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Metabolik Modifiye Edicilerin Et Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2005, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 91 - 100, 01.06.2005



  • [1] Dikeman, M. E., Metabolic modifiers and geneticts: Effects on carcass traits and meat quality , Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, Special Issue. 49th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, 1-38 (2003).
  • [2] Apple, J.K., Dikeman, M.E., Simms, D.D., and Kuhl, G., Effects of synthetic hormone implants, singularly or in combinations, on performance, carcass traits, and longissimus muscle palatability of Holstein steers , Journal of Animal Science, 69: 4437-4448 (1991).
  • [3] Dunshea, F. R., D Souza, D. N., Pethick, D. W., Harper, G. S., and Warner, R. D., Effects of dietary factors and other metabolic modifiers on quality and nutritional value of meat , 71: 8-38 (2005).
  • [4] Fortin, A., Robertson, W.M., and Tong, A.K.W., The eating quality of Canadian pork and its relationship with intramuscular fat , Meat Science, 69: 297 305 (2005).
  • [5] Channon, H. A., Reynolds, J., and Baud, S., Identifying pathways to ensure acceptable eating quality of pork , Final Report, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra (2001).
  • [6] Karlsson, A., Enfalt, A.-C., Essen-Gustavsson, B., Lundstrom, K., Rydhmer, L., and Stern, S., Muscle histochemical and biochemical properties in relation to meat quality during selection for increased lean tissue growth rate in pigs , Journal of Animal Science, 71: 930 938 (1993).
  • [7] Beermann, D.H. 1995. Growth promotants - promise, problems, and perceptions. Proceedings of ReciprocalMeat Conference, 48:45-50.
  • [8] Russell, J. B., and Strobel, H. J., Effect of ionophores on ruminal nutrition , Applied Environmental Microbiology, 55: 1 6 (1989).
  • [9] Dikeman, M.E. Reducing the fat content by production practices. In Advances in Meat Research Series, Vol. 11. pp 150-190. Production and Processing of Healthy Meat, Poultry and Fish Products. Pearson, A.M. and T.R. Dutson (eds). Blackie Academic & Professional, Chapman & Hall, London (1997).
  • [10] Fisher, A.V., J.D. Wood, and O.P. Whelehan., The effects of a combined androgenic-oestrogenic anabolic agent in steers and bulls. 1. Growth and carcass composition , Animal Production, 42:203 (1986).
  • [11] Johnson, B. J., Anderson, P. T., Meiske, J. C., and Dayton, W. R., Effect of a combined trenbolene acetate and estrdiol implant on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and carcass composition of feedlot steers , Journal of Animal Science, 74: 363-371 (1996).
  • [12] Keane, M.G. and M.J. Drennan., Lifetime growth and carcass composition of heifers and steers non-implanted or sequentially implanted with anabolic agents , Animal Production 45:359 (1987).
  • [13]Duckett, S. K., and Andrae, J. G., Implant strategies in an integrated beef production system , Journal of Animal Science, 79 (E. Suppl.): E110- E117 (2001).
  • [14] Belk, K.E. and H.R. Cross., Effects of anabolic growth promotants on beef carcass merit , Review Article, Department of Anim. Sci., Texas A&M Univ.,College Station (1988).
  • [15] Morgan, J.B., Implant program effects on USDA beef carcass quality grade traits and meat tenderness , Proc. Oklahoma State Univ. Implant Symp., Stillwater (1997).
  • [16] Roeber, D.L., Cannell, R.C., Belk, K.E., Miller, R.K.. Dean, K., Tatum, J. D., and Smith, G.C., Impact of feedlot growth promotant implant strategies on carcass grade characteristics and subsequent cooked beef palatability traits when applied to small/medium framed, 3-way British crossbred steers Final Report to the Beef Quality Assurance Advisory Board, Nat. Cattlemen s Beef Assoc., Denver, CO, (1999).
  • [17] Nichols, W.T., Wray, M.I., Montgomery, T.H., Schutte, B., Morgan, J.B., Dolezal, H.G., and Hutcheson, D.P., The effects of anabolic agents along and in combination on feedyard performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of finishing heifers fed for 108, 131, or 143 days Revalor-H Tech. Bull. 3, Hoechst-Roussel Agri-Vet Company, Sommerville, NJ (1996).
  • [18] Etherton, T. D., and Bauman, D. E., Biology of somatotropin in growth and lactation of domestic animals , Physiology reviews, 78: 745-761 (1998).
