Writing Rules

Clean Energy Technologies Journal (CETJ) journal is a double-blind, peer-reviewed biannually academic journal publishing articles. We welcomes author submission of papers concerning any field of Clean Energy Technologies .

Prospective authors are requested to submit full text manuscript. Manuscripts have to be submitted to CETJ by corresponding author using online web site (www.cetj.yildiz.edu.tr). Regardless of the source of the word-processing tool, only electronic PDF (.pdf) or Word (.doc, .docx, .rtf) files can be submitted through the DergiPark. There is no page limit and required format for initial submission.

A template can be downloaded via this link: Template Link.

All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical. Articles submitted to the CETJ should meet these criteria and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. In addition, The authors have to send the signed Copyright Release Form to cetj@yildiz.edu.tr.

Manuscripts are submitted to Clean Energy Technologies Journal with the understanding that the authors have complied with all ethical policies of the journal

Submitted manuscripts are first considered by the Editor-in-Chief and it is decided whether to review. The review process will only begin when all three of the following conditions are met:

• The manuscript fits within the scope of the journal
• The manuscript is likely to make an significant contribution to the field
• The manuscript is written in a clear and legible manner
• In case the manuscript does not meet these conditions, the Editor-in-Chief notifies the Author with an explanation that the manuscript has been rejected

If a manuscript meets the above conditions, the Editor-in-Chief invites an appropriate Editor from the Editorial Board to carry out the review process, including the selection of Reviewers. Editors and Reviewers involved in the review process will disclose any conflicts of interest arising from direct competition, collaboration or other relationships with any of the Authors and will remove themselves from situations where such conflicts preclude objective evaluation.

At least two international Reviewers, who are experts in their field in order to ensure an unbiased evaluation process, will be selected for each manuscript. If necessary, the article may be sent to a third reviewer for further assessment. The peer review process is confidential and identities of reviewers are not disclosed. The reviewers' recommendations determine whether a paper will be accepted / accepted subject to change / subject to resubmission with significant changes / rejected.

After the review process has been completed, the Editor studies the Reviewers’ comments and makes a recommendation that is further evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief will notify the Author about the decision, enclosing a copy of the comments received by Reviewers. Reviewed articles are treated confidentially prior to their publication. The average time from submission to first decision is 4 weeks.

The reviewers' recommendations determine whether a paper will be accepted / subject to resubmission with major or minor revisions / rejected. For papers which require changes, the same reviewers will be used to ensure that the quality of the revised paper is acceptable. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to reject any manuscripts and to make suggestions and/or modifications prior to publication.

Language editing can be used to ensure that the academic content of your paper is fully understood by journal editors and reviewers, especially if English is not your native language.

All manuscripts submitted to CETJ will be uploaded to iThenticate to check the similarity rate of the paper. The CETJ immediately rejects any articles with a similarity rate greater than 20%.

Clean Energy Technologies Journal (CETJ) is a fully open access journal, and all articles are published under an open access license immediately upon publication. CETJ does not currently charge for open access.

Preparation of Manuscript


A comprehensive and understandable title should be used for the article. The title should start with a capital letter and all other letters should be written in lower case.

Author Information

The first letters of the author's names and surnames should be capitalized and all other letters should be written in lower case. The place where the study was carried out should come after the names of the authors. In order to associate the author and the place where the study was conducted, it should be numbered with a superscript after the surname of the author and before the place where the study was conducted (1, 2, 3, etc.). Corresponding author should be indicated with a " * " symbol after the surname. The address information should include the name of the place where the study is carried out, the city, the zip code and the country. Each author's e-mail address should be given in the order of the author's names on the line after the address information.


Articles must be prepared using a Microsoft Office Word 2010 or higher word processor. The article should be created in a single column, as plainly as possible, on an A4 page using 2.5 cm margins. The page layout should not be changed while the article is being edited. From the line spacing option, the line spacing of the text should be set to 1.5, one line space should be left between paragraphs, and no automatic spacing before or after the paragraphs, and this setting should be set to zero. Section breaks should not be added in page transitions and the entire article should consist of a single section. The text of the article should be written in Times New Roman 12 pt. There is no page limit for the article.

The article should be divided into sections with different main headings and each section heading should be numbered. Section naming should be changed to Bold Font. Numbering should start from 1 for main sections and all main headings (except Abstract, Acknowledgments and References) should continue as 2., 3., .... Secondary headings should continue as 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., ... in accordance with the main section numbering. The first letters of the words of the second headings should begin with a capital letter. The third headings should continue as 1.1.1., 1.1.2., 1.1.3., ... in accordance with the second headings. Only the first letter of the first word of the third headings should be capitalized. Fourth headings should be underlined.

The SI unit system should be used in text, figures and tables.


The size of the equations should not be larger than the text of the article and should be set to 9 pt. Equations should be positioned in the center, not left or right. Equation numbers should be given right-justified as (1), (2) … in parentheses, and as Eq. 1, Eq. 2 for references in text.

Figures and Pictures

Figures (photos, drawings, diagrams, graphics, maps, etc.) to be added to the article must be in high resolution (300dpi or higher). Accepted image formats; .jpeg, .png, tiff, .bmp, .eps, wmf, .emf or pdf. File sizes should not exceed 1 Mb. Axis labels, figure labels and descriptions (text box, arrows, overlay, etc.) should not be made after the graphic is inserted into the Word document. The figure must be inserted into the Word document as a single item. Figures should not be named with a text box. Handwriting should never be used in figures. If it is mandatory to use a text box, it must be recreated as a figure after the text box is placed. Borderline should not be used in shapes. The use of background / padding should be avoided.

Each figure should be numbered according to its occurrence in the text, and all figures should be given immediately after the relevant paragraph in the text section of the work. It should be ensured that each of the figures is mentioned in the text. The font and size of the figure titles should be Times New Roman 10 pt and should be placed under the figure.


Each table should be numbered according to its occurrences in the text, and all tables should be given immediately after the relevant paragraph in the text section of the work. It should be ensured that each of the tables is mentioned in the text citing. The font and size of the table titles should be Times New Roman 10 pt and should be placed above the table. Tables should not have bold fonts. Values that need to be specified in bold font should be italicized. No padding/background should be used in tables. Tables should not be given as images.


Necessary references should be given in the text, and citations should be given in the REFERENCES in accordance with the journal format. If a citation is required in the Summary, the reference should be given explicitly. References should be numbered in the text with numbers in bracket, for example [1], [3], [5].

The list of references should be numbered according to their occurrence in the text.

If the reference is an article: Author's surname, initials, Full Title of the Article, Name of the Journal (international abbreviations, if any), Volume number (Issue number), first and last page number of the article, year.

If the reference is a book: Author's surname, initials, Title of the book, Volume number, if any, editor, publisher's name, publication number, place of publication, year.

If the reference is a chapter from the book: Surname of the chapter author, initials, Name of the Chapter, Name of the Book from which the Chapter is Taken, Volume number, if any, editor, name of the publisher, place of publication, first and last page number of the chapter, year.

If the reference is the printed thesis: Author's surname, initials, Name of the thesis, type (master, doctorate), university, institute, place of publication, year.

If the reference is a conference paper: Author's surname, initials, Name of the paper, Name of the Conference, the place where it is held, the first and last page number of the paper, the date of the Conference.

If the reference is website: Author or responsible institution. The title of the referenced item. The name of the web page, URL. Release date. Updated date. Date of access.