In the context of this paper, undrained response of fiber reinforced sands is investigated through consolidated undrained triaxial tests conducted under effective consolidation pressures of 50, 100 and 200 kPa. in loose state of the host sand (Dr=25%) and at fiber concentrations of 0.5% and 1%. Results were challenging since addition of fiber reinforcement caused increased dilative tendency of the host sand giving way to considerable amount of decrease in excess pore water pressures which is advantageous for undrained loading conditions especially for earthquake loading conditions. This behaviour brought about the fact that both fiber phase and the sand matrix should be contributing to hydrostatic and deviatoric stress states of the fiber reinforced samples which was also proved very recently by a couple of researchers (İbraim (2010) in the literature.
Chen, C. W. (2007). “A constitutive model for fiber-reinforced soil.” Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Missouri, Colombia, MO.
Chen, C.W. (2006). "Drained and undrained behavior of fiber-reinforced sand." Midwest Transportation Consortium of Student Papers, Transportation Scholars Conference, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Diambra A, Ibraim E, Muir Wood D, Russell AR. (2010) “Fibre Reinforced Sands: Experiments and Modelling. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 28:238–250.
Diambra A, Ibraim E, Russell AR, Muir Wood D. (2011). “Modelling the undrained response of fibre reinforced sands”. Soils and Foundations 2011; 51(4):625–636.
Diambra A, Ibraim E, Russell AR, Muir Wood D. (2013). “Fiber reinforced sands: from experiments to modelling and beyond”. . Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2013; 37:2427–2455.
Freilich B.J., Li, C., Zornberg, J.G.. (2010) “ Effecctive Shear Strength Of Fiber Reinforced Clays”, 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Brazil, 2010, pp.1997-2000.
Heyazi, S.M., Sheikhzadeh, M., Abtahi, S.M., Zadhoush, A. (2012) “a Simple Review of Soil Reinforcement By Using Natural and Synthetic Fibers”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.30, pp.100-116.
Ibraim, E., and Fourmont, S. (2006). “Behavior of sand reinforced with fibres.” Proc., Geotechnical Symp. on Soil Stress-Strain Behavior: Measurement, Modeling, and Analysis., Springer, Netherlands.
Ibraim E, Diambra A, Muir Wood D, Russell AR. (2010) “Static liquefaction of fibre reinforced sand under monotonic Loading”. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 28:374–385.
İbsen, L.B., Lade, P.V. (1998) “The Role of Characteristic Line In Static Soil Behaviour”, Localisation and Bifurcation for soils and Rocks, Adachi, Oda and Yashimina (eds.), Balkema, Rotterdam.
Ishihara, K. (1996) “Soil behaviour In Earthquake Geotechnics”, Oxford University Press, NewYork.
Lade,P.V., İbsen, L.B. (1997) “A Study of The Phase Transformation and the Characteristic Lines of Sand Behaviour”,Symposium on Deformation and Progressive Failure In Geomechanics, Nagoya, Japan, Soil Mechanics Paper No.12.
Loehr, J.E., Romero, R.J., Ang, E.C. (2005) “Development of a Straim-Based Model To Predict Strength of Geosynthetic Fiber Reinforced Soil”, Proceedings of Geosynthetics Research and Development In Progress, Geo-Frontiers Congress 2005, Texas, Austin, USA.
Michałowski, RL,Cermák J. (2003). “Triaxial compression of sand reinforced with fibers”, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 129(2), pp. 125–136.
Ogbonnaya, I., Kyoji,S., Hiroshi, F. (2009) “Geotechnical Properties of Sands With Varying Grading In a Stress-Controlled Ring Shear Tests, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, EJGE, Vol.14.pp.1-21.
Omarov, M. (2010) “Liquefaction Potential and Post-Liquefaction Settlement of Saturated Clean Sands and Effect of Geofiber Reinforcement”, MSc. Thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 196 p.
Romero, R.J. (2003). "Development of a constitutive model for fiber-reinforced soils." Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirements of the Doctoral Degree, University of Missouri-Columbia.
Zornberg JG. (2002). Discrete framework for equilibrium analysis of fibre-reinforced soil. Geotechnique, 52(8), pp.593–604.
In the context of this paper, undrained response of fiber reinforced sands is investigated through consolidated undrained triaxial tests conducted under effective consolidation pressures of 50, 100 and 200 kPa. in loose state of the host sand (Dr=25%) and at fiber concentrations of 0.5% and 1%. Results were challenging since addition of fiber reinforcement caused increased dilative tendency of the host sand giving way to considerable amount of decrease in excess pore water pressures which is advantageous for undrained loading conditions especially for earthquake loading conditions. This behaviour brought about the fact that both fiber phase and the sand matrix should be contributing to hydrostatic and deviatoric stress states of the fiber reinforced samples which was also proved very recently by a couple of researchers (İbraim (2010) in the literature.
Chen, C. W. (2007). “A constitutive model for fiber-reinforced soil.” Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Missouri, Colombia, MO.
