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Treatment with polyamines alleviates the effects of concomitantly applied aluminum in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaves

Year 2022, Volume: 18 Issue: 4, 341 - 347, 26.12.2022


Contamination of agricultural soils with heavy metal is a significant risk for the environment. Many substances are reported to alleviate the toxic effects of heavy metals such as polyamines. The aim of this study is to examine whether the toxic effects of 0.1 mM aluminum, which is previously detected in sunflower leaves, might be alleviated with 0.1 mM putrescine, spermine or spermidine and to compare the effects of putrescine, spermine and spermidine in the ameliorating process. Chlorophyll a, carotenoid and anthocyanin content increased after putrescine, spermine and spermidine treatment under aluminum toxicity. However, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll content only increased after spermine treatment. Intense accumulation of reactive oxygen species under aluminum toxicity decreased after putrescine, spermine and spermidine treatment while the spermine showed the maximum decrease. Superoxide dismutase enzyme activity and hydrogen peroxide content increased after putrescine, spermine and spermidine treatment while the spermine showed the maximum increase. Besides, catalase enzyme activity increased only after spermine treatment. Results showed that 0.1 mM putrescine, spermine and spermidine increased the 0.1 mM aluminum toxicity tolerance of sunflower leaves by modulating the reactive oxygen species detoxification metabolism. Spermine was the most effective polyamine in improving the aluminum tolerance.


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  • [6]. Pandey, P, Srivastava, RK, Rajpoot, R, Rani, A, Pandey, AK, Dubey, RS. 2016. Water deficit and aluminum interactive effects on generation of reactive oxygen species and responses of antioxidative enzymes in the seedlings of two rice cultivars differing in stress tolerance. Environmental Science and Pollution Research; 23:1516-1528.
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  • [18]. Navascues, J, Perez‐Rontome, C, Sanchez, DH, Staudinger, C, Wienkoop, S, Rellan‐Alvarez, R, Becana, M. 2012. Oxidative stress is a consequence, not a cause, of aluminum toxicity in the forage legume Lotus corniculatus. New Phytologist; 193:625-636.
  • [19]. Amri, E, Mirzaei, M, Moradi, M, Zare, K. 2011. The effects of spermidine and putrescine polyamines on growth of pomegranate (Punica granatum L. cv ‘Rabbab’) in salinity circumstance. International Journal of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry; 3:43-49.
  • [20]. Yuan, Y, Zhong, M, Shu, S, Du, N, He, L, Yuan, L, Sun, J, Guo, S. 2015. Effects of exogenous putrescine on leaf anatomy and carbohydrate metabolism in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) under salt stress. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation; 34:451-464.
  • [21]. Çetinbaş-Genç, A, Kılıç-Çakmak, E, Yanık, F, Vardar, F, Altınkut-Uncuoğlu, A, Aydın, Y. Determination of aluminum-induced oxidative and genotoxic effects in sunflower leaves. In: A closer look at the comet assay. Nova Science Publishers, 2019, Newyork, pp:143-170
  • [22]. Ahmed, AH, Darwish, E, Hamoda, SAF, Alobaidy, MG. 2013. Effect of putrescine and humic acid on growth, yield and chemical composition of cotton plants grown under saline soil conditions. American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture Environmental Science; 13:479-497.
  • [23]. Tohidi, Z, Baghizadeh, A, Enteshari, S. 2015. The effects of aluminum and phosphorous on some of physiological characteristics of Brassica napus. Journal of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry; 11:16-28.
  • [24]. Shahnawaz, MD, Rajani, C, Sanadhya, D. 2017. Impact of aluminum toxicity on physiological aspects of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars and its alleviation through ascorbic acid and salicylic acid seed priming. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences; 6:875-891.
  • [25]. Sharma, A, Slathia, S, Choudhary, SP, Sharma, YP, Langer, A. 2014. Role of 24-epibrassinolide, putrescine and spermine in salinity stressed Adiantum capillus-veneris leaves. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences; 84:183-192.
  • [26]. Sevugaperumal, R, Selvaraj, K, Ramasubramanian, V. 2012. Removal of aluminium by padina as bioadsorbant. International Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Research; 3:610-615.
  • [27]. Darko, E, Ambrus, H, Stefanovits-Banyai, E, Fodor, J, Bakos, F, Barnabas, B. 2004. Aluminium toxicity, Al tolerance and oxidative stress in an Al-sensitive wheat genotype and in Al-tolerant lines developed by in vitro microspore selection. Plant Science; 166:583-591.
  • [28]. Li, Z, Xing, F, Xing, D. 2012. Characterization of target site of aluminum phytotoxicity in photosynthetic electron transport by fluorescence techniques in tobacco leaves. Plant Cell Physiology; 53:1295-1309.
  • [29]. Sharma, P, Dubey, RS. 2007. Involvement of oxidative stress and role of antioxidative defense system in growing rice seedlings exposed to toxic concentrations of aluminum. Plant Cell Reports; 26:2027-2038.
  • [30]. Panda, SK, Singha, LB, Khan, MH. 2003. Does aluminium phytotoxicity induce oxidative stress in greengram (Vigna radiata)? Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology; 29:77-86.
Year 2022, Volume: 18 Issue: 4, 341 - 347, 26.12.2022



