Suprahyoid Muscle Activation During Isometric Chin-Tuck Exercises In Different Body Positions
Year 2024,
, 982 - 986, 29.12.2024
Selen Serel Arslan
Rabia Alıcı
Numan Demır
Emre Cengiz
Objective: The aim of the current study was to investigate the suprahyoid muscle activation during isometric chin-tuck exercises in different body positions.
Methods: Thirty-two healthy volunteers were enrolled. Suprahyoid muscle activation was recorded with surface EMG sensors placed under the chin. Isometric Shaker Exercise (SE) and isometric chin-tuck exercises were performed in five different body positions for 3 repetitions. Maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVC) of the suprahyoid muscles was recorded. The normalization procedure was applied by proportioning the maximum suprahyoid muscle activation recorded during each exercise to the MVC, and recorded as a percentage (MVC%).
Results: Significantly higher suprahyoid muscle activation was detected during isometric SE compared to isometric chin-tuck exercises in supine and prone press up on elbows positions (p< .008). Suprahyoid muscle activation was found to be similar during isometric SE and isometric chin-tuck exercises in sitting, quadruped and prone positions (p> .008).
Conclusions: In conclusion, similar suprahyoid muscle activation was obtained during isometric chin-tuck exercises in sitting, quadruped and prone positions as during isometric SE. Thus, isometric chin-tuck exercises in these positions could be used as an alternative option to increase suprahyoid muscle activation with the possible potential for less fatigue and better patient compliance during dysphagia management.
Ethical Statement
This study was approved by Ethics Committee of Non-interventional Clinical Researches Ethics Board of the Hacettepe University (Date: 31.05.2022; Approval number: GO22/534).
Supporting Institution
The authors received no financial support for the research
We would like to thank the participants to join this study
- Molfenter SM, Steele CM. Physiological variability in the deglutition literature: Hyoid and laryngeal kinematics.
Dysphagia 2011;26(1):67-74. DOI:10.1007/s00455.010.9309-x.
- Krekeler BN, Rowe LM, Connor NP. Dose in exercisebased dysphagia therapies: A scoping review. Dysphagia
2021;36(1):1-32. DOI:10.1007/s00455.020.10104-3.
- Shaker R, Kern M, Bardan E, Taylor A, Stewart ET, Hoffmann RG, Arndorfer RC, Hofmann C, Bonnevier J. Augmentation of deglutitive upper esophageal sphincter opening in the elderly by exercise. Am J Physiol. 1997;272(6):1518-1522. DOI:10.1152/ajpgi.1997.272.6.G1518.
- Easterling C, Grande B, Kern M, Sears K, Shaker R. Attaining and maintaining isometric and isokinetic goals of the Shaker exercise. Dysphagia 2005;20(2):133-138. DOI:10.1007/s00455.005.0004-2.
- White KT, Easterling C, Roberts N, Wertsch J, Shaker R. Fatigue analysis before and after shaker exercise: physiologic tool for exercise design. Dysphagia 2008;23(4):385-391. DOI:10.1007/s00455.008.9155-2.
- Yoon WL, Khoo JK, Rickard Liow SJ. Chin tuck against resistance (CTAR): New method for enhancing suprahyoid muscle activity using a Shaker-type exercise. Dysphagia 2014;29(2):243-248. DOI:10.1007/s00455.013.9502-9.
- Park JS, Lee G, Jung YJ. Effects of game-based chin tuck against resistance exercise vs head-lift exercise in patients with dysphagia after stroke: An assessor-blind, randomized controlled trial. J Rehabil Med. 2019;51(10):749-754. DOI:10.2340/16501.977.2603.
- Félix-Lusterman CC, Joseph ME, Daniels SK. Update on exercise-based rehabilitation approaches for neurogenicdysphagia. Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep. 2021;9(4):252-266. DOI:10.1007/s40141.021.00333-4.
- American College of Sports Medicine. American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Progression models in
resistance training for healthy adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009;41(3):687-708. DOI:10.1249/MSS.0b013e318.191.5670.
