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The Cytogenetic Effects of Sheffer A, A Liquid Fertilizer and Growth Regulator in Root Tip Cells of Vicia Faba L.

Year 2008, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 121 - 126, 01.03.2008



  • Currie S.R., Li., Y.Z. And Liang., G.H.: Cytological And Morphological Effects Of Atrazine And Propazine Application On Grain Sorghum.-Cytologia.,61:359-363, (1997).
  • Chauhan L.K.S., Saxena P.N., Gupta S.K.: Cytogenetic Effects Of Cypermethrin And Fenvelerate On The Root Meristem Celles Of Allium Cepa.-Environmental And Experimental Botany., 42:181-189, (1999).
  • Akpınar N., Türkoğlu Ş., Koca S.: An Investigation On Cytological Effects Of Tonıfruit On Vicia Faba L.- Journal Of Qafqaz University, Vol:8 Pp:191-198, (2001).
  • Ateeq B., Farah M.A., Ali M.N., Ahmad W.: Clastogenicity Of Pentachlorophenol, 2-4 D And Butachlor Evaluated By Allium Root-Tip Test.- Mutation Research, 514:105-113, (2002).
  • Yüzbaşioğlu D., Ünal F., Sancak C. And Kasap R.: Cytological Effects Of The Herbicide Racer “Flurochloridone” On Allium Cepa.- Caryologia., Vol.390 Pp:121-127, (2003).
  • Marcano L., Carruyo I., Campo A.D., Mantiel X.:Cytotoxicity And Mode Of Action Of Maleic Hydrazide In Root Tips Of Allium Cepa L.- Mutation Research., 94:221-226, (2004).
  • Kihlman B.A.: Root Tips Of Vicia Faba For The Study Of The Induction Of Chromosomal Aberrations.-Mutation Research., 31:401-412, (1975).
  • Evseeva T.I., Geras’kin S.A., Shuktomova I.I.: Genotoxicity And Toxicity Assay Of Water Sampled From A Radium Production Industry Storage Cell Territory By Means Of Allium-Test.- Journal Of Environmental Radioactivity.,68:235- 248, (2003).
  • Rank J., Nielsen M.H.: Allium Cepa Anaphase- Telophase Root Tip Chromosome Aberration Assay Hydrazide,
  • Methanosulphonate.- 390:121-127, (1997). Azide Mutation
  • Research., [10] Duan C., Hu B., Guo T., Luo M., Xu X., Chang X., Wen C., Meng L., Yang L., Wang X.: Cahnges Of Reliability And Efficiency Of Micronucleus Bioassay İn Vicia Faba After Exposure To Metal Contamination For Sevelar Generations.-Environmental And Experimental Botany.,44:83-92, (2000).
  • Rencüzoğulları E., Karayildiz A., İla H.B., Çakmak T.: The Cytogenetic Effects Of Sodium Metabisulfite, A Food Preservative In Root Tip Celles Of Allium Cepa L.- Turk J. Biol., 25:361- 370, (2001).
  • İnceer H., Ayaz., Beyazoğlu O., Şentürk E.: Cytogenetic Effects Of Copper Chloride On The Root Tip Cells Of Helianthus Annuus L.-Türk J. Biol. 27:43-46, (2003).
  • Türkoğlu Ş.: Genotoxicity Of Five Food Preservatives Tested On Root Tips Of Allium cepa L. - Muattion Research., 626: 4-14, (2007).
  • Badr A. And İbrahim A.G.: Effects Of Herbicide Glean On Mitosis, Chromosomes And Nucleic Acids In Allium Cepa And Vicia Faba Root Meristems.-Cytologia, 52:293-302, (1987).
  • Nasta A., Gunther M.H.: Mitoseanomalien Bei Allium Cepa Und Hordeum Vulgare Nach Einwirkung
  • Zentralbl., 92:27-36, (1976).
  • Tomkins D.J. And Grant W.F.: Monitoring Natural Vegetation For Herbicide Induced Chromosomal Aberrations.- Muattion Research., 36: 73-84, (1976).
  • Ma T.H., Zhidong, Xu C., Mcconnel H., Rabago E.V., Arreola G.A., Zhang H.: The Inproved Allium/Vicia Root Tip Micronucleus Assay For Clastogenicity Of Environmental Pollutants.-Mutation Research., 334: 185-195, (1995).
  • Klasterska I.,Natarajan A.T. And Ramel C.: An Interpretation Of The Origin Of Subchromatic Aberrations And Chromosome Stickiness As A Category
  • Hereditas.,83:153-162, (1976).
  • Aberrations.- [19] Amer S.M., Ali M.E.: Cytological Effects Of Pesticides Iv. Mitotic Effects Of Some Phenols.- Cytologia., 34:533-540, (1968).
  • Kara M., Sanda M.A., Ateş A.: Cytogenetic Effects Of The İnsecticide Cypermethin On The Root Meristems Of Allium Cepa L.-Tr.J.Of Biology., 18:323-331, (1994).
  • Grisolia C.K., Starling F.L.: Micronucleus Monitoring Of Fishes From Lake Paranoa, Under Influenca Of Sewage Treatment Plant Discharges.- Mutation Research., 491:39-44, (2001).
  • Miao M., Fur., Yang D., Zheng L.: Vicia Root Micronucleus Assay On The Clastogenicity Of Water Samples From The Xiaoqing River In Shandong Province Of The People’s Republic Of China.-Mutation Research.,426:143-145, (1999).
  • Çavaş T., Ergene-Gözükara S.:Evaluation Of The Genotoxic Potential Of Lambda-Cyhalothrin Using Nuclear And Nucleolar Biomarkers On Fish Cells. Environmental And Experimental Botany.- 534:93-94, (2003).
  • Geliş Tarihi: 08/01/2008
  • Kabul Tarihi: 21/02/2008