  • [1]. Bello, MO, Bello, OM, Ogbesejana, AB. Bioremediation Potential of Helianthus annuus. In Bioremediation And Phytoremediation Technologies in Sustainable Soil Management. Apple Academic Press, 2022 pp 47-74.
  • [2]. Zhang, X, Long, Y, Huang, J, Xia J. 2019. Molecular mechanisms for coping with Al toxicity in plants. International Journal of Molecular Sciences; 20:1551.
  • [3]. Vasconcelos, CV, Costa, AC, Müller, C, Castoldi, G, Costa, AM, de Paula Barbosa, K, Rodriguez, AA, Da Silva, AA. 2020. Potential of calcium nitrate to mitigate the aluminum toxicity in Phaseolus vulgaris: effects on morphoanatomical traits, mineral nutrition and photosynthesis. Ecotoxicology; 29:203-216.
  • [4]. Smirnov, OE, Kosyan, AM, Kosyk, OI, Taran, YN. 2014. Buckwheat stomatal traits under aluminium toxicity. Modern Phytomorphology; 6:15-18.
  • [5]. Baek, SA, Han, T, Ahn, SK, Kang, H, Cho, MR, Lee, SC, Im, KH. 2012. Effects of HMs on plant growths and pigment contents in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Pathology Journal; 28:446-452.
  • [6]. Pandey, P, Srivastava, RK, Rajpoot, R, Rani, A, Pandey, AK, Dubey, RS. 2016. Water deficit and aluminum interactive effects on generation of reactive oxygen species and responses of antioxidative enzymes in the seedlings of two rice cultivars differing in stress tolerance. Environmental Science and Pollution Research; 23:1516-1528.
  • [7]. Yu, Y, Zhou, W, Zhou, K, Liu, W, Liang, X, Chen, Y, Sun, D, Lin, X. 2018. Polyamines modulate aluminum-induced oxidative stress differently by inducing or reducing H2O2 production in wheat. Chemosphere; 212:645-653.
  • [8]. Tiburcio, AF, Altabella, T, Bitrian, M, Alcazar, R. 2014. The roles of polyamines during the lifespan of plants: from development to stress. Planta 240:1-18.
  • [9]. Wang, X, Shi, G, Xu, Q, Hu, J. 2007. Exogenous polyamines enhance copper tolerance of Nymphoides peltatum. Journal of Plant Physiology; 164:1062-1070.
  • [10]. Hsu, YT, Kao, CH. 2007. Cadmium-induced oxidative damage in rice leaves is reduced by polyamines. Plant and Soil; 291:27-37.
  • [11]. Taie, HA, El-Yazal, MAS, Ahmed ,SM, Rady, MM. 2019. Polyamines modulate growth, antioxidant activity, and genomic DNA in HM–stressed wheat plant. Environmental Science and Pollution Research; 26:22338-22350.
  • [12]. Arnon, DI. 1949. Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts, polyphenoxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant Physiology; 24:1-15.
  • [13]. Rabino, I., Mancinelli, AL. 1986. Light, temperature and anthocyanin production. Plant Physiology; 81:922-924.
  • [14]. Pogany, M, von Rad, U, Grun, S, Dongo, A, Pintye, A, Simoneau, P, Bahnweg, G, Kiss, L, Barna, B, Durner, J. 2009. Dual roles of reactive oxygen species and NADPH oxidase RBOHD in an Arabidopsis-Alternaria pathosystem. Plant Physiology; 151:1459-1475.
  • [15]. Cakmak; I, Marschner; H. 1992. Magnesium deficiency and high light intensity enhance activities of superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, and glutathione reductase in bean leaves. Plant Physiology; 98:1222-1227.
  • [16]. Cho, YW, Park, EH, Lim, CJ. 2000. Glutathione S-transferase activities of S-type and L-type thiol transferase from Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; 33:179-183.
  • [17]. Junglee, S, Urban, L, Sallanon, H, Lopez-Lauri, F. 2014. Optimized assay for hydrogen peroxide determination in plant tissue using potassium iodide. American Journal of Analytical Chemistry; 5:730-736.
  • [18]. Navascues, J, Perez‐Rontome, C, Sanchez, DH, Staudinger, C, Wienkoop, S, Rellan‐Alvarez, R, Becana, M. 2012. Oxidative stress is a consequence, not a cause, of aluminum toxicity in the forage legume Lotus corniculatus. New Phytologist; 193:625-636.
  • [19]. Amri, E, Mirzaei, M, Moradi, M, Zare, K. 2011. The effects of spermidine and putrescine polyamines on growth of pomegranate (Punica granatum L. cv ‘Rabbab’) in salinity circumstance. International Journal of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry; 3:43-49.
  • [20]. Yuan, Y, Zhong, M, Shu, S, Du, N, He, L, Yuan, L, Sun, J, Guo, S. 2015. Effects of exogenous putrescine on leaf anatomy and carbohydrate metabolism in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) under salt stress. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation; 34:451-464.
  • [21]. Çetinbaş-Genç, A, Kılıç-Çakmak, E, Yanık, F, Vardar, F, Altınkut-Uncuoğlu, A, Aydın, Y. Determination of aluminum-induced oxidative and genotoxic effects in sunflower leaves. In: A closer look at the comet assay. Nova Science Publishers, 2019, Newyork, pp:143-170
  • [22]. Ahmed, AH, Darwish, E, Hamoda, SAF, Alobaidy, MG. 2013. Effect of putrescine and humic acid on growth, yield and chemical composition of cotton plants grown under saline soil conditions. American-Eurasian Journal of Agriculture Environmental Science; 13:479-497.
  • [23]. Tohidi, Z, Baghizadeh, A, Enteshari, S. 2015. The effects of aluminum and phosphorous on some of physiological characteristics of Brassica napus. Journal of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry; 11:16-28.
  • [24]. Shahnawaz, MD, Rajani, C, Sanadhya, D. 2017. Impact of aluminum toxicity on physiological aspects of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars and its alleviation through ascorbic acid and salicylic acid seed priming. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences; 6:875-891.
  • [25]. Sharma, A, Slathia, S, Choudhary, SP, Sharma, YP, Langer, A. 2014. Role of 24-epibrassinolide, putrescine and spermine in salinity stressed Adiantum capillus-veneris leaves. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences; 84:183-192.
  • [26]. Sevugaperumal, R, Selvaraj, K, Ramasubramanian, V. 2012. Removal of aluminium by padina as bioadsorbant. International Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Research; 3:610-615.
  • [27]. Darko, E, Ambrus, H, Stefanovits-Banyai, E, Fodor, J, Bakos, F, Barnabas, B. 2004. Aluminium toxicity, Al tolerance and oxidative stress in an Al-sensitive wheat genotype and in Al-tolerant lines developed by in vitro microspore selection. Plant Science; 166:583-591.
  • [28]. Li, Z, Xing, F, Xing, D. 2012. Characterization of target site of aluminum phytotoxicity in photosynthetic electron transport by fluorescence techniques in tobacco leaves. Plant Cell Physiology; 53:1295-1309.
  • [29]. Sharma, P, Dubey, RS. 2007. Involvement of oxidative stress and role of antioxidative defense system in growing rice seedlings exposed to toxic concentrations of aluminum. Plant Cell Reports; 26:2027-2038.
  • [30]. Panda, SK, Singha, LB, Khan, MH. 2003. Does aluminium phytotoxicity induce oxidative stress in greengram (Vigna radiata)? Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology; 29:77-86.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Aslıhan Çetinbaş Genç 0000-0001-5125-9395