- Demir N, Serel Arslan S, Inal O, Karaduman AA. Reliability and validity of the Turkish Eating Assessment Tool
(T-EAT-10). Dysphagia 2016;31(5):644-649. DOI:10.1007/s00455.016.9723-9.
- Park JS, Jung YJ, Kim HH, Lee G. A novel method using kinesiology taping for the activation of suprahyoid muscles
in healthy adults: A preliminary research. Dysphagia 2020;35(4):636-642. DOI:10.1007/s00455.019.10071-4.
- Kılınç HE, Arslan SS, Demir N, Karaduman A. The effects of different exercise trainings on suprahyoid muscle activation, tongue pressure force and dysphagia limit in healthy subjects. Dysphagia 2020;35(4):717-724. DOI:10.1007/s00455.019.10079-w.
- Ferdjallah M, Wertsch J, Shaker R. Spectral analysis of surface EMG of upper esophageal sphincter opening muscles during head lift exercise. JRRD. 2000;37(3):335-340.
- Alfonso M, Ferdjallah M, Shaker R, Wertsch JJ. Electrophysiologic validation of deglutitive UES opening head
lift exercise. Gastroenterology 1998;114(4):711. DOI:10.1016/S0016-5085(98)82919-3.
- Moon JH, Jung JH, Hahm SC, Jung KS, Suh HR, Cho HY. Effects of chin tuck exercise using neckline slimmer device on suprahyoid and sternocleidomastoid muscle activation in healthy adults. J Phys Ther Sci. 2018;30(3):454-456. DOI:10.1589/jpts.30.454.
- Kılınç HE, Yaşaroğlu ÖF, Serel Arslan S, Demir N, Topçuoglu MA, Karaduman A. Comparison of muscle activation effects of three different exercises on suprahyoid muscles in healthy subjects. Turk J Physiother Rehabil. 2019;30(1):48–57. DOI:10.21653/tfrd.450812.
- Ahn SH, Yang JH, Lee SK, Park JS. Effect of chin tuck exercises on various postures and muscle activity of the neck and shoulder. PNF and Movement. 2020;18(3):403-414. DOI:10.21598/JKPNFA.2020.18.3.403.
- Beneka A, Malliou P, Gioftsidou A. Neck pain and office workers: An exercise program for the workplace. ACSM’s
Health & Fitness. 2014;18(3):18-24. DOI:10.1249/FIT.000.000.0000000034.
- Jeon J, Ju S, Jeong H. The effect of cervical stabilizing exercises in the standing position and the supine position on deep neck muscle strength and endurance. J Phys Ther Sci. 2012;24(5):423-425. DOI:10.1589/jpts.24.423.
- Woo HS, Park SH, Jung MY, Yoo EY, Park JH. The effects of cranio-cervical flexion on activation of swallowing-related muscles. J Oral Rehabil. 2012;39(11):805–811. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2842.2012.02338.x.
Year 2024,
, 982 - 986, 29.12.2024
Selen Serel Arslan
Rabia Alıcı
Numan Demır
Emre Cengiz
- Molfenter SM, Steele CM. Physiological variability in the deglutition literature: Hyoid and laryngeal kinematics.
Dysphagia 2011;26(1):67-74. DOI:10.1007/s00455.010.9309-x.
- Krekeler BN, Rowe LM, Connor NP. Dose in exercisebased dysphagia therapies: A scoping review. Dysphagia
2021;36(1):1-32. DOI:10.1007/s00455.020.10104-3.
- Shaker R, Kern M, Bardan E, Taylor A, Stewart ET, Hoffmann RG, Arndorfer RC, Hofmann C, Bonnevier J. Augmentation of deglutitive upper esophageal sphincter opening in the elderly by exercise. Am J Physiol. 1997;272(6):1518-1522. DOI:10.1152/ajpgi.1997.272.6.G1518.
- Easterling C, Grande B, Kern M, Sears K, Shaker R. Attaining and maintaining isometric and isokinetic goals of the Shaker exercise. Dysphagia 2005;20(2):133-138. DOI:10.1007/s00455.005.0004-2.
