 3
R. Shahnazarli, S. Aliyeva, and A. Guliyev, “Synthesis and Cationic polymerization of Some Substituted of Vinylcyclopropyl Ethers”, CBUJOS, vol. 11, no. 3, 2015, doi: 10.18466/cbujos.59141.
Shahnazarli, R et al. “Synthesis and Cationic Polymerization of Some Substituted of Vinylcyclopropyl Ethers”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 11/3 (December 2015).
Shahnazarli R, Aliyeva S, Guliyev A. Synthesis and Cationic polymerization of Some Substituted of Vinylcyclopropyl Ethers. CBUJOS. 2015;11. doi:10.18466/cbujos.59141.
Shahnazarli, R et al. “Synthesis and Cationic Polymerization of Some Substituted of Vinylcyclopropyl Ethers”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, vol. 11, no. 3, 2015, doi:10.18466/cbujos.59141.
Shahnazarli R, Aliyeva S, Guliyev A. Synthesis and Cationic polymerization of Some Substituted of Vinylcyclopropyl Ethers. CBUJOS. 2015;11(3).