The Cytogenetic Effects of Sheffer A, A Liquid Fertilizer and Growth Regulator in Root Tip Cells of Vicia Faba L.

Year 2008, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 121 - 126, 01.03.2008


Bu çalışmada bir sıvı gübre ve bitki büyüme düzenleyicisi olan Shaffer A’nın genotoksik etkisi Vicia faba kromozomal aberasyon testi ile değerlendirildi. Shaffer A’nın mitoz bölünme ve kromozomlar üzerine etkisi 50 ml/l, 100 ml/l ve 200 ml/l lik dozlarının 3, 6 ve 12 saat süreyle Vicia faba köklerine uygulandı. Yapılan incelemeler sonucunda, Shaffer A’nın aşırı dozda ve uzun süre uygulanmasının kontrole göre mitotik indeksi önemli derecede azalttığı belirlendi. Ayrıca anafaz köprüsü, parça, kalgın kromozom, yapışkanlık ve mikronükleus oluşumu gibi kromozomal anormallikler gözlendi


  • Currie S.R., Li., Y.Z. And Liang., G.H.: Cytological And Morphological Effects Of Atrazine And Propazine Application On Grain Sorghum.-Cytologia.,61:359-363, (1997).
  • Chauhan L.K.S., Saxena P.N., Gupta S.K.: Cytogenetic Effects Of Cypermethrin And Fenvelerate On The Root Meristem Celles Of Allium Cepa.-Environmental And Experimental Botany., 42:181-189, (1999).
  • Akpınar N., Türkoğlu Ş., Koca S.: An Investigation On Cytological Effects Of Tonıfruit On Vicia Faba L.- Journal Of Qafqaz University, Vol:8 Pp:191-198, (2001).
  • Ateeq B., Farah M.A., Ali M.N., Ahmad W.: Clastogenicity Of Pentachlorophenol, 2-4 D And Butachlor Evaluated By Allium Root-Tip Test.- Mutation Research, 514:105-113, (2002).
  • Yüzbaşioğlu D., Ünal F., Sancak C. And Kasap R.: Cytological Effects Of The Herbicide Racer “Flurochloridone” On Allium Cepa.- Caryologia., Vol.390 Pp:121-127, (2003).
  • Marcano L., Carruyo I., Campo A.D., Mantiel X.:Cytotoxicity And Mode Of Action Of Maleic Hydrazide In Root Tips Of Allium Cepa L.- Mutation Research., 94:221-226, (2004).
  • Kihlman B.A.: Root Tips Of Vicia Faba For The Study Of The Induction Of Chromosomal Aberrations.-Mutation Research., 31:401-412, (1975).
  • Evseeva T.I., Geras’kin S.A., Shuktomova I.I.: Genotoxicity And Toxicity Assay Of Water Sampled From A Radium Production Industry Storage Cell Territory By Means Of Allium-Test.- Journal Of Environmental Radioactivity.,68:235- 248, (2003).
  • Rank J., Nielsen M.H.: Allium Cepa Anaphase- Telophase Root Tip Chromosome Aberration Assay Hydrazide,
  • Methanosulphonate.- 390:121-127, (1997). Azide Mutation
  • Research., [10] Duan C., Hu B., Guo T., Luo M., Xu X., Chang X., Wen C., Meng L., Yang L., Wang X.: Cahnges Of Reliability And Efficiency Of Micronucleus Bioassay İn Vicia Faba After Exposure To Metal Contamination For Sevelar Generations.-Environmental And Experimental Botany.,44:83-92, (2000).
  • Rencüzoğulları E., Karayildiz A., İla H.B., Çakmak T.: The Cytogenetic Effects Of Sodium Metabisulfite, A Food Preservative In Root Tip Celles Of Allium Cepa L.- Turk J. Biol., 25:361- 370, (2001).
  • İnceer H., Ayaz., Beyazoğlu O., Şentürk E.: Cytogenetic Effects Of Copper Chloride On The Root Tip Cells Of Helianthus Annuus L.-Türk J. Biol. 27:43-46, (2003).
  • Türkoğlu Ş.: Genotoxicity Of Five Food Preservatives Tested On Root Tips Of Allium cepa L. - Muattion Research., 626: 4-14, (2007).
  • Badr A. And İbrahim A.G.: Effects Of Herbicide Glean On Mitosis, Chromosomes And Nucleic Acids In Allium Cepa And Vicia Faba Root Meristems.-Cytologia, 52:293-302, (1987).