- White KT, Easterling C, Roberts N, Wertsch J, Shaker R. Fatigue analysis before and after shaker exercise: physiologic tool for exercise design. Dysphagia 2008;23(4):385-391. DOI:10.1007/s00455.008.9155-2.
- Yoon WL, Khoo JK, Rickard Liow SJ. Chin tuck against resistance (CTAR): New method for enhancing suprahyoid muscle activity using a Shaker-type exercise. Dysphagia 2014;29(2):243-248. DOI:10.1007/s00455.013.9502-9.
- Park JS, Lee G, Jung YJ. Effects of game-based chin tuck against resistance exercise vs head-lift exercise in patients with dysphagia after stroke: An assessor-blind, randomized controlled trial. J Rehabil Med. 2019;51(10):749-754. DOI:10.2340/16501.977.2603.
- Félix-Lusterman CC, Joseph ME, Daniels SK. Update on exercise-based rehabilitation approaches for neurogenicdysphagia. Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep. 2021;9(4):252-266. DOI:10.1007/s40141.021.00333-4.
- American College of Sports Medicine. American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Progression models in
resistance training for healthy adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009;41(3):687-708. DOI:10.1249/MSS.0b013e318.191.5670.
- Demir N, Serel Arslan S, Inal O, Karaduman AA. Reliability and validity of the Turkish Eating Assessment Tool
(T-EAT-10). Dysphagia 2016;31(5):644-649. DOI:10.1007/s00455.016.9723-9.
- Park JS, Jung YJ, Kim HH, Lee G. A novel method using kinesiology taping for the activation of suprahyoid muscles
in healthy adults: A preliminary research. Dysphagia 2020;35(4):636-642. DOI:10.1007/s00455.019.10071-4.
- Kılınç HE, Arslan SS, Demir N, Karaduman A. The effects of different exercise trainings on suprahyoid muscle activation, tongue pressure force and dysphagia limit in healthy subjects. Dysphagia 2020;35(4):717-724. DOI:10.1007/s00455.019.10079-w.
- Ferdjallah M, Wertsch J, Shaker R. Spectral analysis of surface EMG of upper esophageal sphincter opening muscles during head lift exercise. JRRD. 2000;37(3):335-340.
- Alfonso M, Ferdjallah M, Shaker R, Wertsch JJ. Electrophysiologic validation of deglutitive UES opening head
lift exercise. Gastroenterology 1998;114(4):711. DOI:10.1016/S0016-5085(98)82919-3.
- Moon JH, Jung JH, Hahm SC, Jung KS, Suh HR, Cho HY. Effects of chin tuck exercise using neckline slimmer device on suprahyoid and sternocleidomastoid muscle activation in healthy adults. J Phys Ther Sci. 2018;30(3):454-456. DOI:10.1589/jpts.30.454.
- Kılınç HE, Yaşaroğlu ÖF, Serel Arslan S, Demir N, Topçuoglu MA, Karaduman A. Comparison of muscle activation effects of three different exercises on suprahyoid muscles in healthy subjects. Turk J Physiother Rehabil. 2019;30(1):48–57. DOI:10.21653/tfrd.450812.
- Ahn SH, Yang JH, Lee SK, Park JS. Effect of chin tuck exercises on various postures and muscle activity of the neck and shoulder. PNF and Movement. 2020;18(3):403-414. DOI:10.21598/JKPNFA.2020.18.3.403.
- Beneka A, Malliou P, Gioftsidou A. Neck pain and office workers: An exercise program for the workplace. ACSM’s
Health & Fitness. 2014;18(3):18-24. DOI:10.1249/FIT.000.000.0000000034.
- Jeon J, Ju S, Jeong H. The effect of cervical stabilizing exercises in the standing position and the supine position on deep neck muscle strength and endurance. J Phys Ther Sci. 2012;24(5):423-425. DOI:10.1589/jpts.24.423.
- Woo HS, Park SH, Jung MY, Yoo EY, Park JH. The effects of cranio-cervical flexion on activation of swallowing-related muscles. J Oral Rehabil. 2012;39(11):805–811. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2842.2012.02338.x.