  • [19] Bauman, D. E., Bovine somatotropin and lactation: From basic science to commercial application , Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 17: 101-116 (1999).
  • [20] Etherton,T.D., Wiggins, J.P., Evock, C.M., Chung, C.S., Rebhun, J.F., and Walton, P.E., Stimulation of pig growth performance by porcine growth hormone: Determination of the doseresponse relationship , Journal of Animal Science, 64: 433 443 (1987).
  • [21] King, R.H., Campbell, R.G., Smits, R.J., Morley, W.C., Ronnfeldt, K., and Butler, K., Interrelationships between dietary lysine, sex, and porcine somatotropin administration on growth performance and protein deposition in pigs between 80 and 120 kg live weight , Journal of Animal Science, 78: 2639 2651 (2000).
  • [22] Eisemann, J.H., Hammond, A.C., and Rumsey, T.S., Tissue protein synthesis and nucleic acid concentrations in steers treated with somatotropin , British Journal of Nutrition, 62: 657 671 (1989).
  • [23] Tomas, F.M., Campbell, R.G., King, R.H.,. Johnson, R.J, Chandler, C.S., and Taverner, M.R., Growth hormone increases whole-body protein turnover in growing pigs , Journal of Animal Science,70: 3138 3143 (1992).
  • [24] Suster, D., Leury, B.J., King, R.H., Mottram, M., and Dunshea, F.R., Interrelationships between porcine somatotropin (pST), betaine, and energy level on body composition and tissue distribution of finisher boars , Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 55: 983 990 (2004).
  • [25] Aalhus, J.L., Best, D.R., Costello, F., and Schaefer, A.L., The effects of porcine somatotropin on muscle fibre morphology and meat quality of pigs of known stress susceptibility , Meat Science 45: 283 295 (1997).
  • [26] Wander, R.C., Clark,S.L., Hu, C.Y.,. Holmes, Z.A., and Schrumpf, E., Interaction of porcine somatotropin administration to growing pigs and frozen storage of carcass on lipids and quality characteristics of roasts , Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 6: 62-74 (1993).
  • [27] D Souza,D.N., and Mullan, B.P., The effect of genotype, sex and management strategy on the eating quality of pork , Meat Science 60: 95 101 (2002).
  • [28] National Research Council (NRC)., Metabolic Modifiers: Effects on the Nutrient Requirements of Food-producing animals , National Academy Press, Washington D.C. U.S.A.
  • [29] McKeith, F.K., Lan, Y.H., and Beermann, D.H., Sensory characteristics of meat from animals given partitioning agents In: Low Fat Meats. Hafs, H.D; Zimbleman, R.G. (Eds.), Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, U.S.A., (1994).
  • [30] Merkel, R. A., Is meat quality affected by the use of repartitioning agents? , Proc. Recip. Meat Conf., 41:101-111. (1988).
  • [31] Plascencia, A., Torrentera, N., and Zinn, R.A., Influence of the beta-agonist, zilpaterol, on growth performance and carcass characteristics of feedlot steers , Journal of Animal Science, 77(Suppl. 1):114(Abstr.) (1999).
  • [32] Wheeler, T.L., Koohmaraie, M., and Shackelford, S.D., Effect of postmortem injection time and post-injection aging time on the calcium- activated tenderization process in beef . Journal of Animal Science, 75:2652-2660 (1997).
  • [33] Swantek, S., Morgan, J.B., Owens, F.N., Gill, D.R., Strasia, C.A., Dolezal, H.G. and Ray, F.K., Vitamin D3 supplementation of beef steers increases longissimus tenderness , Journal of Animal Science, 77:874 881 (1999).
  • [34] Hill, G.M., Brito, G., Pringle, T.D., and Williams, S.E., Performance, serum calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, carcass characteristics, and meat tenderness in beef steers fed high levels of vitamin D3 , Journal of Animal Science 77:18 19 Suppl. 1(Abstr.) (1999).
  • [35] Scanga, J.A., Belk, K.E., Tatum, J.D., Koohmaraie, M. and Smith, G.C., Effects of supranutritional oral supplementation with vitamin D3 and calcium to improve beef tenderness . Proceedings of the 52nd Reciprocal Meat Conference, American Meat Science Association, Savoy, IL U.S.A. (1999).
  • [36] Boleman, C. T., McKenna, D. R., Ramsey, W. S., Peel, R. K., and Savell, J. W., Influence of feeding vitamin D3 and aging on the tendernes of four lamb musles , Meat Science, 67: 185-190 (2005).
