Minimals translation surfaces in a strict Walker 3-manifold
Year 2024,
, 554 - 568, 21.06.2024
Athoumane Nıang
Ameth Ndiaye
Abdoul Salam Diallo
In this paper, we study minimal translations surfaces in a strict Walker 3-manifold. Based on the existence of two isometries, we classify minimal translation surfaces on this class of manifold. Some drawings have been added to illustrate the shape of certain surfaces.
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Year 2024,
, 554 - 568, 21.06.2024
Athoumane Nıang
Ameth Ndiaye
Abdoul Salam Diallo
- Brozos-Vazquez, M., Garcia-Rio, E., Gilkey, P., Nikevic, S., Vazquez-Lorenzo, R., The Geometry of Walker Manifolds, Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics and Statistics, 5. Morgan and Claypool Publishers, Williston, VT, 2009.
- Calvaruso, G., Van der Veken, J. Parallel surfaces in Lorentzian three-manifolds admitting a parallel null vector field, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 43 (2010) 325207, 9 pp.
- Darboux, G. Lessons on the General Theory of Surfaces. I, II, Editions Jacques Gabay, Sceaux, 1993. 604 pp.
- Diallo, A. S., Ndiaye, A., Niang, A., Minimal Graphs on Three-Dimensional Walker Manifolds, Proceedings of the First NLAGA-BIRS Symposium, Dakar, Senegal, 425-438, Trends Math., Birkhauser/Springer, Cham, 2020.
- Dillen, F., Verstraele, L., Zafindratafa, G., A Generalization of the Translation Surfaces of Scherk, In: Differential Geometry in Honor of Radu Rosca. K. U. L., (1991), 107-109.
- Inoguchi, I., Lopez, R., Munteanu, M. I., Minimal translation surfaces in the Heisenberg group Nil3, Geom. Dedicata, 16 (2012), 221-231.
- Liu, H., Yu, Y., Affine translation surfaces in Euclidean 3-space, Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A, 89 (2013), (9), 111-113.
- Lopez, R., Minimal translation surfaces in hyperbolic space, Beitrage Alge. Geom., 52 (2011), 105-112.
- Moruz, M., Munteanu, M. I., Minimal translation hypersurfaces in E4, J. Math. Analysis Appl., 439 (2016), 798-812.
- Niang, A., Ndiaye, A., Diallo, A. S., A Classification of Strict Walker 3-Manifold, Konuralp J. Math., 9(1) (2021), 148-153.
- Scherk, H. F., Bemerkungen uber die kleinste Flache innerhalb gegebener Grenzen, J. Reine Angew. Math., 13 (1835), 185-208.
- Yang, D., Fu, Y., On affine translation surfaces in affine space, J. Math. Analysis Appl., 440 (2016) 437-450.
- Yoon, D. W., Lee, C. W., Karacan, M. K., Some translation surfaces in the 3- dimensional Heisenberg group, Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 50(4) (2013), 1329-1343.
- Yoon, D. W., Weighted minimal translation surfaces in the Galilean space with density, Open Math., 15 (1) (2017), 459-466.
- Walker, A. G., Canonical form for a Riemannian space with a parallel field of null planes, Quart. J. Math., Oxford, 1(1) (1950), 69-79.