Cansu Bayam 0000-0002-6356-1548

Filiz Vardar 0000-0002-1051-5628

Publication Date December 26, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 18 Issue: 4


APA Çetinbaş Genç, A., Bayam, C., & Vardar, F. (2022). Treatment with polyamines alleviates the effects of concomitantly applied aluminum in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaves. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, 18(4), 341-347.
AMA Çetinbaş Genç A, Bayam C, Vardar F. Treatment with polyamines alleviates the effects of concomitantly applied aluminum in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaves. CBUJOS. December 2022;18(4):341-347. doi:10.18466/cbayarfbe.1120252
Chicago Çetinbaş Genç, Aslıhan, Cansu Bayam, and Filiz Vardar. “Treatment With Polyamines Alleviates the Effects of Concomitantly Applied Aluminum in Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) Leaves”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 18, no. 4 (December 2022): 341-47.
EndNote Çetinbaş Genç A, Bayam C, Vardar F (December 1, 2022) Treatment with polyamines alleviates the effects of concomitantly applied aluminum in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaves. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 18 4 341–347.
IEEE A. Çetinbaş Genç, C. Bayam, and F. Vardar, “Treatment with polyamines alleviates the effects of concomitantly applied aluminum in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaves”, CBUJOS, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 341–347, 2022, doi: 10.18466/cbayarfbe.1120252.
ISNAD Çetinbaş Genç, Aslıhan et al. “Treatment With Polyamines Alleviates the Effects of Concomitantly Applied Aluminum in Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) Leaves”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 18/4 (December 2022), 341-347.
JAMA Çetinbaş Genç A, Bayam C, Vardar F. Treatment with polyamines alleviates the effects of concomitantly applied aluminum in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaves. CBUJOS. 2022;18:341–347.
MLA Çetinbaş Genç, Aslıhan et al. “Treatment With Polyamines Alleviates the Effects of Concomitantly Applied Aluminum in Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) Leaves”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, vol. 18, no. 4, 2022, pp. 341-7, doi:10.18466/cbayarfbe.1120252.
Vancouver Çetinbaş Genç A, Bayam C, Vardar F. Treatment with polyamines alleviates the effects of concomitantly applied aluminum in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaves. CBUJOS. 2022;18(4):341-7.