  • [37] Enright, K.L, Anderson, D.K., Ellis, M., McKeith, F.K., Berger, L.L., and. Baker, D.H., The effects of feeding high levels of vitamin D3 on pork quality , Journal of Animal Science. 76 (Suppl.):149(Abstr.) (1998).
  • [38] Swigert, K. S., McKeith, F. K., Carr, T. C., Brewer, M. S., and Culbertson, M., Effects of dietary vitamin D3, vitamin E, and magnesium supplementation on pork quality , 67: 81-86 (2004).
  • [39] Montgomery, J.L., Carr, M.A., Kerth, C.R., Hilton, G.G., Price, B.P., Galyean, M.L., Horst, R.L., and Miller, M.F., Effect of vitamin D3 supplementation level on the postmortem tenderization of beef from steers , Journal of Animal Science, 80: 971-981 (2002).
  • [40] Dikeman, M. E., Effects of metabolic modifiers used in animal production on meat quality , Proceedings of Reciprocal Meat Conference, 53: 36-56 (2000).
  • [41] Ashgar, A., Gray, J. I., Booren, A. M., Gomaa, E. A., Abouzied, M. M., Miller, E. R., and Buckley, D. J., Effects of supranutritional dietary vitamin E levels on subcellular deposition of -tocopherol in the muscle and on pork quality , Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 57:31-41.
  • [42] Ellis, M., McKeith, F. K., Non-Ruminant nutrition and meat quality , Proceedings of Reciprocal Meat Conference, 52: 15-23 (1999).
  • [43] Ostrowska, E., Muralitharan, M., Cross, R.F.,. Bauman, D.E and Dunshea, F.R., Dietary conjugated linoleic acids increase lean tissue and decrease fat deposition in growing pigs , Journal of Nutrition, 129: 2037 2042 (1999).
  • [44] Ostrowska, E., Suster, D., Muralitharan, M., Cross, R.F., B.J. Leury and D.E. Conjugated linoleic acid decreases fat accretion in pigs: Evaluation by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry , British Journal of Nutrition 89: 219 229 (2003).
  • [45] Boleman, S.L., Boleman, S.J., Bidner, T.D., Southern, L.L., Ward, T.L., Pontif,J.E., and Pike, M.M., Effect of chromium picolinate on growth, body composition, and tissue accretion in pigs , Journal of Animal Science, 73: 2033-2042 (1995).
  • [46] Owen, K.Q., Smith, J.W., Nelssen, J.L., Goodband, R.D., Tokach, M.D., Friesen, K.G., and Blum, S.A., The effect of L-carnitine on growth performance and carcass characteristics of growingfinishing swine , Journal of Animal Science, 72(Suppl.1):274(Abstr.) (1994).
  • [47] O Quinn, P.R., Waylan, A.T., Goodband, R.D., Nelssen, J.L., Unruh, J.A., Woodworth, J.C., Tokach, M.D., and Owen, K.Q., Effects of modified tall oil, chromium nicotinate, and L- carnitine on growth and carcass traits of finishing pigs , Journal of Animal Science, 77(Suppl. 1):43 (Abstr.) (1999).
  • [48] Apple, J.K., Maxwell, C.V., deRodas, B., Watson, H.B., and Johnson, Z.B., Effect of magnesium mica on performance and carcass quality of growing-finishing swine , Journal of Animal Science, 78: 2135-2143 (2000).

Metabolik Modifiye Edicilerin Et Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2005, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 91 - 100, 01.06.2005


Metabolik modifiye ediciler canl hayvan n vücudunda kas depolanmas n artt r rken, ya depolanmas n azalt rlar. Bu olumlu etkilerinin yan nda, et kalitesi üzerinde olumsuz etki yapabilecekleri konusunda endi eler vard r. Bu derlemede, metabolik modifiye edicilerin canl hayvan ve et kalitesi üzerindeki etkileri de erlendirilecektir. Literatürde çal malara bak ldhayvandaki kas oran n artt r p ya oran n dü ürdü ü ve genel olarak et kalitesini %5-10 aras olumsuz etkiledi i görülmü tür. Bununla beraber daha kaliteli canlhayvan ve daha ya s z et üretimi için kullanabilecek besleme ve genetik seçim yöntemlerinde de ayn sorunlar ya anmaktad r. Bu yüzden, metabolik modifiye edicilerin kullan m n n kasapl k hayvanlar için endüstriyel ba lamda daha etkin biçimde gündeme gelebilece i öngörülebilir


  • [1] Dikeman, M. E., Metabolic modifiers and geneticts: Effects on carcass traits and meat quality , Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, Special Issue. 49th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, 1-38 (2003).