Chen, C.W. (2006). "Drained and undrained behavior of fiber-reinforced sand." Midwest Transportation Consortium of Student Papers, Transportation Scholars Conference, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Diambra A, Ibraim E, Muir Wood D, Russell AR. (2010) “Fibre Reinforced Sands: Experiments and Modelling. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 28:238–250.
Diambra A, Ibraim E, Russell AR, Muir Wood D. (2011). “Modelling the undrained response of fibre reinforced sands”. Soils and Foundations 2011; 51(4):625–636.
Diambra A, Ibraim E, Russell AR, Muir Wood D. (2013). “Fiber reinforced sands: from experiments to modelling and beyond”. . Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2013; 37:2427–2455.
Freilich B.J., Li, C., Zornberg, J.G.. (2010) “ Effecctive Shear Strength Of Fiber Reinforced Clays”, 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Brazil, 2010, pp.1997-2000.
Heyazi, S.M., Sheikhzadeh, M., Abtahi, S.M., Zadhoush, A. (2012) “a Simple Review of Soil Reinforcement By Using Natural and Synthetic Fibers”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.30, pp.100-116.
Ibraim, E., and Fourmont, S. (2006). “Behavior of sand reinforced with fibres.” Proc., Geotechnical Symp. on Soil Stress-Strain Behavior: Measurement, Modeling, and Analysis., Springer, Netherlands.
Ibraim E, Diambra A, Muir Wood D, Russell AR. (2010) “Static liquefaction of fibre reinforced sand under monotonic Loading”. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 28:374–385.
İbsen, L.B., Lade, P.V. (1998) “The Role of Characteristic Line In Static Soil Behaviour”, Localisation and Bifurcation for soils and Rocks, Adachi, Oda and Yashimina (eds.), Balkema, Rotterdam.
Ishihara, K. (1996) “Soil behaviour In Earthquake Geotechnics”, Oxford University Press, NewYork.
Lade,P.V., İbsen, L.B. (1997) “A Study of The Phase Transformation and the Characteristic Lines of Sand Behaviour”,Symposium on Deformation and Progressive Failure In Geomechanics, Nagoya, Japan, Soil Mechanics Paper No.12.
Loehr, J.E., Romero, R.J., Ang, E.C. (2005) “Development of a Straim-Based Model To Predict Strength of Geosynthetic Fiber Reinforced Soil”, Proceedings of Geosynthetics Research and Development In Progress, Geo-Frontiers Congress 2005, Texas, Austin, USA.
Michałowski, RL,Cermák J. (2003). “Triaxial compression of sand reinforced with fibers”, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 129(2), pp. 125–136.
Ogbonnaya, I., Kyoji,S., Hiroshi, F. (2009) “Geotechnical Properties of Sands With Varying Grading In a Stress-Controlled Ring Shear Tests, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, EJGE, Vol.14.pp.1-21.
Omarov, M. (2010) “Liquefaction Potential and Post-Liquefaction Settlement of Saturated Clean Sands and Effect of Geofiber Reinforcement”, MSc. Thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 196 p.
Romero, R.J. (2003). "Development of a constitutive model for fiber-reinforced soils." Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirements of the Doctoral Degree, University of Missouri-Columbia.
Zornberg JG. (2002). Discrete framework for equilibrium analysis of fibre-reinforced soil. Geotechnique, 52(8), pp.593–604.
Erdoğan, D., & Altun, S. (2015). UNDRAINED RESPONSE OF LOOSE FIBER REINFORCED SAND. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, 11(1).
Erdoğan D, Altun S. UNDRAINED RESPONSE OF LOOSE FIBER REINFORCED SAND. CBUJOS. July 2015;11(1). doi:10.18466/cbufbe.82988
Erdoğan, Devrim, and Selim Altun. “UNDRAINED RESPONSE OF LOOSE FIBER REINFORCED SAND”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 11, no. 1 (July 2015).
Erdoğan D, Altun S (July 1, 2015) UNDRAINED RESPONSE OF LOOSE FIBER REINFORCED SAND. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 11 1
D. Erdoğan and S. Altun, “UNDRAINED RESPONSE OF LOOSE FIBER REINFORCED SAND”, CBUJOS, vol. 11, no. 1, 2015, doi: 10.18466/cbufbe.82988.
Erdoğan, Devrim - Altun, Selim. “UNDRAINED RESPONSE OF LOOSE FIBER REINFORCED SAND”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 11/1 (July 2015).
Erdoğan D, Altun S. UNDRAINED RESPONSE OF LOOSE FIBER REINFORCED SAND. CBUJOS. 2015;11. doi:10.18466/cbufbe.82988.
Erdoğan, Devrim and Selim Altun. “UNDRAINED RESPONSE OF LOOSE FIBER REINFORCED SAND”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, vol. 11, no. 1, 2015, doi:10.18466/cbufbe.82988.