  • Nasta A., Gunther M.H.: Mitoseanomalien Bei Allium Cepa Und Hordeum Vulgare Nach Einwirkung
  • Zentralbl., 92:27-36, (1976).
  • Tomkins D.J. And Grant W.F.: Monitoring Natural Vegetation For Herbicide Induced Chromosomal Aberrations.- Muattion Research., 36: 73-84, (1976).
  • Ma T.H., Zhidong, Xu C., Mcconnel H., Rabago E.V., Arreola G.A., Zhang H.: The Inproved Allium/Vicia Root Tip Micronucleus Assay For Clastogenicity Of Environmental Pollutants.-Mutation Research., 334: 185-195, (1995).
  • Klasterska I.,Natarajan A.T. And Ramel C.: An Interpretation Of The Origin Of Subchromatic Aberrations And Chromosome Stickiness As A Category
  • Hereditas.,83:153-162, (1976).
  • Aberrations.- [19] Amer S.M., Ali M.E.: Cytological Effects Of Pesticides Iv. Mitotic Effects Of Some Phenols.- Cytologia., 34:533-540, (1968).
  • Kara M., Sanda M.A., Ateş A.: Cytogenetic Effects Of The İnsecticide Cypermethin On The Root Meristems Of Allium Cepa L.-Tr.J.Of Biology., 18:323-331, (1994).
  • Grisolia C.K., Starling F.L.: Micronucleus Monitoring Of Fishes From Lake Paranoa, Under Influenca Of Sewage Treatment Plant Discharges.- Mutation Research., 491:39-44, (2001).
  • Miao M., Fur., Yang D., Zheng L.: Vicia Root Micronucleus Assay On The Clastogenicity Of Water Samples From The Xiaoqing River In Shandong Province Of The People’s Republic Of China.-Mutation Research.,426:143-145, (1999).
  • Çavaş T., Ergene-Gözükara S.:Evaluation Of The Genotoxic Potential Of Lambda-Cyhalothrin Using Nuclear And Nucleolar Biomarkers On Fish Cells. Environmental And Experimental Botany.- 534:93-94, (2003).
  • Geliş Tarihi: 08/01/2008
  • Kabul Tarihi: 21/02/2008
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Serdar Koca This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Koca, S. (2008). The Cytogenetic Effects of Sheffer A, A Liquid Fertilizer and Growth Regulator in Root Tip Cells of Vicia Faba L. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, 4(1), 121-126.
AMA Koca S. The Cytogenetic Effects of Sheffer A, A Liquid Fertilizer and Growth Regulator in Root Tip Cells of Vicia Faba L. CBUJOS. March 2008;4(1):121-126.
Chicago Koca, Serdar. “ A Liquid Fertilizer and Growth Regulator in Root Tip Cells of Vicia Faba L”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 4, no. 1 (March 2008): 121-26.
EndNote Koca S (March 1, 2008) The Cytogenetic Effects of Sheffer A, A Liquid Fertilizer and Growth Regulator in Root Tip Cells of Vicia Faba L. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 4 1 121–126.
IEEE S. Koca, “ A Liquid Fertilizer and Growth Regulator in Root Tip Cells of Vicia Faba L”., CBUJOS, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 121–126, 2008.
ISNAD Koca, Serdar. “ A Liquid Fertilizer and Growth Regulator in Root Tip Cells of Vicia Faba L”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 4/1 (March 2008), 121-126.
JAMA Koca S. The Cytogenetic Effects of Sheffer A, A Liquid Fertilizer and Growth Regulator in Root Tip Cells of Vicia Faba L. CBUJOS. 2008;4:121–126.
MLA Koca, Serdar. “ A Liquid Fertilizer and Growth Regulator in Root Tip Cells of Vicia Faba L”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, vol. 4, no. 1, 2008, pp. 121-6.
Vancouver Koca S. The Cytogenetic Effects of Sheffer A, A Liquid Fertilizer and Growth Regulator in Root Tip Cells of Vicia Faba L. CBUJOS. 2008;4(1):121-6.