  • [2] Apple, J.K., Dikeman, M.E., Simms, D.D., and Kuhl, G., Effects of synthetic hormone implants, singularly or in combinations, on performance, carcass traits, and longissimus muscle palatability of Holstein steers , Journal of Animal Science, 69: 4437-4448 (1991).
  • [3] Dunshea, F. R., D Souza, D. N., Pethick, D. W., Harper, G. S., and Warner, R. D., Effects of dietary factors and other metabolic modifiers on quality and nutritional value of meat , 71: 8-38 (2005).
  • [4] Fortin, A., Robertson, W.M., and Tong, A.K.W., The eating quality of Canadian pork and its relationship with intramuscular fat , Meat Science, 69: 297 305 (2005).
  • [5] Channon, H. A., Reynolds, J., and Baud, S., Identifying pathways to ensure acceptable eating quality of pork , Final Report, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra (2001).
  • [6] Karlsson, A., Enfalt, A.-C., Essen-Gustavsson, B., Lundstrom, K., Rydhmer, L., and Stern, S., Muscle histochemical and biochemical properties in relation to meat quality during selection for increased lean tissue growth rate in pigs , Journal of Animal Science, 71: 930 938 (1993).
  • [7] Beermann, D.H. 1995. Growth promotants - promise, problems, and perceptions. Proceedings of ReciprocalMeat Conference, 48:45-50.
  • [8] Russell, J. B., and Strobel, H. J., Effect of ionophores on ruminal nutrition , Applied Environmental Microbiology, 55: 1 6 (1989).
  • [9] Dikeman, M.E. Reducing the fat content by production practices. In Advances in Meat Research Series, Vol. 11. pp 150-190. Production and Processing of Healthy Meat, Poultry and Fish Products. Pearson, A.M. and T.R. Dutson (eds). Blackie Academic & Professional, Chapman & Hall, London (1997).
  • [10] Fisher, A.V., J.D. Wood, and O.P. Whelehan., The effects of a combined androgenic-oestrogenic anabolic agent in steers and bulls. 1. Growth and carcass composition , Animal Production, 42:203 (1986).
  • [11] Johnson, B. J., Anderson, P. T., Meiske, J. C., and Dayton, W. R., Effect of a combined trenbolene acetate and estrdiol implant on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and carcass composition of feedlot steers , Journal of Animal Science, 74: 363-371 (1996).
  • [12] Keane, M.G. and M.J. Drennan., Lifetime growth and carcass composition of heifers and steers non-implanted or sequentially implanted with anabolic agents , Animal Production 45:359 (1987).
  • [13]Duckett, S. K., and Andrae, J. G., Implant strategies in an integrated beef production system , Journal of Animal Science, 79 (E. Suppl.): E110- E117 (2001).
  • [14] Belk, K.E. and H.R. Cross., Effects of anabolic growth promotants on beef carcass merit , Review Article, Department of Anim. Sci., Texas A&M Univ.,College Station (1988).
  • [15] Morgan, J.B., Implant program effects on USDA beef carcass quality grade traits and meat tenderness , Proc. Oklahoma State Univ. Implant Symp., Stillwater (1997).
  • [16] Roeber, D.L., Cannell, R.C., Belk, K.E., Miller, R.K.. Dean, K., Tatum, J. D., and Smith, G.C., Impact of feedlot growth promotant implant strategies on carcass grade characteristics and subsequent cooked beef palatability traits when applied to small/medium framed, 3-way British crossbred steers Final Report to the Beef Quality Assurance Advisory Board, Nat. Cattlemen s Beef Assoc., Denver, CO, (1999).
  • [17] Nichols, W.T., Wray, M.I., Montgomery, T.H., Schutte, B., Morgan, J.B., Dolezal, H.G., and Hutcheson, D.P., The effects of anabolic agents along and in combination on feedyard performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of finishing heifers fed for 108, 131, or 143 days Revalor-H Tech. Bull. 3, Hoechst-Roussel Agri-Vet Company, Sommerville, NJ (1996).
  • [18] Etherton, T. D., and Bauman, D. E., Biology of somatotropin in growth and lactation of domestic animals , Physiology reviews, 78: 745-761 (1998).
  • [19] Bauman, D. E., Bovine somatotropin and lactation: From basic science to commercial application , Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 17: 101-116 (1999).
  • [20] Etherton,T.D., Wiggins, J.P., Evock, C.M., Chung, C.S., Rebhun, J.F., and Walton, P.E., Stimulation of pig growth performance by porcine growth hormone: Determination of the doseresponse relationship , Journal of Animal Science, 64: 433 443 (1987).
  • [21] King, R.H., Campbell, R.G., Smits, R.J., Morley, W.C., Ronnfeldt, K., and Butler, K., Interrelationships between dietary lysine, sex, and porcine somatotropin administration on growth performance and protein deposition in pigs between 80 and 120 kg live weight , Journal of Animal Science, 78: 2639 2651 (2000).
  • [22] Eisemann, J.H., Hammond, A.C., and Rumsey, T.S., Tissue protein synthesis and nucleic acid concentrations in steers treated with somatotropin , British Journal of Nutrition, 62: 657 671 (1989).
  • [23] Tomas, F.M., Campbell, R.G., King, R.H.,. Johnson, R.J, Chandler, C.S., and Taverner, M.R., Growth hormone increases whole-body protein turnover in growing pigs , Journal of Animal Science,70: 3138 3143 (1992).
  • [24] Suster, D., Leury, B.J., King, R.H., Mottram, M., and Dunshea, F.R., Interrelationships between porcine somatotropin (pST), betaine, and energy level on body composition and tissue distribution of finisher boars , Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 55: 983 990 (2004).
  • [25] Aalhus, J.L., Best, D.R., Costello, F., and Schaefer, A.L., The effects of porcine somatotropin on muscle fibre morphology and meat quality of pigs of known stress susceptibility , Meat Science 45: 283 295 (1997).
  • [26] Wander, R.C., Clark,S.L., Hu, C.Y.,. Holmes, Z.A., and Schrumpf, E., Interaction of porcine somatotropin administration to growing pigs and frozen storage of carcass on lipids and quality characteristics of roasts , Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 6: 62-74 (1993).
  • [27] D Souza,D.N., and Mullan, B.P., The effect of genotype, sex and management strategy on the eating quality of pork , Meat Science 60: 95 101 (2002).
  • [28] National Research Council (NRC)., Metabolic Modifiers: Effects on the Nutrient Requirements of Food-producing animals , National Academy Press, Washington D.C. U.S.A.
  • [29] McKeith, F.K., Lan, Y.H., and Beermann, D.H., Sensory characteristics of meat from animals given partitioning agents In: Low Fat Meats. Hafs, H.D; Zimbleman, R.G. (Eds.), Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, U.S.A., (1994).
  • [30] Merkel, R. A., Is meat quality affected by the use of repartitioning agents? , Proc. Recip. Meat Conf., 41:101-111. (1988).
  • [31] Plascencia, A., Torrentera, N., and Zinn, R.A., Influence of the beta-agonist, zilpaterol, on growth performance and carcass characteristics of feedlot steers , Journal of Animal Science, 77(Suppl. 1):114(Abstr.) (1999).
  • [32] Wheeler, T.L., Koohmaraie, M., and Shackelford, S.D., Effect of postmortem injection time and post-injection aging time on the calcium- activated tenderization process in beef . Journal of Animal Science, 75:2652-2660 (1997).
  • [33] Swantek, S., Morgan, J.B., Owens, F.N., Gill, D.R., Strasia, C.A., Dolezal, H.G. and Ray, F.K., Vitamin D3 supplementation of beef steers increases longissimus tenderness , Journal of Animal Science, 77:874 881 (1999).
  • [34] Hill, G.M., Brito, G., Pringle, T.D., and Williams, S.E., Performance, serum calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, carcass characteristics, and meat tenderness in beef steers fed high levels of vitamin D3 , Journal of Animal Science 77:18 19 Suppl. 1(Abstr.) (1999).
  • [35] Scanga, J.A., Belk, K.E., Tatum, J.D., Koohmaraie, M. and Smith, G.C., Effects of supranutritional oral supplementation with vitamin D3 and calcium to improve beef tenderness . Proceedings of the 52nd Reciprocal Meat Conference, American Meat Science Association, Savoy, IL U.S.A. (1999).
  • [36] Boleman, C. T., McKenna, D. R., Ramsey, W. S., Peel, R. K., and Savell, J. W., Influence of feeding vitamin D3 and aging on the tendernes of four lamb musles , Meat Science, 67: 185-190 (2005).
  • [37] Enright, K.L, Anderson, D.K., Ellis, M., McKeith, F.K., Berger, L.L., and. Baker, D.H., The effects of feeding high levels of vitamin D3 on pork quality , Journal of Animal Science. 76 (Suppl.):149(Abstr.) (1998).
  • [38] Swigert, K. S., McKeith, F. K., Carr, T. C., Brewer, M. S., and Culbertson, M., Effects of dietary vitamin D3, vitamin E, and magnesium supplementation on pork quality , 67: 81-86 (2004).
  • [39] Montgomery, J.L., Carr, M.A., Kerth, C.R., Hilton, G.G., Price, B.P., Galyean, M.L., Horst, R.L., and Miller, M.F., Effect of vitamin D3 supplementation level on the postmortem tenderization of beef from steers , Journal of Animal Science, 80: 971-981 (2002).
  • [40] Dikeman, M. E., Effects of metabolic modifiers used in animal production on meat quality , Proceedings of Reciprocal Meat Conference, 53: 36-56 (2000).
  • [41] Ashgar, A., Gray, J. I., Booren, A. M., Gomaa, E. A., Abouzied, M. M., Miller, E. R., and Buckley, D. J., Effects of supranutritional dietary vitamin E levels on subcellular deposition of -tocopherol in the muscle and on pork quality , Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 57:31-41.
  • [42] Ellis, M., McKeith, F. K., Non-Ruminant nutrition and meat quality , Proceedings of Reciprocal Meat Conference, 52: 15-23 (1999).
  • [43] Ostrowska, E., Muralitharan, M., Cross, R.F.,. Bauman, D.E and Dunshea, F.R., Dietary conjugated linoleic acids increase lean tissue and decrease fat deposition in growing pigs , Journal of Nutrition, 129: 2037 2042 (1999).
  • [44] Ostrowska, E., Suster, D., Muralitharan, M., Cross, R.F., B.J. Leury and D.E. Conjugated linoleic acid decreases fat accretion in pigs: Evaluation by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry , British Journal of Nutrition 89: 219 229 (2003).
  • [45] Boleman, S.L., Boleman, S.J., Bidner, T.D., Southern, L.L., Ward, T.L., Pontif,J.E., and Pike, M.M., Effect of chromium picolinate on growth, body composition, and tissue accretion in pigs , Journal of Animal Science, 73: 2033-2042 (1995).
  • [46] Owen, K.Q., Smith, J.W., Nelssen, J.L., Goodband, R.D., Tokach, M.D., Friesen, K.G., and Blum, S.A., The effect of L-carnitine on growth performance and carcass characteristics of growingfinishing swine , Journal of Animal Science, 72(Suppl.1):274(Abstr.) (1994).
  • [47] O Quinn, P.R., Waylan, A.T., Goodband, R.D., Nelssen, J.L., Unruh, J.A., Woodworth, J.C., Tokach, M.D., and Owen, K.Q., Effects of modified tall oil, chromium nicotinate, and L- carnitine on growth and carcass traits of finishing pigs , Journal of Animal Science, 77(Suppl. 1):43 (Abstr.) (1999).
  • [48] Apple, J.K., Maxwell, C.V., deRodas, B., Watson, H.B., and Johnson, Z.B., Effect of magnesium mica on performance and carcass quality of growing-finishing swine , Journal of Animal Science, 78: 2135-2143 (2000).
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ersel Obuz This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Obuz, E. (2005). Metabolik Modifiye Edicilerin Et Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, 1(2), 91-100.
AMA Obuz E. Metabolik Modifiye Edicilerin Et Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi. CBUJOS. June 2005;1(2):91-100.
Chicago Obuz, Ersel. “Metabolik Modifiye Edicilerin Et Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 1, no. 2 (June 2005): 91-100.
EndNote Obuz E (June 1, 2005) Metabolik Modifiye Edicilerin Et Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 1 2 91–100.
IEEE E. Obuz, “Metabolik Modifiye Edicilerin Et Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi”, CBUJOS, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 91–100, 2005.
ISNAD Obuz, Ersel. “Metabolik Modifiye Edicilerin Et Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 1/2 (June 2005), 91-100.
JAMA Obuz E. Metabolik Modifiye Edicilerin Et Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi. CBUJOS. 2005;1:91–100.
MLA Obuz, Ersel. “Metabolik Modifiye Edicilerin Et Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, vol. 1, no. 2, 2005, pp. 91-100.
Vancouver Obuz E. Metabolik Modifiye Edicilerin Et Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi. CBUJOS. 2005;1(2):91-100.